Home Corona What Be the Intellectual’s Duty in Today’s Pandemic Crisis?

What Be the Intellectual’s Duty in Today’s Pandemic Crisis?


Le Penseur, The Thinker, in the Rodin Museum, Paris,  photo: beliefs of the heart.com

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB

In the title of this article, the term “today’s pandemic crisis” is a shorthand for the situation that we have been experiencing since mid-March 2020. This includes worry about a viral disease (Covid-19), followed by seemingly paternal governmental regulations to protect health, and then protests about the lockdown, leading to police violence, and excitement about racism.

For intellectuals, that is, any citizens who attend to society’s predicament and seek a rational solution, there are further ingredients to “today’s pandemic crisis.” These include at least the following things:

  1. accusations that the media is not reporting honestly, and is perhaps intent on creating panic and social dissension
  2. worry that national governments will disappear in favor of a One World Government – which raises the question of who will do the policing of it, and where would “justice” be obtainable?
  3. the revelation of Bill Gates’ “eugenic” plan to depopulate the world, and the related issue of whether the coronavirus is a manmade tool for this
  4. a proposed “re-set” of the economy in which jobs will be replaced by robots, and human “work” will somehow be tied into artificial intelligence
  5. the ongoing march toward cashless-ness in business, where people’s ability to get food may depend on their “obedience score” — with all that this implies about Big Brother and loss of privacy
  6. the rollout of fifth-generation technology (5G) and its potential for mind control and use as a weapon by delivering pain.

Using the Collective Brain

Each human being has a brain, but also the human race has a collective brain, the repository of knowledge and wisdom. People draw from it all the time. The 20th century invention of the Internet has speeded up our ability to so draw — there’s even a website called Creative Commons that enables thinkers to draw “in real time” from each other’s viewpoints. (It has been used a lot by researchers into 9-11 truth.)

Anyone who feels the urge to deal with the six problems listed above will necessarily draw on already-accumulated material (“intelligence” as they call it in the Intelligence community). Plus, that person will be cracking through the wall that currently surrounds us – expanding its limits.

Some sneaky bastards got into the “education policy-making” field about 80 years ago to cause students to be ignorance of humanity’s great intellectual heritage. But it’s not too late to correct that. People can be directed, even late in life, to the wonderful achievements that brought us from cavemen to now.

And, by the way, it’s not too late to stop the disparagement of physical books. I was pleased, recently, to hear US Senator Benjamin Sasse being interviewed about his home-schooling of his four kids. When asked who he thought was the person most influential in the lead-up to the work of the US’s Founding Fathers – who were quite an intellectual bunch of boys — he said “Gutenberg.”

Johnanes Gutenberg, around 1440AD, invented movable type, making possible the printing of books which until then were only of the handwritten kind. Not to mention the fact that knowledge was only transmissible by the spoken word until some clever Sumerian person — call her “Peggy” — invented writing, circa 3500BC.)

No Two Brains Contain the Same Stuff

Each scholar entering the suddenly important area of the 2020 pandemic will come in with his own bits and pieces from the collective brain. I come in with stuff from three proper academic disciplines in which I hold some sort of credentials: law, politics, and biology, plus data from a journalism-based job in “conspiracy exegesis” – i.e., my daily bread at GumshoeNews.com.

In the last two pandemical months I have been actively consulting the books shown here:




“Conspiracy Theory”:

The “Western Civ” course I sat as a freshman at Emmanuel College, Boston, was called “On the Shoulders of Giants.”  But really the giants were mere mortals, weren’t they? Think of Peggy inventing writing in Sumer, way back when. You do what you can, with whatever God gave you.

My point is that we have plenty of mere mortals today – several billion actually – some of whom can surely extricate us from the mess we are in. Whether they live in Africa or Alaska – or Wuhan — they will be tapping the collective brain. Since personal survival happens to be at stake for just about everyone today, there’s a very powerful motive to get thinkin.’

Multi-tasking Is a Must for Le Penseur

To the extent that I will be able to help fight the troubles we are in, it will no doubt be because as an American growing up I thought we were all kings. Still, I do realize that humans are a herd species (more or less). We readily follow a leader; we wait to get the cue from on high.  But the ones at the top will have to be spectacular. They will need to do more than try to get what is best for their community.  They’ll have to think of many parts working together.

