Home Trump Theatrics of a Presidential Debate, Tax Returns and the Money Trail

Theatrics of a Presidential Debate, Tax Returns and the Money Trail


by G5

Prior to the recent theatric termed a presidential debate between Biden, the owned 47 year career professional public servant, and Trump, the citizen businessman; in government for four years, and having won one election; it was agreed between the two campaign camps that a break would be made each thirty minutes of the ninety at issue.

It was further agreed that each would be drug tested and ear pieces not permitted. 

On the day: The Biden Handlers demanded the breaks, but refused a drug test and an earpiece check.

The outcome was neither three. In between losing his fragile temper, Biden was fed through his earpiece. Particularly noticeable when he closed his eyes with his head bent forward.

Biden would repeat what he had last heard; out of context; then answer with what he was told.

The two notable examples were; “Good Luck”, and, “I think it was Kellyanne Conway.”

The prior Dem champion, HRC, not only had an earpiece, but an iPad on her scaled down lectern, and touched her face for cues. The pretender who needed two body doubles and fake medical reports. Already proven by a horrendous tenure as de facto President. I have written of her addressing Intel at Grosvenor Square. Where I was in attendance.

Did I forget to mention that Donna Brazile delivered the questions to HRC before the debates. And of course Biden was afforded the same luxury on this performance. 

Blitzer; embedded in The Dem Camp; commented after the debate, that that would be the last of that projected three. If Biden won, why run away. 

The reason Biden fronts, is because the opponents withdrew early in the Dem primaries. The Sanders-Biden Pact had been agreed. No internal or public factional wars. Biden defeats Trump, then steps aside for Camel. She then appoints every insane actor from The Sanders Camp to Secretary and Executive Position in The Harris Administration, as agreed. 

I don’t think that in the real world of International Affairs and Economics, the questions are delivered in advance. Apart from who would you want negotiating on your future. Apart from those decisions having already been made. Heads they win. Tails you lose.

Tax Returns

The NYT alleged leaked Trump Tax Fillings are fake. As fake as; The Hitler Diaries, Soetoro’s (Obama’s) Hawaiian birth certificate, his tertiary education, and his SitCom family. As fake as the tertiary attainments of; Biden, Chelsea Clinton, AOC, Pocahontas, et al.

An agenda for political deception has fixated on Trump’s financial dealings and his alleged tax filings.

As if the masses of US punters will revert to voting for their enemy, career public servants, and against a businessman standing between The People and The Government. Trump is The People versus The Government.

This saga — always under Trump’s control — as The Mueller, Collusion then Obstruction Hoaxes, and The Pelosi Impeachment Farce; were allowed to run their courses to oblivion. A further Covid Impeachment Hoax was shelved. 

The Executive does not sit at the pleasure of The House.

The activities of Crossfire Hurricane and prior, were The Deep State War against Trump, attempting to protect its interests. White Light Intel acted to protect Trump through 2015 and 2016, at the least. There were five (not FVEY) international Intel agencies acting from prior to The Trump Tower, FISA Interceptions, in which I was involved. As I have written.

A failed but ongoing Coup d’etat against Trump, as that which succeeded against JFK. I have previously detailed all these matters.

In the current NYT Hoax, the bite was the deception, that Trump only paid $750 in federal taxes in 2016 and 2017. He held the standard extension to file, and is on a constant audit. As are all those persons in his category.

He had a rolling tax credit of $1m from 2016, and $4.2m from 2017. Apart from a prior $72m blanket offset credit. So Trump manages his tax commitments, and actually pays ahead. He doesn’t evade or defraud as the culture of those of the owners of the hypocritical screeching brigades. He manages his voluntary payments to the questionable federal IRS. Privately owned; as The Fed and The CIA. For those unaware.

The voluntary payments of individuals pass into Treasury Revenue, then to Currency Interest Payments to The Fed. The corporate sector federal payments are the Defence Budget. 

In passing: The President nominates a chairman from a list of only one name, given to him by The Fed. Yellen was a token. Fischer was moved from The Bank of Israel to manage The Fed. 

