Home News Everybody Knows, Part 18: We (the Authorities) Can Use This Process

Everybody Knows, Part 18: We (the Authorities) Can Use This Process


(L) a Dunkin Donut franchise, Photo: Boston.com  (C) Hobart's Constable Pat Allen, Photo: Facebook (R) Confucius, Photo: xoticbramds.net(L) a Dunkin Donut franchise, Photo: Boston.com  (C) Hobart’s Constable Pat Allen, Photo: Facebook (R) Confucius, Photo: xoticbramds.net

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB

I write to ask the Readers of this article if they can help me think up a name for a very important phenomenon that does not yet have a name.  Without a name, it is hard to discuss the phenomenon or evaluate it.  The word I am looking for is something like chutzpah, or unmitigated cheek, but more subtle.

Here is an example.  In 1996, the authorities — in this case, Justice William Cox in Tasmania — gave Martin Bryant 35 life sentences for killing 35 people at Port Arthur. I think he knew that Bryant was innocent and that the narrative was garbooge. But if Cox didn’t realize it, another authority-person, Damian Bugg certainly did.  There was no trial, as Martin had been shanghaied into pleading Guilty.

The ways in which Damian Bugg, who was the state’s DPP (Director of Public Prosecutions), presented false information, or played upon Bryant’s disability, need not engag us here.  The point is Bugg’s reliance on an existing process, one that he merely had to align himself with. While we are searching for a word, I will temporarily call this the Bugg process.

As far as I know, they don’t teach it in law schools.  In my law school they fed us pablum, such as how to apply precedents to a case.  Probably if you go to work for a big law firm, they’ll give you a crash course in this other thing. Or if you go to work for government, you need only imitate the heavies in the office of DPP.  I’ll bet the entire office culture can sink in, in a week.

Let’s face it, you’re not going to be an employee under the chief prosecutor and start talking about law maxims, due process, and that sort of “nonsense.” You’d be out on your nose, and they would blacklist you against any future job, except maybe in academia where it’s OK to yak about the tiniest minutia of due process. You can write a whole dissertation on “Nano Particles in Due Process.”

Manliness Comes into It

Personally, I’m a chick. I was born into a chick body, I think like a chick. I do chicky things. (I like vacuuming — think about that!)  I don’t feel able to carry out the kind of work we are discussing here — it would go against my grain. So, if, by the error of some Human Resources person, I did get employed at the DPP’s office, they mightn’t even be able to train me to do this thing.

By the way, as I have previously recounted, just before I graduated from law school with a LLB (Bachelor of Laws, similar to JD, juris doctoris, in the US), I paid my little $5,000 to enroll in the Law Society’s GDLP — graduate diploma in legal practice.  On the very first day of that course, a lady at the Law Society of South Australia handed each of us a paper containing the names of local psychologists and psychiatrists.

She explained that depression is a problem among new lawyers. Possibly it has to do with the disconnect described here. You’re enjoying a pablum diet as a student, and then suddenly you’re expected to chew something hard.

It’s my guess that a male graduate can quickly adjust. The reason — pardon my romp into  speculation — is that they do teamwork better than females. If they see other blokes in the DPP office doing that Bugg thing, they eagerly imitate — because men eagerly imitate. Males are dying for inclusion into the work group. And if the work group is doing such-and-such, it must be right and beautiful.

There is also the importance of winning. On the very day I am writing this, May 22, 2023, an important trial is opening in Brisbane: The King v Greer and Doubleday. I suspect that the government’s team has chosen a poor strategy to use in the case.  (Tell you the details later.) A Prosecutor’s fascination with strategy is as masculine as a football coach’s fascination with strategy. Strategy is essential.

But that’s because winning is the key. Now let me insert a chick-ism. The ideal of justice calls for the court to be impartial and to make the case come out fairly.  It’s improper for the prosecutor to pick and choose from the information in file, so as to present only the incriminating stuff against poor Defendant X.  He should — a la the Brady rule — yield up any exculpatory material.  But a blokey-type prosecutor would feel like a fool doing that. It is unmanly to pass up a chance to win.

(Ah, woman’s work is never done.)

The Word “Corruption” Does Not Suffice

Above, I gave the example of Port Arthur. At some level, you could say that corruption was involved. Thus, we might say that the solicitor who got Martin to confess, by tricking him or confusing his mother on this subject, was corrupt. (By the way, Carleen Bryant is now age 84.) As it happens, that very solicitor, John Avery, was later imprisoned for a different action of corruption that was specifically related to money.