I believe that all interest groups and national groups will have to compromise on their dear goals. Those of us who have lived on Easy Street are definitely not going to be able to maintain the status quo. In fact, our Easy Street was Stupid Street all along; future generations would have been furious with us for plowing on so selfishly, causing all manner of pain, despoliation, and terror. Gee, the pandemic is saving us!

I recommend that we consider the following essential values in our planning:

Protection of nature at all costs, especially the water supply and biodiversity.

No leader to be permitted to lead unless his/her accountability is demarcated.

No secrecy by decision makers against those whom the decision will affect.

No fancy folks to have the right to live “above the law.”

Right away you can see that merely an agreement on those basics would solve some of the pressing issues today. It would be amscray to 5G, sayonara to forced vax, and the big butterfly net would fall on all the corrupt politicians.

For their sins of leading without accountability (and I use the word “lead” in a cavalier manner, of course), Gates and Fauci would have to withdraw.

As for no secrecy of decisions against the public, that would have to be global when it comes to satellites. When Nation A places a satellite into orbit – or when Private Entity B does it (do you know most of what’s up there is not governmental?) — all are affected, as it glides secretly over their land.

As for some people, the nomenklatura, getting away with murder, I think that is a hard one to enforce, as most people seem to feel that it’s not OK to lock-her-up type thing.

Postscript (regarding the booklist photos)

In the first box, Law, the book I most recommend is the skinny one at the top – Frederic Bastiat’s Law. It was written in response to the 1850 Paris Commune. He advises against the nanny state. Indeed he wants us to hand over only one power to the government, that is the power to help us defend against bullies. He says law is justice, nothing else. Let me repeat, as it’s something you don’t often hear: law is justice. Or to put it another way, law exists to be used against injustice. Yay!

There is another law book that got omitted — Daniel Vincent McGonigle’s edition of Execute the Laws to Restore the Republic. It contains “Constitutional Homeland Security” – love it — by Edwin Vieira, and Judge Samuel Nichols’ 1862 essay, “Martial Law.” The reason it didn’t get photographed is that I hunted all over the house for it and couldn’t find it, later discovered it was the pad in my hand that my writing paper was leaning on.

Both books, Bastiat’s and McGonigle’s, were procured by a happy camper, me, at last year’s Camp Constitution. I see that another such camp for teens and littlies, is coming up in late July, should you be near Plainfield, New Hampshire. Masks not required while toasting marshmallows. Incredible bookshop.



  1. New Hampshirites may also mark their calendar for July 3, 2020 at 5.30pm in front of the State House in Concord for Julian Assange’s birthday party.

  2. I just want to recommend and forward post Pete Cane’s excellent link from the previous Gumshoe article.

    Norman Dodd interviewed by G. Edward Griffin in 1982

    Pete Cane highlighted the 25+ minute mark as taking about the plans to get America into war (in 1908) via control of the State Department etc. At around the ?30 minute mark he talks about the alteration of history through the education system.

    The mention of Gutenberg makes a replay of this also very topical

    Critical Notices I – The Revolution Beyond Academia – Joaquin Flores (Center for Syncretic Studies)

  3. Nice article Mary – it is good to “zoom out” regularly to retain perspective.
    And yes it behoves those of us who care about the world to take action.
    So if that is “us”, who are the “others” in society who don’t share our concerns?

    The leaders and propagandists (elite, globalists, cabal, NWO etc) who know their propaganda is BS and their social engineering is a dastardly plot
    Those who actually believe the propaganda and support the social engineering (useful idiots)
    The “Sheeple” – ordinary people who take a fleeting interest in the socio-political
    “Normies” – those who are blissfully unaware of the Infowar and who watch My Kitchen Rules and The Voice – nice people who just want a nice life for them and their children

    Where the Infowar is being fought and what concerns me more and more is the number of people being moved from moving from category 3 into category 2.
    Like my normie work colleagues who all of a sudden think that white people are to blame for everything and think that they came up with this idea by themselves!
    It is hard and dangerous work attempting to de-program these people.
    But we must never give up…

    • I want to get your labels straight; this is so important. I understand your Normie work colleagues are number 3. And if they are now buying the BLM stuff, that makes them Sheeple.

