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A Time To Die — Obituary of Elias Davidsson, Scholarly Critic of False Terrorism

(L) Instructions for playing Elias Davidsson’s “Yiddish Wedding” (C) Elias Davidsson at Diplomatic Enclave interview (R) Child playing Davidsson’s Christmas Bells. All photos from YouTube

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB

Let us celebrate a man, a good man, a good man hell-bent on justice and human rights: Elias Davidsson.

I was very sorry to learn, from his son, that he died last week on April 7, 2022, in his town near Koln, Germany. But we mustn’t let him go!  His life’s work, for the last 20 years or more, adds up to a great contribution to society.

There are well-known facts of his biography, which I will state briefly below, and familiar items in his bibliography. But, to make this obituary personal, I will say what I knew of Elias personally. And then I will suggest that someone start a university course on “Elias Davidsson,” as one would hold a course on, say, Ludwig Beethoven, or Abraham Lincoln. We need to grab ahold of his mission.

Finally, and with permission of GumshoeNews editor Dee McLachlan, I will stretch out some articles about Elias’s work that have appeared in the last eight years at Gumshoe. We could just provide the links, but how long will electronic reality survive?  It may help the tutors of the future course on Beethoven, oops I mean Davidsson, to have those passages at hand.

Brief Bio

Elias was born in Jerusalem in 1941. His parents had escaped Germany in the 1930s when threatened by the voluminous anti-Jewish legislation. There was not yet an Israel; Palestine was under a mandate of Britain as part of the Versailles treaty of 1919. Hence, Elias grew up living among both Muslims and Jews and thought that was a perfectly calm arrangement.

I do not know at what age he “returned” to Germany, but whilst there he worked for IBM for about 20 years. Then he got into music. He moved to Iceland (population today still only 330,000) and was both a composer and a piano teacher. And also church organist.

The odd spelling of the name Davidsson (his “maiden” name was Kahn) came about because Iceland required him to icelandicize his name. He later had a very happy marriage to a lady from Poland and they have one son, David.

As far as I know, Elias was in good health — we had a regular correspondence. His death was reportedly due to difficulty breathing and it was chalked up to Covid. I can assure you that Elias was furious over the dishonesty of the pandemic and especially discouraged about the way children in Germany were absorbing “the new normal.”

Brief Bibliography

Whilst Elias has some books and videos about music, here we will concentrate only on his political publications. His books in English include Hijacking America’s Mind on 9-11; The Betrayal of India; and America’s Betrayal Confirmed.

Whilst most of us who write about “that stuff” do not expect to be rewarded — rather the opposite — Elias did receive much thanks and praise for his book The Betrayal of India, which concerned the bombings of hotel in Mumbai. Of course it is the people of India who should be thanking him, but it is the Pakistanis who feted him with a few days of celebration in Islamabad, and much congratulations came from Lord Ahmed of the British House of Lords. (Elias proved that it was not Pakistan that did the bombings at Mumbai.)

Another part of his “bibliography” is his website juscogens.org. But its content was not mainly from the pen of Davidsson. It contained (and I hope someone will keep it going) selected essays from many authors on any international injustice. Remarkably it was published in the four languages in which Elias had true proficiency: English, German, French, and Icelandic.

My Personal Knowledge of Elias Davidsson

In the early Oughts, both I and Elias were frequent commenters at a list-serve (which would nowadays be called a chat group?) at the website of the American Society of International Law — ASIL. I was not yet a card-carrying dissident, and there was nothing at ASIL about 9-11, and probably still isn’t.

The conversation was about international law. Other commenters at the ASIL list-serve were Anthony d’Amato (famous for his line “It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s jus cogens”) and Charlie Gittings, the indomitable advocate for the Geneva Conventions. (I think Charlie’s death at age 56 was due to you-know-what, as he always stated the law of war so clearly and “We can’t have that.” His work is at pegc.org)

So, years later, when I saw Elias’ name somewhere, I was able to appreciate his views. In 2014, I wrote to him asking if he would answer some written questions, as an interview, which I emailed to him. Minutes later (I really mean minutes later) the item came flying back to me.  I thought it was a rude refusal.  Luckily, I looked at it more closely later and saw that he had entered concise answers under each of my questions.

I would not give Elias high marks for politeness. Pleasing people was not his game. Getting the truth — accurately — was his goal. I often told him he was a top candidate for the Fusspot award. After I read his book Hijacking America’ Mind on 9-11, which is largely  about the phone calls made by persons on the 9-11 planes, such as Barbara Olsen, I told Elias he should have made it easier to read.

“No way, Jose” — or words to that effect — was his reply.

Elias wrote the Foreword to my book Inquest, about the phony 2014 hostage-taking at the Lindt Cafe in Sydney. He stated that he “joined the author” in standing up to the Australian government. But when I asked him for a blurb for my Boston Marathon book, he wouldn’t give me one, as I had failed to prove that Jahar Tsarnaev did not do the bombing.

This is true, as I readily admit in the book. I can firmly show that brother Tamerlan was not at the locale of the police shootout — and that he was in fact murdered in custody, but I have no such proof of Jahar’s innocence.  I did explain to Elias that an American is not required to prove his innocence — Jahar need only show that the evidence presented against him by the prosecution is Crock City.

One additional note about our interactions. After Elias wrote an Open Letter to German Chancellor Angela Merkel, I asked him to provide me with the German translation.  He said that he had no intention of writing it in German or of sending it to Merkel, and that in the content of it (asking Merkel to re-think) he was just imitating me!

Did Elias Support His Fellow Jews?

