Home Corona Many Good Docs Are Trying To Save Your Baby

Many Good Docs Are Trying To Save Your Baby


Top, L-R: Vernon Coleman, Erik Enby, Wolfgang Wodarg Bottom, L-R: Charles Hoffe, Roger Hodgkinson, Sherri TenpennyTop, L-R: Vernon Coleman, Erik Enby, Wolfgang Wodarg, Bottom, L-R: Charles Hoffe, Roger Hodgkinson, Sherri Tenpenny

Anyone who studies the Covid pandemic of 2020-2022 soon sees the terrible dishonesty and, yes, malice involved. It’s hard to say such a thing, since there are millions of people, perhaps billions worldwide, who think the pandemic came about naturally.

In this article, I honor wonderful physicians who have spoken out.  All of them say emphatically “Do not give your child a Covid vaccination.” The mainstream media will not countenance for a moment that these whistleblowers are intelligent, well-qualified, honest, and are serving the public, at great risk to themselves.

I address this article to parents. We have heard, in the last week, that the Pfizer injection has been “approved” for kids under age 5. I have seen ads aimed at pregnant women telling them they should take the injection themselves to help protect the baby. Every properly trained doctor in the world should be aware that the vaccine has not been tested on children or pregnant women, and that taking it is inadvisable.

Have a look at these doctors. First, the six shown above.  I list their bio and what they have to say.

Vernon Coleman, MD is a British physician, age 75. For many years he was the BBC’s go-to man on the subject of vaccination.  So you would think the BBC would let him speak now.  No way — he is a “baddy” because he says this particular vax is dangerous.  Vernon Coleman runs a video session called “An old man in a chair.”  He opines that “Legally, all those people giving Covid vaccinations are war criminals.”

Erik Enby, MD is a Swedish doctor, age 84, who lost his medical license years ago for prescribing natural medicines (as opposed to manufactured compounds). His main research in microbiology has been to find the means by which animals and plants die. Looking down the microscope, at the blood of terminally ill patients, he sees “particles” that do not appear elsewhere and are not discussed in the literature.  I have named them “Enby particles.” His friend gave him a vial of Pfizer vaccine to look at under the microscope. It was crawling with Enby particles!

Woldfgang Wodarg, MD is a German pulmonologist and epidemiologist, that is he studies the spread of diseases. He was a member of the Bundestag from 1994 to 2009. Addressing the Council of Europe on January 26, 2010 (yes, 12 years ago) he said that the new definition of pandemic meant that you could translate an ordinary flu season into a pandemic. He said the WHO could thus trigger millions of dollars in profit for Pharma. Wodarg and Michael Yeadon petitioned against the emergency use authorization of Pfizer vaccine, as its effect on fertility is unknown.

Charles Hoffe, MD emigrated from South Africa to Canada in 1990. He ran a practice in Lytton, BC, where most of his patients were of First Nations. He calls the Covid vax “lethal.” Currently he is awaiting disciplinary action by the BC committee on

standards and ethics for “publishing statements on social media and other digital platforms that were misleading, incorrect or inflammatory about vaccinations, treatments, and public measures relating to COVID-19.” (Note: previous to Covid, it was well accepted that doctors have a duty to speak against dangers.)

Roger Hodgkinson, MD is a Canadian in practice in Edmonton, Alberta.  He says “Vaccinations must stop for everyone, tomorrow. The carnage that’s going on out there with our children is indescribable.” If I were a mother, I would at least want to know what he means by that. Actually you can easily look it up at VAERS.HHS.gov. Adverse Event Reporting system. There you will see that thousands of people have died following the injection. And, as the reporting, by doctors, is not mandatory, the true figure is much higher than the statistics shown.

Sherri Tenpenny, OD is an osteopath in Ohio. She says “Some people are going to die from the vaccine directly, but a large number of people are going to start getting horribly sick and get all kinds of autoimmune diseases, 42 days to maybe a year out.” Like many other doctors, Dr Tenpenny spoke out years ago concerning other vaccines, such as the MMR causing autism. Her accounts have been de-activated at Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube.

