Home Australia How Can The Politicians In Canberra Get It So Wrong?

How Can The Politicians In Canberra Get It So Wrong?



This headline says it all.

The destruction of Syria (along with 6 other countries) was in the planning in 2001 – as confirmed by the disclosure of Ret. General Wesley Clark. And after the West manipulated the destruction of Libya, weapons and terrorists were moved on to Syria to topple Bashar al-Assad.

But, finally Julie Bishop has come to her senses.


Four years into the conflict, the political process wants to adds “creativity” into the mix. It is shameful. The Western leaders bleat about the al-Assad being a brutal dictator – but are almost silent on the terrible annihilation of the Gaza Strip.

In 2003, the West destroyed Iraq in a war based on fraudulent manufactured intelligence. This BRUTALITY has directly resulted in the diabolical events today.

And now, as soon as Russia steps in, openly supporting al-Assad, the West want to “find a creative way to bring some kind of peace”.

Why have the politicians in Canberra not demonstrated once ounce of creativity over the last 12 years? They are either goggled-eyed over war, or are just being “told” what to do and say. If past politicians had to answer to their egregious of crimes on humanity, it may encourage future politicians to be more peacefully creative from the get-go.


Foot note:

The West have been supporting moderate rebels for some time. And now, the Pentagon has admitted that US-trained Syrian rebels handed over ammunition and equipment to al-Qaeda’s affiliate in the country. 







  1. “Julie Bishop come to her senses ????? Really ?
    In the same media release, this paragraph comes from, she also claims Assad used chemicals against his own people, claims which were thoroughly debunked, and if true, were the alleged “Red Line” for Obuma. Yet, Obuma quietly crawled back into his hole after being told it was all human excrement. But hey, it would appear Julia has somehow missed that little WELL KNOWN fact. She also states, that Assad must be removed, yet in another article posted here,
    Russia Checks Western Lies on Syria
    http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article42960.htm- “Sputnik “-
    We discover the major Western powers had come to an agreement that the only folks who could remove Assad, were his own people.
    Goes to demonstrate very clearly, any agreement with these same powers, is a waste of paper.
    So much for coming to her senses. Oh, by the way, how can she come her senses anyway, going by her own statements, it’s plain to anyone with half a brain, she HASN’T GOT ANY.

      • Talk about amazing. Thanks to Christopher’s video above, I went to check on the senator Dick Black. Seems he’s not in Congress; he’s in the state senate of Virginia. Now wait till you hear this.
        His state’s “national guard” (i.e.official state militia) has been disarmed (???!!!) Sen Black wrote this:

        Dear Governor McAuliffe:
        I urge you to immediately issue arms and ammunition to Virginia’s National Guard and to the Virginia Defense Forces. I also ask that you harden State military installations and recruiting stations against ISIS and al Qaeda sympathizers. Soldiers must be armed.
        My request stems from jihadist threats and from attacks on U.S. military installations. On July 16, 2015, Mohammad Youssuf Abdulazeez attacked military targets in Chattanooga. The “No guns allowed” sign at the Marine Recruiting Center was a deadly invitation to jihad.
        Strict rules against loaded firearms have left troops defenseless against murderous jihadists. Instead of acting like soldiers, they are told to run and hide. This is unacceptable. Since 9-11, America has been repeatedly targeted by militants. This year, I was personally designated an “enemy of ISIS” because of my outspoken defense of Christianity. If I am meant to die, I will not run and hide. I will go down fighting because that is the American way.
        The Chattanooga shooting is hardly the first such attack. On September 11, 2001, jihadists killed 3,000 Americans in the Twin Towers and at the Pentagon. In 2009, Major Nidal Hasan killed 13 unarmed soldiers and wounded 30 at Fort Hood, Texas. That year, there was another attack at Little Rock, Arkansas, where an American-Muslim killed a soldier at a recruiting center.
        As a combat-wounded Marine, I am appalled that our troops are defenseless against attackers. In Vietnam, we refused to be captured and fought to the death. If it weren’t for my M-14 rifle, I wouldn’t be alive to write you this letter today. Virginia’s soldiers deserve that same right.
        I ask you to join governors who are arming their state’s Guardsmen. Give our troops a fighting chance.
        Colonel Richard H. Black (Ret.)
        Senator of Virginia, 13th District

