Home News Who Are The (Right-Wing) Extremists?

Who Are The (Right-Wing) Extremists?


by Dee McLachlan

Well, there we go; it’s as predictable as ever — another propaganda piece (paid by the taxpayer).

When I was attending one of the Mission 2 Melbourne rallies earlier this month, I was approached by an Aussie soldier — the kind you know that would have your back; never leave you behind, and fight for ‘your’ rights regardless. These are the people that need to be running Australia, not the self-serving political class we have come to know.

He entrusted me with two documents. A hard copy of the government report, entitled: “INQUIRY INTO EXTREMISM IN VICTORIA” (Australia), and an “Impact Report 2020” by the Doherty Institute. Today we’ll focus on the extremism report.

The report was commissioned under Dan’s watch, with Fiona Patten as the chair. (See her here and here and here.) 

On the face of it, it seems that the report (on glancing at the title) refers to ‘extremism’ — but that’s not the case. It is about RIGHT-WING extremism (very fashionable at the moment) and the terms of reference are:

“That the Committee inquire into and report, by 31 May 2022*, on the following—
a. the rise of the far-right extremist movements in Victoria in the context of—
i. social isolation and growing economic insecurity;
ii. racist scapegoating;
iii. the role of mainstream and social media;
iv. the distrust of governments and politicians;… etc.

    1. what steps need to be taken in Victoria to counter these far-right extremist groups and their influence,…”

One must remember that Trumps’ 74 million voters are now considered far-right extremists. They are average Americans leaning toward conservatism, family values and small government. You don’t have to align with all their varied values, but these are the drain the swampers crowd. They want an honest government. Yet, the Dems in the US are doing everything to classify these Americans as a danger to democracy when the opposite is true. It is the Dems and the cabal class that have destroyed democracy in the US (along with the tech giants).

But let us continue with the report:

This is what is written in the Introduction

“…throughout this Inquiry, multiple factors were suggested by stakeholders as having the potential to increase a person’s risk of radicalisation or their susceptibility to far-right extremist narratives, including:

    • social isolation
      • racism, Islamophobia, antisemitism, homophobia and misogyny
      • economic insecurity
      distrust of governments, politicians and institutions
      • exposure to misinformation, disinformation and conspiracy theories
      • inadequate support for vulnerable children and young people” 

WOW! Where do I start?

“… multiple factors were suggested …as having the potential to increase a person’s risk of radicalisation.” Social isolation: it was the government that mandated responses to the bioweapon plandemic and created forced social isolation and social dysfunction. Economic insecurity was further exacerbated by the government.

What about distrust of “governments, politicians and institutions” — yes, because they have acted in many instances treasonously. They have failed in so many areas to represent — honestly — the people. All across the western world people have expressed, with justification, their distrust of government and politicians. Are all these people now extremists?

And the gall to mention “exposure to misinformation, disinformation”. The government and its agencies and health officers are the sources of MIS and DISINFORMATION. Consider the censorship imposed on anyone asking questions about the “Covid narrative” over the last few years. The government acted in the most tyrannical way against open discussion.

And “inadequate support for vulnerable children” — please, let me not go there. I and many others have proven over and over that the government and the courts are facilitating a child removal industry on a massive scale. It’s a multi-billion dollar (trafficking) industry.

So, who are the extremists?

Let’s go to chapter 1.4 — (entitled) What is far‑right extremism?

“…‘far-right extremism’ for the purpose of this report refers to people or organisations who:

    • oppose democratic principles and processes 
    • favour authoritarianism
    • favour exclusionary nationalism, which ‘openly advocates against the principle of egalitarianism’and ‘advances a selective, often  ethnically/racially/sexually/religious restrictive view of the citizen’
    • consider violence to be a legitimate way to achieve ideological goals(regardless of whether followers are specifically instructed to engage in violence).

Note: it was the government that deliberately destroyed free speech. For example, doctors in disagreement with the “narrative” have been disbarred and censored on all platforms. It is the government that opposes democratic principles and processes.

