Home Australia The Australian Government Needs To Respond To Torture Report

The Australian Government Needs To Respond To Torture Report



The torture revelations force us to a cross roads in humanity.

A Tipping Point

The reporting of this, I believe, is a tipping point for western governments (and specifically the US) and for what is called our ‘democratic society’. One arm of the US government has called the other to account. It is astounding. But if – if we did live in a democracy, those accountable would have already been arrested. Leaders have lied; crimes have been committed and the true nature of those in control and in positions of power have now been exposed. But not only that – you have Dick Cheney defending his actions and even the Ex-CIA Director defending rectal rehydration.

These people are defending pure evil. And this should reveal to us all that none of these people should be in power – and you would think that Australian government would now be judicious in its dealings with those running the (once fraudulent) war on terror.

All this torture was done to find out who attacked America on 9/11 – and to prevent another such deed. Well, the deceit in all of this, is that those ‘in the loop’ must have known that Building 7 was not brought down by Arab terrorists – and that WTC 1 and 2 defied all laws of gravity to ‘explode’ as they did.

These same people tricked the world (and maybe our Australian leaders) – and then orchestrated the most horrendous torture regime to root out somebody to blame. This whole torture game (which produces little result anyway) was a ‘furphy’ – a red herring in the first place.

The Torture

As Paul Craig Roberts (once Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal) writes:

“One purpose of the torture program was to produce self-incriminated “terrorists” to justify and feed the hoax “war on terror.” The “war on terror” was public cover for secret agendas that the American people would have rejected. This is disturbing enough. Even more disturbing, the torture program shows that no one in the US and European governments who knew of the program and participated in torture has an ounce of humanity, integrity, compassion, and morality. They are evil people, and the ones who inflicted the torture enjoyed the pain and suffering that they inflicted on others.

The only exceptional thing about the US is the extent of the evil that resides in Washington, D.C.”

He reflects:

  • The CIA even tortured its own informers.
  • Two American psychologists who designed the torture program were paid $81 million.
  • CIA torturers received cash awards for “consistently superior work” when their innocent victims died.
  • The US government involved 54 countries in its torture program.
  • And Obama tortures also. And more…

torturebigAustralia needs to respond.

Australia has been a partner in these wars and ‘supportive’ of what the US has done. George Bush was given a standing ovation in the Australian parliament and after saying “We call evil by its name, and stand for the freedom that leads to peace” the Coalition machine stood as one and clapped continuously for several minutes. The only opposition to Bush’s presence and actions were the two Greens, Bob Brown and Kerry Nettle.

It is shameful that we were accomplices to all this evil. And if – if we live in a democracy – these ‘wrongs’ and poor associations would be acknowledged. Discussions would be initiated as to how to prevent this in the future – so that a sane society can prevail. Therefore, regarding the torture revelations, our Australian politicians need to:

1. Have an inquiry as to what our Australian politicians knew at the time,

2. Whether ASIO was aware of the extent of the torture regime,

3. Whether ASIO was briefing our politicians with due diligence on this matter, and

4. Was any of this covered up by Australians participating in the war on terror.

They also need to:

4. Send a stern message to Washington that:

a) Australia will have no part in this kind of conduct,

b) That all Australians condemn torture, and

c) Australia’s commitment in the war on terror needs to have new rules of engagement.

5. Openly condemn Dick Cheney, George Bush and other leaders that are still defending the torture regime.



Sadly, Australia has been a pawn in this game. John Howard was manipulated in 2001 to rush off to fraudulent wars, and now Abbott has been duped by the ISIS crisis and MH17. And all the while the mainstream media colluded in covering up the reports of witnesses and the factual evidence over 9/11. As Christopher Brooks said in a past comment on this site:

“We must not forget that the real political climate is one where ALL Governments and powerful entities are corrupt and employ lies and propaganda.”

If our politicians stay silent on this torture report, it confirms that they should not be governing us.


A final consideration for Australians.

If ASIO had orchestrated this torture program, would it be classified as a secret intelligence operation?  YES – I would bet money on it. That means it would be concealed – covered up – buried – and any reporting of such crimes could see Australian journalists off behind bars. As I have said in past posts, our Australian politicians have led us into treacherous and tyrannical waters. They are in the process of rectally rehydrating us into subservience.



