Home 911Truth Imagining the Attacks of 9/11 and the Maui Fires As War Crimes

Imagining the Attacks of 9/11 and the Maui Fires As War Crimes


by Mary W Maxwell, LLB

Today is the 22nd anniversary of “Nine-Eleven.” Let’s talk about those attacks as if they were war crimes – committed by Americans against Americans. I was struggling to think how the War Crimes Act would apply if the fires in Maui were to be identified as the work of DEW, driven by US citizens.

For purposes of this article, the 9/11 attacks will be presumed to be “an Inside Job.” I am sure 9/11 was an Inside Job; there is enough proof.   At the moment, so soon after “Eight Eight,” that is, the August 8, 2023 fire that devastated Maui Hawaii, I do not have proof of that fire having deliberately caused.  Yet FOR PURPOSES OF ARGUMENT, I will say that 8/8 was an Inside Job. I will ask “IF THE FIRE CAME FROM DEWs, how does the law treat that crime? Can the War Crimes Act help?

Note: Both 9/11 and 8/8 may have many ordinary crimes within them, but I will not discuss that. I also will not look into any role for the ICC, International Criminal Court, as the US is not a signatory to the Rome Treaty. I will look only at the domestic law passed in the 1990s by Congress, which is codified at 18 USC 2441.  There we find this wording (bolding added):

  1. War crimes


Whoever, whether inside or outside the United States, commits a war crime, in any of the circumstances described in subsection (b), shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for life or any term of years, or both, and if death results to the victim, shall also be subject to the penalty of death.

(b)Jurisdiction.—There is jurisdiction over an offense described in subsection (a) if—

(1) the offense occurs in whole or in part within the United States; or

(2) regardless of where the offense occurs—

(A) the victim or offender is—

(i) a national of the United States or an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence; or

(ii)a member of the Armed Forces of the United States, regardless of nationality; or

(B) the offender is present in the United States, regardless of the nationality of the victim or offender.

(So, for instance, if a Frenchman is in Idaho and commits a war crime, against an American permanent resident, this law can apply.)

Note: Ever since the Hague Convention of 1907, most nations participated in a treaty regarding War Crimes. And in 1949, the law was given more parts, and is called The Geneva Conventions. But I am not discussing that. Surprisingly, the United States has its own domestic law. Namely, the one I just quoted from. It was passed in 1996 and signed by President Bill Clinton. It is simply known as the War Crimes Act

I am not aware of any type of prosecutions of Americans, or visitors, for 9/11, using the War Crimes Act. Rather, some Muslims, most notably KSM – Kahlid Sheikh Mohammed – were convicted of various crimes, including terrorism. KSM was considered the mastermind of the entire hijacking. I won’t be discussing his case. (He is famous for having been waterboarded.)

A RICO Case against the US Government

Lawyer Phil Berg attempted to file a RICO case on behalf of William Rodriguez, a maintenance man in the World Trade Center (both towers). That was in November 2004.

He said in an AFP (French) interview, as quoted by Greg Szymanski:

“Either our government made 9-11 happen or let it happen. I [Berg] am going after them for foreknowledge, failure to warn and actively covering up the crimes they committed. ‘We need to bring these criminals in government to justice for killing over 3,000 Americans [and] the thousands who have needlessly died in Iraq and Afghanistan.’

“… Although millions of Americans now agree with Berg about the U.S. government’s complicity in 9-11, Berg said the movement hasn’t gained momentum because the mainstream media together with the government has hidden the truth from the American people. [Rodriguez planned to testify] that he heard strange explosions before and after the jetliner struck one of the towers…. Besides the timing of the suspicious bomb blasts, Rodriguez claims they occurred on lower floors of the high-rise.”

Other Cases Were Lawsuits

There have been claims filed against the airlines, and other parties, for causing the deaths of the passengers. All such cases had to go before one judge, Alvin Hellerstein at one federal court, The Southern District of New York Court.

The case that has got plenty of publicity, perhaps because it distracts from the reality of an Inside Job, is a lawsuit filed by 9/11 families against Saudi Arabia. Even this does not state that Saudi omitted the attacks.  It says Saudi gave succor to some California-based hijackers.

Note: There were also cases about 9/11 on peripheral issues. A few made it to the US Supreme Court such as about the due process rights of prisoner at Guantanamo Bay (“Gitmo”). For example, see Hamdan v Rumsfeld.

There continue to be prosecutions of Muslims for terrorist act. Example, from the DoJ website: Hosam Smadi pleaded guilty in May 2010 in the Northern District of Texas to attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction stemming from his efforts to bomb a 60-story skyscraper in Dallas in 2009.  Smadi was sentenced to 24 years in prison.”

In sum, no one has filed a suit for damages on 9/11 bringing up the matter of War Crimes.  Nor has the appropriate official, namely the United States Attorney General – on 9/11 that was John Ashcroft – prosecuted anyone along the lines of “9/11 was an Inside Job.”