Surely, Dictator Dan is a politician high on the authoritarianism scale?

As for the exclusionary principles: it is the government that brought in a two-class society. It is the government that attempted, against all the scientific evidence, to create an inferior class of those unvaccinated persons — those not wanting to participate in the Gates / Pfizer “experiment”. The state government, with Dan at the helm, specifically tried to EXCLUDE these people from society — and they took delight in it.

The last point on “violence”: are you a person that might consider violence legitimate to achieve ideological goals (regardless of whether you’ve been instructed to engage in violence)? What a toxic and ironic definition. It is the Australian government that is supporting the war in Ukraine (and all the other ideological wars). Is this not advocating violence to achieve an ideological goal? And what could the police actions over the last few years be considered? Is violence okay when you rubber-bullet protestors?

This document is a distraction; it is misinformation… it’s a disgrace.

The government is participating into ‘projection’, and gaslighting.

So what is a far-right extremist?

Do I fit the bill?

  • I believe in that the government has been participating in the destruction of families (by the child protection departments and their wokeness);
  • I believe that are trying to isolate and control societies.
  • I have the deepest mistrust of governments, politicians and their institutions because of my personal experience in trying to persuade government and politicians to assist children harmed by the state.
  • I believe the government is the prime source of mis and disinformation and would gladly have a live debate with anyone in government on this matter. And I have proven over and over again the government condones the sexual abuse of children and facilitates in the trafficking of children.

So who are the extremists?

I believe the government and those leading government are the “extremists” — tyrannical in nature. It seems they have sold out to corporates above them.

To continue:

Chapter 3 — Risk factors for far‑right extremism in Victoria

Michael Stanton, Liberty Victoria, Public hearing, Melbourne, 14 June 2022, was quoted in the document ( p. 5):

“What we need to do, in Liberty Victoria’s view, is address the drivers as to why some people are attracted to extremist ideology in the first place, and that involves addressing issues of social isolation, economic insecurity and matters that are preyed upon by those who want to expand their ranks in terms of extremist groups, including far-right extremism. We need to repair and build faith in institutions, government and the media so that people cannot be so easily preyed upon by these actors who are acting with what would appear to be malevolent intent.”

Please note: “We need to repair and build faith in institutions, government and the media”. That’s a laugh, but it is aspirational: repairing the media. I don’t believe that is possible. They are global propagandists — so extreme in their lies that I believe they are unable to report honestly and truthfully. They are not even reporting the actual deaths from the jab.

Of course, there are dangerous elements in Victorian (Australian) society. And there are surely extremists as we know them that want to harm people. These groups may want to plan an attack on random people at an event for example. We are occasionally told of these “radicals”.

But this report is like the pot calling the kettle black. This government participated knowingly or unknowingly in the most despicable acts against humanity. They locked old people up in homes denying them KNOWN therapeutic remedies for the bioweapon. The government went along with the disastrous hospital protocols prescribing and forcing Remdisivir – a drug known to cause renal failure and death.  This was all disguised to “keep you safe” — what could be more extreme?

I’m sure they’ll dig this report up in the future to justify the incarceration of anyone who opposes the government of the day. The truth will get you locked up and dispensed with by a (future?) tyrannical government that is a puppet for a global corporate master.



    • The way the word “radical” is used is even more risible.
      I mean, we’re all either rooted in something or not by virtue of being human
      So the intention is unmistakable irrespective of whether it’s consciously owned as such

      • That was actually supposed to be posted in relation to the “extremism” mantra; not sure how it wound up as a reply to crisscross

      • “we’re all either rooted in something or not by virtue of being human”

        But only those who’re aware of it are a threat?

      • Use of the term “radicalised” denotes that taking root in anything that clashes with any sort of government agenda is naught but an undesirable social contagion; a fair indication that the Users are well out of their reckoning

  1. “Government” is a religion. (Larken Rose)

    This is an excerpt from Larken Rose’s new book, The Most Dangerous Superstition.

