Home Corona The Great Set-up to Reset

The Great Set-up to Reset




  1. Dr David Martin is a marvel. I have been following him for nearly all the Covid scam period, which is still ongoing. He has a brilliant memory and apparently very high IQ, which he is using for the benefit of humanity.

    All those politicians that put off doing anything until “after the elections” should be prosecuted, but of course that wouldn’t achieve anything because nearly all the Judiciary are corrupt.

    It would be interesting to know what percentage of humanity is not corrupt and perverted.

    For all those who are awaiting their survival on account of Donald Trump and the US Military, don’t hold your breath. The Military had the Covid weaponised and financed the “vaccine”. Trump gave the OK for Operation Warp Speed months after it was known that nobody was dying of Covid-19. He also did nothing in his four years at the helm to have Julian Assange released even though Julian was never charged with an offence.

    What a World of crime we live in, for at least a little longer. Glad I am in my later years. Pity those that follow me. Probably wont be many because of the results of the “vaccine” (deaths and infertility).

    • “nobody was dying of Covid-19.”

      So why did Zhou Yusen wind up on the roof of the Wuhan Institute for virology in May 2020 as reported above?
      What did he stand to gain when he filed a patent for a Covid 19 vax 3 months earlier ?

      More details here:

      I realise that said malady was no longer life-threatening by the time it reached Western Australia and that the U. S.-facilitated vaccine caused more damage everywhere, but that’s beside the point

      • I don’t know why Dr Zhow was pushed or thrown off the building. Nor do I know why he would be developing a vaccine for a disease that was not known, unless he and colleagues had created a disease that has not been released.

        People died at the time the supposed Covid-19 appeared but they lived in the northern hemisphere and were dying of the flu as happens every year.

        If Covid-19 was deadly as the lying media has informed us, why are the excess deaths not showing up in death statistics. Don’t forget there would need to be a massive increase as about 90% of deaths are caused by old age, heart attacks, cancer and diabetes and they could not have disappeared for that time period.

        Dr Martin has answered the questions being raised about the scam, time and time again but is anybody except me listening?

        • The point is that the many and various “whistle-blower” claims re the course of events since late 2019 don’t all tee up with one another, a phenomena that always manifests any time any sort of deception is afoot; what gets largely overlooked is that one form of deceit tends to invite another

          No argument on my part that, historically speaking, the respective malady turned out to be a non-event but that a whole range of Users & Bleeders had a big stake in befooling everyone otherwise.

          • The question that needs to be asked is that, if Dr. David Martin had all the inside information on a purported “Great Set-up to Reset” 20 years ago as he claims, why didn’t he speak up there and then ?

    • Poor old Plodgers must be screaming into his pillow, he wants a story about “The storm is coming™” not all these details !!! about Covid-19™ !!!

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