Home Australia Wi-Fi in Australian Schools — “She’ll Be Right, Mate”

Wi-Fi in Australian Schools — “She’ll Be Right, Mate”


by Dee McLachlan

I recently spoke to a mother in Sydney who was looking for a suitable primary school for her children. She had educated herself on the dangers of EMF, and was searching for a local school that preferably had no, or limited Wi-Fi. However, when visiting these schools, not only were the teachers ignorant on the potential dangers, she noticed that in one classroom the Wi-Fi routers were housed on a shelf directly above the working tables. These routers were no more than a metre and a half from the children’s brains, providing close proximity EMF (Electromagnetic Frequencies) exposure ALL DAY.

In many countries, this would never be allowed. Laws have been enacted to restrict the access of EMFs on young minds. Yet, in Australia there seems to be a lackadaisical approach to EMFs. A real “she’ll be right” dumb-ass approach — like it was decades ago when it was totally acceptable to smoke out your kids in the car on a long driving trip. That’s now an offence in NSW. (It seems that we are always a couple of decades behind.)

Research and Governments

Before providing the arguments for and against Wi-Fi in schools, maybe it would be wise to see what other countries are doing. To get laws passed that did not favour giant corporations, or the convenience of technology, one would presume that these groups, or governments must have done their due diligence. These countries and counties decided to enact safety precautions for growing children for a reason; for the health of the child.

A Few Global Examples 

Why did Russia and France introduce laws to minimize Wi-Fi exposure to children in schools? Is it because these two countries have the world’s longest research history on health effect of microwaves — both over 100 years?

Here are just a few examples of caution:

  • The Parliament of Navarra [Spain] voted to urge removal of WIFI in schools and to apply the precautionary principle…
  • In France Wi-Fi is banned from nursery schools, and must be be turned off in elementary schools when not in use.
  • The  Israeli Ministry Of Education has issued guidelines limiting Wi-Fi and cell phone use in schools.
  • The Governing Council of Thurgau Canton 2008 [Switzerland] recommends schools forgo the use of wireless networks when the structural makeup of a given school building allows for a wired network.
  • The official advice of the Public Health Department of the Salzburg Region [Austria] is not to use WLAN and DECT in Schools or Kindergartens.
  • The Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection has repeatedly warned about electromagnetic radiation impacts on children and recommended WiFi not be used in schools.
  • The Cyprus National Committee on Environment and Child Health (ECH) announced it wants “to err on the side of caution“, warning the public that using mobile devices could be potentially harmful to children.
  • The State Parliament of South Tyrol [Italy] voted to allow the application of the precautionary principle mandating the state government to: replace existing wireless networks whenever possible with networks that emit less radiation at schools, preschools, hospitals, nursing homes, and other public facilities.

Health vs Exposure

What does ARPANSA (Australian Government’s primary authority on radiation protection and nuclear safety) advise?

“On the basis of current scientific information, ARPANSA sees no reason why wi-fi should not continue to be used in schools and in other places. However, ARPANSA recognises that exposure to RF EME from wi-fi and other wireless devices can be of concern to some parents. ARPANSA will continue to review the research…”

ARPANSA claims that there is no established scientific evidence of adverse health effects below current exposure limits, and that Wi-Fi is 0.0002% – 500 000 times below the limit at schools.

Are they basing their conclusions on the damaging “heat effects” on the body? Researchers in the field claim they are ignoring the biological and chemical effects, and many doctors are warning us about the detrimental effects. To quote Mikko Ahonen’s (PHD), article entitled, “Health Reasons to Minimise Wi-Fi Exposure.”

“It can have damaging effects on our bodies… a continuous electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure in which we are engulfed. When you browse the world’s largest EMF research database, it reveals the effect of Wi-Fi in two areas: Fertility, and Oxidative stress.”

Like an apple turns brown when exposed to air, oxidative stress is the imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants in your body. This can cause all types chronic health problems. To continue with Ahonen’s article:

“Oxidative stress is seen both in animal and cell (in vitro) studies, indicating a risk of inflammation also to Wi-Fi users. Chronic inflammation leads to diseases to which children and pregnant women are especially susceptible because child and fetal cells are still growing…”

UK journalist, Ian Douglas, and father of two, is sick and tired of people over-reacting to, what he calls, the mythical threat that Wi-Fi ‘poses’ to children. In his article, “Wi-Fi is not harming our children – here’s the evidence,” he claims to “serve up” some much-needed facts. But in his Telegraph.co.uk report, he failed to serve up ANY science whatsoever, saying:

“…The legislators themselves say that no link has been demonstrated… There is no doubt that some people suffer from headaches, nausea, fatigue, blurred vision and other symptoms… But Wi-Fi as a cause of cancer or even headaches? We can test for that. We have tested for that. It’s fine.” [Give us a break.]