As reported by Dee McLachlan in a February 27, 2022 article entitled “Australia Is Desperate To Jab Kids,” in the age group 5-11 years, 54.8% of Victorians have had at least the first shot (according to Channel 7 News.)

In May 1998, the Medical Journal of Australia published a study of a randomly-selected number of families whose kids were behind on their scheduled vaccination (pre-Covid, of course).  The author, Lyndel M Bond concluded:

“Home vaccination for children behind in their immunisation schedule is an effective, acceptable and relatively cheap method of completing recommended vaccinations. We recommend that a home vaccination program be widely implemented, particularly for disadvantaged families.”  Currently, according to 7News, home visits are taking place to give kids the Covid shot.”

I am sure there will be greater coercion used in a home setting. Also, as we know, kids age 12 and up can now consent to vaccination at school, without the knowledge of parents.  This is an absolute change from tradition. Parents have the right to make such an important decision. Peer pressure from fellow students is likely to be decisive for many teens.

I am sad to point out that in America — the land of the free and the brave, mind you — parents who go to school board meetings to make a fuss are now deemed terrorists.

Four More Whistleblowers

Michael Yeadon, from UK, is a pharmacologist who was an executive at Pfizer.

Dr Sucharit Bhakdi, from Germany, of Thai origin, is a microbiologist.

Dr Rashid Buttar was an army surgeon, now deals mainly with autistic patients.

Dr Pierre Kory has been stripped of his license Their “line” is as follows:

Michael YeadonYeadon: some batches of Pfizer have caused many deaths, some are not.




Dr Sucharit BhakdiWikipedia says: Bhakdi has made a number of false statements about the COVID-19 pandemic, saying that the pandemic is a “fake”, that face masks and quarantines are “nonsense” and that the COVID-19 vaccines are deadly and will decimate the global population.”


Dr Rashid Buttar Buttar: The real purpose of the 6-foot social distancing was so individuals could be identified by satellite (per army protocol).




Dr Pierre Kory Kory: We can know from the banning of the well-established treatment, Ivermectin, that the advice given by US government was corrupt.




Note: I am a conspiracy theorist, having published several books on that subject with a law theme. For example, in 2013 I authored Consider the Lilies: A Review of 18 Cures for Cancer and Their Legal Status. The legal status of many of the cures, which had been standard medicine before 1940, is that they became suppressed, and the doctors punished. Younger doctors do not even know about them.

My late husband, Prof George Maxwell, MD (Edin ’54), was the founder of the Pediatrics Department at University of Adelaide and the author of Principles of Paediatric Pharmacology (Oxford, 1984). He did not live to see Covid, but he would surely be aghast at the turning off of debate. If any scientist (in the old days) stepped forward with information that a treatment was harmful, all interested persons would be invited to a meeting to hash it out.  The whistleblower would receive admiration and gratitude. I feel sure George would reckon the odd behavior of scientists today to be highly suspicious.

Even parents who do not see the Covid vaccine as dangerous should be given a chance to read literature from doctors, such as the ten listed above.  Let me add that George Maxwell took personal responsibility for children’s health, as did his pediatric colleagues.

Here is the Wikipedia entry for Vernon Coleman, MD, which does not even say he is a doctor: “Vernon Coleman is an English conspiracy theorist, anti-vaccination activist, AIDS denialist, blogger and novelist who writes on topics related to human health, politics and animal issues. Coleman’s medical claims have been widely discredited [not really] and described as pseudoscientific.”

Let’s try Rashid Buttar, MD: Wikipedia writes: “Rashid Ali Buttar is a British-born American conspiracy theorist and licensed osteopathic physician in Charlotte, North Carolina, who is a known anti-vaxxer. He is known for his controversial use of chelation therapy for numerous conditions, including autism and cancer.”

Charles Hoffe, MD does not even get a Wikipedia entry.  However a more favorable website, play.anghami.com, tells us: “Dr. Charles Hoffe was issued a gag order from the Canadian Interior Health authority after he reported concerns around vaccine safety to colleagues responsible for implementing the vaccine rollout. Dr Hoffe had observed a high rate of severe side effects developing post vaccination including anaphylactic shock and neurological conditions in 900 members of the First Nation community.”