By the way, the motto on the page of the DoJ website is “Protecting America Through Investigation and Prosecution.”

Amateur Effort to Use the War Crimes Act

Now I will demonstrate, but this is not going to be impressive, how I would prosecute a suspect for 9/11. A writer risks a defamation suit by calling someone a criminal, but not if they are deceased. So I will use Donald Rumsfeld.  I will charge him with being an accomplice to War Crimes in regard to the crash at the Pentagon.

The wording might be somewhat like what the ICC recently said about Putin. I quote from the icc-cpi.int:

“Today, 17 March 2023, Pre-Trial Chamber II of the International Criminal Court (“ICC” or “the Court”) issued warrants of arrest for two individuals in the context of the situation in Ukraine: Mr Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin…. Mr Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, born on 7 October 1952, President of the Russian Federation, is allegedly responsible for the war crime of unlawful deportation of population (children) and that of unlawful transfer of population (children) from occupied areas of Ukraine to the Russian Federation (under articles 8(2)(a)(vii) and 8(2)(b)(viii) of the Rome Statute). The crimes were allegedly committed in Ukrainian occupied territory at least from 24 February 2022. There are reasonable grounds to believe that Mr Putin bears individual criminal responsibility for the aforementioned crimes.”

Today, February 23, 2010, I, _______. United States Attorney General, charge Donald Rumsfeld under the War Crimes Act of 1996. There are reasonable grounds to believe that he had prior knowledge that a plane or missile, or something else, would arrive at the Pentagon on the morning of September 11, 2011.

[Reader, as a matter of laziness, I am going to draw words straight out of April Gallop’s lawsuit, which was dismissed by Judge Denny Chin. Ms Gallop was seeking compensation for an injury to her son who was at the Pentagon that day.]

Excerpt from April Gallop’s Lawsuit, Lightly Edited by MM

Prepared by her attorney William Veale, at Center for 9-11 Justice

Plaintiff April Gallop] attempted to learn what the proper procedure would be if an attacker were seen in the sky approaching the Pentagon. It would be this:

First, since Cheney knew for 71 minutes that a plane was coming towards Washington, there should have been an alarm sounded within the Pentagon building so employees could run for safety. Indeed such alarms, complete with evacuation of the building, had been so common in the past that employees found them annoying.

Second, the jets that should have been scrambled were capable of going from their hangars to a height of 29,000 feet in three minutes, and were very capable of dealing with an attacker plane. Again, that was common practice: 67 times in the 9 months prior to 9/11, when aircraft went astray in the US, Air Force jets went aloft in response.

The thing that hit the Pentagon cannot have been a Boeing 757 for at least three reasons [she says]: One: the story that a hijacker named Hani Hanjour piloted the plane makes no sense. He was an amateur, and the 330-degree turn maneuver that was required is not only beyond his capability but beyond that of even a skilled pilot. Two: the nose of a Boeing contains radar equipment and therefore its outer shell is porous; it could not have made its way intact through the concrete wall (as Rumsfeld said it did).

Three: Gallop says: “as shown on CNN television, a large military aircraft, identified as an E-4B – the so-called ‘Doomsday Plane’, which carries the most complete and sophisticated military command and control apparatus – was circling above Washington at the time the Pentagon was hit. It was in a perfect position to coordinate the detonation and/or missile shot.”

[Fictional]: I, the Attorney General, ask the Prosecutor to seek the death penalty as is called for, per 18 USC 2441 — as there were deaths that resulted from this war crime. Namely, the official record states that 125 people died at the Pentagon that day.

What about the Maui Fires As a War Crime?

To repeat, the US does not make use of the War Crimes Act. (It almost never uses the domestic law against genocide or the law against treason, both of which call for the death penalty if convicted.)

In order to get this case off the ground, I would charge “John Doe” with starting the fire from a satellite. Interestingly, that could be outside of the wording, above, of 18 USC 2441 if an orbiting satellite did the work. But I guess he/she could be in an office anywhere on earth. To repeat:

(b)Jurisdiction.—There is jurisdiction over an offense described in subsection (a) if—

(1) the offense occurs in whole or in part within the United States; or

Clearly, Maui is wholly within the United States.

Note: A strong hint of Inside Job is given by the fact that our government knows that we have developed Directed Energy Weapons, and knows that other nations have done so, too. Yet, despite the devastation of Maui, the government has not started to look for blame to other countries. It has not breathed a word that this may have been a real war attack. Who’s to say North Korea didn’t do it? Hmm?

I will postpone until a subsequent article any further attempt to write up this case of US v John Doe.



  1. So far as mass casualties go the event has been already been totally eclipsed by the Moroccan earthquake so it’ll be interesting to see if the faux moral outrage is proportional

  2. The elephant in the room is the fact that:

    A nation, by definition, is a group of people who are beholden to a unique definition of crime
    War, by definition, is a conflict between two or more such groups
    The term “war crime” is therefore an oxymoron

    What’s interesting is the fact that the use betrays those who are globalists at heart

    • Berry, I agree. That is the essence of my 1990 book “Morality among Nations.” I don’t think there should ever have been Geneva Conventions — as it fools people to think we can do restraint in war.

