Home 911Truth Comments on Christopher Bollyn, by Christopher Brooks and the Gumshoe Gang

Comments on Christopher Bollyn, by Christopher Brooks and the Gumshoe Gang


by Mary W Maxwell, LLB

What fun!  Under my March 7, 2020 article on Kevin Ryan’s book “Another Nineteen,”  one of our Commenters — Truth Vigilante — suggested that we look into Christopher Bollyn’s theory of 9-11. Being sure that I had covered it in the past, I consulted Gumshoe’s search engine.

That brought up a few articles, such as this one called “The Cock Robin Approach to 9-11.” It asks “Who killed cock robin?,” Who had access to the stairwells at the WTC?, etc. It was a review of a book called “9/11 Exposed” which I had read as written by “Anonymous.”  Later, on September 7, 2017, I met Christopher Bollyn in Watertown, Massachusetts and asked if it was his baby.  “Yes.”

Today, that search of our files for the name Bollyn also brought up an article by Dee McLachlan , whose comments contain a very thought provoking idea about Nature having a nervous system!  Comments also came from Christopher Brooks, a dairy farmer from Goulburn who homeschools his 10 children. He used to “epistemologize” us regularly.

I am reposting those comments here in the form of a new  article.   They were written five years ago this month, on March 21, 2015 to be exact. At that time Dee’s moniker was “Dalia Mae” but I have updated it to “Dee” here.  Enjoy!

Comments to an article about Aussie soldiers coming home from Afghanistan

Mary Maxwell:  Bollyn always makes it sound like Israel is in charge (of everything). I think Israel is the servant not the boss, but anyway this is a good video starting at 55 minutes re ISIS beheadings. (And our very own Westfield Malls makes an appearance at 46 minutes).
If it be accurate. But who can trust anything anymore? How can you know who is pulling your leg?
I’m sorry for the war widows. Did not see parades in SA.

Persecuted2: “I think Israel is the servant not the boss”. How very ‘Chomsky’ of you, Mary – i.e., this is exactly the stance of Chomsky.  For those who are interested in Chomsky, try these two 1-hour videos for starters – The Shame of Noam Chomsky & left gatekeepers (by Barry Zwicker) here and at the Corbett Report.

Christopher Brooks

Mary, how true it is be frustrated at the information sorcery to the point where we are driven “mad”.

Only this week I had an ABC journalist state a lot of people want to talk about the “Illuminati” and the “Bilderberg” group. I was challenging him on the money issues. I had provided him with the Money Collection of information. This journalist agreed these subjects might be true but “how do you prove it”.

I explained there are different standards applied to information because the Treasurer has not proven Australia is short of “money” but it appears to be assumed in almost every economic conversation conducted on the ABC.

I pointed out many “academic experts” and politicians make all sorts of claims on the ABC that have not been proven. I explained, a journalist, if the job is done properly, should without fear or favor broadcast all opinions on a subject and the public “jury” can decide and judge what makes sense. I explained the ABC excludes critical perspectives from it’s reporting so the public is left limited in it’s comprehension of the full dynamic understanding of political and economic realities.

I continued to explain, in turn the public are limited in their ability to identify the root cause of problems and formulate genuine permanent solutions. James Corbett is one of the leading lights in my view in terms of media producer and content.

What Really Happened is a very useful hub but does include some poisonous material.

Richard Grove and his Tragedy & Hope media has some fascinating depth but a few puzzling aspects.

Ryan Dawson is a bit gritty in his approach but his broad understanding of Geo politics is impressive. He is a bit light on the Banking mechanics.

Sibel Edmonds at Boiling Frogs is worthy.

Joshua Blakeney’s non-aligned media is great.

Russian Insider is publishing 20 plus articles a day that
include the other perspectives on Russian politics and economics. Some heavy bias at times. A bit narrow.

Global Research has some excellent writers but takes a very left political attitude to the point of error at times.

It would be interesting to read and discuss who we would put in a top 20 honest and intelligent alternative media voices….

Dee McLachlan: Agree Christopher. I have too challenged the ABC – but they seem reluctant to produce alternative views or in fact alternative voices on their panels.
Also, I think we must be wary of bold claims whoever they may come from. With regard to Bollyn’s video – this is like one layer of the onion – and one must view this information as such. As you say – information sorcery. I would personally be in favour of an “treason information amnesty” to anyone providing truthful information.

