Home Awakening Roll Call, Australia

Roll Call, Australia



by Mary W Maxwell

The Port Arthur massacre of April 28, 1996 is an ongoing tragedy for all of us. It seems to me that there are many important persons who realize that there is something very rotten in the state of Denmark but who can’t face up to it. This would be a good time to face up to and get it over with. Lets do it!

The many set-up shootings in the world this year demonstrate that there are harmful forces, crazy forces. The uncertainty of where they will strike next leaves everyone unable to make serious plans. We’re all on tenterhooks! This could easily be fixed.

The article at hand is nothing more than a list of names. It can help interested readers get on top of the confusing literature about Port Arthur.

Feel free to see it also as a list of persons you could get in touch with to ask for relief of the ongoing tragedy. Without doubt the office holders shown below could work magic if they but set their minds to it.

Names of Family and Friends of Martin Bryant

Carleen Bryant, his mother

Lindy Bryant, his younger sister

Maurice Bryant, RIP, his father

Petra Wilmott, his girlfriend in 1996

Helen Harvey, RIP, his friend since he was 19

Names of Persons Who Have Tried To Get Justice for Bryant (only the ones I know about; there must be many more)

Wendy Scurr, Port Arthur Information Officer who manned the battle station all day after the murders,

Andrew S MacGregor, a retired Victoria cop who was appalled by police’s mishandling of the case,

Terry Shulze, a NSW barrister who tracked down the issue of the gun-ownership,

Terry Hill, a gunsmith who stood up to those who asked him to report unfairly about Bryant,

Stewart Beatty who went on lecture tours proclaiming Martin’s innocence,

Keith Noble who collected legal data as such as witness statements in the book he edited, “Mass Murder,”

Editors of southeastasinews.org, and of loveoflife.org, who have been publishing research on the case all these years.

Names of Persons in High Positions of Trust, Who Were on Duty When “Port Arthur” Happened

Prime Minister: John Howard

Monarch: Queen Elizabeth II

Governor-General: Sir William Deane

Leader of the Opposition: Kim Beazley, Rhodes Scholar

Attorney General: Daryl Williams

Minister for Defense: Ian McLachlan

Tasmanian Premier: Tony Rundle

Tasmanian Governor: Sir Guy Green

Tasmanian Attorney General: Ray Groom

Tasmanian Chief Justice: William Cox

Note: Howard, Beazley, Williams, and McLachlan, had occupied those federal offices for only 6 weeks. And oddly, Ray Groom had voluntarily stepped down as premier of Tasmania on March 18, becoming Attorney General instead!

Persons Who Hold Those Respective Positions Today (December, 2015)

Prime Minister: Malcolm Turnbull, Rhodes Scholar

Monarch: Queen Elizabeth II

Governor-General: Sir Peter Cosgrove

Leader of the Opposition: Bill Shorten

Attorney General: Senator George Brandis, QC

Minister for Defense: Senator Marise Payne

Tasmanian Premier: Will Hodgman

Tasmanian Governor: Professor Kate Warner

Tasmanian Attorney General: Dr Vanessa Goodwin

Tasmanian Chief Justice: Alan Blow

Tasmanian Chief Magistrate  (coroner): Michael Brett

Name of Persons Who Have Written Whoppers about Bryant

Ginny Stein, in ABC Background Briefing “Managing Martin: The Jailing of Martin Bryant,” broadcast 16 March 1997:

“Martin Bryant is a disturbed, unintelligent, remorseless killer. Many people think he should die – and he may be in killed jail. Is there any point in the rehabilitation of Martin Bryant? Should he even be kept stimulated, moderately occupied? Or left to rot?”

Phil Pyke in Murdoch’s news.com.au’s “My Time with Mass Killer Martin Bryant” (October 13, 2013). Pyke notes that Martin scared the nurses when he was in hospital with his burnt back, by making a shooting gesture at them. He mentions four times that Martin has “a look of pure evil.” Fathom it.

