by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
The Leonard Peltier watch group send me emails about his good luck – NOT – winning parole from prison. He is Inside for having participated in AIM – American Indian Movement those decades ago. In this week’s email, Leonard tells us what the AIM song means.
“The song says Thank you to the great Spirit for allowing our young men to be brave AND courageous to FIGHT OFF AND TO PROTECT the young children THE WOMEN, UNBORN BABIES, THE ELDERLY WOMEN and MEN, AND OUR LEADERS. Singing THANK YOU Great Spirit for giving us the strength to SAVE OUR Children WITH THE BRAVERY YOU GAVE US. Thank you for showing us your Love for our Peoples. We pray you give us peace with these people who only want war and to kill our Nations/Peoples.”
But I’m here to talk about a different Peltier. She is 13 years old, or thirteen hundred years old as the case may be. CBC broadcasting, in the person of news editor Melissa Kent has followed the recent career of young Autumn, a First Nations Canadian.
Miss Autumn Peltier addressed the UN, and she let ’em have it. This is fabulous. I quote CBC:
“Many people don’t think water is alive or has a spirit,” the Anishinaabe girl from Wikwemikong First Nation told the diplomats gathered in New York City in her speech on World Water Day. “My people believe this to be true.
“Our water deserves to be treated as human with human rights. We need to acknowledge our waters with personhood so we can protect our waters.”
“No one should have to worry if the water is clean or if they will run out of water…. No child should grow up not knowing what clean water is or never know what running water is. We all have a right to this water as we need it — not just rich people, all people.”
After her speech (which took place last year), she said “This was the experience of a lifetime.” Aha, I’ll bet not, as she has another 80 years or so to go. Autumn told the persons at the General Assembly:
“One day I will be an ancestor, and I want my great-grand-children to know I tried hard to fight so they can have clean drinking water.”
The New Meaning of Spiritual
What is spirit anyway? I myself hold a biological bias. I think we think what we think because of or species position. But lately people are becoming interested in the spiritualty that is felt through communing directly with Nature, all of Nature.
The following is Miss Peltier’s recounting of her education:
“What I’ve been told through ceremonies is Mother Earth has been surviving for millions of years without us. And it’s taken us less than a century to destroy her — and Mother Earth doesn’t need us, but we need her.”
Photo credit: CBC.CA
Peltier says: If you want to become a water keeper
- Learn as much as you can from your elders and your teachers.
- Learn your history. Learn your language. Listen and ask questions.
- Pay attention to the climate and the animals. Have respect for all living things.
- Talk with Mother Earth, sit with her and thank her. Make offerings of tobacco, pray and give thanks.
- Have fun and be a kid as much as you can. Get your school or class involved in a type of activity to help the land.
- Talk to your friends and share ideas. Inspire and encourage others.
- If you have a idea, act and make it happen. Don’t be shy, there are no rights or wrongs — anyone can do this work.
- Just do it!!!
While the idea of offering tobacco might not make perfect sense to us in the contiguous 48, if it’s good enough for Autumn Peltier, it’s good enough for me.
Read the whole article here:
The anthropologist D.B.Rose once said that
‘culture and identity in NOT specific to humans: all animals have culture”. To that we may add all creations like water and air have culture. Poisoning the water with agricultural and industrial wastes like fluoride is akin to murder. Rose’s comments on intersubjectivity could be widened to read ‘ we are not different from other animals (or creations) by having culture which they lack: we are different in that culture, like our shape, is merely different from theirs”
Lovely news — Tulsi Gabbard has declared for the presidency in 2020.
Hawaii — this music got 2/3 of a billion hits, or am I reading it wrong?
Free Leonard Peltier (!) and all strength to Autumn and her message (!!), but Canada, like Australia, is lost to the same geopolitical cancer.
Thanks Fish. I copied this out of your linked article:
“Prior to becoming Ambassador to Venezuela (2014-2017), Oxford-trained Rowswell worked for the U.S. National Democratic Institute (a branch of the National Endowment of Democracy) in Iraq, served as Deputy Head of Mission in Afghanistan (2009-2010) and in 2011 was visiting scholar at Stanford University’s New Center on Democracy, which was then headed by regime-change expert Michael McFaul (who spent his failed tenure as Obama’s Ambassador to Russia where his sole job was to promote a ‘white revolution’ from the American embassy). McFaul and Rowswell are outspoken disciples of “internet-tech driven direct democracy” modes of unseating ‘bad’ governments.”