Douglas ignores the repeated Wi-Fi studies that show Wi-Fi can cause oxidative stress, sperm/testicular damage, neuropsychiatric effects including EEG changes, apoptosis, cellular DNA damage, endocrine changes, and calcium overload.

Dr Martin Pall

Dr Martin Pall, Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences at
Washington State University, is widely cited on the biological effects of electromagnetic fields. He is particularly an expert in how wireless radiation impacts the electrical systems in our bodies. In a letter to Californian legislators, Dr Martin Pall wrote:

“Thousands of published studies show biological and health effects from
electromagnetic fields. We now know the mechanism that can explain these effects. The mechanism is a function of the electromagnetics of each cell—not solely about heating effects from the radiation (on which present FCC guidelines are based).

Legislators would best pause to understand the gravity of the biological effects, and the ramifications for physical and mental health, as well as consequences from continual damage to human DNA, and learn the facts from scientists who are independent of the wireless industry, not from the industry lobbyists who have a gigantic conflict of interest.”

Below, Dr Pall’s in-depth presentation:




  1. Unfortunately, much of the electronic devices these days are coming as Wi-Fi. I have a cordless phone, but my computer is set up with hardwired keyboard and screen.

    My little country town only got a Wi-Fi tower last year. Thankfully, it is on the other side of town.

    Wi-Fi, fluoridated water, immunizations, canola oil, margarine, sugar laden food, the list is getting longer everyday. It use to be that ‘health risks’ were concepts like cleanliness and various diseases, now people willingly embrace them and bring them into their own home and body.

    You could be forgiven to think it is a diabolical plot to pollute the body – similar to the MSM intentionally polluting the mind.

    • Do not forget all the adulterated honey being reported in the SMH over the last few days.
      Capilona and Allowrie headline the topic.
      Coles has banned Capilona honey.
      Seems that our bureaucrats are not that interested in keeping us safe and protecting us from the honey adulterations.
      Guess who allegedly has a 17-19% of the Capilona shares and a tv station. You would be stoked to realise.

  2. Can’t wait for some of the 5G dose ………….. Fries better and quicker I hear.
    Will turn Parliament House inmates into a barn of geniuses.

  3. Dailytelegraph 2015:

    “A FAMILY have taken their children out of school because they believe the Wi-Fi networks are making them ill. Parents Oliver Spencer and Danielle Sykes-Spencer from Hornsby Heights removed their youngest three children from classes two weeks ago, and are looking into options for them to be educated at home. Mr Spencer said: “We started doing a little bit of research that had the biological effects and the limits and the ranges, and everything the kids were suffering was on the list. “In other countries they are taking the Wi-Fi out.

  4. Our legislators don’t give a damn about the population’s health or finances. All they are interested in is that big business makes huge profits. Doesn’t matter if it is the illegal drug trade, the pharmaceutical industry, the banking industry ripping off its customers, the msm broadcasting lies or wars killing innocent people, as long as huge profits are being made.

    As far as the 5G program goes, because what is already known about the electro-magnetic effects on the human and animal body, it should be scrapped. Who really needs a download speed of tremendously high velocity? The designers are only playing on the egotistical side of some consumers who will be having it installed for “show-off” purposes. “See I can download in such and such a time, can you?” Why do you need to download at particularly high speeds, if you can only digest the information at normal speed?

    I have just had the thought that maybe why there is pressure for the 5G installation, is so that the Intelligence Agencies can gather a lot more information on private citizens in any given time. It may not be that the ordinary citizen will benefit from the technology, but the citizen will be paying towards its installation and use.

    Look out for the advice about new technology. We have been told how good the NBN would be versus Broadband, but I have had experience of the NBN for nearly two years and I believe it is not as efficient as Broadband.