Name one other person of whom it can be said “X is a proud German, a proud Jew, and a defender of all persecuted groups, especially Muslims.” Herr Davidsson was all three. This is not to say he supported the government of Israel. And Zionism was not his cup of tea. But he was alert to the blaming of persons based on their Jewish identity.

Example: he chided me for my recent article asking for the arrest of Larry Silverstein, whom Elias thought may have been set up to take the heat. I explained that I had other dirt on Larry, dating back to the 1960s, so Elias more or less said “Well, OK.” Now, because of Elias’ death I will not get a chance to show him my recent Gumshoe article entitled “Jews, ‘the Jews,’ Judaism, etc.” I simply don’t know if he would have approved.

Gosh, he will be missed by his many friends.

The “University Course” on Elias Davidsson

Perhaps there is a philosophy department somewhere in the world that would take up the subject of “finding the truth in a world of official propaganda.” In my opinion, Elias’s central contribution was his detailed investigation of claims made by officials about various terrorist attacks. Recall his fusspot nature — he applied it both to official liars and to sloppy dissidents.

I am not aware of all his in-depth studies. In regard to an alleged truck rampage that caused destruction at a Christmas outdoor mart in Berlin, Elias wrote, in the German language only, a very skeptical account. The name of the book is The Yellow Bus. (Reviewed by Felicity Hingston in a Gumshoe article.)

Davidsson’s efforts to disprove the lies of 9-11 consisted first in his book about the phone calls from the planes, and subsequently in his book America’s Betrayal Confirmed, where he challenges any of the loose end, such as Mohammed Atta’s apparent double identity. He is also named in the preface to one of David Ray Griffin’s books as a contributor of ideas on the subject of 911.

Undoubtedly his masterwork is the 800-page investigation of the Mumbai hotel bombings, entitled The Betrayal of India.  Elias was able to tear the official story apart by using mostly opensource material. He spent years on it, getting it right. In reviewing the book at Gumshoe, Adeela Naureen wrote:

“Elias Davidsson has rebutted the Indian narrative and proved with authenticity that Indian version was totally concocted, based on deceit and outright lies, and that it was promulgated through a well thought out disinformation campaign ensconced in hyperbole.”

Yet Elias was about to outdo that achievement – I suspect — with his work on the Bataclan episode in France. I recently asked him to confer with me about something, and he replied that no hour of the day could be spent on anything but finishing his French work.  Officially, 130 concert-goers died at the Bataclan in Paris in 2015, and “ISIS claimed responsibility.”

Yeah, right.

I do not rule out that his findings were hot stuff and cost him his life. (Note: that is pure speculation and so would not earn his approval. On the other hand, if Elias saw the end coming and imagined it to be “them,” he’d want someone to say so.) I don’t know.  Maybe God took him in the usual way. He was 81.

— End of Obituary

The foregoing celebration of Elias’s life is 1700 words long. I now supplement it, for posterity, with links to eight articles that Elias Davidsson wrote for Gumshoe (including a short quote from each), and the full text of two articles I wrote about him, plus his letter to Merkel.

Links to Elias’ Own Writings at Gumshoe

July 17, 2020: The Day after 9-11, UNSC Passes Resolution 1368, Starts Pillar Four

“Note that the Council did not ‘authorize’ the United States to use military force, as it had done in the case of the invasion and occupation of Kuwait by Iraq in 1990,[1] but chose an indirect format to convey to the United States the message that the Council would look the other way and ask no questions, if the United States would use military force against foreign states in response to 9/11.

“That is precisely what happened: The U.S. bombing campaign against Afghanistan and the subsequent occupation of that country was not condemned by any member of the Security Council, although it was a violation of customary international law – as established on the basis of the so-called Caroline case.”

October 18, 2020: Eichmann’s Defense at Trial Will Be Used by the Lockdown Criminals?

[Quoting p 127 of Hannah Arendt’s Eichmann in Jerusalem] “The sinister Dr. Otto Bradfisch, former member of one of the Einsatzgruppen, who presided over the killing of at least fifteen thousand people, told a German court that he had always been ‘inwardly opposed’ to what he was doing.” Davidsson: “We will probably hear such voices in the future by all the collaborators of the existing dictatorship.”

December 25, 2016: Review of Bruce Hoffman’s “Inside Terrorism”

“I do not intend to provide a review of all the author’s scholarly sins, as this would require a volume exceeding in size the very book in review. I will limit myself to point to a few elements that demonstrate (a) the deceptive nature of the book; and (b) its utter lack of scholarly value.”

January 24, 2017: Commonalities among Various Terrorist Operations [the Foreword to Maxwell’s Inquest: Siege in Sydney]

“The Sydney siege appears to me, therefore, as a contribution by the Australian government to the aforementioned global strategy, namely the maintenance of the fiction of a global Islamic terrorist threat…. [Maxwell’s] strong conviction is manifested by her courage to openly accuse her government for this criminal operation. I find her accusations justified and join myself to her accusations.”

February 20, 2014: Hijacking America’s Mind (Interview)

Maxwell: I would say that the most vivid section of your book is the portrait of “life on Mars” – I mean the stark emptiness of the ground at Shanksville, Pennsylvania, where the “Let’s Roll” plane is said to have crashed. To any onlooker except the willfully blind, that scene has no plane wreckage in it whatsoever.

Davidsson: … it is undeniable that many observers were amazed at the sight, but only a few dared to question what they saw (or did not see). I find it particularly revealing that the FBI did not allow any documentation of the alleged recovery of the plane from the pit and claimed after merely 12 days to have recuperated 95% of the plane.

