Home War/ Terror Humanity Has Lost It’s Way

Humanity Has Lost It’s Way


“You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty”. Mahatma Gandhi.   I have to disagree with (once-a-Freemason) Mahatma Ghandi on this one.

The leaders of governments and those leading terrorist or rebel groups are a less than .0001% of the world’s population – yet their actions and their ability to speak, negotiate and create empathy for our species has failed – dismally. They have blackened the soul of humanity. Muddied the collective ocean.

Yes, this small percentage of people (the cream that floats to the top) drive humanity into war, violence and conflict – over and OVER again. It has created a culture of hatred, suspicion and violence, with leaders propagating the deliberate lack of empathy in their killing armies. This is not about Catholic – or Sunni – or Jew – or Shiite. This is about us – collectively. Our leaders have failed us. The cream has gone sour. Rancid. But we too are failing humanity by allowing them to lead us.

Below I have posted three videos – WARNING – they reveal the graphic dark side of humanity.

I saw this on David Icke’s website – Israeli soldiers shooting Palestinian kids playing on a roof top – then congratulating themselves. This is like watching a ‘sporting’ contest. Give 10 points to the soldier who maimed the kid. It is appalling.

Three (Shiite) truck drivers are pulled over by ISIS militants, and struggle to answer correctly the number of times they should kneel during prayers. As a result they are casually executed by ISIS soldiers (as if it was just another day at the office). This is not about Islam. This is about the dominance of evil.

Wikileaks and Chelsea (Bradley) Manning exposed a fraction of the atrocities of the (illegal) invasion of Iraq: Below the shooting of Reuters journalist Namir Noor-Eldeen and driver Saeed Chmagh (plus several others) in Eastern Baghdad by US forces.

Manning was not applauded, but jailed and convicted for treason, for exposing these crimes. This tells us so much about the systems, the governments and the surveillance industry that have entrapped us in this diabolic mindset. That some actions – some crimes of murder are justified – others not. Western governments (and the leaders) felt (and still feel) justified in ‘going into Iraq’ – Or said more bluntly: killing Iraqi citizens if need be. ISIS justifies killing fellow Iraqi (Shiite) Muslims; and Israeli soldiers – Palestinian children.

So is war (to plunder or resolve dispute) ingrained in our DNA? Or is it more that present global economic structures and powers have become dependent on war? US companies are selling about $235 billion in arms every year – with about 47 US companies filling the top 100 grossing slots in the world (Business Insider 2012). But maybe stimulating war is just a great mechanism of control (by the few).  The Muslim Terrorist Apparatus was Created by US Intelligence as a Geopolitical Weapon, with the CIA supporting Osama bin Laden – and later Al Nusra  (investmentwatchdog and globalresearch) – from which ISIS was catalyzed.

Imagine what would happen if all those mega corporations that produce weapons and surveil over us were closed down. The global economy and industry would have to be completely re-invented.

There are two paths ahead for humanity: One is presently heading to dismal feudalism –  where ‘systems’ (and the printing of free money) have advantaged a corporatocracy in the grab of assets, resources and control. And where war is a resolution mechanism, and surveillance a tool for domination. The other path is where humanity wakes up from its hypnotic state – and rejects war and resource plunder – and begins to understand the collective soul. To thrive we need to vote in new thinking leaders who have the vision to resolve disputes and provide a more equitable human experience.


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