      Your Category 1 is a combo of cabal AND its believers on the street? Wouldn’t some of your Normie’s be Category 1, Richard?

      Sure hope there is a deprogramming code but it is very well-hidden.

    • I want to get your labels straight; this is so important. I understand your Normie work colleagues are number 3.
      And if they are now buying the BLM stuff, that makes them Sheeple, 2.

      Your Category 1 is a combo of cabal AND its believers on the street? Wouldn’t some of your Normie’s be Category 1, Richard?

      Sure hope there is a deprogramming code but it is very well-hidden.

      • Hi Mary,

        Sorry my comment lost its dot-points as I cut and pasted.

        The leaders and propagandists (elite, globalists, cabal, NWO etc) who know their propaganda is BS and their social engineering is a dastardly plot
        Those who actually believe the propaganda and support the social engineering (useful idiots)
        The “Sheeple” – ordinary people who take a fleeting interest in the socio-political
        “Normies” – those who are blissfully unaware of the Infowar and who watch My Kitchen Rules and The Voice – nice people who just want a nice life for them and their children

        Cat 1 does not include “believers on the street” – they are Cat 2.

        As I said, my main concern is people moving from Cat 3 to Cat 2.

        But I am also concerned about those moving from Cat 4 to Cat 3 and drinking the Kool-Aid.

    • Hi Richard, I certainly hope you are able to share the following with those friends (and family)

      The privilege they erased from history – Dana Ashlie

      What we have is a wealthy genocidal paedophile in the big house down the street circulating leaflets that each of our neighbours once stole a chocolate bar from the local delicatessen. People would rather believe the lie about their neighbours so that they keep getting invited to his big parties.

    • Ahhh Terry , I suspected you had Libertarian leanings all along & your quoting of Bastiat confirms it .
      Good on you.

      Meanwhile, the side bar to the right of your linked page titled ‘ related authors ‘ contains some absolute legends where Gumshoe readers can source proper economics ( and objective insights on a range of other issues ) – some of whom are still active in the present day & which I reference frequently .

  4. Takes all kinds, and I can be happy in that “company”. Because I’m me too, this kind of reconnaissance can sometimes be obtained at a low or thrifty price too. Apparently. Let the buyer be aware, something like that. The value maybe inverted in the book picture, if I can be cheeky too.

  5. “People can be directed, even late in life, to the wonderful achievements that brought us from cavemen to now. “

    As Pauline would say, “Please explain”

  6. Can we look past all the theoretical dreams often mused by commentators and realise that they want to control and kill us.
    Time to wake up.
    The link below consists of two video. the first is oral….skip the boring usual ad in that video
    Note that about 7% pf the population just want to hear nice fluffy stuff to feel comfortable.

    In the first interview, I had sadly have to refer to Terry the 18 minute mark

    Neural weapon comes up in the second video…………… .a must consider.

    Now how about getting down to what is planned and dump theories?…. This is your real future being planned it seems.

    • I’ll second that, Nedski. But how do you tell people? Dee has trouble telling anyone that kids get killed in Australia, even when she has the proof.

      The human brain’s ability to go into denial is fantastic.

      Still, you have come to the true issue here. The bastards are planning our death — or worse!

    • In the first video it is exposed as to how they are going to starve us.
      Well, to survive we might have to eat “Dr Evil’ and his helpers, no bad how bad they taste.(;-}

    • Sorry, should be about 97% of the population just want to hear nice fluffy stuff. Suppose we 3% could start eating them. Then they can go graze with their herd in the great paddock in the sky.

    • Good video Ned, and I note the comments beginning at 18 minutes into the video. I agree with much of what was said, like that 90% of humans are dickheads that can’t think for themselves and just go along with the herd. No surprises there.

      As far as food supplies, well, go for the diversity/spectrum of plants to broaden the chance of a successful harvest. Perhaps learn how to prepare dandelions as a backup.

      As far as protein, my choice would be out bush, roos and goats. I’d pass on the pigs if the prions issue was legit. Which, brings up another great food source – EAT THE RICH. If they are protecting their food sources and also fortifying their diets, then THEY have to be the best source of protein around.

      Think outside the box, there is a lot of territory out there.

