Is He a Commie? Is He a Fascist? What Type Are...
Romania under the Ceausescu’s (1974-1989). Was it a monarchy? a dictatorship of the proletariat? a tyranny? Photo: WashingtonTimes.com
by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
Terms such as...
Long Live the Parchment, Long Live the People! Who’s Next after...
“I’ve Got a Little List,” from the Mikado. Photo: sotonopera, at YouTube
by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
It’s a good thing, a blessing, that President...
Eusociality, Part 3: Does the Elite Really Want the Great Reset?
Largest library in the world, full of ideas, the Library of Congress, Photo: worldfortravel.com
by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
Klaus Schwab, 82-year-old founder and head of...
Legal Ways To Remove a President
by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
The Framers of the Constitution had a mathematical view of power. They realistically anticipated power grabs. Hence, they made sure...
Eusociality, Part 2: Is the Great Reset Biologically Inevitable?
Will all members of the human species coalesce under one leader? Map: wikimediacommons.org
by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
Once upon a time there was a species...
States Can Prosecute for 9-11, Using the Maxim: Omnia Praesumuntur, Contra...
by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
With so much else going on in the world, it is easy to forget the crimes related to “9-11” that...
On January 6, Trump Could Emerge As President with Harris As...
by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
Today is December 28, 2020. A lot can happen in 8 days and more can happen on the big day...
Mary Maxwell Files in US Court for Covid Vaccination Injunction
by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
This morning I filed for an injunction (restraining order) against Defense, FEMA, and DHHS. DoD and FEMA are both involved...
After the Frankfurt Affair – Concepts of Liberty, Legitimacy, the Authority...
by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
My December 6, 2020 article at GumshoeNews.com was entitled “After the Frankfurt Affair: Plan A – Happiness.” It showed the...
A Wallet-Size Notice You Can Hand to the Police If They...
A friendly pull-over, Photo: tickethelp.com
by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
I have a cousin, Reginald, who is very educated but is really into obeying all the...
Shane Dowling’s 2020 Book Should Be Mandatory in Law Schools
(L) NSW Police Commissioner Mick Fuller (C) Shane Dowling, Photo: KangarooCourtOfAustrala.com (R) Sarah McNaughton, Commonwealth Director of Publoc Prosecutions, Photo: CDPP.gov.au
by Mary W Maxwell,...
Claire Edwards Has Allegedly Revealed a French Army Document about Covid
by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
On November 1, 2020, GumshoeNews published the Youtube video in which Claire Edwards, formerly of the UN, made the strongest...