    The Religion of “Government” (TMDS pp. 28-32.)

    “Government” is neither a scientific concept nor a rational sociological construct; nor is it a logical, practical method of human organization and cooperation. The belief in “government” is not based on reason; it is based on faith. In truth, the belief in “government” is a religion, made up of a set of dogmatic teachings, irrational doctrines which fly in the face of both evidence and logic, and which are methodically memorized and repeated by the faithful. Like other religions, the gospel of “government” describes a superhuman, supernatural entity, above mere mortals, which issues commandments to the peasantry, for whom unquestioning obedience is a moral imperative. Disobedience to the commandments (“breaking the law”) is viewed as a sin, and the faithful delight in the punishment of the infidels and sinners (“criminals”), while at the same time taking great pride in their own loyalty and humble subservience to their god (as “law-abiding taxpayers”) And while the mortals may humbly beg their lord for favors, and for permission to do certain things, it is considered blasphemous and outrageous for one of the lowly peasants to imagine himself to be fit to decide which of the “government” god’s “laws” he should follow and which it is okay for him to ignore. Their mantra is, “You can work to try to change the law, but as long as it’s the law, we all have to follow it!”

    The main factor distinguishing the belief in “government” from other religions today is that people actually believe in the god called “government.” The other gods people claim to believe in, and the churches they attend, are now, by comparison, little more than empty rituals and half-heartedly parroted superstitions. When it comes to their everyday lives, the god that people actually pray to, to save them from misfortune, to smite their enemies, and to shower them with blessings, is “government.” It is “government” whose commandments the people most often respect and obey. Whenever a conflict arises between “government” and the teachings of the lesser gods — such as “pay your fair share” (taxation) versus “Thou shalt not steal,” or “duty to country” (military service) versus “Thou shalt not murder” — the commands of “government supersede all the teachings of the other religions. Politicians, the high priests of the church of “government” — the mouthpieces and representatives of “government,” who deliver the sacred “law” from on high — even openly declare that it is permissible for the people to practice whatever religion they wish, as long as they do not run afoul of the supreme religion by disobeying “the law” — meaning the dictates of the god called “government.”……


    • All told there are only two religions, one that’s real and another that’s a counterfeit.
      And the latter, by definition, might have the appearance of being able to deliver but it actually doesn’t have the capacity to do so

      • “might have the appearance of being able to deliver”
        but as time marches on less and less so
        small wonder that the respective deceivers are in a spin

  2. A extremist is one who votes against a serving government due to a objection to its policies and wants a government disposed of.
    Over time all voters are extremists as governments are changed.
    Seems that we all belong in camps
    Excepting the small percentage who do not vote or vote for their dog.
    The percentage of the latter group can be 2-3 percent ….. not enough to feed those in the camps with all the past politicians.

    • I quite like and respect Robbie Barwick. Here are some more videos of him in discussion with Daniel Dumbrill

      • Military Supplier’s Think Tank & Supporting Media Network Caught w/Pants Down

      • Military Supplier’s Think Tank & Supporting Media Network Caught w/Pants Down

      • Australian Puppets of American Empire Expose Themselves

      • Reaction Video: 60 Minutes Australia Prepare for Armageddon – War with China

  3. Not bending the knee to the super rich is right wing extremism.

    6,237 views May 17, 2012 “End In Equality” makes the moral case to those in power to do what is within their power to do – end global hunger and poverty. What other problems could we solve if we simply worked together?

    • How China has lifted nearly 800 mln people out of poverty
      Source: Xinhua| 2021-04-06 22:45:59|Editor: huaxia

      — Through continuous efforts, the final 98.99 million impoverished rural residents in China had all been lifted out of poverty, and all 832 impoverished counties and 128,000 villages had been removed from the poverty list by the end of 2020.

      — The strategy of targeted poverty alleviation is China’s strongest “weapon” in its final battle against poverty, and a major innovation in the theory and practice of poverty reduction.

