Home War/ Terror The Proposed Hate Laws Should Be Focused on David “Peddling of Lies”...

The Proposed Hate Laws Should Be Focused on David “Peddling of Lies” Cameron



Come on Britons – threaten those proposed laws on your Prime Minister, Mr David “Peddling of lies” Cameron.

MPs have called on the “Crown Prosecution Service to examine whether prevention orders similar to those which can be used to restrict sex offenders’ online access could be applied to hate crimes,” the Daily Mail reports. And speech the British government considers hateful should be outlawed and subjected to ASBOs, or Anti-Social Behavior Orders on conviction, according to members of the British Parliament.

The above proposal is all about hateful anti-Semitism that has been spurred on by the Israeli invasion of Gaza. But if you ask Mary Maxwell, she would be sure to warn you the UK government might also be involved – to accelerate more legislation.

And of course, the hate speech will most likely include ‘conspiratorial and anti-government thought’ as well. Imagine an ASBO (and restricted online access) on Mr David (love, light and freedom) Icke for example.

This sounds far fetched, but they want to ‘defeat’ (SILENCE) all forms of ideology not in line with the cabal/government LIE.  Below is an extract from David Cameron’s shameful and carefully constructed speech before the General Assembly of the United Nations in New York last year (24/9/2014).

“the peddling of lies: that 9/11 was a Jewish plot and the 7/7 London attacks were staged. The idea that Muslims are persecuted all over the world as a deliberate act of Western policy….  We must be clear: to defeat the ideology of extremism we need to deal with all forms of extremism – not just violent extremism….   We must proscribe organisations that incite terrorism against people at home and abroad.” (an extract from Cameron’s speech)

A Shameful Speech (and lie)

Now, as I said in a previous article,  Cameron’s wording “the peddling of lies is that 9/11 was a Jewish plot” is a brilliant deflection. Mr Cameron, of course it was not a “Jewish plot”. The Jewish people had NOTHING to do with 9/11. Zionists maybe, but what a masterful twist of words and facts. And it is interesting to note that his speech and and the proposed legislation both refer to ‘anti-Semitism’. Coincidence?

But Mr Cameron, you cannot expunge the facts: that Building 7 was demolished, and that the towers “exploded”. You only have to look at the photo – and a four year old could inform you – that the building (the tower) is “blowing apart”, and not collapsing.

911 exploding

Mr Cameron should be subjected to his own proposals – those of “peddling lies” and “inciting terrorism“.



    • On El-k’s fifth, would you kindly provide the birthday cake and five candles. We must remember to invite Dr. Karl and Johhny boy to the party.

      • 911thruth, the money business.
        Since you are all so full of conspiracies, well, here is mine:
        Making money today is fine, but how about tomorrow?
        Well, Gage came up with this businessplan: “bring the thruth to the youth”, securing his moneymaking business in the future.
        Mc Laughlan knew better: “awaken your kids”. 5-11 y/o is the future, the foundation to the consperacie money making business.
        How much money does Alex Jones make?, well, take a look:


        • EL KAMMO YOU’RE A DECEPTIVE PIECE OF WORK. I suggest you go and spread your BS elsewhere.

          But re: your reference to
          Alex Jones!!! Big deal. What $5 million – and he works 24/7
          And Gage $60K salary….

          What about these MEDIA MOGULS
          Anne Cox Chambers – $12.5 Billion
          Rupert Murdoch – $6.2 Billion
          Jim Kennedy – $6.2 Billion
          David Hearst Jr. – $1.8 Billion
          David Geffen – $5.1 Billion
          And the list goes on and on………….
          As I said
          YOU’RE A DECEPTIVE PIECE OF WORK -and many readers here have exposed you over and over again

          • I peer review the bullshit from Lala Land.
            Peer review, the supposedly high standard from Lala.
            And I do it for free.
            No peer review, no case.

          • I keep up an organigram about Lalla theories and to where they might lead.
            They differ, and not just a little.
            So Lala thinks she’s got it.

      • I noted:
        “But iff you ask Mary Maxwell,she would be shure…..might also be…..”
        “Will most likely include…….”
        “This sounds far fetched”…..
        “That building 7 was demolished”…
        “That the towers exploded”……..
        “You only have to look at the photo”, and there we have it.
        One only needs to look at a photo.!!!!!
        Gumshoenews only needs to look at one!!!! Photo.

          • @dalia,
            You just ask a new question with the purpose of not answering the current question.
            Do you really believe that 3 exits in the Pentagon were made by pre-planted bombs, and if so, why?
            According to me they were just exits.

          • There are no terrorists alive, else they would have been interviewed by any news agency in the world. Even one of the truth messias went to look for the survivors but never found them. So how about those holes in the wall of the Pentagon? There is only one exit hole from the plane. The other 2 are just normal exits, so why don’t you change the post about the holes? Or is it ok to post wrong stuff? I guess it is, because you do nothing else and you even wrote a book filled with lies.

          • @johnnyboy,
            Nothing is ever checked here before posting.
            This is a pass through window, for the money.
            All 911 hijackers died, but not all Mohammed’s in the world.
            Now there are supposed to be pre-planted bombs in the Pentagon as well, with the demand to prove otherwise.
            Yeh right.

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