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Breaking Down the Riots and the Grey Zone with Polly


Editor’s Note: Amazing Polly breaks down the riots, and whether Chauvin and George Floyd must have known each other; they both worked as security guards at a Latino club.

She also discusses COVID hot spots in meat processing factories — something we reported on 11 May 2020.






  1. I can’t really explain this, I am just throwing it onto the table. Page 1 of today’s Union Leader in NH, a conservative daily:

    CONCORD — Gov. Chris Sununu said he disagreed with President Donald Trump but declined to condemn him for telling the nation’s governors Monday too many of them were “weak” or “fools” for their response to violent protests over the weekend.

    Trump said the governors have to show protesters they can “dominate” a volatile situation.

    “No, speaking for myself, I don’t think anybody needs to be dominated,” Sununu said. “If anything, we have shown in New Hampshire that working together and staying positive leads to more successful results.”

    The two-term Republican governor also said it was not inconsistent for him to encourage hundreds to rally for social justice in Manchester over the weekend while enforcing a stay-at-home order that urges people to avoid large gatherings due to the threat from COVID-19.

  2. I posted this link under the Robert Kennedy article and consider it so significant I feel that it should also be posted here as another DOT on what the criminal control freaks are up to.
    Keep in mind a wise pollie who said in politics there are no coincidences and that Dr. Day warned us that there is always a subtle hidden purpose for any laws implemented by useless politicians who cannot realise that they are being suckered by the control freaks.


    As for the Polly report above she clearly demonstrates that our mass media alleged journos and shock jokes are imbeciles ………….or Fake?

  3. Yeah they want to take over all the farms, you can see it’s been going on forever, especially north of London, and with the corporatised farms in Australia, never mind non-Anglo places, land appropriation and theft is a constant in human history.
    And, if the CEOs weren’t an organised gang then why did their remuneration go up by multiples of 10 and 100 in the 80’s and 90’s ? It’s clearly a racket.
    As for the rentacrowds, our lying media doesn’t say it is a reaction to the bogus lockdowns.
    It’s all madness like Germany late 30’s, people just go nuts.
    Burning shops isn’t a rational reaction, shooting a few cops makes more sense.
    Amazing how so little reported gun violence has come from these “rioters”.
    So our lying media constantly tries to take down their enemy #1 that’s Trump instead of imputing the pointless lockdown, for the mediocre Wuhan Flu, which we should not be dignifying by calling it the advertisers’ brand name “covid19”, there’s no need to sex up the stupid Wuhan Flu.
    It’s all bogus, it’s all a big lie, the fact the industrialised liars are always taking shots at Trump probably indicates Trump is still an independent, though all this stuff is so deeply orchestrated that we will all be in a pea soup fog soon, and then we’ll just have to do whatever our phone tells us to do.
    Already the government sends me a text nearly every week with some type of instruction.

  4. As Polly says – clearly organised and paid agitators – this woman has had enough

    (note the masked agitator writing ‘BLACK LIVE… … to maintain the agitation – I wonder what race he is – doesn’t look Black OR White to me.)

    • Polly is a sweetie.
      This is kinda strange, Dear Fish, got to 2:38 so far.
      Lame fire retardant at first, maybe understandable after a long nite. Then first responders turn up and are equally lame. I thought they would at least break out ar15’s to suck the oxygen from the clear and present danger. But then, WAM , gotta register my voting intent. Smells Sorosey, somewhat.
      Looking around, hoping i’m not the patsy, and moi non jacuse, wink.

        • Shouldn’t she have N95 gloves on at least?

          I can’t believe we are talking about things like face masks and playing contact sports like AFL football out of hubs with high-fives banned (unless you are the Selwood brothers of course) – and not the perpetrators of this hoax 🙂

          PS – she reminds me of my cousin who I grew up communicating with in Auslan

      • I also noted the gigantic electronic billboard promoting “COVID-19” – they certainly prepared well.

        I didn’t think she was fake – screaming about how stupid people are destroying their own neighbourhood where people (including homeless) have to live and exist – and that there were no corporations in that neighbourhood to be targeted (except maybe Target (??) as Polly highlights).

        … but yes, there is fakery all around –

        Protesters brutally dispersed ahead of Trump’s photo opportunity with a Bible

        • What I take from this weird episode is
          1. Trump is not media managed (that’s good)
          2. Did Trump actually order that people be sprayed and were the cops even under his control OR is this just another media attack by the media owning elites whom he is a threat to.

  5. This may necessitate a correction to link.
    Rabbi Yosef Tzvi ben Porat: Why Hitler Hated the Jews on you tube.
    Last letter is either a capital O or numeral 0. Hard to distinguish.
    I leave it at that for discernment in light of what is a apparent attempted communist takeover in the US.

    • Yes, thank you Ned – I had seen that some time ago and the yewtube bookmarked copies just kept disappearing. People should peruse those subtitles very closely.