  5. A little bit off-point, but I heard an interesting interview with Professor Darrell Hamamoto of UCDavis who lectures on “New World Order Theory” and needless to say, is under constant attack from the academic left.
    He noticed that the new head of Liberal Arts Dept at UCDavis had no qualifications in that discipline but rather in electronic engineering and in fact owned several patents associated with radio transmission devices.
    He then began to notice the arrival of large mobile electronic transmission style devices on campus. This was accompanied by an increased frenziness in the usual leftist derangement syndrome. Who hasn’t noticed that the western left seem to be at their absolute craziest in California? The listener was left to draw their own conclusion.
    It seems crazy to posit that leftist conditioning is being augmented by technological means. But if it is possible, what better place to do it than their brain-washing centres – I mean universities? Look at what has recently come out of Berkley and just up the road at Portland, an Antifa hornet’s nest.

  6. Quote, “(It seems that we are always a couple of decades behind.)”Unquote. Absolutely, spot on, in fact, IMHO we’re way more behind then that. The Australian Government transfered the Battalion of which I was a member, after out tour in Vietnam, to Singapore for two years. At the same time, the Brits were pulling out of Singapore and Malaysia. It was during these years, 71/72 that I learned, without a shred of doubt, that Australia functioned, at minimum, TEN YEARS behind the rest of the World. This explained to me, the insanity of successive Australian Governments introducing programs that had been proven to be failures everywhere else in the World. But Australian reasoning seemed to be then, (as it is now,) despite the evidence to the contrary, “we know how to make it work”, only to end in failure after wasting untold sums of taxpayers funds. One thing I have learned in my years, Australian politicians are incapable of learning anything, unless it’s how to improve squirreling away their ill gotten gains in overseas bolt holes.

    • Cry “thief” and let slips the dogs of war.

      Why are we putting up with this stuff?

      As to the parents who took the kids out of school/torture, they will need some friends. That’s all it takes. A few like-minded people to support one another.

      • “Why are we putting up with this stuff ?” Bloody good question. Yesterday, whilst enjoying the outdoors with a group of Bushwalkers, the conversation turned to the recent war criminal’s demise, (thank God he’s dead) which the majority of the World claims is a war hero. The folks I walk with, are well educated, been around, and have all held, or still are holding responsible jobs. Yet when the discussion came around to Sept 11, the majority claimed to be uninformed of the realities of that dastardly event. One fellow claimed I was full of conspiracy theories, I put to him, why was the issue of the PUT OFFERS on Wall street never investigated, why was building seven never mentioned(he claimed he had never heard of building seven) and last of all, how could that building be wired for demolition in a matter of minutes. The biggest clincher, was when I asked him, (as in ever crime,) the first thing that comes to mind, Who Stood to Gain the Most from this event ???? Was it O.B.L. that Superman stashed away in a cave in Afghanistan with his dialisis machine ??? How could such an individual organise the alleged DRILLS occuring in the U.,S. depicting the very actions that were reality ? Who ordered these drills ? Who ordered the Air force to stand down ? Who allowed the Saudis to fly free as a bird out of the U.S. if the alleged terrorists were Saudis ??? Why were the “Dancing Israelis allowed to leave the U.S. scott free, when it was clear to anyone who had eyes in their heads, they KNEW what was going to happen and failed to warn their ALLEGED FRIENDS, the U.S. what was coming their way ?
        None of these questions are a conspiracy theory, they are all VALID questions which to this very day, have not been answered by anyone.
        I question as to why he, and my fellow walkers were unawares of any of this information. Two thirds of the group, claimed they were unawares of these questions, yet they have been around now since Sept 11.
        I believe people only believe what they feel comfortable with, and deliberatly avoid asking themselves serious questions, of which the answer will leave them feeling extremely uncomfortable and vulnerable, as well as defenceless.
        There is also the FACT, generally, Australians are cowards, very few will voice their thoughts and beliefs, fearing the spot light that will focus upon them and the unpleasant reactions their words may unleash.(A valid point, I have been there, done that and suffered the consequences of my actions) Australians, in general, KNOW WIFI is a danger, just as the mobile phones are, but very few folks will bother to get off their backsides and make any waves about it. The ones that do, are lost in the daily bullshit we all have to face, thus their voices are lost in the noise.
        That’s why, IMHO, we are putting up with this stuff.

