Home Health Austism Tsunami Anger Brewing

Austism Tsunami Anger Brewing


When I was at school in South Africa in the 1960’s, I remember maybe one kid in thousands that I came across had autism. I had met down syndrome kids – but hardly an autistic kid in sight. So to those people who say, Oh it’s because it is more diagnosed now” – I just don’t believe them.

The first survey was conducted in the 1960’s and produced a prevalence estimate of  1:2,500 people or 0.04% of the population. In the early 2000’s, the oft-quoted figure was 1:250.  The 2012 SDAC showed an estimated 115,400 Australians (0.5%) had autism (1:200) – a 79% increase on 2009. But in the US it is much worse. The conservative US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states the latest stats show one in 50 US kids now has autism (2%). I can’t begin to imagine the emotional and financial burden on the families, health care and the country with a future where an ever increasing number of children are getting autism.

A Woman’s Weekly article asks (2012): Why is the number of children with autism doubling every five years?  The CDC whistleblower has brought focus back onto this question.

This from  Lawrence Wilson, MD © September 2014, The Center For Development:  I speak with many parents and am tired of hearing the same story: “My child was fine until he or she received vaccines.  Then he or she slowly or rapidly became withdrawn, stopped speaking, and mental development slowed or stopped”.  When will our health authorities stop lying to the public about the problems of vaccines?  Also, whatever you choose to do about vaccination, NEVER, NEVER, EVER give a child more than one vaccine at a time.  All vaccines are bad, but combinations of vaccines given on the same day are one of the worst possible insults to a child’s body imaginable.

MMR: A mother’s victory in Italy: The judgment in a provincial Italian court challenges the settled view of the majority of the medical profession — and could have profound implications in Britain and across the world (2012). At nine months old, Valentino Bocca was as bright as a button. Valentino was never the same child after the jab in his arm. He developed autism and, a judge ruled that his devastating disability was provoked by the inoculation against measles, mumps and rubella (MMR).

And in the US: Well  – There were so many lawsuits resulting from vaccine injuries and deaths – that instead of Congress requiring that drug companies manufacture safer vaccines, they complied with the drug companies’ requests and passed legislation protecting the drug companies. In 2011 this law was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court. Instead of suing drug companies now for damages due to vaccines, the public must file a petition with the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, which is funded by taxes on the revenues from vaccines.

And a mother’s story: How I Gave My Son Autism? In her wordsI wish I could say it was one thing – The following are the biggest mistakes I made to which I attribute my son’s descent into autism”:

1) Ultrasounds – I had at least five while I was pregnant.

2) High-fructose corn syrup – I drank Coca Cola every single day while I was pregnant.

3) Lortab/Acetaminophen while pregnant – I have Fibromyalgia. My OB prescribed Lortab telling me that it didn’t cross the placenta and was perfectly safe.

4)  Pitocin – I had Pitocin for 36 hours.

5) C-Section – George Malcolm Morley, OB/GYN says C-section is 3-4 times more likely to have autism.

6) Antibiotics –  Augmentin has been implicated in autism.

7) Vaccines –  Ginger Taylor has been compiling studies for years that link vaccines to autism.

8) Acetaminophen/Paracetamol — My baby received an incredible amount of this red, liquid death.

9) Fluoride – According to the National Research Council, 36 studies have linked fluoride with reduced IQ in children.

http://slweb.org/ftrc.html , http://www.fluoridealert.org/ , http://nofluoride.com/ ,http://www.earthclinic.com/fluoride_questions_and_answers.php

We didn’t even HAVE fluoridated water. I actually purchased it and gave it to my son ON PURPOSE. My pediatrician told me that he needed it because our water wasn’t fluoridated.

Her parting notes:  The mistakes I made were, by and large, recommended by healthcare professionals – AND – I truly believe that my son’s autism was preventable. Think. Research. At this point, you can’t afford not to.

And I am adding wifi on the list too.



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