      — China’s success in poverty alleviation has proven that the problem of poverty, in essence, is how the people should be treated: the people-centered philosophy is the fundamental driving force behind this cause.


  4. Why hasn’t anyone here mentioned the Strong City network? Victoria is signed up as a Strong City (VIC being the only AUS city to sign up), whose purpose is to:

    ‘The Strong Cities Network (SCN) launched in 2015 at the UN General Assembly to mount a city-led response against hate, polarisation and extremism in all its forms.’

    So it’s the UN stamping out extremism in VIC and our govt is paying for it with taxpayer money. Australians are paying wages of UN bodies in AUS, non-govt.

    The definition of extremism, I expect, is any voice/behaviour that goes against the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

  5. Right or Left or non alphabetical

    Biden offers dating advice to underage girl (VIDEO)

    The US president offered dating advice to the visibly uncomfortable girl, after apparently sniffing her hair

    US President Joe Biden was recorded apparently sniffing a young girl’s hair on Friday, before telling her “no serious guys until you’re 30.” The president has a long history of inappropriate comments to children.

    Posing for photographs after a speech at a California community college, Biden placed his hands on the shoulders of a teenage girl and appeared to inhale deeply. He then offered the girl “a very important thing I’ve told my daughters and granddaughters, no serious guys until you’re 30.”

    “OK… I’ll keep that in mind,” the girl replied, as Biden repeated himself. A video of the conversation was posted on Twitter by reporter Kalen D’Almeida.


  6. I was just on a webpage that had videos of various marches in European cities. The people where chanting about food and heat. – What the Hell? Where have they been?

    Why didn’t put in a greenhouse/garden, why didn’t they purchase a wood stove, why didn’t they put away some emergency food? – What? Do they really think marching down the streets chanting slogans is going to feed them and keep them warm?

    Here in the Southern Hemisphere we have another summer before the stuff hits the fan. I wonder how many of the Ozzie population will join the Europeans and beg for survival. – Stupid is as stupid does.

  7. “I believe the government is the prime source of mis and disinformation and would gladly have a live debate with anyone in government on this matter.” — DM

    Is that a live debate, as in both sides being not dead, Dee? I’m trying to picture you debating Dan. And by the way, where is the guy you reported to St Kilda po?

  8. Dear Gumshoers, I want to offer an article for Halloween, which is, ecclesistically speaking, The Eve of All Hallows,
    November 1 being All Saints Day. This will consist of a list of saints, being those persons who got bumped off for whistleblowing or investigating govt crime, or for just being a good guy.

    So I ask for suggestions of names. I’d like you to provide the name, the year of birth and death, the type of death (including “unknown”), their occuption, and the thing they did to deserve it.

    Example: John F Kennedy (1917-1963), president of US, shot on the street, had threatened to sack the CIA.

    Please don’t include someone who was merely injured — to be “hallowed’ you have to be currently dwelling in the firmament.

    I’d prefer you sent your item to me or Dee, but if you don’t want either of us to know who you are, or you can’t afford the electronic postage stamp, just put it here in comments. ASAP. Thanks a mil.


    • “HALLOWEEN is not what you think” – but perhaps “Halloween confirms an unwillingness to think ” would be more to the point:

    • ‘Halloween and its roots in witchcraft and Druidic paganism are undeniable. When we examine the history of Halloween, one thing we find out very quickly is that it is based on the ancient pagan religion of the Celtics in Northern Ireland and their celebration of the festival of the dead, known as Samhain. In Northern Ireland, a class of ruthless priests known as the Druids ruled Northern Ireland through occult terror and human sacrifice for centuries.”

    • “Biblically, the saints who have passed on before us are alive with Christ. As the apostle Paul wrote, “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain” (Philippians 1:21). However, there is no biblical command to pray to saints in heaven or ask them to pray for us. Instead, Christians are commanded to pray to “Our Father in heaven” (Matthew 6:9). Believers pray in the name of Jesus (John 14:13-14) by the power of the Holy Spirit.