June 14, 2020: Homo Caninus: A New Species Being Planned for Permanent Enslavement

“In the shadow of the Corona crisis, a global digital dictatorship is being established. But is this dictatorship sustainable?  Will people not one day rebel against it? How could the dictators ensure the permanent enslavement of the majority of humanity?

“By Homo caninus I do not mean a variant of Homo sapiens on four legs, or with a dog’s muzzle. This is no satire. Homo caninus won’t have an outwardly different appearance from today’s human, but will differ in his genetic set-up by possessing the desirable characteristics of a dog — loyalty, obedience, and an uncomplaining nature.”

April 19, 2019: Jews Are Eager To Incriminate Themselves in the Mass Murder of 9-11 (Satire)

“Dr. Dov Zakheim, who is reportedly an ordained rabbi … accepted in May 2001 Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld’s invitation to become the Comptroller and Chief Financial Officer of the Department of Defense. Four months after Zakheim was hired and one day before 9/11, Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld announced that $2.3 trillion of Pentagon funds could not be accounted for.

“The story of the unaccounted trillions vanished from mainstream media but thrives, due to the efforts of Bollyn and his friends, as further evidence of Jewish malfeasance. These valiant combatants for the truth still owe us an explanation, namely how bookkeeping tricks in the Pentagon could have facilitated 9/11.”

September 17, 2019: Are Israeli Leaders Indictable for War Crimes?

“In the 1967 war between Israel and Jordan, Yitzhak Rabin was Chief of Staff of the Israeli Defence Forces. In this short war some 5,000 inhabitants from three villages in the Latrun triangle between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem (Emwas, Beit Nuba and Yalou) were expelled by the Israeli army and their villages totally destroyed.

“An Israeli soldier, Amos Kenan, who took part in the expulsions, described these acts in a report sent to all Israeli Members of Parliament. According to press reports, including one in Jerusalem Post of 24 October 1991, Mr. Yitzhak Rabin admitted in Canadian TV having given the order to destroy the villages.”

Maxwell’s Articles at GumshoeNews about Elias Davidson

And now here are two full articles about Elias Davidsson — one about Bataclan and one about his award ceremony in Islamabad. Plus his Open Letter to Angele Merkel. You may take possession of all of them.

Elias Davidsson’s Questions Regarding the Paris Attacks of 13 November 2015

December 16, 2015

by Mary W Maxwell

Yesterday was the first anniversary of Australia’s “hostage incident” at the Lindt Café in Martin Place, Sydney. Few people have raised questions about it, such as: Why did the government wait 17 hours before taking action? or How was it that ricocheting bullets from police gunfire ended the life of Katrina Dawson?

When the Bataclan incident occurred in Paris a month ago, human rights scholar Elias Davidsson came up with sensible questions, straightaway.  He posted them on November 15, 2015 at his website, juscogens.org.

Here are the questions Davidsson has raised:

  1. The Bataclan attackers came by car they left outside. What became of that car?
  2. When did police and special forces arrive to the Bataclan?
  3. Why did it take more than two hours to assault the attackers at the Bataclan?
  4. What did the police do in these two hours?
  5. How many forces participated in the assault on the attackers?
  6. How long did it take to overcome the attackers?
  7. Did any independent person witness the police’s assault?
  8. Why did they insist that three attackers blew themselves up and one was shot dead, if the next day this figure has changed?
  9. What was the role of the woman seen with the attackers? Who is she?
  10. Who witnessed the circumstances in which the attackers of the Bataclan died?
  11. Why has the situation at the Bataclan been described as “hostage taking”?
  12. Why did the attackers fail to kill their “hostages”?
  13. Did the attackers speak French without accent, as claimed by witnesses?
  14. Who from the police negotiated with the attackers, as mentioned by witnesses, and about what was negotiated?
  15. Did anyone really blow himself up outside the Stadium? Are there any independent witnesses?
  16. Who issued bomb threats earlier in the day?
  17. Were some of the attackers 15-18 years old, as estimated by the Institut médico-légal?
  18. Who was shooting from the window of the Bataclan on the outside, as experienced by Le Monde journalist Daniel Psenny and witness Carole Massemba, and why?
  19. Who left a car related to the attack in Montreuil?
  20. Why were weapons left the car in Montreuil?
  21. Will the police release the CCTVs from the attacks, that it is currently examining?
  22. Did the alleged attackers shoot at the police in Bataclan in self-defense?
  23. From where did the attackers obtain weapons, explosives and cars?
  24. How could the police immediately identify the type of explosives used?
  25. What did the Procureur de Paris mean when he said that five terrorists had been ”neutralized”? Were they killed?
  26. What was the origin of the IS communiqués?
  27. From where were they sent?
  28. How is it possible to authenticate these communiqués?
  29. What is the telephone number and email address of the Islamic State’s government (It is assumed that a government ruling over a huge territory has a fixed location, uses telephones and has access to internet)?
  30. How was President Holland able to announce a state of emergency, the closure of borders and designate the attacks as an “act of war” before consulting his government and before the attacks had ended?

Elias Davidsson’s website is a website that will engage your brain in a most pleasing way. It is unique in carrying articles published jointly in English, French, German, and Icelandic.

Davidsson named it “juscogens.org” after the term in international law that means a peremptory norm. According to The Legal Information Institute at Cornell University, the term jus cogens (from Latin: compelling law) “refers to certain fundamental, overriding principles of international law, from which no derogation is ever permitted.”