Sarah Blake, who said the prisoner is now fat, bald and crazy (well, you would be, wouldn’t you) and that he exchanges “family chocolate blocks” for the privilege of “performing sexual favors.” If that isn’t slander I don’t know what is. She must feel nothing restricts her, as she works for Murdoch.

There are many other outrageous writers, including book writers, such as R. Wainwight and P. Totaro, whose Born or Bred was published in 2009 by Fairfax. (Try not to spend money on it.)

Names of Persons Who Were in Hands-on Mode in Bryant’s Case, in 1996

Damian Bugg was the learned Prosecutor of Tasmania. He later became Commonwealth Public Prosecutor.

Paul Mullen (don’t get me started) was the psychiatrist from Monash University who “interviewed” Martin for the court, yet did not record that Martin was legally unable to enter a plea, as the state had put him under Guardianship in 1992.

Jack Johnson was Police Commissioner. Oddly, he was recently arrested and strip-searched for “scandalizing the court” by naming judges whom he said were corrupt (!!).   I’ll take that exercise to have been a warning to any who might go soft.

(Brothers and sisters: please go soft.)

Michael Charles Dyson was police liaison on the day, and was SOG-trained. (Special Operations Groups – what is their legitimate purpose?) Dyson later worked for Dyncorp Security.

John Avery was the lawyer who entered a guilty plea for Martin, despite knowing of the following 1996 transcript, of a police interview with Martin, that indicates innocence:

The “Rabbit Stew” Interview

(Note: The Q is Police. The A is Martin Bryant)

Q  I mean do you think that people should accept the consequences of what they do?

A  Yeah I do. I spose I should for a little while for what I’ve done. Just a little while and let me out, let me live my own life. I’m missing my Mum. I really miss her actually, what she cooks up for me, her rabbit stews and everything. She’s not even allowed to bring a little bit of food for me, that, that’s a bit upsetting. Mmm.

Q  Martin, unless there’s anything else that you want to tell us, we’re going to ahh, stop the interview now. As Mr Warren explained to you, this is the last opportunity you’ll have to speak to us. You’ll be at your next court appearance, charged with twenty murders, I’m sorry, thirty five murders and …

A  Just that.

Q … And approximately twenty attempted murders and several wounding charges as well.

A  Attempted murders.

Q  And also.

A  You mean attempted, they weren’t hurt?

Q  Ahh, yes they were hurt. Some of those people. You’ll also be charged with the arson of Seascape. Do you understand all that?

A  How [many] months will it get me in?

Q  Well that’s not a, a question I can answer.

A  And the arson of the BMW.

Q  No, of the Seascape. We believe you burnt Seascape as well as the BMW. I hope we’ve explained things clearly and you understand the gravity of the situation.

A  It’s great to have someone to talk to. And you guys won’t be in again?

Q  No.

A  To have a talk.

Q  No.

A  I’ll miss yas.

(So much for Ginny Stein’s “disturbed, unintelligent, remorseless killer,” eh?)

Calling the Roll

So it comes down to the fact, does it not, that aside from kangaroos, Australia is made up of people. What “Australia does” is done by its citizens and its officials.

All the 42 persons named in this article are “Australia.” All the Aussie readers of this article constitute “Australia.” We make the decisions.

Even when you say “Outsiders are making the decisions,” you mean you have let them do so, and that is your decision.

Think of the future. When the crunch comes, and it is coming soon, what are you going to do? Whose side are you really on?

Where will you be when they call the roll?

I’m reminded of a song my father used to sing:

Mary W Maxwell can be found at her Youtube channel, which is creatively named “Mary W Maxwell”








    ABOU BEN ADHEM (may his tribe increase!)
    Awoke one night from a deep dream of peace,
    And saw—within the moonlight in his room,
    Making it rich and like a lily in bloom—
    An angel, writing in a book of gold.
    Exceeding peace had made Ben Adhem bold,
    And to the presence in the room he said,
    ‘What writest thou?’—The vision raised its head,
    And, with a look made of all sweet accord,
    Answered, ‘The names of those who love the Lord.’
    ‘And is mine one?’ said Abou. ‘Nay, not so,’
    Replied the angel. Abou spoke more low,
    But cheerily still, and said, ‘I pray thee, then,
    Write me as one that loves his fellow men.’