        • They are subject to the boiling frog syndrome with the saucepan of water temperature controlled by the msm and its presstitutes.
          When the journos, shock jokes and opinion bs’s realise, it will be too late, they will be poured into the saucepan with their offspring and be soon dispensed with and dead.
          They forget what Hitler did from 1933.

        • Eddy, President Trump said he would expose the truth about 9/11 before he was elected.
          He has done a lot since then and will pull the plug on this can of worms after his landslide endorsement in the coming mid term elections.

          Just looking forward to seeing these high profile traitors being perp walked to the slammer!

          • G’day John, Yes, your correct, Trump has done a lot, however, unlike you, I believe it’s all been in the OPPOSITE direction from which he claimed he was going to go. For example, U.S. troops have INCREASED in the M.E. contrary to his claims of pulling out, the swamp is getting deeper and deeper, the moving of the U.S. Embassy in Israel exaberated the divisiveness in Israel, and around the World, under his watch, American bases have increased everywhere around the World, under his watch the World economic situation is looking bleak indeed as a direct result of his selfish imposed cancellations and rulings, his outright THREATS made to countries that do not wish to have his ideas and programs forced upon them, has done nothing to set things right around the World, and his leadership is alienating America further than ever before.
            I’m not American, (and thank the Gods for that) I do not live in America, (again, thank the gods) so I cannot comment on internal issues, but it’s clear to me, things in America have never been as bad as they are today. I don’t expect Trump to reverse the self destruction route the U.S. seems to be intent upon in his first term, however, I did expect him to TRY to implement SOME of his promises. Sadly, his actions to date, clearly demonstrate he is a LIAR and had no intention of ever fulfilling any of his campaign promises. Something which history will now record as Trump being no different from any other U.S. President.
            I usually wait and allow people to demonstrate by their actions, whether they are honest and will stand by their words, unfortunately for Trump, he doesn’t cut the mustard.
            IMHO, if you are waiting for him to set things right, you’ve got a long, long wait ahead of you. Best of luck with that.

  7. Came across this article the other day, well worth reading. In particular, the last paragraph.
    Quote, ” The US military also researched weapons applications of microwaves, with the air force winning a patent on an invention shown to beam comprehensible speech into an adversary’s head.
    Navy researchers explored the use of the Frey effect to induce sounds powerful enough to cause painful discomfort, and even immobilise the subject, it said.
    The Times said it is not known if Washington deploys such weapons.

    Nah, of course not, just researched for the fun of it, the U.S. would never, ever employ such methods.

    Microwave weapon now strongly suspected in mystery attacks on US diplomats in China, Cuba

    • I’m forming a Conspiracy Caucus. It will meet outside Capitol Hill. If congresspersons want to come to it they can.

      Conspiracy Caucus, where ideas will be proffered as to how to get us out of this absurd position.

      And where legislation will be crafted against those who refuse to face facts.

      I repeat: Conspiracy Caucus.

      (Fiona Barnett says you have to say something 3 times to make it go in — see her latest item re “Red Shoes.”)

    • Hi Eddy, I have been disappointed about President Trump not bringing the troops back and other things. I have given him the benefit of the doubt as the swamp has grown so large the past decades – monolithic .

      Soon there will be the last big conflict in Syria. Assad with Russia want to wipe out the last Isis redoubt in Idlib So there is talk of another FAKE chemical attack which is a contrived by anti Assad elements.

      If President Trump reacts to this fake attack engineered to give the US an excuse to attack Assads forces like the previous time then he has lost me.

      Apparently Isis has kidnapped children ready to be sacrificed in a chemical attack to create world outrage.

      • G’day again John, Concur with everything you’ve said in your last post. I too, keep my fingers on the pulse of what’s going on around the World, am aware of the PLAN to use chemical attacks as an excuse, have voiced my concerns about this from the very first day Obama drew the red line, it was so obvious, yet thousands of people, failed miserably to recognise that act for what it was, and then even later, the follow up attacks, all under the same pretence. Frankly, I’m waiting for the Americans to finally put their money where their mouths are, and light the fire for WW 111. Bring it on, I say, the sooner the U.S. is wiped off the map, the sooner this World will have an opportunity to reset. Such an event must also ensure the total destruction of the biggest criminal enterprise confronting the World for the last 70 years, Israel, must also be taken care of.