As for Sherri Tenpenny, the website France24.com says:  “Her business is an alchemy fueled by social media and mistrust of public health officials, two factors blamed for more than 25 percent of eligible American adults declining to be vaccinated. While US President Joe Biden’s administration pleads with the vaccine-hesitant to take the shot, Tenpenny brands Covid-19 a manufactured crisis and a means of government control.”

My conclusion: This is dreadful. There is no excuse for mocking serious professionals who are trying to warn us of dangers for which they have collected good evidence.  Anyway, is there a basis for a non-scientific entity such as Wikipedia to have the last word on which facts are “misinformation”?

Is it so embarrassing for citizens to think about the possibility that such “outcasts” may be right? Should the citizen shrink from being associated with views that don’t cheerlead the vaccine industry?

The Official Facts?

Meanwhile, back at cdc.gov, we read (as retrieved on February 28, 2022):

  • COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective.
  • CDC recommends everyone ages 5 years and older get vaccinated as soon as possible to protect against COVID-19 and its potentially severe complications. CDC has updated its recommendation for COVID-19 vaccines with a preference for mRNA vaccines (Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna).
  • Millions of people in the United States have received COVID-19 vaccines under the most intense safety monitoring program in U.S. history.


  1. MKULTRA No 1 Whistleblower Fiona Barnett

    I was right 2+ years ago when I told you Russia & China would invade. Russia is threatening to nuke Europe. They’re also threatening Israel. Russia will nuke USA & China will do a land invasion from the west coast. China will take Taiwan & use that as a vantage point to take Oz.
    So, while the Western leftist fuckwits argue over minority rights (see my free book for a comprehensive explanation & history of the origins of ‘minority rights’) – Russia & China have been suiting up for war. I detailed exactly this Communist takeover strategy in my book: 5th Column infiltration of Western society, emphasis on minority rights, removal of traditional Christian values, culminating in Communist invasion. Sydney Uni was the centre of this entire op, & my Commie perps were the key spies & executors of this planned takeover.

    Where’s my ‘Certified Sane’ document?


    • Good try dianedevere, but you may not realise, Australia has been here before. When the exact same tune was being played, telling us the Communists were going to invade Australia, and we’d all be speaking Vietnamese in no time. Maybe you were still a young person then, thus ignorant of the events back then ? Sadly, the majority of Australians swallowed the crap they were being spoon fed. I myself volunteered my services, (at the ripe old age of 18) to find out the truth. Only to discover EVERYTHING we had been told by the Media and our Government were LIES ! In reality, the Vietnamese people’s were fighting a cruel and oppressive invader, (the French) who treated them like slaves. Conditions became intolerable after the WW 2, when the League Of Nations, (precurser to the U.N.) handed Vietnam back to the French. Who then released the Japanese prisoners of war to Police the citizens of Vietnam. The rebellion or uprising of the locals, found they did not have the funds to wage a proper rebellion and sought support where ever they could find it. Thus the connections to Communism, which did support their actions. BUT, the claims that they were going to INVADE Australia were all LIES. Vietnam did not even have a Navy, moreover they did not even know Australia even existed, until they saw the Red Kangaroos painted on our military vehicles. So how they were supposed to invade Australia, is a question that has never been adequately answered. Now, all of a sudden, you turn up proclaiming China is going to invade ??? Such a claim does not make any sense at all. For the simple reason, China could BUY Australia, which would be far cheaper than an invasion force, and the destruction from such an event. Secondly, invading a nation that is one of their biggest customers kinda complicates things. After such an invasion, who would still buy Chinese products, and what with ????????

    • I think the NATO plan was to get Ukraine to host a Black Sea base and Putin is pre-empting that plan before it gets much further, now Putin will instead control the Black Sea, keeping Turkey in the pincers, and close to Iran, to head off the scheduled invasion, now overdue by a few years. The long-range plan for the US to be taken communist seems to be falling apart. It was ambitious and it was definitely looking like it was being set up. The US constitution is the #1 enemy of the globalists, and they may own part of Russia, China and the Anglosphere and all entities may compete against each other, just like Globalists own Coles and Woolworths and they compete against each other. In that analogy it could be said the Globalists hate in-person shopping and cash transactions and want to get everyone onto home delivery. So, they think the US would be OK if the place went communist and no guns, with everyone working for Swiss e-money.