Infra; Elizabeth Coleman; Fed IG; questioned by Alan Grayson, had no idea what she was talking about. A brilliant career public servant ‘Trail Blazer’.

JFK had begun to block the Fed currency monopoly by issuing some $4.5 billion in ‘Federal Notes’. Identical to The USD. A separate issue to the ‘Super Bill’ Affair. Which is incorrectly detailed on The Internet. The culprits in that massive fraud were; CIA Deep State and The post Op. Ajax, Iran. 

Fort Knox had already been cleared by FDR. As subsequently The BOE was cleared by Brown and Blair. Separate to the massive Soros frauds against The BOE and The Five Dragon Currencies. I was subsequently involved as an advisor in the latter. 

The USD being removed as The World Reserve Currency, following the change from Sterling by The Bretton Woods Agreement.

In passing: Fuld of Lehmans paid himself an additional $450m just prior to pulling the plug. 

(I was depicted in; ‘Margin Call’, ‘The Big Short’, ‘Ship of Fools’, and ‘The Looting of The Savings and Loans’. As I have previously written.)

Follow The Money

There is a rolling bill and Congressional Unallocated Funds, that maintain government function. Not as politically postured on various occasions. Obama’s Sequesters and Quantitative Easings being as fiction based as his Sanctions Serenades. 

The true US deficit (Unfunded liabilities) is in the order or ten times the publicly advised number.

The Sino-US Cold War continues, as The Western Economies contract and implode. China is being delivered major infrastructure and natural disasters. As it prosecutes in The Asian Region. It is being isolated from natural resources.

The abject ignorance and obsessive fixation on minutiae by Western MSM and related platforms is astonishing.

The IRS Director, sits at The President’s Pleasure. As indeed Mueller could have been removed at any time during his twenty-two-month farce. Mueller and his Brookings institute product were allowed to drown in their own swill. 

It’s interesting that the rolling tax credits for advance payments were instituted into the regulations by The Obama Crime Consortium, for their personal benefits.

Trump held properties of some two hundred acres each, in Westchester New York, and Los Angeles. The purpose was to develop golf courses with surrounding housing estates.

When Trump subsequently filed development applications for the above two sites, the local authorities decided that they should not proceed. They changed the zoning. Albeit in contradiction to prior agreements. Trump took a $119m tax deduction; giving the lands as reserves, and closed the files.

Hypocrisy being as it is: Joe and Jill Biden established two Delaware S Corporations, that do not pay Federal Income Taxes. Avoiding Social Security and Medicare responsibilities. Not the intention by moving from a Delaware General or Close Corp. through The IRS s. 2553. Employees are left stranded with the evasion of The Payroll Tax.

We are dealing with people posturing the morality they demand in others. The Obama-Biden Affair was The Clintons and Bidens colluding with foreign powers. Posturing Trump as corrupt, to hide themselves. There is a library of the criminalities of those Dem consortia concerning; China, Russia, Ukraine, Syria, The Balkans, Kyrgyzstan, Libya, Saudi Arabia, etc. Not including The Clinton Foundation Frauds and the looting of aid to nations as Haiti.


Apart from The Uranium One Affair, and related dealings with Iran, there is a further Uranium Affair involving Kyrgyzstan, in which Mueller and Comey were personally involved in the theft and fraud. Hidden under the veil of National Security. I have previously written as I could, on this matter.

Comey having left an HSBC Directorship at $11m a year plus, alone. Apart from being Senior Counsel to LockMart during the monumental F-35 Fraud, which I have also detailed as best I could. All cast aside to become FBI Director. REALLY.

Cheney, McCain, GHWB et al all being involved in The F-35 Affair. The world’s greatest Military-Industrial Fraud. A CIA copy of a non-functioning Russian SU. A bigger lunacy than; ‘Our Man in Havana’. 

The Bidens mysteriously managed,  speaking fees and book royalties; no connection  to quid pro quo of course (recall The Ukraine Affair). Some $13.3m in 2017-18, passed through The Delaware Scheme evading the 15.3% employee component, by non-wage distribution.

