Home 911Truth The Emotion of Evidence and Logic.

The Emotion of Evidence and Logic.


It is entirely logical to believe that your priest is looking after your spiritual welfare; or that your government (that you vote for) is your protector.  And when something traumatic like the attack of 9/11 occurs – it is natural to want to believe that your government is there to protect you from evil. The evil we’re told was Bin Laden plotting terror from Afghanistan, orchestrating 19 murderous hijackers. Yes and thankfully the government/s bombed this far away evil. But when the cold hard evidence doesn’t stack up; when you listen to Susan Lindauer talk about advanced knowledge; or hear the cover-ups over ‘Able Danger’; about the war games going on that morning; about the molten metal; the scientific research on the dust; the visual evidence of massive chunks being propelled out sideways from the towers; the ‘bone fragment scatter’ evidence; and the silencing of countless witnesses that reported explosions, it begs the question: What happened to Building 7? Maybe it was a very important building that was pre-planted with implosion devices in the event of a war? And this was put into action that afternoon. That would be a logical and less disturbing explanation. But no one is saying that. So how did all those steel pillars fail simultaneously to allow the building  to drop in perfect symmetry. Building 7 – gone in 7 seconds. All 47 floors.

911truthnews.com_wp_content_uploads_wtc7_1Building 7 (ABOVE), the third skyscraper, was NOT hit by a plane and had a few sporadic fires yet it collapsed – partly in free fall – in total symmetry that afternoon.  This is as it starts to collapse, but NO other steel building has EVER ‘collapsed’ due to fire before or after. This for example (BELOW) is the Windsor Tower, the Madrid sky-scraper, which burned for 24 hours and did NOT collapse. It was a standing steel skeleton thereafter.  


What is most revealing about our emotional state vs Logical and Evidence is a comment made to Richard Gage, AIA, (from Experts Speak Out) “I wouldn’t believe that even if it were true!

Yes – It is such a diabolical option that 9/11 was planned from somewhere on the “inside” (or outside insider) – that many just would not believe it. It turns one’s world view upside down and inside out at the same time. Well the US courts have ejected any notion of this idea, and labelled it ‘frivolous’ (as in the April Gallop vs Cheney case). But how ironic that society feels safer not testing the evidence. Thus not testing the truth. For if it is true that insiders or outsider-insiders murdered those people – it is a stain on humanity, on the ‘civilized’ species we believe we are. But we are obviously not civilized. Our leaders are warmongers and psychopaths or they are being controlled by people who are. It seems there is not one ounce of guilt or remorse (from them) over the million people killed resulting from the illegal invasion of Iraq.

Maybe in a hundred years when people look back at this time and our Western democratic society, they will not so much judge the criminals or the actual crime of 9/11 itself …. but wonder more about our collective denial and suppression of the evidence.




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