  2. Coming to her senses? Julie was trained as a lawyer and should have the hd half a brain required to examine evidence and scientific reality.
    I will ‘ sought of’ accept that she may be becoming realistic and objective when she realises that the official 911 government conspiracy theory is a deceit of Australia and a betrayal of our soldiers and their families when sent off to die in Afghanistan.
    At least the new leader of the Labor party in the UK is no dupe. Reports are that he has not been suckered by allegations that Bin Laden did it.
    Our federal governments have ‘being a dupe’ form. Wmds etc oh well JWH is embarrased. Time our Federal dupes told that to the reported 2m dead in the ‘Muddle’ East
    So she is going to do a shirtfront on Putin re MH 17?
    Poor ‘Deer’ cannot even work out 911, no hope re MH 17.
    At least pugilistic Abbott could put a hole in a wall and earn a Uni blue.
    Oh dear! Bugger not meant to be misogynist or what ever it is.
    Having a brain to examine evidence has little, If anything, to do with gender.

  3. Now for a report.
    I went to a newsagent yesterday and presented the papers for purchase to the owner. FD Aussie lady.
    I noted the headline referred to in Dee’s article and commented to the newsagent that could be good, people might wake up.
    Well you could have floored me with a comment by Mr Faine!
    She said: “I do not read any of that, it is rubbish”.
    I replied: “you are correct but when I do not get the papers for free I have to buy them to see how thy are lying, I get my news from good websites.”
    She said: ” yes my husband relies on the internet”.
    Fancy: this happening at Narrandera NSW.
    Sorry Rupert even the conservative country Aussies have woken up to the corporate mass media lies.
    Not enough space to recount the reported account of an ex Telegraph journo who left and let the editors know what she thought and found a real life.

  4. Say you’re the wife, or the Dad, of an Aboriginal man who dies in custody,
    How do you feel about Julie B saying Assad is brutal? Is there a quantitative criterion? What if Oz had over a dozen deaths-in-custody per year; would that do it?
    Let’s say Oz had enough Aboriginal deaths-in-custody (or deaths of any Australian in custody), to qualify as brutal. Who is the actual brutal person?
    Is is the guard who beats the fellow up? Is it the governor? Is it the average citizen? What is the brutality in aid of?
    We need to know.

  5. Julie Bishop is OWNED!!
    Told to stab ABBOTT in the back as she takes the call to meet with Banki Moon to discuss, the issue that got the Liberals elected over Labour, the BS that is Climate Change!!

    • Pardon me but I don’t see going out with $307K per annum (for doing nothing?) as “being stabbed in the back.” Isn’t it more like a gentle nudge?
      Speaking of which, I promised to inquire about a certain scheme re “PM for a day.” I wrote to the Remuneration Tribunal but they replied that it is not in their bailiwick and I should write to the Finance Dept. OK, will do.

      Speaking of “climate change,” if anyone wants to see my personal collection of photographs of the Adelaide sky, taken over the last 4 years, just lemme know. Of course most of them are heavy with clouds, but I have a series, taken during the Christmas hols, I think it was 2012, where the cloud-makers must have been having an industrial action. The sky was as blue as blue can be, just like in days of yore, for a whole week.


  6. The UK Labor leader I have referred to is Jeremy Corbyn.
    Now do we have a member of the Australian Federal government to consider the opinion of JC regarding the mass murders on 911?
    History shall expose 911 in due course and the memoirs of JWH and now, Malcolm Turnbull will be a sad memory for their children.
    When all is exposed about 911 and the mass killing in the Middle East is exposed as murder, will any of their descendants wish to inherit their surnames? Let alone buy/endorse their memoirs?