But Bollyn missed A GEM————-

I would urge people to watch Paul Bremer on TV the morning of 9/11. He gives some insight into the human soul.

His offices (and 1500 associates were hit by the plane/s) – and he is interviewed. He fingers bin Laden, makes no mention of his fears of his fellow associates or that his office was hit. But he does say its good to see America get back to business as normal…
He seems completely detached from the action. Is he a raving psychopath – or was he “programmed” to go onto TV and say those things.

“In 1989 Paul Bremer became managing director at Kissinger and Associates. Bremer received the State Department Superior Honor Award, two Presidential Meritorious Service Awards, and the Distinguished Honor Award from the Secretary of State. was chairman and CEO of Marsh Crisis Consulting, a subsidiary of Marsh & McLennan Companies.”


Ned: Yes Dee, many have been suspicious of Bremmer’s apparent callous demeanor.
Compare him with the miserable demeanor in the first press interview of the first three moon tourists having returned from such a courageous, dangerous and historic endeavor.
S’pose it did not rate the usual celebration of a hole in one, a first test century ton or a championship match point ace.
Funny how things often do not appear kosher.

Mary Maxwell: It isn’t Chomsky of me. It is Wilson of me. My mentor in just about every field is EO Wilson the sociobiologist. That’s why I think Israel is not the boss. I see our political behavior as based on the givens of our species. We form mafias. It’s a good way to prey on one another. Ultimately, we form World Government. You can’t possibly argue that an organization as small as the Knesset is running World Government.
I know more than my prayers, but I ain’t tellin.

Christopher Brooks: The general propositions contained in the subject of the “Jewish question” allude to the activities and influence of a hidden “internationalist” monopoly power that derives from the money trickery.
The thesis is this power faction incorporates the “Masonic sorcery method” and it’s financial dominance to manipulate and control society.
The proposition includes a range of clever spells that have been woven in the economic, religious, cultural and historical fabric of Western Civilization that renders any questioning or curiosity of Banking monopoly power can be strangulated and poisoned by the “anti-Semitic”, “racist”, or “holocaust denier” minefield

Dee McLachlan: World domination is often represented in a top down pyramid, with power coming down from above – money flowing up.

But I think this is too simplistic… It has to be a complex web of factions and groups that all play different parts of the equation (like Mary says). To me the complex way nature works within species and in ecosystems makes more sense, with all kinds of parasitic and symbiotic relationships cooperating and dominating each other.

I think it would be more useful to consider the human population being “dominated” or organised in a more organic way – like a human body. Thus the top of the pyramid is more like the nervous system. The bankers early on realised they only need to hijack the nervous system – with the media being like the one side of the brain…. and technology the other. Thus with the money/bankers being the nervous system (and brain) they control the body…. make the organism walk in a specific direction… and have created the reality…

Thus if we changed the money system… or even understand the money system (as Christopher says) it would change the operating reality of the body.

Christopher Brooks: If you are not equipped to converse on the “Jewish Question” and “Holocaust Revision” these subjects will blow you up like a landmine that is buried just below the surface in your path to cause you serious political injury.
The key to most sorcery is fear that limits our questions or keeps us silent or self censored.

Christopher Bollyn’s presentation is simply information that documents a consistent pattern of allegiance to “Zionism” and Israel among key US Banking, Political, Legal, Admin and Military appointments. His conclusions are reinforced by all the factual research on money and power.

The sorcerer would have us find an alternative apologetic explanation for the clear facts, appealing to our political manners and sensitivity. Words being just words, I wouldn’t describe the controlling matrix as “organic”, I would describe it as Black Magic.
It is an unnatural and perverted vandalism of reality that
totally relies on deception and lies for it’s survival.

Dee McLachlan: Good point C B

Mary Maxwell:  Hmm. I see what you mean. But “changing the money system” entails the removal from the top of the jerks who, at present, are compelled to keep this nonsense going. Dalia, please push harder to get that metaphor clear. I agree that an ecosystem is an ecosystem, and maybe we are like that. Maybe there is a nervous system (though I am not very persuaded).