Note: Gumshoe published my interview with Elias Davidsson concerning his meticulously documented book “Hijacking America’s Mind on 9-11: Counterfeiting Evidence.” That Gumshoe article starts with the sentence:  “Since the trial of Zacarias Moussaoui, it has been officially known that Todd Beamer’s cell phone made many calls AFTER the crash.”

Is that enough to hook you in?

Elias Davidsson Knocks ’em Dead in Islamabad

May 4, 2019

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB

Gumshoe is a good student of false flag attacks and scripted terrorism. Three books have already come out of Gumshoe on this – one on the 1996 massacre at Port Arthur, one on the 2013 bombing of the Boston Marathon, and one on the 2014 Sydney “siege.” But no one on our staff has the capability to handle India.

For many years, Elias Davidsson of Germany studied the 2008 attacks, purportedly done by Pakistan, on big hotels in Mumbai, India. He never went to either of those countries; he was able to do all his research from publically available sources, mostly on computer.

Luckily he is fluent in English. His book, The Betrayal of India, is written in English, whilst his latest book on 9-11 is in German. The book about India is over 800 pages. He has concluded that the attack, on Indian soil, was done by a collusion between India and the United States. He also thinks Israel was involved but does not have the proof.

I will review here a speech he gave in Islamabad in April, 2019. First I want to explain the title of this article – “Elias knocks ’em dead.” I really mean his speech knocked me dead, but I am guessing that it had the same effect on his listeners. This is because at the end he pulled a rabbit out of a hat.

The Rabbit

During a one-hour speech, Elias gave overwhelming factual evidence, from the record, that the Mumbai attacks were not done by Pakistan. His audience was composed of Pakistanis at a conference in that nation’s capital city, Islamabad.

You might think his message to them was “Rise up and condemn India.”  No way.  He said – and here comes the rabbit – “You should rise up and help India.”

(I should note here that until 1947 the Pakistani people lived in India, they were citizens of India. As followers of Islam they were a religious minority in that country. They broke away via a “partition” during which millions of people were killed.)

Davidsson advised them to go to the Indian people and say “We can help you throw off the injustice pressed upon you by your own government.”  He also said (having in mind his 800-page book) “You have a great weapon – truth.”

Frankly, I hope he gets up the moxie to tell the American people that he can help them against their own government, by using the truth about 9-11. Don’t forget he is the author of “Hijacking America’s Mind on 9-11,” which analyzes the phone calls from the planes and that odd hole in the ground at Shanksville.

Pakistan Is Not the Real Focus

Elias Davidsson may have disappointed some of the listeners when he said he did not think the main reason for India to do the false-flag of Mumbai (pinning the flag on Pakistan) was to stir up a fight with Pakistan or to besmirch its people.

He found that India (and/or its allies) had much more compelling motives to do the dirty deed. The first two are: to increase the militarization of police, and to kick-start the security industry. He says within a week of the attacks all hotels and restaurants were ordering cameras and hiring security guards. (Worldwide, the security business takes in $400 billion.)

Although I won’t rehash the details here, Elias says that two groups had unexpected interest in the Mumbai attacks: the White House and the New York Police Department.

Pointing out that the US did not do any analysis of the London 2005 attacks, he says the White House immediately set up a crisis task force re Mumbai. (Hello? Was there a threat of Pakistan bombing Chicago?)

As for the NYPD, it was keen to study the mechanics of the event, and the FBI was in there too, onsite.

The Big Brotherization of India

As said above, the thrust of the new idea of “international relations” is that Pakistan can help India.  It can give that country THE TRUTH which will allow Indians to see what is happening.

The worst that is happening – I have seen it happen in America and Australia – is the beefing up of Big Brother. This has to do, Elias says, both with increased surveillance and with control of the media. He points out how the media was told how to cover the Mumbai attacks.

A big surprise to Elias himself came when he discovered a document in which the biggest business group in India gave “marching orders” to the government as to how it should proceed on these matters.  It was not phrased as a request, he says, or even as a recommendation. It was a marching order.

Think again of the title of Davissson’s book – “The Betrayal of India.” Betrayal in what sense?  How about betrayal of their fellow Indians by Indian business persons. How about the treasonous aspects of Indian military people giving the open-door treatment to American snipers, bomb throwers, or whatever.

The video below is a delight to watch for the workings of the mind of a careful scholar. (And you might need to get out the Kleenex when he spiels about the power of Truth.)

Elias, who is a devout Jew, goes berserk when he sees Muslims mistreated – especially as by the courts of the United States.   I think all Pakistanis, as well as all Palestinian Muslims, can safely call him Brother Elias.

And now the Hindu and Christian population of India are welcome to call him Brother, too!

Merkel: A Time To Heal? Open Letter from Elias Davidsson

October 20, 2018

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau paid their respects at the site of the Berlin terror attack German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau paid their respects at the site of the Berlin terror attack

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau paid their respects at the site of the Berlin terror attack (Photo by H. Hanschle)

Open Letter to Mrs. Chancellor Angela Merkel from German Citizen Elias Davidsson

Dear Chancellor Merkel,

I am writing to you regarding the fake terrorist attack that took place at a Christmas market in Berlin on 19 December 2016.

As we both know, you were forced by dark forces that reside outside Germany to authorize and cover up this act of public deception. I guess that this decision was hard on you.

The facts of this particular case are meanwhile seeping into public awareness. More and more citizens suspect that the official account on the Berlin attacks are contrived and that your government is covering up the facts. Such suspicions do not only undermine your credibility and that of your government, but also of the civilian institutions who participated in this act of deception, including the medical profession, firefighters, emergency workers and the police. When such institutions cannot anymore be trusted, the very rule of law is under threat. I doubt that this is your intention.