Without forgetting HRC receiving $670,000 for two speeches to Goldmans and WJC receiving $500,000 for one speech to SperBank Moscow. The latter to grant financial licences in The US. I am reminded of Rothschilds losing their banking licences in France. A helpful Finance Minister Macron runs to the rescue. A scheme is established to reinstate the banking activity through three small banks. I have previously detailed these matters.

Macron takes retirement from The French Government and begins materializing funds to buy out his contracts and run in a questionable election to become French President.

The fixation on Trump’s financial affairs; dragging in subpoenas against his grandchildren, incessant Dem government paid fishing expeditions, and journeys up and back from SCOTUS, concerning consortia including, Mazers, Duetsche, and Capital One, have been settled prior to the issue becoming a talking point in the forthcoming news cycles.

The manufactured Mary Trump book is linked to the accusations of fraud concerning Eric Trump et al. Fourth Estate inventions to produce narratives in search of advertising revenue.

In Feb. 2012; halfway into The Obama-Biden Administration; it became necessary to seek an investigation by TIGTA (The Inspector General for Taxation Affairs in The Office of The Deputy Secretary of The Treasury), concerning The Obama-Biden Consortium weaponizing The IRS for the gain of that consortium, and attacking Conservatives. 

The Report was returned in May 2013, with the standard; ‘Evidence not Found’ Hoax. Hearings were commenced involving the then Director of IRS Legislative Affairs, Leonard Alsor, Commissioner of Internal Revenue, John Koskinen, and other now-former officials; Lerner, Paz, et al, including Cole and Steven Kelly.

Lerner wiped hard drives and hid files, the day before she was called. As is the standard modus of not guilty, Deep State, Democrats. She added the humour that she had not breached any law, but incessantly delivered the mantra of The Fifth, when asked about her employment.

As entertaining as The Lynch Mantra. She took the recommendations of the team of seasoned career public officials with regard to not prosecuting HRC from the obtuse findings of Op. Midterm Exams.

I am reminded of the ridiculous Eric Holder, HRC, and recent Mueller cleansing exercises. Mueller’s compelling evidence on Trump’s Obstruction including Gestapo Mueller’s inability to recall basic matters as The Steele Dossier on which his fake witch hunt was predicated. He not knowing of Fusion GPS, and Nellie Our being employed there. Mueller of course had hinted the conclusion even prior to the commencement of that sham investigation. As I had written at the time. Two operatives from The Brookings Institute had pre-written the report. They were initially both moved to Schiff’s staff.

From 2019 to the present: Dem controlled House Committees, reached the bottom of their credibility.

We witnessed The Barr “Reclaiming my Time’ Lunacy, The Kavanaugh Serial Rapist Hoax, and The Mueller Lack of Recall Stupidity.

Monumental honourable mentions from the annals of Dem Past include; Lynch’s Team Recommendations, Lerner’s Fifth Serenade, and Holder threatening everyone.

Harris of course can reflect back to the great guidance of HRC’s Reno. They both derived great joy from concocting evidence to execute innocents.

Reno of course having the additional honours of her fingerprints being on; The Ruby Ridge Massacre, The Davidian Massacre, The Murrah Building False Flag (Oklahoma City Bombing blamed on CIA McVeigh), and the fake break up of Microsoft.

Protected by the Fourth Estate

So: the pretend future world leader; who was de facto President during the insane era of The Blythe (WJC) Perot Frauded Occupation of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., even had difficulty learning the prepared answers to the leaked questions

I have previously written of The Blythe Era, with devastations in; Eurasia, Eastern Europe, The Balkans, The Middle East, and Acts of Unprovoked War in The Russian Barents Sea.

There is no comparison of financial intricacies and politically correct pseudo-moralities on 3/11/2020. It is not an issue of protected infanticide as some ‘right’. Or any other manufactured concoction. The issue is whether or not The US; and therefore The Western World; maintain their basic human rights, or are gripped into a Totalitarian void, from which they can never fully recover.

Unless the majority, as the sane, act as they can, to prevent the destruction of their lives, they will be irreversibly delivered the rewards for their apathy, misread consent, and unjustified fears.



