Home videos The Launching of The Other Great Reset

The Launching of The Other Great Reset


(Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=htZZf3gGflk&ab_channel=Redacted)

Introduction by DM

Above, Clayton Morrison’s video on World War.

At the end of this short video, Clayton mentions a company searching for gas in Europe to replace Russian gas. And guess who is part of this company? General Wesley Clarke. Amazing how the revolving door works.

In this article on Gumshoe:

“Retired General Wesley Clark spent 34 years in the Army, became Supreme Allied Commander Europe of NATO from 1997 to 2000, received many military decorations, several honorary knighthoods, and a Presidential Medal of Freedom.

He told us in 2007 that the US were planning to destroy the Middle East – 7 countries in 5 years. A great tip which he got much praise for in alternative circles. But WHY did he just sit on that intel for six years while the US et al destroyed several of those countries?”

Below, an interesting worldview from Clayton and Tucker Carlson (one of the only anti-war mainstream voices) on the role of journalism, political division, and beneficiaries of a rotten system. Tucker talks about the liberation of “not lying”.



  1. I as an old school journalist viewed the discussion between Clayton & Tucker, and was heartened to be backed up in my views that integrity and honesty and truth are still surviving.

    • Not allowed to camp here, even in your car. Also not allowed to sleep in it.
      Probably ok for some copulation….. fleetingly!

      • So what’s the legal definition of camping ?
        How many court cases are you familiar with re purported infringement?
        I’m convinced that most “prohibited” signs are pure bluff

        What’s interesting is that there’s virtually no msm coverage of how living in vehicles has exploded in the last 18 months or so – not that the phenomena wasn’t previously considerable

        • I have not defended a camping case.
          But have come across heaps of cases where people have been fined for some bluff signage and found their licence recorded for not paying the fine. Some licences suspended.
          Never done one of those cases either …… it comes up in their traffic records when relevant to other matters.
          Try walking a dog without a lead in some council ares. All fun in the local court when a dozen or so are called in, lined up, names given and the magistrate says, “ right all that are guilty, it will be a $$$$ fine, anyone object? “No”, says the chorus and out they March so the court can deal with other criminals and serious matters.
          Oh well just ignore the prohibit signs, no matter for me.
          Now that we have put that to bed, would you care to listen to the Cossack-Zeee report linked below or, walk a dog or go find some bible quotations?

    The Maria Zeee and Ausie Cossack program at top:
    beforeitsnews.com. People powered news.
    Broadcast Sunday night in Australia evening of 22thMarch

  3. To repeat message a few minutes past.
    ALL of it. Turn off the msm for 1.5 hours

  4. No takers for Madam Zeee?
    Oh well, I will not worry you about a latest very significant report that I have sent to some regarding the banks, the injected genocide and Pence that ALL, is ‘common sense obvious.’
    Well, it took over a hour.

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