Home Port Arthur Bryant’s Anniversary Series, Part 10: Mal Hughes’ Fourth Letter to the Federal...

Bryant’s Anniversary Series, Part 10: Mal Hughes’ Fourth Letter to the Federal Police


port arthur malThe shell of the Broad Arrow Café, photographed in 2014

by Malcolm Hughes

Copy of letter sent on 18th April, 2006

Mr Mick Keelty,

Director of Australian Federal Police. G.P.O. Box 401, Canberra.  A.C.T.    2601.

Dear Sir,

When I first wrote to you I requested that your department investigate the events of the Port Arthur massacre. I have since dug up much more evidence, that a serious crime took place by people in authority and that Martin Bryant was no more guilty of shooting innocent victims than you or I.

There is definite proof that he was not at the Fort at the time of the shootings and this evidence was in the hands of the Tasmanian Director of Public Prosecutions prior to the court case. I therefore, this time, DEMAND that your office investigate this treachery FULLY.

It has now been shown that this topic is no longer a “conspiracy theory” — but a CONSPIRACY did

take place and a new conspiracy is in fact covering the first. I will outline the information that there were far too many coincidences for events to happen, by chance on one weekend in Tasmania.

1) Six months prior to that Sunday the Tasmanian Government had a 22 body mortuary truck built & delivered.

(No other State has ever needed such equipment) It was also sold shortly after the events of that day.

2) There was a workshop seminar organised for that Sunday for workers of the Port Arthur Site, two hours drive away.

3) There was an Emergency Disaster Plan seminar held at Royal Hobart Hospital on the previous Friday, so attendees would still be in the area.

4) Six months before the event “worker’s compensation” rules were changed so that workers were no longer entitled to compo for P T S D.

5) Helicopter pilots were available for that particular weekend, when normally in short supply for weekend work.

6) There just happened to be a reported drug incident half an hour’s drive away from Port Arthur that required the attendance of the only two police officers from that township on that very Sunday, just half an hour before the first shot was fired.

7) Even though the Tasmanian Police were aware of the extent of the killings there was no effort to get large numbers of police officers to the Broad Arrow Cafe area in quick time to secure the area (that is, to prevent evidence being destroyed) & to put in place safeguards for the remaining population & tourists.

8) Shortly prior to that Sunday, Ray Groom stepped down from the position of Premier of Tasmania & placed his deputy in that position. However he retained or took control of all portfolios relating to the events that were to take place on Sunday 28th April.

9) Tony Rundle, the new Premier, took a trip to Dunblane to see how Scotland handled their terrorist situation. Why?

10) The “000” phone tapes for that day just happened to disappear.

11) Police records of Martin Bryant were in the hands of a Superior officer before Bryant’s car was identified.

12) The crew of the fire truck was in attendance at “Seascape” but must have been given orders to let the fire burn by someone in a very senior position. This of course destroyed evidence.

13) A.S.I.O. agents were ready to attend as soon as called.

For those that say the events of that day were a “State matter”, can they answer, why, were A.S.I.O. agents present & why were SAC-PAV personnel in attendance?

Anybody who has seen the story of that day, that has been gathered by civilian investigators, must be able to work out for themselves that this was a cowardly terrorist attack on unarmed civilians, for reasons that Australian authorities have refused to investigate.

If the D.P.P. was not involved in unusual activity, why were witnesses [such as Wendy Scurr] told early in the investigations that their appearance in court would not be required?

Also who appointed Martin Bryant’s replacement legal representative [David Gunson] and why was a replacement required? It seems that, that representative did nothing at all to defend Martin Bryant. His assets were confiscated by the

Government so that he had no financial means of providing his own lawyer. (A very smart move)

It is apparent from the evidence at hand that Mr Damian Bugg should be arrested and charged… for his gross, and deliberate deception of the Judicial Procedures. In my opinion he should be dismissed from his position as Director of the Federal Public Prosecutions Office immediately before someone else falls victim to his callous disregard for JUSTICE.

As you can see I have done some homework and enclosed a copy of that information. I, and others are asking why, when 35 people were killed by violence, there is no Coronial Inquiry? A matter that is required by LAW.

If you do not take action this time, you will be adding your name to the list of people involved as Accessory After the Fact of this heinous plot which not only killed 35 innocent victims but also put behind bars a man who could not have possibly done this dirty deed.

Bryant was incapable both mentally & physically of the crime for which he is blamed. (This was admitted by the court-appointed psychiatrist.)


The tapes of the “000” phone calls for the date 28th April 1996 have supposedly gone missing, which should have been very important evidence in this case. I would assume that now this is known to you, there will be a full investigation by your office. After all this is a Federal crime, as is the incident below.