    • Like a boxing match where they just hug each other the entire time
      Really the way human beings organise their societies is always disappointing

    • Well you know if you have to decide who you are going to elect for the next four years you’d be looking at Joe and thinking he’s getting beaten up while Trump is holding host Chris Wallace at bay at the same time. Just give me that ol’ time dubya dubya Eff!

      And those eyes:
      Did Joe Biden Use New Technology To Cheat During The Presidential Debate? (8 min)

      And Chris Wallace reffering to Joe Biden as Vice President as if he is currently the VP?

  1. The Proof Is In: The US Government Is The Most Complete Criminal Organization In Human History — Paul Craig Roberts

    Governments are Criminal Organisations

    Proof the US Government Is A Criminal Enterprise Organisation
    Every day in America, our citizens are subject to unconstitutional searches of their vehicles and their persons by Border Patrol. The main purpose of the Border Patrol appears to be to eliminate competition in the drug business from anyone else except for CIA approved drug trafficking cartels.

    The CIA runs drugs on our Southern border. The CIA has run drugs, for profit, to fund their illicit criminal enterprises for a very long time. Even the former head of the Drug Enforcement Agency, Robert Bonner, acknowledges the fact that the CIA runs drugs into the United States. Yet, the 60 Minutes interview with Bonner listed below is the only mainstream media reference to this fact.

    Even a much younger Ron Paul named George H. W. Bush as co-conspirator in government sponsored drug trafficking.

    And they get away with impunity!

  2. Don’t Be Fooled: The 2020 Election Has Already Been Decided – John Whitehead, Mint Press News


    “They want to believe the fantasy that politics matter.

    They want to be persuaded that there’s a difference between the Republicans and Democrats (there’s not).

    Most of all, voters want to buy into the fantasy that when they elect a president, they’re getting someone who truly represents the citizenry rather than the Deep State (in fact, in the oligarchy that is the American police state, an elite group of wealthy donors is calling the shots in cooperation with a political elite).

    The sad truth is that it doesn’t matter who wins the White House, because they all work for the same boss: Corporate America. Understanding this, many corporations hedge their bets on who will win the White House by splitting their donations between Democratic and Republican candidates.

    Politics is a game, a joke, a hustle, a con, a distraction, a spectacle, a sport, and for many devout Americans, a religion. It is a political illusion aimed at persuading the citizenry that we are free, that our vote counts, and that we actually have some control over the government when in fact, we are prisoners of a Corporate Elite.

    In other words, it’s a sophisticated ruse aimed at keeping us divided and fighting over two parties whose priorities, more often than not, are exactly the same so that we don’t join forces and do what the Declaration of Independence suggests, which is to throw the whole lot out and start over.”

    (Dee, thanks for the update and for sparing the rest of us the torment – Caitlin Johnstone writes with a similar theme.)

    • Wiser words have seldom been spoken that those from John Whitehead above.

      Mind you, the ‘The US Government Is The Most Complete Criminal Organisation In Human History’ bit from Paul Craig Roberts is certainly in contention.

  3. “Unless the majority, as the sane, act as they can, to prevent the destruction of their lives, they will be irreversibly delivered the rewards for their apathy, misread consent, and unjustified fears.” – Yep, that’s one sentence from G5 I agree with completely.

      • Mary, just watched your video below.

        Incredibly, this sodomiser actually makes Trump look good.

        Sodomiser says to Trump : ‘critics who accuse you of consistently siding with foreign adversaries over your own intelligence officials’.

        Well, yeah I thought to myself, knowing the appalling track record and lack of integrity of the U.S Intel agencies. Why would anyone believe anything they’ve said seeing as they lie through their teeth as a matter of routine.

        As for Kim Jong Un / Putin etc being ‘foreign adversaries’, that’s the official narrative being pushed by the warmongers.

        To the extent that any foreign entity is an ‘adversary’, I’d much rather take my chances with them than with the KNOWN back-stabbers in the domestic U.S agencies.