Isn’t it also possible that we have broken the rules of Nature, and can no longer get her protection? Did you notice the compo paid in the oil spill? I hear a rumor that it was not an accident. Yes, there really are efforts to harm the planet, and not just to make profits! Insane! Fracking may be such a thing. Certainly ebola is. (Read Len Horowitz’s Emerging Viruses, 1997.)

Here is my latest, on what we need to do. We need to find the like-minded and compose simple rules for all to follow. I don’t say people would obey, but they might.
They can’t obey now, as there is no rule for them to obey!

I am also in favor of amnesty and even immunity for persons who will come forward. Again, they have to have someone to come forward to. And is there a Mr Rich Britches who can pay a Reward to those who reveal what the rest of us need to know, such as what is the code to break viral diseases?

Methinks a possible congregation of the faithful consists of gardeners. Some humans just appreciate the soil and plants more than others. They have got to be appalled at the destruction that is going on. It is such a blasphemy. Maybe they are less inclined than non-gardeners to play dumb.

Of this much I am sure: the Bozos are only human and are just as prone to be in denial as anyone else. They also have no means for saying, amongst themselves, “Our task has failed. We really can’t carry off the Great Takeover that we’ve been planning for centuries.” I think it has become unrealistic for them to subdue everyone. They are in trouble. We need to help them. Poor Cheney, poor Bremer, poor Lowy. Sad cases.

Mary Maxwell:  Dear Christopher, I am always happy to take on a subject that no one is supposed to talk about. I love Jews and think they are great. I agree with Ned above that they are being used. But he implies that they don’t know it. More likely they do know it and can’t think of how to handle it. Can any of us think how to handle anything these days? How to stop American torture of Iraqis, for example. How to stop censorship in Oz? Dalia just told me that somebody in WA has proposed the criminalising of criticism. Seriously. (Betcha five dollars it will happen.)

Anyway, since you used the phrase “the Jewish question,” I googled for a definition. I got a recent essay by a UCLA administrator saying that several campuses in US are having discussions to counteract anti-semitism. He mentioned that people were outraged when a candidate for a job on campus was asked if her Jewishness (or loyalty to Israel or whatever) would be a conflict-of-interest factor.
I don’t find it outrageous at all. All she had to say was NO. If someone offered me a job in which advocating a privilege for Oz was going to be a problem, I would be happy to say that I am emotionally attached to Australia and want the best for her, but that in the specific position I would quell any bias of mine.

Christopher, you mention the minefield of Holocaust denial. The word ‘denial’ is itself a trick. Nearly every scholar who is critical of the figure “6 million” is very much a believer that the Holocaust happened. I am pretty sure that there are no deniers. Even if someone did deny it, let her! No one would be taken in by it. (Fredrick Toben of Adelaide argues that the particular room in Auschwitz that is used for tourists to see a gas chamber was never a gas chamber. He is hardly a Holocaust denier, though. But he got legally punished, in Germany, for “defaming the memory of the dead.” Such nonsense. Of course he did not defame the memory of the dead. But Section 130 of the German Penal Code says he did.)

I oppose the Australian law that protects anyone who feels his ethnic group has been slurred. Let that group go to press with counteracting statements. If, instead, you lock up the guy who bad-mouthed you, there’s a tendency to think he may be right.

My ancestry is Irish. In Adelaide, people celebrate “Irish Christmas” in July. The real point is that they want to cook the turkey on a cold day, but the message is that Irish are so stupid that they get mixed up about the date. Does not bother me at all. Come to think of it, I wonder what would happen if I took the matter to the Human Rights Commission. Very funny.

Dalia has vehemently opposed certain laws that were passed in 2014 under the guidance of Attorney General George Brandis. To no avail, that is.

Likewise, people in Germany have opposed the ridiculous criminalisation of Holocaust denial. To no avail. And citizens of Israel, in great numbers – more than 50% — oppose their government’s policy toward Palestinians. Not one iota of “avail.”

I think what we should be thinking about is: How is it possible for leaders in democratic countries to get away with this? Or, as I am fond of rephrasing it: What is the matter with us that we put up with it?

