Home Health A Painless Cure for Cancer

A Painless Cure for Cancer


A post by Mary W Maxwell, PhD, LLB

In 2013, Trine Day Press published my book “Consider the Lilies: A Review of 18 Cures for Cancer and Their Legal Status.” The first of the 18 curers I listed was Virginia Livingston, MD (1906-1990). I hadn’t realized that her cure is still available until I read, last week, the 2014 book by Edmond Addeo, “The Woman Who Cured Cancer.” It costs $1,000 USD to buy the goods from a chemist in America, plus your doctor has to administer it.

Dr Virginia (as Addeo calls her) consistently found a specific microbe in all cancer tissue. She could see from the way it stained under the microscope that it was like the mycobacteria that cause TB and leprosy. At the 1969 meeting of the New York Academy of Sciences, she gave it the name Progenitor cryptocides, placing it in the order Actinomycetales. It has never been disproved.

I am wary of all testimonials, but during her lifetime Livingston published 62 cases and invited all medical professionals to inspect her work. (They never did.) The following is a typical case, printed in Addeo’s 2014 book:

“A 52-year-old female came to the clinic on 1981 with a history of cancer of the left breast and metastatic cancer of the lung. She had had a radical mastectomy and radiation for recurrent disease, confirmed by pathology…. Her diagnosis was labeled ‘advanced terminal’…. She responded well to immunotherapy. A chest examination in January 1983 indicated she was stabilized with no advancing lesions, and when we called her she had returned to work.” (So much for ‘terminal’!)

Livingston’s cure consists of both a nutritional program and a way of immunizing the person against P. cryptocides. The doctor withdraws a sample of the tumor, or can use the blood or urine of the patient. He sends it to a lab, which cultures the bacillus that is invariably found in it. This is then put back into the patient.  This is known as making an autogenous vaccine.

Eugene Doyen (1859-1916) had made a similar claim in France (see below). In Germany, Franz Gerlach had been able to give cancer to mice by injecting them with the microbes from human cancers. In 1948 he published “Krebs und obligater Pilzparastismus,” defending the notion of mycoplasmas in cancer. I think Gerlach may have been Virginia Livingston’s inspiration for the autogenous vaccine.

 (Note: Her patent #4, 692, 412 (expiry date 2006), was shared by her spouse and with Eleanor Alexander-Jackson.  I found it at uspto.gov and quoted it in my 2013 book. It’s now missing from that website, but you can still procure it on Google.)

 As Edmond Addeo points out in his new book, this is not like an ordinary vaccine. There is no known way to immunize against P. cryptocides in general. Rather, one gets immunized against one’s own unique microbes. I’m afraid I cannot explain why that is so.

Livingston became a target of ridicule and harassment. (This is practically diagnostic of the fact that a real cure has been found, IMHO. If a doctor were simply a flunkie, the American Cancer Society wouldn’t bother to mount a campaign of lies and suppression of the research, right?)  See the book “Four Women against Cancer,” by Alan Cantwell, MD, which shows how the ACS and AMA clobbered not only Virginia but three of her scientific supporters. The ACS really does not pass the giggle test.

By the way, Livingston held that P. cryptocides was always present in all humans. It lies dormant until needed for cell repair.  She noted that it is found in sperm, and is therefore ‘life-giving.’ She also discovered that this very microorganism secretes the hormone HCG, human choriogonadotropin. How amazing is that? The presence of HCG in the blood is often used as a marker for cancer (as well as being the thing that a Pregnancy Test tests for).


Now to the nutritional aspect. Livingston believed that in many cases she could even dispense with the vaccine. A person can cure his cancer by strengthening his own immune system; for this he needs proper food and to get away from bad foods. A normal immune system constantly patrols the body for cancer. Last week you probably had a little bit of cancer and didn’t know it, as you defeated it successfully. Happens all the time.

By the way, Dr Virginia sometimes used the anti-tuberculosis vaccine BCG (bacilli Calmette-Guerin) to fight cancer. Recall that her microbe, P. cryptocides, is akin to the TB bacillus. It also changes its shape (i.e., it is ‘pleomorphic’) and may be like a virus or fungus. For a superb wrap-up of the arguments, see Milton Wainwright’s 1999 “Nanobacteria in Human Disease.”