I therefore call upon you, Mrs. Merkel, to publicly acknowledge the dilemma you had to face before authorizing the above operation, reveal the identities of those who railroaded you to this decision and the nature of the pressure they used on you. By acknowledging these facts you can redeem the loss of confidence that you have experienced in recent months and place yourself at the service of the people who voted for you. Acknowledging these facts will make it harder on your enemies, internal and external, to harm you.

I wish to use this opportunity to draw your attention to the case of my friend Mounir el Motassadeq, a Moroccan national who has spent more than 10 years in a German prison, innocent of any crime. Mr. el Motassadeq was unjustly convicted by a Hamburg court and sentenced to 15 years imprisonment because of Germany’s subservience to the United States. This conviction tars the reputation of Germany’s justice system and that of your government. Unless the German government apologizes to Mr. el Motassadeq and awards him his due remedies, this crime will remain a historical blot on Germany, on its government and on all those who colluded in punishing this innocent man.

Praying and hoping that your sense of propriety will prevail and that no one will harm you for having read and acted upon this letter, I remain,


Elias Davidsson
(address is known by the editors)


As you can see, this late, great scholar believed in international law and demanded that it be fulfilled. Interested students could write a thesis on the proposition that a person like Davidsson who starts from a premise of human rights will always run into the facts that he ran onto. That is, he or she will be up against amazing deceitfulness — including fake terrorism — and everyday corruption.

Hence, to keep human rights on the books, those obstacles should also be on the books. It is a natural part of the academic subject matter. There is no room for dismissing any of it as conspiracy theory.

Davidsson will be there with you, O Students. He will applaud your efforts. Don’t write him off as “finished history.”

Thank you, Elias! Vale. Rest in peace.




  1. Dear Elias,

    Feeling very bad about your departure (Man, we dissidents cannot afford a shrinking of our numbers!), I decided to go to a concert tonight, April 14th. This young lad Ben Cosgrove was playing “piano” in Concord. The old order changeth, Elias…. It’s good, though:

    Maybe other Gumshoers will post some songs for you, too?

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSdGW_HBrLE dona nobis

      • You mean it was to kill him off because he knew too much? I think all small plane crashes should be reopened — at a central source — if the family of the decedent suspects foul play.

        “They” sure get away with too much.

        I was in a car crash last year which I KNOW was caused by them, and Dee knows of one in Oz, but I will not get a dram of support if I pursue it.

        Note: Elias was 81, but age is no bar. I know of a lady who got CIA’d at 86. Or Mossad’d — they all work together, don’t they?

        • They do work together.

          Thank you so much for introducing this remarkable Elias Davidsson to me! (And Mary, I haven’t had more news from Borje Perrat’s wife as yet.)

          I had never heard of E.D. before. After listening 15 mins to KenFM’s hour- long interview with E.D., I cannot wait to hear the rest!
          Too tired to check the new GSN post last night, I instead listened to my piece of music, to wipe all miseries off my mind – Elias D. would have loved it, Icelander Vikingur Olafsson and Bach,


          A couple of remarks: E.D’s German is not fluent + he has a, I think a foreign AND a “Badischer Einfluss” (words/intonation similar to southern Baden-Wuerttemberg, i.e. “Fuffzich” instead of Funfzig). Very much like myself. And no, I am not German.
          The double ‘s’ in his surname is definitely “Scandinavian”. Iceland also uses double ’s’ in men’s surnames.
          I have listened many, many hours to the, I call him “der Kugelspritze” (Submachine Gun) Ken Jepsen (Iranian Parents?) His German is super-super fast. He, K.J. got into trouble with Twitter at the same time, as I was digging into the election fraud in the US, 2019.

          “Der Gelbe Bus” is the name of the book by E.D. “The yellow bus” is canvassed in this interview.
          Amri was said to be the truck driver who killed more than a dozen Germans at Breitscheidplatz in Berlin, 50+ injured. (Amri was shot dead by 2 policemen in Italy, 3 years later – therefore no court case).

          E.D says he has found a “governmental pattern” when dealing with those disasters. I believe he is right.
          And conveniently, pass ports in perfect condition are found, Bataclan, Twin Towers’ (Muhammed Atta “the pilot”) and all new looking Dutch?pass ports at Grabova, Ukraine (MH 17).

          https://youtu.be/LwI4jxf0We4 (the KenFM interview, in German.)

          • Thank you, Foffa. I don’t know if you are australian, but we had a real gem of a passport find here in 1996 when the fake Port Arthur masacre occurred. I don’t mean “fake” as in Sandy Hook (where the alleged massacre didn’t happen). I mean the media at Port Arthur falsely blamed a boy named Martin Bryant, whose passport was amazingly found in the glove compartment of his car, on the very day, tho’ he had no trips planned.

            But even that is surpassed by the 2013 finding of Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s High School Diploma in the back seat of his car — just so we could all “confirm” who bombed the Boston Marathon.

            It’s embarrssing.

            I was hoping that E.D. would piublish his comparative findings. At least he did note that the terrorist, if caught, always has to be killed onsite. Otherwise, he would live to explain that he had nothing to do with it.

            The two catch phrases are: “The gunman turned the gun on himself” (as in Dunblane) and/or “Police shot the gunman to stop his killing spree” (as in the man who shot Congresspersons at a baseball game).

          • “Amri shot dead 3 years later” – sorry my typo, should read 3 days later.

            Is it true that the Icelandic authorities made E.D. change his surname from Kahn to Davidsson?
            And is it known which years E.D. studied music in Freiburg i. Br. at the Albert-Ludwig University ?