  2. Eddy, thanks for the info. Diane, thanks for the Fiona item, I don’t see its 2022 source.

    Why would China need Taiwan in order to grab Australia?

    Invasion of Oz would not suit Turn of the Bull’s New York stuff, would it?

    By the way, did anyone read my article above? Saving the babies is essential. I agree with Eddy that panicking is not a good idea.

    Julius, if you are out there, pls venture a guess of what’s going on, if you care to. For instance, why did Biden’s handlers tell him to not compromise on Ukraine. What did they expect to achieve, assuming that they know as much as Fiona. (Note: her Sydney Uni days are not recent, are they? Times do change.)

    G5 if you are out there, pls tell more. I sure did not know that USA had any hand in the Chernobyl “false flag” as you call it.

    Furthermore I declare that even if you say it was “the USA” I say we the people did not do it. There really isn’t an American govt as such, is there? I am talking serious ontology here. Th-th-th that’s all.

  3. Go for a walk through the grounds of NSW uni, realise 90% of students are ccp, been this way for a few decades and longer. Today they are the graduated professionals here, it’s krown kabal komunizm, commonly sold as globalism.

  4. Off topic–response to your query Mary.
    “Why would China need Taiwan in order to grab Australia?”

    Maybe something to do with rare earths for cyber techno warfare– mind control transhumanism

    some quick grabs
    “Australia is caught between China and the United States, holding one thing they both need: rare earths”
    Jack Derwin Dec. 17, 2021, 9:01 AM

    “The sci-fi-sounding rare earths is one. Titanium is another.”
    “He’s a man of titanium,” US President Donald Trump declared of our Prime Minister Scott Morrison this year, adding a zeitgeisty, if incomplete, fast fact: “You know, titanium’s much tougher than steel.”


    “On critical minerals, Australia is one of the biggest producers, but we believe we can play a bigger role in a critical supply chain that is supporting the technologies of the future.”

    • Titanium is a great metal, lightweight, absolutely straight, welds up easily without distortion, resists abrasion, if it was cheap it would be everywhere

  5. Many good doctors trying to inform with facts, now find themselves banished to peripheries, it seems that nothing can be done. With their efforts, many will eventually see the true results of bioweapons promoted as ‘medicine’. Let’s all pray it won’t be too late, to save all children worldwide.

  6. The nutters enforcing AI, loaded on all bases, must be dethroned.
    Otherwise it’s all over for all living beings here. We have reached the peak of global insanity, with the abominations of the possessed hellbent.
    The Prophets have warned about these times. Having faith in Divine intervention is the way ahead, for we are all created by Our Heavenly Father.
    Time for sitting on the fence no more, there are only two paths left, with Him or with devolution, the choice now for eternity. Pray for His and Holy Mother’s graceful mercy, that’s our greatest strength against these technocratic powers demonic.

  7. Chabad Lubavitch advise all global leaders, prime example Australia. If they still provide scribes for Vladimir (name translated means ‘peace rule’) we’re all cactus.
    Sales of ‘rats’ kits falling, went to chemist 3 huge boxes before counter almost blocking the way through! With war and floods on prime time, Covid seems to be loosing sales, so now Scott has the bug proven by throwaway kit made in peoples republic.
    Spare me the BS, please stop watching tv.

    • The local chemists were pushing them hard, they must have heard, the government was going to mail them out for free next, government wants to move their stockpiles first !!!
      They are all slaves to BigPharma, super-pimp, sends them out on the street to sell their wares.
      I just heard a story about a neighbours high fence, apparently they put it up because the previous next door daughter had an operation and ended up nerve damaged so the neighbour put up the high fence to try to block the incessant screaming.
      As the doctors say, “We bury our mistakes”.

  8. Got a phone call from a mate who is a commercial pilot. He’s fully vaxxed and now has a detached retina. I looked up the condition and it apparently is one of those ‘rare’ reactions to being vaxxed. He can no longer drive a car, let alone fly an aircraft. – There’s no use discussing it with him, he’s a ‘covidian’ and totally in denial. – Hopefully, some surgery will help with his eyesight.

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