    The angel wrote and vanished. The next night
    It came again with a great wakening light,
    And showed the names whom love of God had blessed,
    And lo, Ben Adhem’s name led all the rest!

  2. I don’t know who, in 1996, was the coroner (which is also called the Chief Magistrate in Tassie), but I listed the current one above. Seems to me that he, too, is bound by the law even dating back to those 35 deaths. Here is a section of the Coroner’s Act (1995) of Tasmania:

    27. Applications for inquests into a death

    (1) A person who a coroner considers has a sufficient interest in a death may request the coroner to hold an inquest into the death. [Yay – Cherri Bonney, Christopher Brooks, all Australians!]
    (2) If a coroner who has jurisdiction to hold an inquest into a death makes a decision not to hold an inquest after being requested to do so by a person, the coroner must –
    (a) record the decision in writing; and
    (b) specify the reason for the decision; and
    (c) as soon as practicable after making the decision, notify that person, in writing, of the decision, including the reasons for the decision.
    (3) Within 14 days after receiving notice of the decision not to hold an inquest, the person who requested the inquest may apply to the Supreme Court for an order that an inquest be held. [Yay — Cherri Bonney, etc.]
    (4) The Supreme Court may make an order that an inquest be held if it is satisfied that it is necessary or desirable in the interests of justice. [You know they will cooperate, right?]

  3. From the interview, he really did not understand what he was being charged with or why. Every one of the individuals who participated in the prosecution of Martin are dirty rotten scoundrels. I hope Mum is still in good health when he’s finally released and the scoundrels take his place in prison.

      • Dear Speculator, I have little knowledge of criminal law; we need a prosecutor to advise here. I don’t know if the scoundrels can escape due to Statute of Limitations. Much of it happened 19 years ago.

        However murder and treason never have use-by dates. There were 35 murders here, and probably the attempted murder fo Martin, by fire. (Shall we call it imolation?) I think maybe the accessories to murder can’t escape on SOL grounds.

        So that would include persons who covered it up, and maybe those who obstructed the identificaion and capture of the killers of those 35 people.

        Hello, Rupert, are you having a nice day? May I suggest it’s not to late to run forward with a confession and hope threby to win bit of sentence-reducution.

        Personally as a judge I would be glad to cut 10 years off.

    • The written text of the interview can’t be relied upon. There appear to be whole sections missing and various edits. Perhaps there may be a release of the whole audio interview at some stage to find out what was really being said and within what context.

      There was also a video of the interview, but for some unknown reason the video equipment didn’t work…

      The video of the interview could be very revealing. At one point Bryant suddenly starts talking about stealing the BMW. He doesn’t get the story even close to being right, but what is interesting is that it appears he was responding to some sort of ‘cue’ to tell the story. The video may have caught that cue.

      As Speculator indicated, he really didn’t know what was going on. Significantly, his ‘counsel’ (Gunson) gave permission for Bryant to be interviewed without his counsel being present. Something I find incredible considering Bryant’s mental retardation.

  4. Below is what l posted on my Facebook page:
    There is something that proves without any doubt that Martin Bryant didn’t do the shooting at Port Arthur, when the shooting occur in the Broad Arrow Cafe the shooter, shoot from the hip as shown in the photo below which is a highly usual way to shoot with a gun, the example Martin Bryant is showing is the normal way a gun would be held, as you look down the gun to use sights to aim at the target,it is interesting that Martin Bryant is asked about shooting from the hip and he doesn’t know what that means,Military people are trained in shooting from the hip or point shooting and it is used for confined area close up shooting it is very specialized war like use, there is no doubt the person doing the shooting had long blonde hair but it wasn’t Martin Bryant

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