Money is the easiest thing for the public to catch onto. A cop who takes a bribe for not issuing a speeding ticket is being naughty and everybody knows it. If he gets caught at it (which is unlikely), he won’t be able to walk brazenly through his own court trial. He’s naughty, he must pay, end of story.

He won’t be able to rely on the “thing” that this article is about. This thing involves more than being naughty for individual gain. It always involves a scene in which the authorities are among the guilty parties, as how else would the guilty walk free?

Seen from a distance, using many cases, we can see that what is happening here is that the law is disappearing. Sure, it remains available to be used to beef up the prisons, but that is for the lower classes. If you want to apply it to powerful people, it’s not on the shelf.  It has disappeared.

Building a Non-Existent Case

By chance, some of the cases I have studied turned out to be fake. These include some famous false-flags. That’s where the “tragedy” is mostly a psy-op. We can say with certainty that Martin Bryant did not shoot anyone at Port Arthur, Tamerlan Tsarnaev did not bomb the Boston Marathon, and Adam Lanza (if there ever was such a person?) did not kill a roomful of first graders at Sandy Hook.

The event is a media event, repeated over and over. Yet someone has to be punished as the public has learned that people died. The correct ones to punish are the guys who really did it. But that is not going to happen. I don’t know of any case where the planners, the players, or the fiction-artists in the media were punished.

Worse, when a patsy is chosen to take the fall, the real apparatus of law does kick in. And this is where we see “the Bugg process.” Many people have to play a role in Bugg work. This could go as high as a president or prime minister. In the above cases it went to John Howard, Obama, and again Obama. It went to DPP Bugg and Attorney General Eric Holder (twice).

What elected politician was going to call the bluff? None have done so. You don’t see US Senator Elizabet Warren, aka Pocahontas, saying “I was a law professor at Harvard and I won’t put up with this BS.” You don’t see an Oz parliamentarian insisting on a reopening of the Port Arthur case, although Pauline Hanson raised the issue.  The next day she was in hospital with a bug bite on her forehead.

And what employee lower down on the food chain was going to upset the game? A constable, Pat Allen, did express about Port Arthur on a radio show during the 20th anniversary of Port Arthur. Did any shopkeeper on Boylston St, say at Dunkin Donuts, come forward to discuss whether the shop’s surveillance cameras were collected on Marathon Day, 2013? No. Even citizens who know somethings is afoot, don’t speak out. (I have asked many a cab driver in Boston if they have doubts about the Tsarnaevs.  Nearly all say Yes.)

What is rather amazing is the way each player carries out his part on the day. Imagine going headlong into a job when you know it isn’t ‘real.’ Does this mean most of the players are mind controlled? Worse, are most willing to work for money knowing that they will have to lie for a lifetime about it?

In regard to Sandy Hook, all the big names interviewers created a normal-sounding interview with the bereaved families or the teachers. It makes you ask if anyone at network TV still has their marbles.

What Did Confucius Say?

“The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their right names” said Confucius, back in the good old days. The purpose of this article is to find a name for something that goes on every day in our society but which, so far we have been unable to discuss.

The label “corruption” is inadequate. At the other end, I suppose the label “traitor” or “monster” is inappropriate since so many people are doing it. You can’t have a society that is composed of monstrous traitors — they would cease to be either monsters or traitors. They would be “nice guys.”

Please let me know in the Comments if you can think of a Confucian way to handle this. I’d like it to become a household word, one that we can refer to each time we think we are looking at a “Port Arthur.” I am guessing it would be handy in court cases. But it could also open a discussion with the public on the question: Are there any limits to media’s right to do fiction when they are purporting to report news?

I apologize for calling it “the Bugg process” which does not come near to doing the job.

And So to Pridgeon

Of course, this article is part of the series “Everybody Knows” — which is the name of Dr Russell Pridgeon’s new book; it was that book that made me search for the missing word. Next week he goes on trial for a crime that is — to paraphrase Dr Seuss — On Beyond Absurd.

Pridegeon and his buddy from youth, Patrick O’Dea, are charged with “defeating the course of justice.” Both of them have a life history of going way out of their way for justice. So I am hoping someone will come up with the needed word that can differentiate their normal English-language usage of Justice from that which is proposed by the Prosecution.

For anyone who does not know the case: Pridgeon saved two girls, in 2014, from a terrible situation.  Patrick did the same for a boy. In 2018 they were ignominiously arrested and have had to wait all this time for a trial. It will be fascinating to watch how the Prosecutor makes devils out of angels — at some point he may throw up his hands and say I can’t stand all this falseness anymore. Really you’ve got to pity the poor slobs.