Dalia points out that her work as a journalist, uncovering crimes by officials, will land her in jail under the new law. Once she is inside, it is going to be a lot harder for her to act. See the website MedicalKidnap.com. In America people are having their kids taken away from them right, left, and center, by Nazi-like judges. The champion of the families, Bill Windsor, a judicial activist and Youtube journalist, has just been arrested again, on some trumped-up charge. Be warned, Everybody!

The time to act is now.

Christopher Brooks: I think Jon Faine’s attitude and logic comes under the puzzle that has over centuries been described as “The Jewish Question”. It’s a way of acting and thinking that contradicts the logic, reason and morality that I might describe as “classical Christian reason”.


A very important aspect of the “Jewish Question” becomes very evident if you publicly raise any criticism of any idea, policy or information that the “Jewish Lobby” have anointed must only be interpreted by their Chosen People.

This is when you come face to face with the “Jewish Question”.

Just the other day our Prime Minister trembled and apologized in Parliament for describing something with the term “holocaust”.

Ned: Poor Jews, poor ashkenazis poor Sayinan, poor zionists, Christian or otherwise: You do not get it! You are all cannon fodder for the control freak globalist bankers who plant social and religious violent discord amongst civilisations.

They have a plan for all of us. ……. Slavery, no exceptions, they just need chaos and then their ‘brown shirts’ will be their enforcers, all based on psychological conditiong of the young, endorsed by their controlled media empires and rewriting of history through a dumb downed education system.

Ned: For your children’s sake read the notes of Dr. Day’s address on 20th March 1969 under; ‘ New world order exposed 1969’.

Good version is at Jeff Rense dot com. Mary is correct …. To a certain extent, Israel is the banker’s useful international idiot and dispensable after it’s used by date.




  1. “I wouldn’t describe the controlling matrix as “organic”, I would describe it as Black Magic. It is an unnatural and perverted vandalism of reality that totally relies on deception and lies for it’s survival.” — Christopher Brooks

    I wish the “perverted vandalism of reality” was more blatant so we all could compare it to the “real” reality.

    What is the real reality anyway?

  2. Mary , in relation to your statements that Christopher Bollyn ‘ always makes it sound like Israel is in charge of everything ‘ & ‘ one can’t possibly argue that an organisation as small as the Knesset is running World Government ‘ , I will respond thus :

    I certainly don’t argue that the Knesset runs the world & don’t know of anyone credible who does.

    Yes, Bibi Netanyahu & the rabid Zionist Likudnics in the Knesset are a component of it. ( One only has to look at the following sickening display of abject prostration by the U.S Congress to determine who owns them ) :

    But the real power lies with the Rothschilds , Warburgs, Schiffs , Oppenheimers, Rockefellers etc , that were instrumental in the formation of the U.S Federal Reserve & their descendants & proxies that control the entire financial system if the western world to this day.

    These people are not Israeli nationals & they are, for the most part, secular Jews.
    But, they are committed Zionists & their unimaginable collective wealth has purchased their control of U.S foreign policy (not to mention that of the U.K , France & others ).

    Mary, you are no doubt familiar with AIPAC ( American Israel Public Affairs Committee ) & will therefore well know that they are BY FAR the most powerful lobby group in Washington. ( There’s blue sky to second place ).

    One need only look at the words of former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney who said that upon entering Congress, she was required to sign a ‘ Loyalty Pledge ‘ to the state of Israel.

    ALL new Senators & Congressmen are required to sign said ‘ pledge ‘ .

    Is there ANY other country on Earth that Congress members have to sign a pledge to ?

    What other country would be so presumptuous as to even entertain the notion that a single individual would pledge their allegiance to it ?

    Yet, Israel demands ( and gets ) this pledge of allegiance from the overwhelming number of those in Congress because those who don’t sign it are not destined for a long career in Washington .

    Mary, specifically in relation to your ‘ Bollyn ALWAYS MAKES IT SOUND like Israel is in charge ‘ comment , does he really ‘ make it sound ‘ that way – like there is an inherent subjectivity ?

    OR, is he simply presenting the facts ( an absolute deluge of information that has been fact checked for accuracy ), & said facts lead to the inescapable conclusion that 9/11 was a False Flag organised by Zionist proxies for & on behalf of Israel ?