      Here also on Bitchute:

      Rabbi Yosef Tzvi ben Porat explains why Hitler hated the Jews


      Just BTW, that segment which ends with “Of course he is right” comes from the following at 76:14

      Where was God in the Holocaust? Rabbi Yossef Ben Porat – English Subtitles

      A little aside – one source informs us that at 3:37 the correct translation is “forefathers of Marxism, Communism and Leninism [not Hellenism]” – otherwise the translation is verified.

      At 3:57: Rabbi: “Out of nine large German newspapers, seven were owned by Jews”.

      Another aside – I have read elsewhere that the Jews boasted as early as (?)1891 of having control of shaping German opinion and culture through majority control of the press.

      And while we are on the topic … the following words mirror exactly what Rabbi Yossef Ben Porat was saying:

      “The decay of our culture, these mounds of contamination of our whole cultural life. The decomposition of our literature. The poisoning of our theaters – of our movie theaters, all our art is now falling for it. Millions of Germans do not participate anymore – it does not appear to them anymore, this art that was not born from our people but is alien to us and will remain alien – that has nothing to do with the German character and did not come from our soul. It was imposed on our people by a subversive press which made it palatable. And parallel to this already the assault begins against the education of our children’s brains. The tearing out of all memories of our German past. The insult to all the great men of our people. The removal of its memory from the heart and brain, out of the German youth.


      Hitler on Cultural Marxism


        • From what I can gather:
          * Hitler was a Nazi party put-together who, like Hilary, had a number of back-up doubles, hence his miraculous survival of the 20/7/44 plot and other assassination attempts :

          *The Commies were the no.1 enemy of the Nazi party hence the war against the Jews

          The Commie slaughter-fest of the day was far more extensive than what took place under Nazism

          • berry – Hitler was an opportunist, and of the worst kind. It may interest you to know that the Aussies, and I cannot recall, without going back over some of the books I have of that conflict, which platoon, company or battalion, the Aussies belonged to, but they had a certain corporal in their sights, but were ordered to stand down before taking out the company that Adolf Hitler was assigned to.

            Funny about history, not only is it written by the victors, but also by the circumstances of the times.

      • Hitler attacked everyone, it’s hard to mount any argument to say he was not a nut.
        It doesn’t really matter what the “reasoning” was especially since none of it worked.

        • Who do you reckon said this… “We cannot make everyone the same, but every person must be granted access to the ladder”. Yup good ol’ Adolf.

          That quote very clearly identifies Hitler as a believer in equal opportunity, which is the linchpin of genuine democracy. No wonder the Zionists hated him and tried to destroy what he achieved for the German economy with social credit.

          Curiously, what tuned America’s Public Banking campaigner, Ellen Brown, onto real finance/economics, was Hitler’s achievements of the 1930s.

          Please note, I am not a fan of Nazism as portrayed by Hollywood, but I am the original skeptic when it comes to historical revisionism and propaganda. Those who pulled the strings at Nuremberg are the same people running Wall St today.

          Draw your own conclusions.

          One day when I get too old to fight in the streets, I will research that period of history

          • Tony – have you read Mein Kampf? ‘Every person’ in that quote relates to German National Socialists – no one else need apply.

            Untermenschen was a very big word in Germany during Hitler’s time, and Deutschland Uber Alles a big hit.

    • Hi Ned – I didn’t want to interrupt you earlier (on another thread) with a mere point of order while you were on a roll, but please continue to enjoy exploring that rabbit hole. It’s all very new to me so I am the last one to say “I told you so”, but there are those who are desperate that you don’t go looking.

      This is where I started

      General George [“We defeated the wrong enemy”] Patton’s Warning:


      We are all Germans/Palestinians/Syrians/USS Liberty crewmen now …

  6. Poor dumb spoilt Aussies conditioned by the msm control freak psycho lying controllers and our pollie sheep directing us to enter the slaughter house.
    How silly is the msm and our imbecile pollies, they will be lined up when the controllers have used them all up for their communist purposes?
    How ironic?

  7. Potatoes

    Not really off topic given the threat to food supplies. Saw some discussion about gold recently (over my head) and I also read somewhere that a better protective metal might be ‘lead’ – as I was pondering where Libya’s gold went.

    But on a lighter note, my vote goes with potatoes.

    James Corbett – How Did Potatoes Get So Popular? – #PropagandaWatch


    Liziqi – “The Life of Potato”!

  8. The chemtrails not as frequent as they used be, strong offshore winds maybe?
    They still do it on calmer nights.
    New phenomenon, unseen in 54 years living here, above suburban skyline – low flying military choppers in groups, every two or three days. Now, what’s that all about ?
    At least some of the young ones are back from ‘defending’ in the Middle East and Afganistan.
    Occupiers are rarely victims, unless retreating.

    • Think the modified Gulfstreams now available are able to work higher and no doubt able to turn the required transponders off (as indicated ML370 and others),when operating over 45,000 feet. I’m in North Eastern NSW and can hear them often operating still too. Maybe why Virgin can be retired, to the “lucky” investors now.