Moreover, all this is occurring whilst the mums have not seen the kids in years — as is true for many, many other mums, and a few dads, in Australia. Think about it!  Think about it! The reunion of the century may soon be occurring, right in that little ol’ courtroom in Brisbane.

Rock my soul in THE BOSOM OF ABRAHAM.

You just never know, do you.



    • Dee, that is helpful. But the small players, e.g., in the Marathon case, don’t have balldacity. At least as far as I know (e.g. the manager of a Dunkin’s shop).

      It seems more like the small ones are under control, while the big ones are more conscious of their choices? For the whole Port Arthur scene to have been carried out, quite a few coordinators were needed. And for Jahar’s trial, attended by the public, it all had to go according to Hoyle, complete with all the cover-up words.

      Anyway, I did not intend the article to be an enquiry into how it works, but I am glad you and Berry took it that way.

      My late friend Trish Fotheringham would say that it all has to do with dissociation.

      The “word” I am looking for would be one we could use to describe the process. So, when we see it happening anew, we could refer to it succinctly. The fact that we do not now have such a word is holding us back from dealing with it.

  1. This is from Dr Mercola today:

    Primary care providers across the U.S. were bribed with incentive programs to coerce patients into getting the toxic COVID shot. Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield paid doctors $50 for each Medicaid patient aged 6 months and older, who got the experimental jab

    Doctors have been financially incentivized to vaccinate children for a long time. In 2016, Blue Cross Blue Shield paid pediatricians a $400 bonus for each patient that completed 10 vaccinations before their second birthday, provided 63% of their patients were fully vaccinated

    “Client and family incentives” also exist. In 2015, the Community Preventive Services Task Force recommended boosting vaccination rates by giving small, inexpensive incentive rewards to patients HELLO?

    Bribery is also par for the course when it comes to vaccine mandates. Pfizer paid undisclosed sums to front groups that advocated for COVID jab mandates, thereby hiding their conflict of interest

    • 2:15 The Communist Man-in-Festo, that’s Swab, he was boss of Festo
      and here we find out what Gates came to talk to Elbow about

  2. A public letter to his majesty and much more

    4 minutes from Stan Grant worth a listen–

    Stan Grant sends a message to his abusers in last Q+A before stepping away
    By Caitlin Rawling
    Posted 22h ago22 hours ago, updated 16h ago

    On Monday’s episode of Q+A, Grant said he was not stepping away from the show because of racism or social media, he was stepping away because he thinks the media is the problem.

  3. https://rumble.com/v2o31fe-insight-ep.40-sra-survivor-jeanette-archer.html

    “Nellie continues in interview 7. This week we discuss underwater trafficking involving submarines, music being used to program and how shame and guilt are set up as triggers. Its time for survivors to heal and put the shame back on the perpetrators, where it belongs.

    Nellie is a courageous survivor of ritual abuse and MK ultra in Australia, New Zealand and beyond. She speaks out today to show the structure and methods used by cult networks in programming children into mind control slaves and from here mass populations

    Nellie shares her important truth to assist other survivors in healing and to raise awareness in our communities so we all may know the signs of cult abuse and watch over the children around us

    Watch the full interview here

  4. back in the day, this phenomenon was called a “fit-up”.

    I’m shocked otherwise good people just choose to live in the “lie”.(not so good now they are covered in filth).

  5. It should be an acronym, because everybody uses them these days.
    C.C.A. Collusive Crown Assignment.
    Collusive- because there is a unknown cartel coordinating the project.
    Crown- because it would usually come from the highest order.
    Assignment- because it covers a task of the greatest magnitude to one of hiding a corruptive doing.

    But Mary as you have said in your discussion you may never prosecute a case of this nature purely because of the Crown involvement, and by that I don’t mean the royals but the Unknowns.

    • Very good vid, I thought he was the best. He says “I didn’t kill myself. I am not depressed. I am very happy to be alive at this moment in history.”