Just a reminder that when we say “Deep State” does this or does that, we’ve got to be referring to actual humanoids in suits. The Deep State is not a thing with a mind of its own.
Fish’s Youtube offering above is superb, but let’s see if it opens this time:
So the Earth is not carried on the back of a tortoise which is carried on other tortoises… tortoises all the way down?
Let’s have a pile of primordial superstitions… they’re much easier to manufacture and so much harder to refute because no “politically correct” dreamer would ever dare challenge them.
So goes the deadly intellectual disease of Relativism. Reality is just a fantastic dream.
Sudan. from EastAfricaNews:
Sudanese police fired tear gas at crowds of demonstrators in the capital and other cities on Thursday, witnesses said, as fresh protests demanded an end to President Omar al-Bashir’s three-decade rule.
Chanting “freedom, peace, justice” — the rallying cry of the protest movement that has rocked Sudan for weeks — demonstrators took to the streets in both Khartoum and its twin city Omdurman.
“Riot police are firing tear gas at protesters in north Khartoum but they are still demonstrating,” a witness told AFP, declining to reveal his identity out of fear for his safety.
“The police is firing tear gas but we will not stop,” said a demonstrator from north Khartoum.
Dear Readers, How time flies. Back in 2015 we offered a reward called The Siver Spankley Award, which was a take-off on the fact that the Walkley award in Journalism is sometimes called the Wankley if you know what I mean. Indeed we gave the Silver Spankley once, the recipient being Mark X Barra. At that time we asked for entries only on the subject of the 7/7 London bombing.
Maybe in future we could try that again, offering a “Best article” award on a specific topic.
But today I am thinking of the fact that society needs heroes and it might be appropriate for Gumshoe to name So-and-So as a hero. Please don’t suggest a candidate in a Comment here as it will be embarrassing if someone gets named and then does not pass the Editors’ vetting. But please send suggestions here in Comments as to what the award should be called and what the criteria might be. I offer that a criterion be: the person must be still living.
Here is the old item. I see that, in Comments, Christopher Brooks took me to task for being gullible about Tony Farrell, whistle blower of Scotland Yard. He did the same when I praised Rebecca Roth, and he sure was correct. I never followed up on Tony Farrell. Personally I don’t think Bishop Williamson (re 9-11) is the real McCoy. Maybe we need a Booby Prize also for “Dubious Whistle Blowers.”
I nominate jointly
• Eva K Bartlett and
• Vanessa Beeley
for their integrity and heroically courageous work on Syria (and other topics).
Eva’s youtube channel is “Eva K Bartlett” and her blog site is “ingaza.wordpress.com”
A typical article:
• Pulse of Life, Syria: Damascus International Fair, Syrian Hero War Photographer – by Eva K Bartlett
Eva brings us countless first-hand reports from the ground in Syria (as well as Gaza and DPRK) with interviews with a variety of people from all walks of life. She brings us the human perspective and utterly debunks the conspiracies of the controlled propaganda media channels and the scripted narratives of our conscienceless senior politicians.
Vanessa’s youtube channel is “vanessa beeley” and she is Associate Editor of “21stcenturywire.com”
Vanessa is the classic investigative journalist who brings us hard-hitting articles. Apart from her extraordinarily through exposé on the White Helmets in Syria, she also reports on Yemen and more recently on the Yellow Jackets.
For example:
• The White Helmets Files – by Vanessa Beeley
Here they meet up for a chat and to compare notes
You are a marvel, Fish. You are our eyes and ears.
OK, we have a candidate. Now — Everybody — what should be the name of the award?
An “incident ” on ABC Insiders program this am. Barry Cassidy interviewing Bill Shorten.
Shorten had just been encouraging whistle-blowers to speak up about corruption by white collar workers. He also suggested they should receive monetary compensation as in the past those courageous enough to expose some criminal activities in their organisations were subjected to huge financial loss. This in itself felt quite amazing –then a crash –and suddenly off air ???