Looks Like Dr Erik Enby Was Right about Those Particles in...
Swedish filmmaker and environmentalist Borje Peratt (1949-2022)
by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
I am writing this in hopes that Dr Erik Enby's life will be spared....
Twenty-five Reasons Why “World War 3” Should Not Be Allowed
Countries with Slavonic languages, Map by Samotny Wedrowiec
by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
War brings about great suffering, often to collaterals.
Many Good Docs Are Trying To Save Your Baby
Top, L-R: Vernon Coleman, Erik Enby, Wolfgang Wodarg, Bottom, L-R: Charles Hoffe, Roger Hodgkinson, Sherri Tenpenny
Anyone who studies the Covid pandemic of 2020-2022 soon...
Let’s Trip Gaily across the Tasman and Grab Some Rights
Photos of New Zealand from YouTube video of Pokare kare Ana, by UkuleleMikeLynch.com
by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
Does Australia need a Bill of...
NZ High Court Justice Lets Cops and Soldiers Skip Vaccination
(L) Protestors of vax perform the Haka. Photo: Sanka Vidanagama, AFP (R) Justice Francis Cooke of the New Zealand High Court
by Mary W...
I Am Crushed by the Truckers Windshields. What To Do
by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
How about you? Are you thrown off balance by the sudden development in Canada? Mainstream media says that the police...
Eutopia, Part 10: Livestock-gate!
(L) Norman Dodd (in a YouTube interview with G. Edward Griffin) (C) Carroll Quigley's book (R) Antony Sutton
by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
Please attend...
How One New Hampshire County Could Fix Covid
(L) Merrimack sheriff car, Photo: merrimack sheriff.net (C) Tony Fauci, Photo: StefanRuiz/TIME (R) Jury room door (Photo: Elizabeth Frantz/Concord Monitor
by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
Eutopia, Part 9: To Whom Should One Turn for Lifting of...
The United States President and Vice President (as far as one can tell), Photo: Whitehouse.gov
by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
I am at the moment...
Eutopia, Part 6: How To Sort the Moral Issues of the...
Huge billow of black smoke, as a truck from South Australia bursts into flames at Western Australia's border, on February 7, 2022, Photo: 7NEWS.com.au
Eutopia, Part 5: How To Select Our Values and Promote Them
(L) Dark Age Ahead, by Jane Jacobs (C) The Family if Man, a best-selling coffee table book of the 1960s, by Edward Steicehn and...
Eutopia, Part 4: What If Trudeau Orders an Attack on the...
(L) Support for the convoy in Canada on January 27, 2022. Photo: Arthur Mola/Invision/AP, (R) Prime minister Justin Trudeau, isolating after testing positive...