  6. The nature of the Martin Bryant stitch-up remains known by the complete absence of any sort of plea-deal

    Whereas the Operation Noetic defendants were canny enough to figure out there was no long-term personal benefit to engaging in such negotiations – not to mention zero political benefit

    So as far as I’m concerned there’s no comparison between the two cases other than that they both showcase how reprobate the system actually is

    • It’s not exactly hard to figure out that the Bryant stitch up was a detraction from a major government stuff-up
      Whilst Operation Noetic is a prosecution against 3 senior citizens who dared to challenge another sort of government stuff-up
      Both affirm that the entire Country is labouring under a pall of stupidic arrogance but the two cases are clearly at opposite ends of the spectrum

  7. Vandana Shiva – Leading ecofeminist and anti-globalization activist | Thinking Existenz (3/10)

    Vananda Shiva–wise words
    “The world has been commercially integrated and therefore spirituallly fragmented.”
    A colonising species–colonises minds
    “Terranullius —empty lands —wherever you go just deny their humanity
    “Obscene violent behaviour/”ideas”—need to defend bio diversity”
    They “Steal from nature —and steal from cultures that have evolved”
    She names this process of appropriation and new colonisation bio piracy”

    https://www.britannica.com › event › Bhopal-disaster
    Gas leak killed 2000 people—union carbide-unilever

    Bill Gates Exposed: Philanthropy to Control the World w/ Vandana Shiva

    • The problem with each and every so-called “Eastern” religion is that they’re all EVOLUTION based
      Conversely Judaism is based on RESTORING the planet to it’s original glory by standing firm against the Destructor
      And Christianity is based on the KNOWLEDGE that said work is a fait accompli & heeding the CALL to take authority accordingly

      • Apocrypha — Esdras 6:9 …”For Esau is the end of this age, and Jacob is the beginning of the age that follows”

        The Jews are of Esau from Idumea, and therefore not of Israel or Judah; Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925, vol. 5, page 41

        Revelation 3:9,”Behold, I give out of the synagogue of Satan those saying themselves to be Jews, and they are not, but they lie. Behold, I will make them come and bow down before your feet, and they shall know that I loved you.”


        • The apostle Paul warning concerning Gentile arrogance toward Israel was not like other warnings. Paul did not say that if Gentiles are arrogant toward Jews, they run the risk of missing an important truth or blessing.
          Paul was very clear that wrong attitudes held by Gentile believers
          toward the Jewish people, including unbelieving Jews, would result
          in Gentile believers being “cut off,” a term that implies being eternally condemned and separated from God. Paul’s statement was as strong a warning as one could make. As we surveyed the long and brutal history of Christian treatment of the Jewish people, we found that Paul’s warning not only has not been heeded, but it has been downright trampled upon. Instead of shunning arrogance toward the Jewish people, the Church has championed, celebrated, and reveled in their degradation of them. The long history of Christian anti-Semitism is the truly great shame of Christendom. However, while Christians today cannot change the past, we can pay heed to Paul’s warnings today, repenting of and rejecting all forms of supersessionism. We can relate to the Jews in a way that the Lord expects: by showing mercy, love, and honor. While the past cannot be changed, there is yet hope for the future.”
          “When a Jew Rules the World” page 253

  8. America in distress

    On May 16, 2023 an upside down flag (“distress” signal) was flown over the Senate building in Washington D.C. I wonder who did that. It is clear that someone was sending a warning to the country.


    Perhaps it has to do with the weaponization of the FBI and other government agencies. FBI agents have come forward recently, testifying in regard to the January 6, 2021 demonstration at the capital, which the FBI converted to a riot. FBI director testified under oath that no FBI agents (assets) were present, but the whistleblowers claim that he lied under oath. In fact, the FBI refused to turn over videos of the scene, claiming that these might expose FBI agents in the crowd!

  9. Their plan is to eliminate cash. Cash is financial freedom because it can’t be traced, tracked and controlled.
    These days, most are reduced to debt slavery or dependence on government assistance, and yet still don’t know what has happened, how low we have sunk into BS.
    And we’re the freaks for exposing the beasts behind the curtain.

    Events of past 3 years, all tools for genocide in a techno snoop system using CCP as role model, in order to suck all common wealth dry and wipe out locals.

    Fat cats are making a killing, it’s greed on steroids beyond measure, a national disaster totally unnecessary. Perpetraitors reading scripts, handed by Doherty Institute, financed by pig pharma. It’s the same stinking platter delivered by natural born deceivers who’ve rotted our nations from within, enriching themselves on our labour and goodwill.

    We have been ‘washed to worship the BS.
    Evil is now completely out of control, we are standing at the edge totally clueless, as have been many before us, prior to communist handover.

    The end game satanic technocracy, now within most people, weapons of war in place as our mass embraces its own demise.
    Seeds of serpents keep on pushing evil as way of life. They’ve been fleecing, sickening and killing us for centuries, yet to this day the mainstream dare not criticise the hidden hands that feed them.

  10. You are magical. You are more than enough. That is. Divine souls. All the rest is Matrix trickery. Alien AI hates humanity, tries to douse the bright shining lights by imposing trauma upon them. You we are stronger than all that. At last.

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