      • for Simon Something else we have in common safe travel I am walking round and round the garden within my 5km compound remembering–I am trying to make meaning of it all- when I was 8 years old I was given the the honour of judging the boys peeing into the convict dug lagoon competition- after school-I was awarded this honour mainly because I had the biggest vocabulary of swear words- thanks to my fathers rages, ciphering skills and attack of the nerves. Maybe these inherited expletives hold the secrets and the answer to the meaning of life the universe and everything-maybe not–I ask must I keep on dancing the answer is yes my darling daughter–and love and strength to my sons
        That Leonard and Dylan knew a thing or two they could read the tea leaves and the coffee grounds.

        Sorry for hijacking the article G5 it was Fish’s test pattern and metronome that did it – reckon Biden and Trump were metronomed –“The Biden Handlers demanded the breaks, but refused a drug test and an earpiece check”

        yes Arlyn congratulation on your awards

  4. TREASON- Mike Whitney-UNZ REVIEW-The Transition Integrity Project(TIP)
    A shadowy group of government,military and media elites who have concocted a plan to spread mayhem and misinformation following the November 3 Presidential election.

    • We have the same problem with sedition and treason here as well with the evil freemason politicians

      Causal Links to Treason and Misprision of Treason

      a) The Australia Act 1986 Section-6. Manner and Form “means Referendums” In this particular activity the Referendum had a statutory and mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia.

      b) The Australia Act 1986 Section-13. Amendment of Constitution of Queensland.
      Subsection (1) The Constitution Act 1867-1978 of the State of Queensland is in this section referred to as the Principal Act. In this particular activity the Referendum had a statutory and mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia.

      c) The Australia Act 1986 Section-14. Amendment of Constitution Act of Western Australia.
      Subsection (1) The Constitution Act 1889 in the State of Western Australia is in this section referred to as the Principle Act. In this particular activity the Referendum had a statutory and mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia.

      d) The Commonwealth Constitution Section-128. In this particular activity the Referendum had a statutory and mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia.

      e) The State of South Australia Constitution-Section-34. In this particular activity the Referendum had a statutory and mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia.

      f) The South Australia Australia Act (Request) Acts 1985 No. 95 – Section 51. In this particular activity the Referendum had a statutory and mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia.

      g) The 1999 6th November Referendum 63% said No. The Criminal Offence of Fraud. Working Against the instructions of the Australian people in that Referendum and the operation of your Fraudulent Grant of Power.

      h) Acts Amendment and Repeal (Courts and Legal Practice) Act 2003, Enacted 1st January 2004.

      Part 8 Amendments about the Crown. (61 Amendments)

      Crown x 42, Her Majesty x 7 Our Sovereign Lady Queen Elizabeth the Second, Her Heirs and Successors x 5, Council for the Crown x 4, Queen x 1, Subjects x 1. Royal Arms x 1 (Changing the Royal Arms is an act of war on the people of the Commonwealth of Australia)


      By deleting “Crown” and inserting instead “State or the Commonwealth” at sections 121(4), and,123(5) and (6b) and (7). In this particular activity the Referendum had a statutory and mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia.

      i) The Election Writs, Senate and House of representatives, spread this Criminal Activity throughout Australia. Criminal Offence of Fraud. Referendums omitted – operating your fraudulent Grant of Power.

      j) Allegedly, the Swearing of a Foreign Oath to Freemasonry. “Conceal and Never Reveal.” The Warrant for Freemasonry came out from the United Kingdom, “Sue v Hill” Illegally declared the United Kingdom a Foreign Power, but, in so doing actually declared that the Masonic Warrant to form Masonic Lodges within Australia did make this particular Warrant, the Warrant of a Foreign Power, it breaches PART IV – Both Houses of the Parliament, Section 44 Disqualification, subsection 1 of the Commonwealth Constitution in relation to Commonwealth politicians. This Offence is to be Discovered by either a Jury trial or Grand Jury trial.

  5. In Dicken’s era, 96% of crown London residents were renters.
    One third of wage for rent and two thirds for food. This was the beginning of nwo.
    Realising that crown and communism is one and the same is essential to make sense of the web.
    Do nations exist anymore? Is there a need for future Olympic games, when ‘we are one big rainbow family’ now? What’s the point when boys and girls are same gender these days. Will cyborgs become the new athletes/gladiators because we’re all too busy beings connected to the global net?
    Stay indoors till notified, the new world normal. There is nothing normal or new about slavery. Feudalism has always been rule by oligarchs. This is the crown virus.