  7. Undoubtedly the US Empire crony collaborators are negotiating their way forward with their regular deceit but their are ripples of challenge to the lies like this account presented by VA Senator Dick Black.
    As I have reported most political desks and journalists concede the “official story” is not honest.
    What can we do every day to dissolve the lies by taking this type of media before the mind of our fellows and engaging in challenging and thought provoking conversations urging others to be accountable, explain and evidence their political reality.

    It hardly needs to be stated Dick Black only states part of the picture but the interview is a wedge of information that can be driven into the MSM narrative.


    • I draw attention to this Ramsey Clark interview that Mary linked in a previous article that strongly complements the Senator Dick Black explanation.
      The public conversation in the media has been nudged ever so slightly for the better.

      • In our lobby activities menu collections of key focused information items can be tabled with confidence while inviting our opponents to show their hand to see who is bluffing.

        Mehdi Hasan goes Head to Head with Michael T. Flynn, former head of the US Defense Intelligence Agency, on how to deal with ISIL and Iran.

        This unique interview adds to the authentic evidenced revelation of Syrian conflict political realities that can to be grouped in a ready bookmark reference to table when making our case.

        Add in this broader indisputable MSM study of the Iraq War WMD hoax pattern and collaborators.

        Add in John Howard’s confession.
        (Looking for good interview link)

        Our opinion and reasoning should always be “informed” and “evidenced” by the best quality collection of relevant resources, and our persuasion should employ open reliance on critical thinking and logic principles.
        Questions and challenge is the method to draw out and scrutinize our targets beliefs, opinions and specific information items and sources they rely upon to inform their judgement.

  8. Dee, the politicians “get it wrong” often, mainly because they take their cue from Washington or Tel Aviv. An infusion of common sense encapsulated in the headline has nothing to do with Julie Bishop suddenly acquiring an intelligent, subtle or independent grasp of foreign policy. Her regular pre-elections columns in on line opinion demonstrated what a neophyte she really was. The apparent change of heart over Assad is due to one overwhelming reason: Russia.
    Putin has clearly had enough of western inspired regime change, R2P fantasies and the relentless quest by the US for maintaining global hegemony. He has upped the ante with his long time ally Syria. I suspect he has made it clear to the US, France and the ever sycophantic Australia that Russian arms will be used to prevent another attempt at regime change. This will include shooting down aircraft that threaten Syrian government positions. Listen up new defence Minister. That includes Australia.
    Andrew Wilkie was absolutely right when he said that Australia bombing Syria was contrary to international law. The ABC’s pathetically ill-informed “fact check” on Wilkie’s claim shows how compromised our mainstream media is. It is little wonder that Turnbull won’t allow a debate on Syria in the House. He knows that it will show the Labor “Opposition” is as bad as if not worse as his own side at enthusiastically joining the US’s illegal wars. Only Wilkie and Bandt are likely to make the point that we are no longer an independent country.

      • Prior to the Iraq Invasion Wilkie was in Australian Intelligence as I recall and was the only one getting up and saying there was no evidence to show that Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction. Also as I recall it wasn’t too long after that he was selling carpets in Hobart.

        • That’s right Kevin. I presented a paper to the AIIA a few years ago in which I demonstrated that the then Howard government lied to Parliament about Iraq’s WMD, and they knew at the time that it was a lie.
          A shoddy piece of legal opinion was crafted for the government saying it was OK to attack Iraq. They ignored, inter alia, the more detailed and carefully crafted opinion of the UK Attorney General Lord Goldsmith that a further Security Council resolution was needed first.
          One of the authors of that “opinion” was Chris Moraitis who is now the head of the AG’s Dept. It is likely that he was involved in drafting the opinion the Abbott government said they obtained before deciding to attack Syria. I am currently seeking a copy of that opinion under FOI. It obviously said that it was OK to do so because Australia has now joined in that misadventure. I am firmly of the opinion that such an attack is contrary to international law. An opinion shared, incidentally, with most of the academic international law community.

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