    I have posted Bollyn’s thesis before but it is so important that it must be read before coming to any conclusions. For those GumShoe readers unfamiliar with it , if you only read one thing on 9/11 in the years to come , make this it.

    Here it is :


    A little background a Bollyn.

    Working as a genuine investigative journalist, he was disseminating the facts that pointed to a Zionist / Israeli involvement in 9/11 .

    The Zio-cabal that controls the U.S government was less than pleased with his activities & sent a few government goons to his house where he was assaulted, tasered & had his arm broken in front of his family.

    Found guilty of ‘ resisting arrest ‘ in a kangaroo court , he packed his bags soon thereafter & left with his family to Sweden where he has lived since 2007 .

    This man has risked much to get his story across. The least we could do is make the time to read his overwhelmingly compelling thesis.

    I’ll end with the words of Christopher Brooks from the article above, who succinctly encapsulates my sentiments :

    ‘ Christopher Bollyn’s presentation is simply information that documents a consistent pattern of allegiance to “Zionism” and Israel among key US Banking, Political, Legal, Admin and Military appointments. His conclusions are reinforced by all the factual research on money and power ‘ .

  3. ” LOCK STEP ”

    Is the Rockefellers Foundation blueprint using Bioweapons to impose martial law worldwide. Everything will be shut down and censored.
    Food will be difficult to buy cause they own the mega barns and can turn the tap off everywhere. Same applies to fuel transport and telecommunications. Say goodbye to the liberty and freedom we never had !

    With AI they don’t need us no more.
    We the 90% have a huge advantage over the 1%.
    All we need is convincing the 9%, whose jobs depend on their servitude, to change sides.
    Our self sufficiency has been hijacked. Unless we restore it all will be lost.

  4. “Is there ANY other country on Earth that Congress members have to sign a pledge to ?”

    Have to sign? They don’t HAVE TO sign.

  5. No Mary, they don’t have to sign. Ron & Rand Paul & a few others didn’t.

    But, those that didn't had a torrent of campaign contributions directed towards their opponents at the next election & soon thereafter their promising political careers ( of the great majority of them ) , came to nought.

    Of course, in constituencies where the sitting Congressman had a considerable loyal following that knew their representative was the real deal ( think Ron Paul ) , the Zio-cabal soon gave up as they knew no amount of money was going to dislodge him .

    Mary, as to the ' found guilty of resisting arrest in a kangaroo court ' comment , obviously I was not physically present at said court proceedings so can't speak from firsthand experience.

    But, as I did mention, Bollyn was assaulted by plain clothes government goons who did not advise what government department they were from ( they were not in uniforms ).

    Bollyn was assaulted on his front lawn , as I understand , & this was witnessed by his immediate family and neighbours.

    By all accounts, Bollyn did NOT resist but was nevertheless set upon by these thugs.

    Refer to account below ( specifically the paragraph titled : Assault by U.S police ) :


    Bottom Line : If you’re found guilty of a crime in a courtroom , for which there is ample evidentiary proof that you’re innocent , I would call that a kangaroo court – as per the definition I found on Google below :

    Kangaroo court

    Description : A kangaroo court is a court that ignores recognised standards of law or justice and often carries little or no official standing in the territory within which it resides. The term may also apply to a court held by a legitimate judicial authority which intentionally disregards the court’s legal or ethical obligations.

  6. How evil are our Shock Jokes, MSM, ABC and SBS?
    Please take about two minutes to be informed that the last 19 years of invasions, killings and theft in the Middle East was planned by the NEOCON mass murderers prior to the 911 false flag mass murders to justify, in the public eye, that all the killing and warmongering is justified over the last NINETEEN YEARS
    The lying media promoted the official government 911 unscientific conspiracy theory as official serial aiders and abettors of the killing of millions of innocent people and theft of children’s national heritages.

    Aiding and abetting the coverup of this horrible crime surely has to be a war crime. The media lack of any sense of morality may be compared to that of some of the most evil leaders.
    Not to mention, being a evil abominable betrayal of our soldiers and their families.

    Sell the lying ABC.

    I am reminded; now where is ABC’s Jonathon Faine these days?

    We know where Frydenberg is.