As mentioned above, a pharmacist who worked with Livingston is still making the vaccine. He is John Majnarich, telephone 1-425-869-4224. See him at bioresearch.com.

I want to emphasize that it is not for me to judge the value of any medicine. I lack the credentials. But I’m not stupid, and neither are you. We can see where a cure is being suppressed. Below is an article that quotes The Lancet of 1904.  My research has persuaded me that the medical journals started to hide the truth about various successful cancer cures around 1910 and definitely by 1926.  Be that as it may, we can now re-open those closed doors. Yipee!

In fact, Johns Hopkins University’s Sol Goldman Center is currently taking volunteers for a trial of autogenous vaccine for pancreatic cancer and some other cancers. Their website says: “The vaccination causes an immune response that targets the pancreatic cancer. We can think of this as a battle between the immune system and the pancreatic cancer.”

As my sister would say, “What goes around comes around.”

Here is that revealing 1904 article. Thank you, New Zealand!


December 29, 1904 (in a New Zealand newspaper)

Dr. Doyen’s claim that he has discovered a cure for cancer has (says a writer in the Melbourne “Age”) been know to surgeons and physicians for some time, but, though hopeful, they are inclined to wait for absolute proof before accepting it. Dr. Doyen has in the past been given somewhat to unprofessional display. Some time ago he travelled France on a lecturing tour, during which he portrayed himself by means of cinematograph, conducting various surgical operations….

A medical campaign began against M. Doyen, turning on the subject of using a serum which might be looked upon as a secret remedy, and which has been imprudently represented by him as certain cure for cancer. M. Doyen replied that there was not the least secrecy, for the manner of preparing it was made known by him at the Congress of Medicine held at Madrid in 1903. He added that it world be unjust to show more severity to him than to Pasteur, to Richer, to Chantemesse, and to all other discoverers of serums whose results had been accepted without the distrust manifested in his case.

To give an instance, the composition of the anti-typhoid serum of M. Chantemesse was still undisclosed, and that surgeon intended not to make it known until the thousandth case had been reached….

The claims of M. Doyen were then brought officially before the French Faculty of Medicine. In an article on the subject, the “Lancet,” of October 29th, says: “The discussion on the treatment of cancer was held on Tuesday morning. When M. Doyen appeared all his friends received him with prolonged cheering, which was, however, accompanied with some hissing. He then read his paper very quietly, explaining again the mode of preparing his serum, and giving the statistics, which for a period of four years unfortunately included a very large number of deaths, but also included forty-two entirely favorable cases….

In bringing his paper to a close he said that the method deserved a trial, and invited all the surgeons to come and to see the results in his clinic. M. Reynes, of Marseilles, and M. Folet, of Lille, asked for the appointment of a commission to verify the results which had been claimed by M. Doyen, and which seemed to them to be problematical. M. Poirier delivered a speech, in which he declared that the clinical and anatomical portion of M. Doyen’s communication contained nothing which was not already known, and that the micrococcus neoformans had not up to the present time been seen by anybody except M. Doyen himself”….

The “Lancet” continues: “Subsequently a commission, including M. Metchnikoff, visited M. Doyen’s clinic. In their presence M. Doyen removed two tumors of the breast, at the same time taking from the tumors and from the glands several fragments of cancerous tissue. Each of the fragments was placed as propagation material in a tube of culture bouillon. M. Metchnikoff caused a tube of plain bouillon to be added to these tubes as a control experiment, and the tubes were divided into two sets, one of which was conveyed by M. Metchnikoff to the Pasteur Institute, to be observed by himself, whilst the other one was sealed in the presence of the commission and left in M. Doyen’s incubator.”

Retrieved from: http://paperspast.natlib.govt.nz/cgi-bin/paperspast?a=d&d=CHP19041229.2.16



Mary W Maxwell, PhD, LLB, lives in Adelaide. For a free download of her book, “Consider the Lilies: A Review of 18 Cures for Cancer and Their Legal Status,” go to marywmaxwell.com, or buy it cheap from booksellers.



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