      (I think the Swiss founder of the Red Cross in 1864 was “in on it.” I realize that is far-out, man.)

      Be that as it may, Congress passed a law in 1996 that is coming in handy now (if Americans made that fire in Maui with heavy weapons). Had the same guys lit a few matches they would only be charged (or not charged) with arson.

      I find it very helpful to talk about the “war crimes” of 9/11 and (tentatively) Maui.

      If such laws end up imprisoning the very legislators who passed that law, I would say (as my mother always said): “Shouldda thought of that before.”

      • This is one of the headers I used to use on my letters to education department officials:

        “Whoever digs a pit will fall into it
        And he who rolls a stone will have it roll back on him.”
        PROVERBS 26:27

  3. 22 years on the facade continues, with most still blissfully ignorant what happened, similar to Maui last month. As long as it occurs in neighbours yard we’re ok. For how long?
    Round here mass murderers are philanthropists, as the broken sleeping on footpaths disappear after a few days with the inconvenient truth.

    There are more cranes in Sydney than all North American cities combined. Not by chance, but calculated planning off course. This place new Shanghai on steroids, and they won’t have it any other way. It’s hell for leather, pedal to metal replacing Aussies.
    Keep repeating, social credit 5G is here, there are 123 million cashed up CCP buying up global waterfronts, and everywhere you see cranes, bringing in slaves from third world building the dream.
    Prime example, public toilets once maintained by Euro stock used to be clean,
    now stench is way beyond entry.

    But here we are and it’s only getting worse, hate to say it, Sydney these days is third world. Get out, if you can.

  4. I found this at Eightify.app. I think it favors Judy Wood, or at least tries to report what she said in a lecture.

    I am NOT yet claiming that Maui was a DEW event, but I very strongly suspect it.

    I shall write some more law-stuff AS IT MAY BE NEEDED. Here is the Judy Q&A

    What evidence suggests that the Twin Towers did not collapse on 9/11?
    The lack of debris, undamaged bathtub, and low seismic recordings are evidence that the towers did not slam to the ground, but instead turned into dust in midair.

    What phenomenon occurred during the collapse of the Twin Towers on 9/11?
    The towers turned to dust as they collapsed, with no sound and clean edges, and there was also a phenomenon of “lather” occurring in Building 7.

    Was there evidence of unusual heat during the 9/11 attacks?
    Yes, vehicles and steel-toed boots in the rubble were spontaneously combusting and melting due to extreme heat, while trees and paper did not burn.

    What evidence suggests the use of unconventional forces during the 9/11 attacks?
    Round holes in windows, melted materials, and the unique destruction of the World Trade Center towers suggest the use of unconventional forces.

    Was there evidence of a directed energy weapon being used on 9/11?
    Yes, there is evidence suggesting the use of directed electromagnetic energy or free energy technology, but further research is needed in geophysics.

      • I just watched from 2:00 to 5:00 ( Simpsons DEW attack )
        Note at 2:50 there is a wrapped up blue object prominently in the middle

        • The sense of humour underpinning these controlled media emissions reminds me of the Roman Colosseum performances, where sadism was fun, of course it is much more deeply entrenched in human history than that.
          With Simpsons aimed at kids the psyche of the western world is being altered, something on the scale of ww1 where all the farmboys were sent to Turkey to be sacrificed, but here the programming is different.
          In Asia it’s very common to have slums emerge under freeway overpasses and so forth and these usually get bulldozed in the night after a few years. The G20 just now in Delhi has been drooled over by developers since its first scheduling, everyone is locked out for the duration and stuff will get bulldozed, or already has been.

  5. What interests me re “the muslims did 9/11” narrative is that it’s a subliminal acknowledgment of the apostate condition of Christianity and what’s destined to fill the gap:


    “This book could spark a paradigm shift in the world of eschatological interpre-
    tation. Joel makes an excellent case for both an Islamic Antichrist and Islamic
    beast empire as the likely fulfillment of the biblical prophecies regarding the
    last days. The research involved in the production of this book is impressive and
    the evidence provided for the Islamic eschatological interpretation is compel-
    ling. Whether you are a serious student of the Scriptures or just getting started,
    this book will be a treasured reference. This book is a must-read for any serious
    student of Bible prophecy!”
    —CHRIS ZELLER, senior pastor, Golden Shores Community Baptist Church, Arizona

    • The so called scriptures written by MAN are being used as a guide book for these A/holes NWO WEF UN & so called aristocrates for what is going on.

  6. The intention is to keep us in the dark and stupid, as we’re in the biggest mass migration/invasion in history, where the all lies collective wants the whole world.
    Half the nations are communist, the rest are ruled by banksters and corporate pigs of the collective, so what’s the difference when it’s OWG. Tragic as is, Euro slaves replaced globally by mixed slaves, who’ll work for $2/hr. No joke.

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