    • Wowsie, Berry. I had no idea Elias had given so many interviews about the Palestinians — though all in German.

      In light of his childhood in Jerusalem, I guess you could say he is “defending his people.”

  2. Behold, all flesh is as the grass, and all the goodliness of man is as the flower of grass. For lo, the grass with’reth, and the flower thereof decayeth. (I Peter 1:24)

    Now, therefore, be patient, O my brethren,
    unto the coming of the Lord. See how the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it,
    until he receive the early and the latter rain. So be ye patient.
    (James 5:7)

    But the word of the Lord endureth for ever. (I Peter 1:25)

    The redeemed of the Lord shall return, and come rejoicing unto Zion; gladness, joy everlasting, joy upon their heads shall be: joy and gladness, these shall be their portion, and tears and sighing shall flee from them. (Isaiah 35:10)

  3. Fine tunes and even finer lyricists boys and girls are NOT in any way going to keep the ghouls from your doorstep.


      • OK, Peter, that was too harsh of me. But you could legally do a cirizen-arrest of any doctor — from Gemany — who signed “Covid” as cause of death, for money. [See juscogens item below in my 3:11am comment.]

        Of course the doctor would not let you handcuff him, so you can add “resisting arrest” to the charge, and if he screams, you can add “disturbing the peace.” — That’s what THEY do.

  4. “Wie Lieblich” is sung here at Trinity Church — no, not the one in Cambridge UK, but the one on Wall Street New York. God help us.

    “How lovely is thy dwelling place, O Lord of hosts.”

    • Oh dear. It is well-known that Brahms wrote The German Requiem with reference to his mother’s death. Wanting to mention that here, factually, I entered “Brahms, mother” into Google. The first thing that came up — I kid you not — was:

      “Was Brahms abused?

      “It’s no secret that as a boy, Brahms played the piano in brothels. Swafford, however, makes a case that the whores abused him, mentally and physically, and this abuse left Brahms mistrustful toward women.”

      I shall tell Anneke Lucas about this. Is there no end to cruelty?

  5. Regarding those who get bumped off — in the recent Gumshoe rview of Debi Marshall’s book about the Adelaide family murders, I meant to say that folks have asked for a reopening of all cases handled by pathologist Colin Manock.

    Now that he has said his wife is a dominatrix (“professionally”), and that he likes a bit of s/m, I think there is more cause than ever to reopen. Come on, South Australia — redeem your reputation. Puh-leeze.


  6. Another country heard from. Recall the Gumshoe series on Philip Allott’s book Eutopia? In paragraphs 6.57-6.59, Allott says:

    “Music…like mathematics…is a transcending of the transcendental, going beyond words and beyond images, entering the mind through only one of its senses.

    “Music is an ordering of sound, a physical force. It sems to bring an ideal of order …into the chaos and confusion of our consciousness….

    “It is as if the brain and mind recognize their self-ordering affinity with the self-ordering of music. The brain and the mind are happy, for once, to be in each other’s company, brought together, for a while, by the power of music.”

  7. I communicated with Elias (and Mary) about a number of articles and issues. He will truly be missed. There was one thing about all his writing and research… meticulous detail for the truth.

    Mary I like your idea of “university course on Elias Davidsson,”

    We can only pray that many will follow in his footsteps and hold their leaders to account.

    It worries me when certain truth researchers depart a little early.

    One can only reflect “WHAT A LIFE” … and contribution to humanity.

    Elias letter to Merkel could be replicated and sent to almost every PM, President, and leader… across the globe

    We could call it the DAVIDSSON RESPONSE — For example:

    “I am writing to you [YOUR LEADER] regarding the fake …[EXPAND] attack that took place …..[EVENT/ OPERATION].

    As we both know, you were forced by dark forces that reside outside ..[YOUR COUNTRY].. to authorize and cover up this act of public deception. I guess that this decision was hard on you.

    The facts of this particular case are meanwhile seeping into public awareness. More and more citizens suspect that the official account on the [EVENT / FALSE FLAG / OPERATION] are contrived and that your government is covering up the facts. Such suspicions do not only undermine your credibility and that of your government, but also of the civilian institutions who participated in this act of deception, including the medical profession, firefighters, emergency workers and the police. When such institutions cannot anymore be trusted, the very rule of law is under threat. I doubt that this is your intention.

    I therefore call upon you, [NAME] to publicly acknowledge the dilemma you had to face before authorizing the above operation,”

    Elias, beautifully said.

      • Gals, U R great, both of you, big hearted, decent, but respectfully (and I mean that) U R living in a dream world.

        We have about 10 years at most before the s*** hits the fan. BE PREPARED – Please start thinking about advising this forums attendees HOW to GET PREPARED.

    • Thank you, Crisscross. And here is the New Hampshire composer again, Ben Cosgrove, so young and so promising.

      He wrote this song, called Salt, about not knowing where one can step on solid ground. A contributing factor was the unease we all felt during the early stage of the Lockdown. Recall that weirdness?

  8. Again folks, Fine tunes, even finer lyricists, entertainment and fine words amongst ourselves boys and girls are NOT in any way going to keep the ghouls from your doorstep.

    WE ARE AT WAR – BE PREPARED – Going forward, STORE good long lasting food, cooking utensils, rain water, shelter and fire making materials, health care goods, security and defense items, fuel, safety, tools, cash & g & s in very small denominations. (just ask anyone over 70 from Germany.) If at all possible get yourself a safe bolthole right away from any city or major town.