    • Blackrock has taken over the US Treasury and Federal Reserve Bank
      Jewish power house BlackRock, the world’s largest and most powerful financial services institution, has been put in charge of the Federal Reserve (which has been merged with the U.S. Treasury) this week, executing future acquisitions and trades for the USA.
      At BlackRock, the world’s largest shadow bank, guided global culture and a set of principles to ensure we never forget what they stand for in order to help more and more people invest their money into the delusional loophole.

      At the same time they (feminists that rule the HoR) have given away Trumps power over the US Treasury? Without control over the Pentagon, now he also lost managing the nations finances.

      BlackRock, Inc. is a Zionist American global investment management corporation based in New York City. Founded in 1988, initially as a risk management and fixed income institutional asset manager, BlackRock is the world’s largest asset manager, with $7.4 trillion in assets under management as of end-Q4 2019.

      BlackRock operates globally with 70 offices in 30 countries and clients in 100 countries. Due to its power and the sheer size and scope of its financial assets and activities, BlackRock has been called the world’s largest shadow bank.

      BlackRock was founded in 1988 by Zionist banking wolves like Larry Fink, Robert S. Kapito, Susan Wagner, Barbara Novick, Ben Golub, Hugh Frater, Ralph Schlosstein, and Keith Anderson to provide institutional clients with asset management services from a risk management perspective.

      Israel’s largest bank Bank Hapoalim admits to conspiring with U.S. taxpayers to hide assets and income in offshore accounts
      https://www.irs.gov/compliance/criminal-investigation/israels-largest-bank-bank-hapoalim-admits-to-conspiring-with-us-taxpayers-to-hide-assets-and-income-in-offshore-accountsBank Hapoalim (Switzerland) pleads guilty and Bank Hapoalim B.M. enters into deferred prosecution agreement for criminal misconduct; agree to pay nearly $875 Million

      (Banks have always been the biggest criminals in history!)

      BlackRock Begins Buying Junk Bond ETFs for the Fed Today: It’s Already at Work for the Central Bank of Israel

  6. For any Gumshoe readers eligible to vote in the U.S Presidential election (ie: dual citizens, ex-pats etc), here is something that may assist in making your decision.

    I propose a vote for the Biden-Harris ticket.

    Biden’s attributes speak for themselves. For one, he’s cognitively impaired and on death’s door. So, even if he doesn’t drop dead in the coming months, he’s likely to be locked away in a dementia ward and so won’t be involving the U.S in yet another murderous foreign policy misadventure anytime soon.

    That paves the way for the V.P Kamala Harris to step in as POTUS.

    Kamala’s family has quite an academic pedigree.

    That said, (taken from an article I read on her), “she is likely the least intelligent member of her family, trailing her lawyer sister (Berkeley and Stanford Law), cancer-researcher mother, and [retired Stanford economics professor] father.

    In contrast to her meritocratic family members, Kamala launched her San Francisco political career the old-fashioned way : by [bending over and] having sex with Mayor Willie Brown [30 years her senior], who in return gave her a BMW and two taxpayer-funded sinecures.”

    OK, so she’s a bit opportunistic. No one’s perfect.

    Bottom Line : Much as Trump is doing a stellar job at bankrupting the U.S with his fiscal and monetary recklessness on steroids, a task he will complete in short order, a Biden-Harris victory will see to it that the U.S economy collapses just that little bit sooner.

    Because a fully bankrupted U.S economy is a far less militarily belligerent entity and this will severely crimp its capacity to bring death and despair through its asinine foreign policy interventions.

    So that has to be a good thing that we can all pray for to transpire post-haste.

  7. China OWNS The BIDEN Crime Family | Rudy Giuliani and Steve Bannon

    BOMBSHELL: Hunter Biden
    Joe Biden built an international crime syndicate with ties to human trafficking organizations
    prostitution money laundering bribery and extortion

    Profiles in Corruption Joe Biden

    • Very timely. You will be shocked. More here:

      RIDING THE DRAGON: The Bidens’ Chinese Secrets (Full Documentary) 42min

    • Arlyn, I’ve been following your posts in recent weeks and have to commend you on your well researched and insightful output.