  7. I see that an intrusion of bright sunlight messed up my photography. The top 4 books in the LAW box are:

    Bastiat’s Law; Gary Allen’s Kissinger; Gordon’s Nine Men against America [SCOTUS]; and The Lawless State by Morton Halpern et al.

    Thank you for the link to Bastia’s quotes, Terry.

  8. Off-Topic. A Harvard Law student, Abraham B, is suing Harvard because they have not let the kids stay on campus, due to Covid-19.

    The tuition is $65K. He is suing for breach of contract, unjust enrichment, and conversion!

    Wanted to sue for Anticipatory breach, also, re next September’s classes, but Massachusetts law does not allow.

  9. Danke, Deutschland! “Abuse of market power” is actually a valid issue in German law.

    This is from finance.yahoonews.com. by Ursula Knapp and Douglas Busvine

    KARLSRUHE/BERLIN (Reuters) – Facebook must comply with an order by Germany’s antitrust watchdog to curb data collection from users, a top German court ruled on Tuesday, in a setback for the U.S. social network company that could set a wider precedent….

    The cartel office had objected to how Facebook pools data on people from third-party apps – including its own WhatsApp and Instagram – and online tracking of people who do not have accounts via Facebook “like” or “share” buttons.

    … Andreas Mundt said it showed that “if data are collected and exploited illegally, it should be possible to take antitrust action to prevent the abuse of market power.” …

    “The cartel office is attempting to tame the tech giants and to stop the build-up of economic power through integration of data to ‘super profiles’,” said Rupprecht Podszun “This is something new in terms of antitrust law.”

    • Sure BoJo , there is a solution.

      We can put a mask on the cricket ball and / or spray it with hand sanitiser between deliveries .

  10. So where are those rwo bottles of port university freshers working out the meaning of life to 1 am who have bothered to listen to the link posted above and do not know what a red pill is?
    Pissing in the distraction tent?

  11. Ned, I have been away for 10 days and am attempting to catch up with Gumshoe. Just reading through the JFK issue and reading comments where you were sparing with Nemesis. You mention that you have had dealings with shotgun deaths. I printed a question for you then realised I was days behind and you may have no need to go back to that page. So here again is the question.

    Ned, an off topic question. Not to do with JFK, but the Lindt Café murders. I have asked this question of a gun shop owner and I would like to see if your answer is similar.

    “If a person is shot at close range to the back of the head by a shotgun, apart from death, what would you expect to find?”

  12. “That fifth torpedo was fired by the submarine USS Amberjack on LBJ’s orders.”

    Truth, still on page re JFK. The above quote comes from that page. I’m not about to argue.

    Have any of you read “The Truth is So Precious” by Malcolm Barker. A story paralleling the sinking of the S.S. Koombana with dispersement of the Japanese armada from the West Australian coast during Word War II?

    After reading that book, I came to a similar conclusion. That the HMAS SYDNEY was sunk by allies. I don’t have an answer as to why. Just a gut feeling because of the actions by the officials in Canberra at the time. In more recent times, after the wreckage of the Sydney was discovered, John Howard immediately forbade any investigation of the site. My thinking on the matter is that the site should be investigated to work out what really happened in that battle, for history’s sake and the families of those lost. Of course compensation to those families could be enormous if my theory is right.

    I believe Howard closed the site, if my gut feeling is right, because investigations might show that the SYDNEY’s sinking was not caused by either Germany or Japan. There may be evidence that showed damage not caused by torpedo, shell or canon used by the opposing forces, but the same calibre as allied ships.

    Just thinking as I write this. If Howard did use this ruse to hide history, isn’t it the same play as his “there will be no inquiry and the Broad Arrow Café is to be demolished” Port Arthur situation?

    • Mal , I’m not familiar with the book you mentioned above ( so many good books to read & so few hours in the day) , suggesting sinking by ‘friendly fire ‘ and then being blamed on the Japanese.

      If this is in fact proven then I am not the least bit surprised.
      After all, the more I read of western history from objective authors , the more I learn that everything I was taught at school , inferred from widely touted books & films that read / saw in the past is all a big LIE . ( Not to mention everything that has occurred in the interim , whether it be 9/11 , The Bali Bombing, Port Arthur Massacre & so forth ) .

      The S.S Koombana may well have been a case of ‘ accidental ‘ friendly-fire so nothing premeditated there if that were the case .

