Home Entertainment Grammy Bull**** & Bullet Buy-out!

Grammy Bull**** & Bullet Buy-out!


There’s a story going around that Lorde in her award acceptance delivered a speech of a lifetime – but that it was cut with the Grammy’s reverting to the rehearsal take. That wouldn’t suprise me, but is it true that Lorde said: “Thank you so much everyone for making this song explode because this world is mental (Laughter). Planet Earth is run by psychopaths that hide behind slick marketing, ‘freedom’ propaganda and ‘economic growth’ rhetoric, while they construct a global system of corporatized totalitarianism”. And “the rapid militarization of the planet to gain permanent dominance over the world”? Read here and here. And one youtube link here

Whether Lorde said it or not is doesn’t matter – what does is that this supposed speech reflects the reality. Take for example – Militarization. Why is the US Department of Homeland Security – among many other USA departments (including the US Postal Service, Dept of Education) buying an OBSCENE number of bullets. Over the last few years I have noted more and more reports: even the purchase of 450 million hollow nosed bullets by the DHS. What! Costly and unsuitable for training – they are only good at blowing up ‘enemy’ bodies. Infowars reports ‘The DHS has faced questions over the last couple of years as to the purpose of its mass ammo purchases which have totaled over 2 billion bullets, with some fearing the federal agency is gearing up for civil unrest’. At the peak of the Iraq war US troops were firing around 5.5 million rounds per month – so that means the DHS are prepared for a 20 plus year Iraq-style war on the home-ground. So what is this all about? 1) Is the DHS preparing for catastrophic civil unrest in the USA? 2) Is this an alternative way of gun control – by buying out bullets so that the shelves are empty? 3) Or a means of boosting the flagging manufacturing? 4) Or is it all about executive bonuses by keeping their corporate cronies with (unnecessary) lucrative orders? Or 5) Are the powers that be at these departments just mental – and have completely lost all sense of reason and reality?.

Buying this number of bullets is truly a purchase of madness – reflecting that – yes – we are run by psychopaths.

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