      That said, why spoil it by putting up a video of two bald-faced liars (Bannon and Guiliani) ?

      The latter in particular is a 9/11 criminal :

      Do we really care what either of these two have to say (other than to use them as a contrarian indicator) ?

      I’ve suspected that Biden might be being influenced by the Chinese but, seeing as Bannon and Giuliani are hammering on about it, and knowing that these two are constantly lying through their teeth on all manner of issues, I will now have to reassess my position on that matter.

      • That is a fair comment. Yes I am well aware of Giuliani and his participation in 9/1a and in building 7. Bannon has been charged with fraud of the building of the US Mexican wall. As I have posted before they are all a bunch of criminals in government for a number of reasons

        • I recall also reading this article about Bannon :

          ‘Steve Bannon calls [George] Soros a Role Model’.

          Birds of a Feather …. as they say.

  8. Trump in danger—the test, the experimental drugs
    by Jon Rappoport

    Trump tests positive on the most unreliable diagnostic test ever devised; taking experimental drugs

    PHONY TEST, DANGEROUS DRUGS (ABSTRACT click on link for full article)
    by Jon Rappoport

    UPDATE 1: Trump flown to Walter Reed Hospital. Watch out for toxic antiviral drugs; e.g, remdesivir. And ventilators (lethal). This is a field day for Biden, and also for promoters of the pandemic and all the regulations. For example—“everyone must get tested.” Trump is made into the poster boy for COVID-19 propaganda. “The PRESIDENT has it.” No matter what happens to Trump, this is another step in the ongoing coup.

    UPDATE 2: CNN reports— “Trump had a fever Friday, a source said. He has received the unapproved experimental Regeneron treatment as well as the drug remdesivir, according to the President’s physician.” NOT GOOD NEWS.

    Regeneron is an experimental antibody cocktail. Typically, when the news reports use of these drugs, no mention is made of negative effects or toxicity.

    • If I can discover the benefits of IVERMECTIN, why can’t the president’s medical team. What is wrong with everybody?

      • Then again Dee, your critical thinking capabilities are several levels above those of the hand-picked sycophants and mindless automatons that surround the President.

    • So Arlyn, are you saying that in the event Trump wins the election, he intends to use the military to arrest anyone who resists mass vaccination – as per the script written for Trump by his One World Government masters.

      Surely you jest Arlyn ?

      That can’t be – seeing as Qanon promised us (heavy sarcasm here) that Trump and the patriots are draining the swamp and looking out for our interests.

      • No not at all. Did you read the article? Apparently it is a ploy to pre-position the military which you always have to do for an advantage. Time will tell what is actually going to happen. To me it makes sense to pre-position troops for a prior declaration of the Insurrection Act with all of the planned coup de tat against Trump by a multiple of forces being Antifa from the Communist Democrats, Soros, the Deep State, the oligarchy etc.

      • Qanon promised……Are they? I say this with no malice and with respect where is all of the corroborating evidence that it is so? Or is it just another psych-op? I have seen many sites and it appears that the child sex slave ritual is doing some arrests but it is a multi-billion dollar a year profit unfortunately. We know about the pedophiles in this country and the Parliamentary Privilege Suppression Orders for the Pedophiles in Parliament and in the court system is still protected.

  9. Well that is a very good question that all of us would like to ask Dee. We all need to remember that the US President is not in control of everything nor is he told everything as he is surrounded by “Advisors”. I think the article says it all

  10. If anything does happen to Trump… Pence is Catholic despite what he says and that is what they want as well. JFK said he would not have Catholics or Protestants in politics as he kept the separation of church and state and the pope and the NY Archbishop were not impressed. That is why the American Constitution has been ignored and Bush junior called it a God damn piece of paper to be trampled on. The same is happening with the Australian Constitution

    The Trump Card

    Walter Veith & Martin Smith – Coronavirus, Noahide Laws, End Time

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