  8. I have a business proposition for our readers.
    We have all heard of Kentucky fried chicken. (Now KFC)
    I am contemplating DFSB.. (Deep fried sheep brains with a crispy covering)
    It will provide a organic cooking method; no hot cauldren of oils……. just microwaved and great in calories for our school canteens.
    Sounds yummy already and our public have plenty to provide.
    I am looking for franchisees, journos and politicians will be given preference.

    • Sorry.
      After; ” …….. politicians will be given preference”. Add; “…..as they are so endowed with their redundent used by date product.”

  9. Dee, Early in 2016 I emailed my HM of my concerns after reading about ‘wifi dangers in schools’ (there was a plethora of info already back then). I received no response – perhaps because our school had just gone ‘state of the art’ with it, with the encouraging introduction of personal devices for all students AND the removal of many ‘online’ classroom computers… they were being phased out.
    On the internet there were also plenty of warnings about the proximity of cell towers’ radiation too, but I left this out to keep it simple, just asking if we were doing the right thing with the wi-fi.
    My concerns WENT NOWHERE – Can’t help wondering if parents are really paying attention, or just paying??

  10. Quote Julia Gillard:
    “Educations the key”
    Come in Gonski, technology’s the key.
    Unfortunately because of my self imposed ignorance, I have no idea of the door these people are trying to get though.

  11. This was posted:

    “Governments throwing caution to the wind
    September 3, 2018

    When it comes to convenient technologies, we have a history of rushing in, throwing caution to the wind and being wilfully blind to the problems no matter how clear the warning signs or how severe the consequences. Governments are often reluctant to recognise any impending health problems until the damage is so severe and widespread that there is an overwhelming public backlash to long term inaction, and are often slow to respond. In the years it takes to do so, peoples’ health suffers.

    Asbestos ban 20 years too late – tens of thousands of people die

    Asbestos was once considered to be a very useful mineral because it is flexible, strong, affordable and can insulate from heat and electricity. Mining of it took place in earnest from the 1800s. Despite warnings dating back to the late 1800s, because it was convenient and could cheaply replace alternatives, for most of the 1900s it was widely used in the construction of homes and buildings, including government schools and hospitals.

    Up until the mid-1980s, Australia had one of the highest rates of asbestos use per person in the world. However, exposure to asbestos fibres can cause life-threatening illnesses, so use of asbestos has been greatly reduced and it is now banned in 61 countries, some from as early as 1983. It was not banned in Australia until the 31st December 2003, decades after the adverse health effects were known. The consequences of such slowness to act was catastrophic.

    Now, Australia has the second-highest mesothelioma (a rare cancer caused by asbestos exposure) death rate in the world, trailing only that of the United Kingdom. More than 10,000 people have succumbed to the disease in Australia alone since the early 1980s, and according to cancer experts, an additional 25,000 people are expected to die from it in Australia over the next four decades.

    The lessons of asbestos have not been learned in relation to Wifi


    • G’day Dee, You touched a nerve with me, regards this asbestos issue. But first a bit more of the WiFi thing. Again, it is common knowledge, that WiFi signals can be intercepted and spied upon just as mobile phones can, thus all these WiFi signals flowing in the ether, can all be monitored very easily by our wonderful, caring Government and information thus gained, can be used by this Government to improve all our lifestyles and never used against us, Right ?? L.O.L.
      It is also FACT, hard wire from Modems cannot be interfered with in such a manner, and are much more secure, thus depriving the Government of an easily obtainable source for information. Installing WiFi in schools for the benefit of Government does a few things. FIRSTLY, it conditions our kids to accept such technology without question, never realising the opportunities opened to spy on the data being passed through the system. I was at a shopping center recently, reading my tablet when a window opened telling me I’m now connected to the WiFi freely available by the Center owners. Sounds good at face value.
      However, the FINE PRINT, tells me they WILL monitor my data to collect information on my shopping and spending habits and do whatever they choose with my data collected.
      That should scare the bloody hell out of everyone. But it doesn’t, and folks sign on willy nilly.
      SECONDLY, the above when compared with WiFi introduced in schools, gives an excellent example of the data then allowed to be collected by the Government and PRIVATE schools, which can then be used without anyone’s knowledge, or authorisation for their own purposes, whatever they may be.
      THIRDLY, a HARD WIRED system utilising servers and modems would not be so easily compromised as a WiFi system, however it would be a little more expensive for the equipment/maintenance/security. Such a system COULD be compromised, but not half as easy as a WiFi system can.
      ULTIMATELY, remember the WiFi system was invented to play games wirelessly, not for the purpose now being proposed.