    But most of all FIND and PUT ON the armor of God (as advised in the KJV)

    • re: defence items, the establishment is most scared of things like 3d printed guns. They have 3d metal printing now, the metal is in particles with some glue that gets baked out, so your item has to be 3d printed about 20% bigger than the finished size. The claim is that this metal is as good as normal metal, whatever that may happen to mean. The cops love busting weaponised doomsday preppers and they show us on TV they are doing it.
      They want you chipped and tracked 24/7 and all the useless eaters culled – can’t afford them any more, they have degenerated to a point where they have no value. Killing off the young athletes has been one of their biggest mistakes. Still the stoopids won’t wake up. You can really bank on those stoopids, nothing gets through their thick skulls. We have to let a sufficient number go, for the rest to wake up, by then it will be Year of the Snake 2025 and we can get ready for Fauci Gates and Tedros next mega production, SPARS. Directed by your local Health Minister and produced by Rockerfellas.

    • What is the point of surviving in hiding “until later”? When later comes, are the top dogs going to have a Confess-in and say they regret what they did?

      Anyway, the “fine tunes and lyrics” in this column are not meant to save the reader from being arrested, tortured, etc, as will probably happen. They are meant to show solidarity with a particular warrior.

      It’s a celebration of the fact that God dropped Elias into our midst in the first place. Come to think of it, it is likely he was killed, as “we can’t have that.”

      • “What is the point of surviving in hiding “until later”?”

        Hear, hear. So-called “prepping” is the antitheses of what Christ taught

  9. mary, – not a matter of ‘hiding’ but purely of ‘surviving’ as the unprepared (and vaxed) are soon to discover. May I take this opportunity to reiterate;

    “WE ARE AT WAR – BE PREPARED – Going forward, STORE good long lasting food, cooking utensils, rain water, shelter and fire making materials, health care goods, security and defense items, fuel, safety, tools, cash & g & s in very small denominations. (just ask anyone over 70 from Germany.) If at all possible get yourself a safe bolthole right away from any city or major town.

    But most of all FIND and PUT ON the armor of God (as advised in the KJV) and additionally that yourself and Dee in all earnestness. Please start thinking about how best to advise this forums attendees properly AND often – HOW to GET PREPARED FOR WHAT IS COMING.

    • There are drones that will take you out, you won’t even see them coming. They might go for off-the-grid types first. In any case it comes back to the US. If you think there is a chance that the MAGA or “Save America” movement is authentic, you might be aware that Trump kicked Epstein out of Mar-a-Lago 20 years ago and the proof is that the lying filth MSM keeps showing an old picture of Trump & Epstein together. It would appear there is no room in Globalist paradise for Trump who has been speaking out against the official 9-11 line, childhood injections, Iraq war and all the Globalist projects for many many years, but most people won’t have heard much about that. Thank you lying filth MSM for your free to air opium and vicious censorship, this includes all of you but especially the ABC scum who are lying using my dollar, special hello to Ita.
      So putting the other theories aside it looks like Mein Trumpf is lashed to the mast and has no option B, perhaps hard to believe in itself but so is everything these days. The Demonrats know they will get a caning in the midterms later this year and subsequently Trump will be hoping for a 2 year extension on his first term ( provided in US law ). Where the US goes we go and other places such as ASEAN will most likely follow.
      But by all means stock up on canned food while it’s cheap, and we’ll see what happens around January 2023.

  10. In regard to Dee, Peter, you have missed the boat bigtime.

    Dee does not mess around looking for sweet lyrics. She (and also Diane DeVere) are in the thick of it out there in the real world dealing with problems for real individuals.

    Dee fights the courts tooth and nail. She has stood by the moms who have had their kids snatched away. She goes to court to be “next friend” (or “next fiend,” if necessary).

    She has labored hard — geez, wbo could not notice? — to make this website a leading source of pandemic info for Australians. Would any of us be aware of Ivermectin if not for Dee?

    As this is all done pro bono, and as she pays the expenses for the website, Dee has recently had to sell her car. Fancy that.

    No more of your insulting remarks about us being well-intentioned decent gals, “Peter.”

    Any reason why you can’t print your real name, O armor-of-God advocate? Any reason why you’re not running a website with “survival” tips?

    • Thanks Mary,
      Yep, understand about Dee but not about you since your ‘return’.
      How’s about whatever it is that ails you, next time consider kicking the DOG first.

        • AH! yep mary heard of that, – wasn’t spelt just that way but fella that told me said it was something to do witha “propensity for vainglorious, bombastic belligerence” couldn’t say myself.

          Easters a wonderful time, don’t U agree.

  11. I have now heard from Elias’s family, and got this update:

    “Slight corrections: Born in Petah-Tikva in 1941; raised in Jerusalem, later lived in Tel Aviv – Jerusalem is the center of the Abrahamic religions and he made a point of telling everybody of his having lived in peace together with Muslims, other Jews and Christians.

    “He lived for a while in France and then spent a year in Germany (1959-1960) before moving to NYC; at some point he was trained by IBM as a systems analyst; in 1962 he moved to Iceland; 2008 he moved to Germany…. he always called himself “Palestinian.”

    — And yes, the website Juscogens.org will be kept alive. [Yay!]

      • Far more attention needs to be given to the fact that the significance of the diaspora mob’s re-entry has been grossly misinterpreted by Jew haters & Jew-worshippers alike

        • Canaanites are Hamites, not Semites

          The Babylonian Talmud says: “Five things did Canaan charge his sons: love one another, love robbery, love lewdness, hate your masters, and do not speak the truth” The Last Will of Canaan, Babylonian Talmud, Peshachim 113b.

          To be an Orthodox Jew is to agree with the Talmud that, “It is permitted to deceive a goy.” (Baba Kama 113b) .