  7. I’m with you 100 % Ned .

    Meanwhile, for those of you not predisposed to lengthy reading , & would prefer an audio -visual presentation, the following is one of Bollyn’s best :

    For those of you with even shorter attention spans, you can focus on the 3 minutes or so from 1:18:00 to 1:21:00 which strongly suggests that a garden variety commercial 767 did not strike the Sth Tower that day :

    Yes readers , that is most likely a Northrop Grumman E-10 MC2A that you see with that tubular appendage on the forward underside of the fuselage. ( Refer to photos below ) :


    Incidentally, an E-10 is merely a Boeing 767 that has been modified by Northrop Grumman for military application so , to all intents & purposes , would appear almost identical to the commercial counterpart ( esp. if travelling at over 500 knots – thus preventing extended scrutiny of the appendage from which the depleted uranium forward firing ordnance was launched from ) .

  8. Dam, battery expired whilst composing a lengthy comment on Bolyn’s video referring to thermate and minute iron spheres disclosed by Jones, Harrit Et. Al.
    So in bullet form.
    I took Jones to the apple store in Bondi Junction in 2009 so he could sort out his phone etc.
    He needed to contact his home base to have sent to him a video taken by him on the discovery of the minute iron sphyrical spheres he found in a sample of the 911 ‘dust’.
    He explained that he discovered the iron spheres by running a magnet over a plastic bag that attracted to the top the spheres, leaving minute ‘thermate/mite’ samples below.
    (My input here. Look up how shot gun pellets are created …. i am not your tutor, no time now)
    We managed to contact his ‘office’ and had the video sent to the Apple shop.
    He examined the video and was relieved that he had it for the 911 conference the next day.
    He explained to me what the video was.
    Well, think on this: he had the dust, spheres and ‘thermate” unexploded particles. He places the thermate particles and is looking down the microscope. He then runs a electric current, via probes and contacts the thermate.
    WOW, he jerks his head back from the eyepiece …… imagine the result of the electrict circuit created. A huge flash ( explosion) via the eye piece that created alarm due to the magnification of the minute ‘explosion’.
    Jones is no bullshiter.
    Wake up and recognise empirical benchtop science.
    The official government 911 conspiracy theory is a tin foil hat nutters lie to the world.

    • TV.
      The ‘You’ in the shot gun pellet reference was only directed to the ignorant samples of media and other simpletons and idiots who would not be able to differentiate a lead shot gun pellet from a aspro pill.

      • A hint for ABC and mass-media idiots.
        The melted lead is dropped from upon high and physical force of nature produces the shot spheres.
        My understanding of the manufacture of pills is a mixture compressed in a pill press.
        Now tell us msm idiots the difference in temperatures that melts lead and iron. As Bracken tried to explain to that ABC ignoramus Faine.
        Sell the ABC and Faine and add Frydenberg. (Ref: videos posted above.

  9. No problem Ned – I didn’t interpret anything you wrote in an uncomplimentary sense.

    In any case, I will get it wrong from time to time & I encourage all readers to administer some ‘tough love’ my way when I deserve it .

    Ned , I’ve read more than enough of your postings to know you’re a well researched & thoughtful bloke so I would value highly your objectivity on those occasions when we have disagreement on some future issue.

    As to your suggestion that we ‘ sell the ABC and Faine & add Frydenberg ‘ , all I can say is ….

    …. Amen brother .

    • The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence.” – Charles Bukowski

      Re the Banner being held aloft in the pic at the top…

      I think the first thing to do is convince those that still cling to the official account as gospel to the absolute impossibility of it being anywhere near the truth, based simply on <a href=”https://www.ae911truth.org/>all the evidence that proves just that.

      If the world is really full of people that are incapable of understanding the simple physics of gravity, results of expert scientific study, video & photographic evidence, eyewitness testimony and well, common sense…

      then perhaps as a species we are not even worth saving.

      but can the masses really be that limited? if not, then once the truth reaches a critical mass – and the people understand the magnitude of the deception – the war must then surely be over?

