Home Conspiracy Duplex False Flags: Sandy Hook, Boston Marathon, Etc.

Duplex False Flags: Sandy Hook, Boston Marathon, Etc.


 by Mary W Maxwell, PhD, LLB

sandy-hookThe use of a false flag is commonplace by now. A baddy does something to harm people and lays the blame on another. The word ‘flag’ gets in there because it is often a nation blaming another nation, falsely. But it could be an organization, such as the CIA, blaming ordinary citizens.

Suppose for the moment that Adam Lanza was not the killer at the Sandy Hook School in Newtown, Connecticut on December 14, 2012, and the Tsarnaev brothers did not do the bombing at the Boston Marathon on April 15, 2013. Suppose those are false flags, done by some other unnamed party.

Full article here


  1. In Mary Maxwell’s article, “Duplex False Flags: Sandy Hook, Boston Marathon, Etc.” she begins by explaining what “false flag” means so she is obviously addressing the article to readers who are new to this type of topic. I am not one of those people but I found most of her article rather convoluted and incoherent and I’m guessing that genuine beginners to this type of topic would be confused and lost. In addition to that, she omitted an important point about the Sandy Hook and Boston bombing incidents. Almost all the people who doubt the veracity of the “official” versions of those incidents believe that those incidents were false flag events but false flag events with an added twist – they believe that no-one died and that the events were staged, using “crisis actors”. Her article seems to imply that people did die. She wrote, “Suppose for the moment that Adam Lanza was not the killer at the Sandy Hook School in Newtown, Connecticut on December 14, 2012, and the Tsarnaev brothers did not do the bombing at the Boston Marathon on April 15, 2013. Suppose those are false flags, done by some other unnamed party.”

  2. Sorry about the convolution, Mr G, but the subject matter is convolution crystallized. Specifically I said:
    “I deduce that the point of the madcap reporting about amputees in Boston is intended to make a truther give up on investigating, as the whole thing is so confusing.”

    How about you? Any thoughts on whether some ‘crisis actors’ were in there? You may recall the chick who said she saw Saddam’s soldiers empty out the baby incubators in Kuwait. (I’m talkin’ 1990, Desert Shield). I guess she was sort of a crisis actor, as she was later identified as the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador, rather than a worker in a hospital nursery. If a government wants to do a false flag, there’s certainly loads of potential in the use of actors.

    Anyway, as I said, a citizen can evaluate the authenticity of crimes merely by applying common sense. A young man named Kevin Edson was charged this year with carrying a pretend bomb (a rice cooker), “symbolically” near the scene of the Marathon bombing, on the anniversary thereof. My common sense tells me that a man does not risk jail for the sake of such an abstract gesture. What could he gain? His Mom “told the LA Times that he has a bipolar disorder.” I’ve never heard of bipolar people going in for that sort of fandangle. Have you, Mr G?

    Do you think the official Sandy Hook story is cricket?
    Come on, take an educated guess. And you may as well supply your real name. There is no reason to be afraid of taking a position either pro or con.

    • Mary, I don’t want to get into an extended discussion on this but I believe Sandy Hook was a drill, involving real police officers, officials etc. in combination with crisis actors. Look up “Wolfgang Halbig” on the internet for some information about this. It’s not easy to see that this event, and others, were frauds but if you don’t have a real job (or don’t have a life) and are prepared to spend hours researching these topics on the internet, then the truth starts to shine through. For Sandy Hook, two big give-aways were the coroner’s (Dr. Carver) stupidity, including his chuckling, during his press conference and Robbie Parker’s demeanour when he thought the camera wasn’t rolling for his press conference. As for the Boston Marathon, the public were actually told, over a loudspeaker, that a drill was taking place before the Hollywood-effect fake bombs went off. Another ridiculous and transparent hoax was the Eliot Roger shooting episode at Santa Barbara in about May this year. I think there were several other hoax shootings too but I don’t have time to check them all out. However, I believe Columbine was real, a result of the mental illness of those shooters from psychiatric drug (SSRI antidepressant) use. As for your question about “bipolar disorder”, I don’t believe there is such a disorder – it’s another hoax, for the benefit of the pharmaceutical industry. Look up Dr, Peter Breggin on this topic at http://breggin.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=286 as well as the websites http://www.ssristories.com and http://www.cchr.org/. The latter website is an offshoot of the Church of Scientology, which is a very suspect organization but if you watch some of the videos on that website, you’ll probably agree that they are spot-on concerning the psychiatric industry and you’ll see that most of the people, such as doctors in their videos are not members of that organization (“church”).

  3. Mary, I don’t want to get into an extended discussion on this but I believe Sandy Hook was a drill, involving real police officers, officials etc. in combination with crisis actors. Look up “Wolfgang Halbig” on the internet for some information about this. It’s not easy to see that this event, and others, were frauds but if you don’t have a real job (or don’t have a life) and are prepared to spend hours researching these topics on the internet, then the truth starts to shine through. For Sandy Hook, two big give-aways were the coroner’s (Dr. Carver) stupidity, including his chuckling, during his press conference and Robbie Parker’s demeanour when he thought the camera wasn’t rolling for his press conference. As for the Boston Marathon, the public were actually told, over a loudspeaker, that a drill was taking place before the Hollywood-effect fake bombs went off. Another ridiculous and transparent hoax was the Eliot Roger shooting episode at Santa Barbara in about May this year. I think there were several other hoax shootings too but I don’t have time to check them all out. However, I believe Columbine was real, a result of the mental illness of those shooters from psychiatric drug (SSRI antidepressant) use. As for your question about “bipolar disorder”, I don’t believe there is such a disorder – it’s another hoax, for the benefit of the pharmaceutical industry. Look up Dr, Peter Breggin on this topic at http://breggin.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=286 as well as the websites http://www.ssristories.com and http://www.cchr.org/. The latter website is an offshoot of the Church of Scientology, which is a very suspect organization but if you watch some of the videos on that website, you’ll probably agree that they are spot-on concerning the psychiatric industry and you’ll see that most of the people, such as doctors in their videos are not members of that organization (“church”).

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