An attempted attack, was made to harm my computer back in November by a message sent from postman@afp.gov.au and other addresses It is interesting to note that the first one received was addressed admin@-tons-of-cool.  It came from a similar postal address given to Mr Andrew MacGregor to send his writings, request made by a certain “Hamish”. It appears that the email address of “editor@shootersnews” has also been attacked several times in the past.

I image that now this information is in your possession the matter will be fully investigated.

Yours faithfully,

Mal. Hughes.

(An Even More Concerned Citizen of Australia.)

— Mal Hughes, of Perth, has taken many photographs of the Port Arthur Historic Site, of which the above is one. The Café still stands but is completely gutted.


  1. I take it that Mr. Keelty, or his office, provided a couteous and considered reply to a concerned citizen raising relevant material.
    After all, his office was concerned sufficiently to provide intelligence to the Indonesians leading to the the arrest, conviction and shooting by firing squad of a couple of convicted drug fellows…… all following information from a concerned parent seeking help.
    Now where is our esteemed Mr. Keelty these days?
    Sadly the lesson is clear; do not trust the cops unless one is held hostage by bad people and Roger is (was) outside with a shotgun.

    • Ned, I am taking up your idea:

      Dear Mr Hughes
      Australia is lucky to have citizens who care. Tasmanians will be grateful to know that someone on the mainland, especially you way over on the West coast, are looking into the Post Arthur incident.
      Our organization, the AFP, does not do police work in the states (at least not that I’m aware of). Nevertheless, as you have called our attention to the most serious allegations I will do my best to present your facts to the relevant offices.

      We do have statutory obligations to be involved in hostage situations and I suppose the goings on at Seascape cottage might have justified some federal presence there.
      Isn’t it awful what happened, I just can’t see what caused such tragic violence.

      Thank you again and please feel free to contact me personally if you receive further information.
      Yours sincerely,
      M Keelty (Please, call me Mick)

  2. Mal, that photo is gorgeous; I thought the cafe had been demolished — as was the gymnasium at Dunblane school (which massacre preceeded Port Arthur’s by only 6 weeks).

    Also, thanks or letting me use your photo with the July 23 article.
    I’ll look forward to seeing your other shots.

  3. Ned, thanks for your enquiry, regarding answer from Keelty. He only answered the second of my four letters with misinformation and lies. To this I sent my third letter bringing up the point that if Tasmania was out of their jurisdiction how come the AFP was involved in the two bombings in Indonesia.

  4. I have neglected to inform readers that each time I wrote, I enclosed hard copy of the information I had at my disposal at that time, so they were being kept up to date with info from Joe Vialls, editor@shootersnews and Andrew MacGregor as well as my interpretation as to what I perceived on that info.

    • “It came from a similar postal address given to Mr Andrew MacGregor to send his writings, request made by a certain “Hamish”.”

      Oh yes, ‘Hamish’, I had a run in with him as well. He’s the spook/Barrister at a certain Australian MSM organization (the one that hacked my emails in real time). I think he must have gotten the brief to monitor and keep the lid on the Port Arthur Massacre. As you can see from the multiple articles on just little old Gumshoes, it didn’t quite work out so well. He’s retiring so at least there was no big disclosure on his watch, however the next bloke with the job may get handed a ‘hospital pass’.

      Congratulations Mal, it looks like your letters really did stir them up – you got on their Special High Interest Target list (S.H.I.T. list)

      • Terry, I hope God does not take me before I’ve had the experience of having my emails hacked in real time. Sounds like so much fun. But could ruin friendships — oh, that’s probably the purpose of it.

        Terry, you have to give them credit. So resourceful! So imaginative. But poor Hamish, what a negative life. Tch tch.

  5. Mal, I want to offer a correction — maybe — re your Item 4. When I published “Fifty ways to leave your jailer” (Gumshoe Juy 2, 2016), I too claimed that the change was made to Compo law. But I got called on it, and have not since had a chance to track it down.

    As for all 13 of your items, would you care to pick three that you think should clinch the deal (for Bryant’s innocence) all by theirselves? Does anyone else want to bet? Maybe there is even just one item on the list that would carry the day?

  6. Hi all, like Nick Xenophon did with the No Pokies Party, is setting up a Free Innocent Martin Bryant Party, a smart way of raising the issue to the broader public, getting the name registered maybe the biggest battle, but what attracted media attention and public attention

    • Not a bad idea! Imagine every State with someone running – something for the local news! Then when the media tries to denounce it, they end up broadcasting the concept. People take notice and do some research – like on the Party’s website!

      Imagine the penny dropping for a majority of the public – it could be a landslide for the Party.

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