      At that point we can begin to solve the who what when where how and why…. of 9-11, and all the other criminality that has been inflicted upon us all by way of our collective willful ignorance, cognisant dissonance, gullibility, fear. ..

      not everyone has heard of the attack on the USS Liberty, or the Port Arthur massacre, or the Boston Marathon bombing, or even the Reichstag fire.. but most have heard of what happened in New York on Sept 11 2001. –

      thats why I think its important to keep banging on about it. ( I was at a gathering not long ago, talking about 9-11, and someone asked, “why does it even matter?” – I couldnt believe the stupidity of the question, but even if he didnt turn and walk away, I wouldnt have bothered with an answer ) Im sure Ive changed some peoples minds though.

      One Day, Im ever hopeful, Ill be walking around at such gatherings, repeating over and over.. I told you so. 😉

      • “The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence.” – Charles Bukowski

        That is not just a comic quip, but is a real phenomena, it is known as the Dunning-Kruger effect. It took me years to understand that it is VERY REAL. There is also a corollary to it that I am guilty of – because it seems obvious to me, it should be obvious to others.


        The world is full of dumb-asses, we need an asteroid…

        • on a similar note, I sometimes wonder if a sane person ever questions their sanity and equally, does an insane person ever question theirs? ( I wonder because sometimes I question… )

          but sticking with Charles Bukowski – i felt a little better after reading this one,

          “If you’re losing your soul and you know it, then you’ve still got a soul left to lose”

          still not sure if that means im sane though – anyway…

          *Bring on the asteroid! Ill be right! – Ive got 4 pallets of bum rub!

          *definitely insane.

  10. Ned I have a problem with your reasoning. You say sell the ABC and Faine and add Frydenberg. However I am sure if you try to sell the ABC along with the other two mentioned bodies, there would be no takers. (buyers) Get the ABC back to its original charter and put the other two bodies through the court system as traitors to our sovereign country.

  11. I can think of quite a few instances where the ‘evidence’ literally saturates the propaganda channels to mould us according to a certain narrative. The CCTV footage of the Skripal-poisoning villains Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov comes to mind (still at large), or the hoax/staged story of Omran Daqneesh – the young Syrian boy in the ambulance.

    You would think they would be just as keen to saturate our minds with the evidence of the ‘plane’ hitting the Pentagon. Unless of course ….

    911 Entire Pentagon Footage with Impact *


  12. Fair Dickum,,I can give a very good reason, to the idiot who said, “why does it matter?” The answer being that, “next time it happens, you or your family members may be one of the three thousand victims.”

    That is what I tell people who make similar remarks about the Port Arthur Massacre.

    • Thanks Mal, he walked off before I could answer – he wasnt prepared to listen – he was just too full of confidence

  13. While discussing Christopher Bollyn’s work on 9/11, I must mention his investigations into MH 340 and MH 17. Worth following up on!

  14. Notice to
    All AAP has-beens retundants.
    Have any of you read the above?
    Do you not comprehend?
    Do you not understand?
    Well you are idiots probably without a half brain with any understanding that you are not trusted.
    Go away.

  15. G. Edward Griffin , a good man indeed & sharp as a tack . (The absolute antithesis of Joe Biden despite being 10 years his senior ).

    For the life of me , I can’t pinpoint a single thing he’s said over the years that wasn’t right on the money.

    With that in mind , here he is being interviewed by Greg Hunter ( from USA Watchdog ) a few months ago .

    Greg asks Griffin what he thinks of Trump, fully expecting a glowing endorsement of The Orange Man .

    But, he doesn’t quite get the response he’s expecting ( refer to the section from 22:20 to 30:30 ) :

    And, towards the end of the interview , Griffin is on the mark again advising that we should put any spare dollars into precious metals – the only thing that will hold up over the next few years as property , equities & cash all get pummelled.

  16. 911 was masterminded by the International Banking Cartel, overseen by the Khazarian Mafia headquartered in Tel Aviv and coordinated with Neocon Zionists in Washington DC.
    The military industrial complex is a Jewish bankster creation headquartered in Chicago. Same for big tech big social media and Hollywood. Big pharma and vaccination agenda brethren are mainly Jewish physicians scientists lawyers lobbyists and politicians.

    British Israel Rothschilds zio-crime syndicate empire is the hidden hand behind all global chaos.

    “You must understand, the leading bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without out a shred of human remorse. It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators.”
    – Alexander Solzhenitsyn

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