  1. The perception reality we are confronting is Australians and our Government are shocked when it is suggested that our national and individual standards of justice and accountability are compromised by the torture and related activities documented in this recent US revelation.
    I lobbied all my MPs and all joined me in acknowledging the horror of this report’s content but when I pointed out we are complicit and asked how are we going to address this incredible injustice the tone adjusted. I also took the opportunity to explain the “Muslim Conspiracy theory” is almost entirely reliant on KSM tortured confessions for it’s narrative so as a strong believer in genuine justice I must reject the official 911 story and I await a proper legal investigation to find out the truth.
    Several younger political staffers I spoke to were quite genuinely fascinated by a version of reality that made sense and they had never previously heard explained with logic and reason.
    This can be very time consuming and thankless task but until their is a virtual army of competent truth advocates able to battle the lies on the conversation fields nothing can begin to change for the better.
    I suspect some political offices would already have their “holiday” staff on the desk.
    Keep in mind you may well be talking to the son or daughter of the MP in question, fresh from university, having no first hand emotional 911 conditioning because of their age.

  2. It is extremely miserable when we reach an age with decades of lies behind us that we then realise that our politicians and mass media are amongst the lowest moral class in our society.

    • That’s the general idea D.
      What is needed, thinking out loud here, is a political interface that allows individuals to question, interview and petition those in power in an open constituted fashion where everyone can learn the answers and listen to or watch discussions on any subject. The design would need to be such that it can build individuals power but retain their independent thought and action.
      Consider if the first comment I could make when I speak to a political desk, or any other political entity for that matter, is to declare the conversation is going to be publicly accessible in
      “Open Political Accountability”.
      Media desks and journalists could be interviewed for full public exposure even if all that is discovered is the subject is not prepared to answer questions and be interviewed for the public record.
      Imagine if hundreds of people could together request a politician be interviewed or debate a question or subject with a chosen specialist.
      The concept I have in mind is the complete reversal of power back to individuals multiplying their individual power behind questions, subjects and accountability in an intelligent fashion like a formalized political “facebook” or “itunes” that could be set just for an electorate, for a State or for the National Parliament.
      Most citizens are not informed or skilled enough to tackle their MPs on political subjects but they would recognize the truth of a matter if they could hear the issue drawn out and debated.
      Only “bought journalists” get to ask the questions but what if this could be changed and the MSM could be circumvented forcing our representatives to address the issues common people want discussed and nominate who the public want asking the questions or in the debate.
      Forgive me for dreaming a little here but we must keep exploring thoughts toward some new truth method technology.

  3. Dalia, It’s perfectly fair of you to demand Aussie involvement, in light of that amazing photo of Bush ‘medalling’ Howard. But I can’t agree that there should be a government investigation. See the Victorian Bushfire Royal Commission. The pollies spend millions on it and produce a whitewash every time. (Does anyone know of an exception?) Better to “call for a division.” Invite the MPs to answer, one-by-one, to Christopher Brooks personally: “Are you for, or against, any prosecutions as a result of the US Senate’s Torture Report”?

    Please see my article, http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=5774 . It refers to White House Legal Counsel Jay Bybee’s promotion to judge as being an obvious thank-you for his enabling of the US’s torture program. (They even let Bybee skip a district court bench and levitated him straight up to the Court of Appeals!) So how about we also ask each current judge in Oz to send Christopher Brooks a “For” or “Against”? We need to know what our judges thinks of torture, since they will shortly have to struggle with the decision to send the likes of Dalia to Room 101.
    I wish I were kidding.
    One more thing, Dalia and Christopher, could you conjure up a simple query for each MP: “Do you think Arab hijackers knocked down Building 7”? If they say no, their position on the propriety of torture would seem clear.

    • The thrust of my point is more a multimedia interface than a plan. Brilliant IT masters please step forward.
      The truth is MP’s are afraid of their constituents and have a barrier of process that works for the “Party” and isolates individuals instead of building common purpose that can force accountability and bring the cream of logical thinking and supported argument to the surface.
      Surely an honest MP would embrace the essence of this concept?
      We should start asking them if they have someone competent and informed enough to answer questions we choose, on the record.
      Where can we find that person who will take responsibility?
      The system is supposed to serve the constituent who should expect their political servants to serve not dictate.
      Imagine if just five people in an electorate had a tool that allowed them to build common purpose in their effort and have a public transparent documented record of the official MP or Minister’s response to our own and other constituents questions.
      I will seek Jacqui Lambie’s input on this matter.

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