  9. There’s a common theme with everything on Gumshoe and that would be looking behind the false narratives put up by our lying media. This morning on aljazeera they are saying Trump was hiding in his bunker (like Hitler) from a crowd of unarmed rabble, contained behind a high fence. This in spite of the fact that Trump is not scared of things. Reagan was less controversial than Trump and he still was hit, the Latin principle “cui bono” suggests HWBush was behind it. I would say they took out John Lennon too, to soften the impact. They seem to like to take out two at a time. Trump has far more to fear from CIA and secret service but the lying aljazeera white house lawn opinionist Kimberly Halcott (?) claims he is hiding when he just went down for a look! As you would if you lived in a house. This brings us to the actual issue – – – Who is really hiding in the bunker ???
    Well, only Murdoch was brave enough to admit to being a globalised media owner and come on TV from time to time. The rest of them are hiding in their de luxe bunkers and won’t come out and comment on the lies they spread and especially whose pay they are in.
    The sheeple are still too dumb to understand principles from 200 years ago, Cui bono, divide and conquer etc. The presstitutes take the bribe, get their name and head on TV, the truth goes under the bus, the media owner bribes everyone with a nice career, lo and behold, old people dying in nursing homes has everyone in a state of total panic !!! Well. I’d like to know. Did Cuomo put virus people in nursing homes deliberately, to help cook up the story ??? Who is he working for ???

    • bg – re your John Lennon. Yes, I believe he got zapped for speaking out of school too much. It you get the chance, listen to some of his later interviews where he is outlining just exactly – in his terms – who runs the shebang.

      It wasn’t until my later life and through research that what Lennon was speaking of resonated with me.

    • typo: 2000 years ago
      Yes John Lennon would have been a “negative asset” for sure
      Taken down, like Roseanne more recently for talking about the pedophiles
      While Cheney and Bill Clinton get “sanitised by dilution” with Hollywood style full length features.
      The protest people are rallying about Floyd getting tortured to death but would they have got so excited if they hadn’t been locked down, if they didn’t need a focus in order to defy the stupid lockdown, I wonder how many cops are really getting shot, nothing is reported from the most gun-happy country in the world.
      Block & flood, spin, total omission, lies dressed up as opinion, opinion dressed up as fact, feature length propaganda, and memes designed to create total confusion all over the web.
      The Wuhan virus seems to be in large part an experiment in mass mind control, a continuation of Orson Wells’ martians are coming hysteria.

  10. “gun-happy” – what does that mean? And how does it relate to the thrust of your argument?

    Crikey, there are now heaps of stories in the U.S. of people stepping up and buying firearms for the first time in their lives, not because they are “gun happy”, but because they have had a wake-up call about reality.

    The Democrats are going to have a hard time running on a ‘gun control’ platform when a lot of their voter base just went out and bought their first gun.

    Australians are also waking up, but gun shops are ‘non-essential’ and still closed…

    • Terry – I’m all for a ‘second amendment’, but, how does one go about campaigning for that eventuality – and I believe that we will eventually see our own constitution become a copy of the American Constitution – when our Globalist education system has fried nearly every bodies brain?

      And on the those gun dealer stores being ‘off limits’ to the angry ordinary folk, which goes to show how our governments do not trust the great unwashed.

      It’s time to get back to the normal things of life, like government being afraid of the citizenry if the government does the wrong thing by them.

      As Abbott stated on becoming PM, “the first rule of government is to do no harm” – how long did he last as PM?

  11. ‘ bg ‘ , I see you’ve called it , for the 4th or 5th time in comments of recent days , the ‘ Wuhan Virus ‘ .

    Just like the mainstream media are calling it. Does it not worry you that you’re repeating MSM CIA-influenced phrases, & thus contributing to the disinformation campaign being conducted on the people of the world ?

    I could show you numerous articles from independent sources with integrity that , if you connect the dots , suggest overwhelmingly that COVID-19 was a bioweapon attack on China initiated by the U.S .

    For example :


    Yes, the perpetrators knew it would spread around the world eventually & come back to the U.S.

    That was the plan all along. Get rid of the hordes of useless eaters in the U.S as well ( also knowing it would disproportionately target dark skinned people ) .

    BUT, the more important aspect was to get people OFF THE STREETS , where they are unable to engage in protests or civil disobedience when the once-in-a-century cataclysmic economic collapse ( which they knew was coming ) , arrives.

  12. ‘ bg ‘ , I couldn’t stop laughing when I read this comment of yours posted earlier today :

    ” This in spite of the fact that Trump is not scared of things ” .

    Yeah , like you’re in his inner circle & are on the pulse as as far as being privy to the Victoria-Cross-Medal-worthy feats of bravery he’s enacted over recent years.

    HOW MUCH BRAVERY does it take to issue a Presidential Pardon for Julian Assange ?

    No, by an set of metrics you choose to do the analysis , this man is a COWARD .

  13. Yes he is. In solitary in Belmarsh prison .

    If Trump issued a Presidential pardon he could be back home in Oz .

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