Home Australia The Economic Crisis 2015, The Fed and Money Creation

The Economic Crisis 2015, The Fed and Money Creation


Peter Schiff and Mike Maloney talk about the (US) economy in 2015 – and how money creation widens the divide between Wall Street and Main Street. The video reverts to an advertisement at the end, but the two men reveal some chilling aspects of crony capitalism and the state of the economy. I found the chart plotting the value of the top 5,000 companies against the creation of money astonishing. And the Trans Pacific Partnership could cement this paradigm into perpetuity.

As Christopher Brooks wrote on Gumshoe on his article “Australia Needs Money CREATION Reform And Honest Sovereign Money Policies“:

The money creation racket is in essence so simple in method and yet so vaste in effect it is almost impossible for the human mind to contemplate that mankind could be deceived with such devastating impact over so many generations.

 Christopher has added this:






  1. Trying again
    I am honoured with an advance ‘unproofed’ copy of Dee and Mary’s latest publication:
    ‘Truth in Journalism, if I Had The Wings of an Angel’
    The cover has a lovely depiction of Australia’s son, News Corp Rupert with angelic wings and a left forefinger arising from a clasped fist.
    The word of God?
    Well of course and the adoring angels will not deign to to question the elite angels.
    For over a year gumshoe has been shafting the msm BS, however I have not noticed a considered blog from a msm defender or their political
    Running dogs in defence. (Excepting the 911 Muslims ‘did it’ Brigade on building No 7)
    Has the msm not have a shiver in their spine to come up with considered comment on matters raised at gumshoe.
    Will Tony Jones invite Dee or Mary, or Christopher to match Malcolm Turnbull, or Julia on her secret MH17 deal or Shorty on the Labor years of putting us into hock to the bankers?
    Not a whimper on matters raised on this site.
    As Alan Jones often states: ‘ does it pass the pub test’?
    Well, matters raised at gumshoe invite the msm to challenge the Pub Test’.
    Come on:
    Faine, Hadly, Smith, George, Paul, Alan, (with respect) Piers, Miranda, Andrew, Tony, Gerard, Steve, Brian (with respect) and others to be noted.
    As for politicians: forget them they have their re-election to occupy them pandering to the bankers, lest they offend those denying Australia’s sovereignty.
    I commend Dee and Mary’s effort to take on the mass stream media bastards in their book and suggest that it is an essential
    part of the students being in danger of being brainwashed at the journo’s school in Bathurst. …… It is upon those students ‘to make the bastard s honest’ ( apols: Don Chip ‘rip’, a genuine Australian)

  2. The Schiff / Maloney conversation is interesting but Schiff has staggering blind spots in his understanding of the real essence of money.
    Ellen Brown is flabbergasted when she discovers Schiff, a professional money manager, does not grasp that “money creation” must drive the physical economic activity.
    Schiff often promotes paying debt off, in total, as the solution but that is exactly what drives an economy into contraction.

    Money must be at a stable pressure, like a blood supply, to keep our economic body healthy.
    If the population desires to build capacity in the economic body the blood supply will need to be expanded to sustain a stable pressure.
    The key question is who owns the blood?
    Imagine if the blood that transmits all the amazing forces and fuel of life was genetically licensed and we had to pay a charge every month.
    Now that would be a good racket.
    The Money Trick is of similar dimension and effect.
    The Natural World has been hijacked by parasitic deception
    to serve hidden objectives that would be rejected by 99% of humanity if they honestly understood.

    • Christopher. You money discussion on this site is EXCEPTIONALLY VALUABLE.
      Thanks for the above comment.
      At the gym I struck up a conversation with a semi retired associate professor of economics. I asked her about money creation and put forward the idea that the US Federal Reserve was printing “money” (out of thin air) and flushing it into the economy through QE. She said NO—the banks don’t just print money. They borrow it from bonds, from the people. “The banks borrow money from the people”.
      We/they need your help.

      • Dee, when you listen to the Ellen Brown/Peter Schiff exchange you witness two conflicting “interpretations” of the same economic “operations” or “process”.
        Clearly both of these commentators are speaking and “educating” about “money” and “finance” almost every day of the week.
        This is, excluding judgement on their respective accurate understanding, a bewildering reality to navigate if the “audience” is wishing to come to a confident common “money reform” solution.
        Add to that your “associate professor of economics” who possibly taught economics all here career and does not grasp “money creation”.
        The Bank of England quarterly report in my collection refers to the common faulty teaching of economics in Universities despite the “new” understanding that money is always created at the point Banks issue debt.
        Considering the adjustment of reality contained in a correct understanding of the real essence of money in a sovereign economy, compared to “Piggy Bank Money Box” economics our minds were formed around, a gentle challenge is required.
        I wrote the “millimetre” parable as a non confrontational explanation to break the ice, and the spells over subjects like your “associate professor”.
        It is offered with one simple question, tell me which verse is not a true reflection of our economic realities.
        I hope you invited her to read and listen to our collection where the evidence is qualified beyond any dispute.

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