      But , the actions of the submarine Amberjack , on orders from LBJ , were deliberate pre-meditated malevolence of the most traitorous kind & let’s hope LBJ is rotting in hell as recompense .

  13. Aussie Mal.
    I will leave it to you to do your own research on your question on shotgun results and also in regard to the mystery of the HMAS sydney.
    May I ask if you are interested in the present and our future?
    If so, how about a opinion on the two videos I have linked above without a apparent desire to disract from present reality by a old reference to a inconsequential missive in reply to Nemisis
    After 12 years of observing commentary on various sites, I suspect pissing in the tent thought up DISTRACTIONS.
    Should I suspect a Nemisis modus?
    Sorry if I have mistead your modus, by all means try correcting me with some knowledge of the content of the two videos previosly referred to.

    • How can any Gumshoer not know Mal after all these years? He and “DISTRACTIONS” do not go together like a horse and carriage.

      What if Monis was not the killer of Tori Johnson?
      What if the WA ship was sunk by “us”?
      What if Howard closed inspecition of Broad Arrow because…..?

  14. A couple of missing titles.
    Captain Cook. Lying for the Admiralty.
    David Ray Griffin. Cognitive Infiltration. And all the other Griffin books on the 911 lies.
    Just a start 😀😀

    • Ned, don’t ever give up. (Quote unquote Diane DeVere)

      I stacked up only the 55 books that met the criterion of “ones I am actually using at the moment to work out how to get us out of the present mess.” Hence, I did not include Elias Davidsson’s new 9-11 book, America’s Betrayal Confirmed, for example, or any 9-11 book.

      I have now reviewed the stack-up and must admit that I lied about Patti Davis book, “As I See It.” I never touched it during the Covid era.

      Stacker’s license.

  15. Mary – a lesson from recent history concerns the unwillingness of those targeted by the Nazis for extermination to believe such a thing could happen to them. That unwillingness to accept one’s own demise at the hands of those they thought they could trust, should also be a lesson for us during our own time. Sometimes people need to be shown what will happen before they will realize what is really about to happen to them.

    That doesn’t mean that we just give up flogging our ‘dead horse theories’ n the face of some. It just means that there will always be those who will never accept their own demise by the hand of those they have been taught to trust, no matter how compelling the evidence is.

  16. Yep, I now agree with Ned — concentrate on the future.

    The two amazing books on that theme are Firstenberg’s “Invisible Rainbow,” (as in stop the 5G immediately), and “If I Were King” which says ‘Dismiss Congress and the US Supreme Court immediately.”

    Tomorrow Dee is going to host a video that we all must watch. She has asked me to make a monitorial plea that ALL comments tomorrow be specifically on the video and not on anything else.

  17. Good friends,
    Geelong has a bio weapons factory, is there any connection with crown virus?
    We are being played into Revelations.
    Crown Serco Pirbright Pilgrims control these factories globally. There are no opposing systems anymore, that’s make believe for infants, their satanic system is one. Crown Kabala Freemason Communism. They are playing us, like a cat does with a rat before it skins it alive.

    • @56,are you referring to the csiro animal health lab at geelong.

      yes,it has 2 personnel links to the wuhan research lab.

      you can see in an internet search that 2 chinese scientists worked there on virus research since ca.2010. one imported bats from qld.to work on them.

      prof francis boyle,see internet video of his interviews. alleges that the wuhan virus was weaponised at uni north carolina and geelong.

      what is the evidence that csiro is contolled by crown serco pibright pilgrims.

          • @mary and diane,
            no actually i have given enough catchwords in what i wrote for use as search terms if anyone wants to.

            was geelong csiro a tavistock node or was it some other institution.
            is the source of what you say only fiona barnett.,

          • “no actually i have given enough catchwords in what i wrote for use as search terms if anyone wants to.”

            If i enter a phrase.. or a word .. into the google machine..
            it doesnt “find” anything for me.. it gives me 3 billion “results” – saying yes! we have found your answer! now…. go search through… all those links to find your “answer” …

            if you are trying to make a point.. it is probably best to cite some source for reference.. because the alternative is people are left wading through a quagmire of irrelevancy or lobbing onto a totally opposite meaning as was your original intention.

            just my pittance…

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