Home Australia “There Is More To Come In Australia”

“There Is More To Come In Australia”


“Once the authorities see how easy it is to take step a, they move on to b. They blow the dust off some other tyrannical rule they’ve been keeping on the shelf; they trot it out; they deploy it; and they wait to see whether anyone cares.” Jon Rappoport, author of the Matrix series. 

He continues:

“…the medical cartel, in the long run, is the most important branch of Globalism Inc. It builds a cradle to grave system for every person. Traveling in a half-light of multiple diagnoses and toxic drug treatments, the citizens live in parallel universe of debilitation and confusion, where they become too weak to resist what is happening to them.”

abbott-family (1)The Abbott family

I reported here that prime minister Tony Abbott – in 2006 – did not want to allow his daughters to be vaccinated against cervical cancer. But now under his watch, the Australian government’s own document “Strengthening Immunisation for Young Children” (from 1 January 2016) states

“…families with children who are not immunised (and do not have an approved exemption) will not receive the FTB Part A end of year supplement and child care subsidies (subject to the passage of leglislation). And

Vaccine objection will no longer be an exemption category.”

In his article ‘Australia vaccine war update: the people, slaves to the State‘, Rappaport writes: “If you’re looking for photos of tens or hundreds of thousands of Australians gathering in the streets to protest the new tyrannical rulings, don’t bother. It’s not happening.” (article here)


The empty streets of Melbourne.


  1. It is simply the introduction of fascist globalist control by stealth.
    Boiling frogs is one metaphor.
    But I prefer the ‘Catch a wild boar’ analogy.
    Put out food for a week for the boar.
    Week 2 run a line of fencing on one side of the food.
    Week 3 run a parallel line of fencing on the opposite side.
    Week 4 join one end of the two lines.
    Week 5 as with 4 at the other end and leave an open gate.
    Week 6 close the gate and order the boar to do as told, eat and drink what is provided until death.
    Simple: the Globalists with our politicians and mass media just now need to shut the f’n gate.
    Sadly, the journos and shock jocks have not yet realised that they are feeding with the boar and all the other piglets, soon to be joined by politician’s descendants.

    • Apologies.
      I forgot that as well as the pollies, journos and shock jocks, the legal profession has not also realised that it also are to help shutting the gate from inside.
      The separation of powers between the Legislature, the Executive and legislators, incorporated in most Western constitutions to balance excessive antidemocratic tendencies has been sabotaged by stealth with the connivance of the main stream media.
      The globalist corporate fascist control freaks have learned patience since they tried to have General Smedly Butler to use his 50,000 troops to take over the US in about 1933 and oust Congress.
      Bet none of our shock jocks, journos and pollies want to have the Western democracies to realise how fragile the public’s freedoms really are!
      Uncle Bin Laden was all pussy compared to our present representatives and their media presstitutes, particularly the ABC and SBS, as we finance their connivance.
      ( How ironic: Seems that the piglets have been paying to feed the boar!!)

      • Ned, it sure is refreshing to see the comments on this Forcible Vaccination article not go the way of analyzing this or that vaccine, or this or that welfare rule, pardon me Centrelink rule, about payment. Your wild boar metaphor is waaaaaaaay more apposite. Shame on the gateshutters.
        But also shame on those on whom the gate is about to shut.

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