          The Jewish Encyclopedia says that “Edom is in Modern Jewry”. This witness from the 1905 edition records the connection between modern day Jews and the race of Edom: “Some anthropologists are inclined to associate the racial origins of the Jews, not with the Semites, whose language they adopted, but with the Armenians and Hittites of Mesopotamia, whose broad skulls and curved noses they appear to have inherited (Vol. X, p. 284). Thus Esau/Edom was now absorbed into the Canaanite people by means of his Hittite and Hivite wives. According to Strong’s Concordance the word Canaan means “trader or merchant” and the Phoenicians, as Canaanites, are derived from Ham’s incestuous relationship with Naamah the sister of Tubalcain, the wife Noah took with him in the Ark (Genesis 9:18-27; 10:6, 15-1.

    • Thank you very much Mary!

      Earth moving from Valencia.
      My ears pricked up when I saw “Monserrat”, which is a famous place just north-west of Barcelona. (Me and my wife stayed the night up at Monserrat many moons ago to be able to listen to the famous Choir performances, held evenings. One could stay on site but only single beds were offered – marriage status was checked!)

      Sadly my Spanish is rusty so I borrowed this comment + machine translated it:

      Jesus Rodriguez
      Sublime, heavenly, grandiose, infinitely wonderful. Listening to Ms. Monserrat Caballet singing The Our Father, I have felt so insignificant, so small, how much emotion.
      1 month ago

      Sublime,celestial,grandioso infinitamente maravilloso.Oyendo a Dña.Monserrat Caballet cantando El Padre Nuestro,me he sentido tan insignificante,tan pequeño,cuánta emoción.

  12. Dee, look at this. Cheap commercials. They’re using the Jeruslema dance to sell Porsches.

    Wait. Could you make a Jerusalema dance, maybe while rock-climbing, to promote Gumshoe?

    • Latet anguis in herba

      The so called Jews in Jesus time that admit they are not descendents of the Israelites that came out of slavery in Egypt. Their Passover of today is a deception.

      John 8:33-59
      New King James Version

      33 They answered Him (Jesus), “We are Abraham’s descendants, and have never been in bondage to anyone. How can You say, ‘You will be made free’?”

      Today’s Jewish people are known as “Jews” not because they are Judahites and descended from Jacob/Israel but because their Edomite/Turk/Khazar ancestors in their Kingdom of Khazaria adopted the religion of Judaism, called themselves “Jews” and arrogated the Birthright Promises and Bible Covenants belonging to the Israelites, but especially those belonging to the Judahites.

      Esdras 6:9 …”For Esau is the end of this age, and Jacob is the beginning of the age that follows”

      The Jews are of Esau from Idumea, and therefore not of Israel or Judah; Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925, vol. 5, page 41.

      Isaac blessed Esau, saying, “when thou shalt have the dominion, that thou shalt break his [Jacob’s] yoke from off thy neck” (Genesis 27:40, KJV). In other words, Jacob would have to give up the “dominion” at some point in order for Esau to prove himself unworthy. Only then could the birthright be taken from Esau according to the law of the hated son (Deuteronomy 21:15-17).

      Genesis 27:40 “And by thy sword shalt thou live, and shalt serve thy brother [Jacob-Israel]; and it shall come to pass when thou shalt have the dominion [the Kingdom], that thou shalt break his yoke from off thy neck .”

      Therefore the fake Jews (Rev.2:9&3:9) are anti-Jacob


      You know the time left is short when that evil mob is going hell for leather.

      By the time Jesus Christ appeared on the scene, the Edomite usurpers had control of the land, the throne, the Temple and the religion of Judah. This was in confirmation of the prophesy spoken by Isaac, Esau’s father, before He died. Esau was mourning the loss of the birthright promises and blessings that had been his, but which he had sold to his younger brother Jacob for a bowl of lentils.

      The fact that Esau-Edom has indeed usurped the Kingdom is confirmed by the words of the Lord Jesus Christ when He said to the Jews:

      “Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof. “ (Matthew 21:43, KJV)

      That “nation”, the ecclesia from all nations, are the rightful heirs to the Kingdom

      None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free. – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

    • For assassin type jobs, claiming to be some variety of jew is your best bet:

      from Wikipedia:
      “Every Jew in the world has the unrestricted right to immigrate to Israel and become an Israeli citizen.”
      from Google:
      “An Israeli national may not be extradited except for an offense committed prior to becoming a national. Extradition can be granted only if the person has been charged or convicted of a felony or some other specific extradition offense.”

      Fancy retiring in the sun with a big bagful of loot, CIA KGB mafia etc would like to hear from you

  13. For Ant56. Just put on your sandshoes and go down to the harbor to get some exercise with these kids. Don’t miss the headphones bit at 2.45 minutes.

    All your trial soons will be over!

    • Mary,
      Yes kookaburra sits in the old gumtree.
      Harbour’s pretty good for a city, though getting crowded. Personally, would prefer to collect a few dry banksia nuggets, up or down the coast, light a fire and grill some fresh caught snapper on them.
      Best bbq fuel in Oz, ash turns white from heat generated. Wash ‘em down with a few cold ones or grape juice, watching the sun set. Rinse and repeat next day. Places remembered, thank God for that. Cheers

  14. Mary,
    Many thanks to you and Dee for telling as it is.
    Modern prophets in all tribes.
    Sincere respect to Elias and his good works, honest and true, sure he will be blessed by the Maker. If it wasn’t for the good Jews we’d have no idea. Every breath a miracle, we don’t know how or why heart beats?

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