    • Regards the asbestos issue. Everything you hear/see or read on this issue, in Australia, and in particular Western Australia is not the truth, and unless benefit is gained, financially or publicly, no one will listen to anything said of the issue.
      For example, a few years back my neighbors house was demolished for infill housing, the garage built with asbestos was demolished CONTRARY to all Legislation and Rules appertaining to asbestos. I rang the local Council advising them of this FACT, requesting they come around and prosecute the contractor. I was told and I quote, ” we cant come around right now, we’re too busy, maybe tomorrow some time”. My reply, “how conveinient that would be for both, YOU and the Contractor, as tomorrow the asbestos will be gone and you can record nothing on site, nothing happened, I suggest you get your butt around here right now and witness the dust being created by these folks right now, not tomorrow”. Answer, “sorry, no can do, will note your call”. End of discussion.
      So I rang the asbestos association who always makes a lot of noise and is always in the MSM, crying about this issue. Advised him of what was going on, his reply, ” Oh dear, that’s not good, they shouldn’t be doing that, there are rules on how they can dismantle such a shed” DUH, as if I didn’t know that, I asked him when I could expect his arrival, his response, ” Oh, there’s no way I could come out for the next WEEK OR TWO”. By the time my phone conversation was completed, the garage had been pulled down and all asbestos loaded onto a truck ready for departure, only the fine dust was left to be blown thru the neighborhood.
      So much for the ALLEGED concern of asbestos contamination. However, that’s only a tiny part of the whole story.
      You may, or you may not be aware of the Asbestos mine that was once functioning in W.A.’s Pilbara at a town called WITTENOOM. Asbestos was mined there for many years despite the W.A. Government KNOWING of the dangers it posed to workers and the town, same went for the Company which was mining the stuff for a quick buck.( B.T.W. Google Julia Bishop’s involvement on behalf of James Hardy defending it’self against the workers claims in court on this issue. She doesn’t come out of it as the Snow White that folks today claim she is. Sorry, I digress.)
      Today,the W.A. Government, as previous Governments is tasked with clearing the devastation that asbestos mining caused at taxpayers expense, whilst the mining companies rode off into the sunset with their ill gotten gains. This clean up is ALLEGED to remove the asbestos fines left behind everywhere throughout the gorge where it was mined and the town site where it was used for paving, sports playing fields and even the golf course. The Government claims so far it’s work has been successful, but still warns people from entering the area as dangerous.
      I personally visited this area way back in the mid seventies, when the mine was still under maintenance and the township was still there, folks were still living there. Asbestos fines were everywhere.
      Then three years ago, I again visited the site, discovered the town was now gone, only streets/kerbs concrete pads remained of the original. The mine site had been blown up, thus depriving folks from visiting the diggings. However the Gorge was still covered in asbestos debris as far as the eye could see.
      I could also see the massive damage done by successive cyclones since 75, eroding everything including the 1/4 kilometer causeway constructed of concrete washed a good two kilometers down the gorge, giving some idea of the amount of water coming down the Gorge during these periods.
      Now here’s the clincher, this water coming down scoured the gorge of all the asbestos fines spread throughout, picked it all up and took it along it’s way to the ocean. Check out on a map the distance these rivers and streams cover in the Pilbara area, you’ll see it’s one hell of a distance. Now imagine this water carrying these asbestos fines in suspension all the way to the ocean drying up and allowing the sediment to settle on the bottom all along the water ways. Guess what happens to these fines when the next Easterly winds arrive in the Dry season ?????????????
      So, it’s not just the Wittenoom Gorge and outer surrounds that has been FOR EVER contaminated by these mining fines, but the WHOLE PILBARA, ANYWHERE within a kilometer of the water ways and then further with the spread of wind born fines during the dry season, in effect, making the whole Pilbara area a NO GO if you valued your life.
      Defineately not a good situation for folks living up there and working there.And there’s NO WAY IN HELL, IT’S EVER POSSIBLE TO CLEAN THIS UP. Maybe that’s why the tourist have abandoned W.A. lately, wising up to isssues such as this ????

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