      Hebrews 4:14-16 teaches Jesus is our intercessor and high priest: “Since then we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”

      We draw near to God in prayer directed to Him, not through the saints in heaven. First Timothy 2:5 adds, “For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.”

      Because of the unbiblical nature of praying to saints on All Saints’ Day, many of the Protestant Churches that recognize this day define it as a day to remember the saints, excluding prayer to saints from the celebration. They may focus on Hebrews 11, which reflects on past saints. They may also use Hebrews 12:1-2, which says, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith.”

      “ RUN WITH ENDURANCE THE RACE THAT IS SET BEFORE US” – There’s nothing about deifying the dead or wreaking vengeance on anyone

  9. Left or right, blue or red, conservative or whatever. All extreme political ideologies. They all lead to > less than. They are all profane, and I condemn them all.
    Don’t point your finger, or wring your hands because I can see your malfeasance.
    Extreme situations by your call, only bring a moderate response, galls you and so makes me laugh at your pathetic presence.

    Jokes on me, “leaders”, just needs a punch-line for balance.

  10. Once upon a time in Sydney, 45 years ago, skilled workers made $500 a week and houses were 60 to 100k.
    These days, wages have doubled, yet one million $ mortgage is one thousand dollars net per week for fifty years!
    The only extremists here are the banksters, sucking the youth of this nation dry.

    • Check out this talk by Jeff J Brown from around 8:00 to 8:40 where he talks about the Chinese having had their incomes doubled every ten years.

      • China’s 20th Communist Party Congress is slandered and slanted in the West’s Big Lie Propaganda Machine. Here’s the real dope.


      What Jeff has yet to fully appreciate is that this concept of four (or five) year planning was perfected by Adolf Hitler in Germany in the 1930s, and China is following this National Socialist model.

      “… the German Volk is today perhaps the poorest of all people in the world in matters of gold. We have no gold. But what we have is living manpower.”


      In regard to material values, I do believe that they indeed have a very fine instinct for this. But we also have it. There is, however, a difference: we will make sure, under all circumstances, that the material values of Europe will in the future benefit the European people instead of an extra-continental, small, international clique of financiers. That is our unshakable and merciless decision.

      The people of Europe are not fighting [alongside Germany against Bolshevism and Marxist capitalism] so that, afterwards, a couple of folk can again come along with their “fine instincts,” pillage mankind, and leave behind millions of unemployed, only so that they can fill their safes.

      We had a good reason why we distanced ourselves from the gold standard.


      “I do believe that many people are happy when they have their own piece of soil that they can work, and when they do not have to labor and struggle so hard, as they have to right now because of the overpopulation of this continent. Above all, they will be happy when they and their people receive a salary for this labor, and it does not lie in some safe or, for all I care, in some bank in London or New York. I therefore believe that the end of this war will also bring about the end of this reign of gold and the end of the whole society that is to be blamed for this war.

      • Adolf Hitler – speech in the Löwenbräukeller – Munich, November 8, 1942

      Well we know how it turned out because of the power of the Big Lie propaganda by the warmongers and profiteers, with Churchill using Australians, New Zealanders and Canadians as cannon fodder.

      And from the same speech …

      “Since 1939 [when Churchill declared WWII open] , I have never been on the verge of tears. Before that, however, I had been very sad since I had done everything to avoid war. Sven Hedin has recently published a book in which he quotes verbatim my offer to the Poles, which was transmitted to the English at the time. I am grateful to him for this.

      I felt a chill reading this offer again. I can only thank Providence that it caused everything to come out differently. I am grateful especially because of what I have learned since. Because had this offer been accepted at the time, then, although Danzig would still be German, everything else would have stayed the way it was. We would then have dedicated ourselves to our social works; we would have worked, beautified our cities, built apartments and streets, set up schools.

      Churchill was merely a front man of course – which is why he is so admired by Boris Johnson and why they are (rightly) comparing him with Zelensky.

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