Home 911Truth WORLD FIRST — George H W Bush Executed by Military Tribunal (?)

WORLD FIRST — George H W Bush Executed by Military Tribunal (?)

The flag-draped casket of former President George H.W. Bush passes through Magnolia (ABC News)

by Dee McLachlan [Information from G5]

We heard the reports that Senator John McCain was executed by order of a Military Tribunal.

On 9 October, 2018, G5 wrote, “McCain was questioned by the Military. He lived up to his codename of ‘Songbird’. But had nothing to offer beyond what was already known. He was subsequently executed (The Espionage Act, Military Tribunal) by lethal injection. Well hidden by the issue of age and illness.” [and chemotherapy]

G5 has called me an hour ago, informing me that George H W Bush was also executed by Military Tribunal. His CIA code-name was Timber Wolf (derived from mongrel dog), and also called Poppy (for saving the poppy fields in Afghanistan)I asked about his source. He indicated that it was “direct” from the original. He is going to write it up in more detail soon, but this is what he told me on the phone:

George H W Bush was indicted and charged (10 August, 2018) on money laundering, conspiring to violate the Logan Act, human trafficking, and racketeering (under the RICO Act).

He pleaded guilty. The back-up charges were his involvement in the assassination of JFK, and Project Hammer (9-11). The 9-11 charge involved the estimated $240 billion covert government securities that were to mature on the 12 September, 2001.

President Trump signed the execution order, allegedly saying, “God may have mercy on him. We will not.”

There was a plea bargain, where the former president wanted to maintain his dignity and legacy. Trump withheld the release of the full JFK files naming GHWB, implicating the CIA and James Angleton. (Dove Zakheim orchestrated 9-11.)

Bush was executed by chemical means in hospital on 30 November, 2018, based on his guilty plea.

Both McCain and the former president were not to be buried at Arlington. He was buried on 5 December.

G5 mentioned that Senator Lindsay Graham, who used to be aligned with Senator McCain, was also indicted earlier, but pardoned. He changed to support Trump. What was significant, is that during the confirmation hearings of Brett Kavanaugh, he questioned Kavanaugh about Military Tribunals. Kavanaugh answered that they are constitutionally valid.

There are reports leaking that Bush Sr. committed suicide over the possible release of JFK files, but G5 says this is incorrect.

There was much more to our conversation with regard to:  Guantanamo Bay being vacant and being re-purposed, that Walmart prisons built by Obama have been taken over, that Seth Rich was about to leak information about pedophiles, and that the DHS will report on voter fraud on 21 December, 2018.

G5 said many other people are going to face justice, but only one will have a public trial — John Brennan, the Anti-Trump American intelligence official who served as the Director of the CIA from March 2013 to January 2017. He will have a public trial, and if convicted, will be hanged.

Well that’s the conversation. Interesting times.

[Editor’s note: Many people have been skeptical of this post, so G5 has called several times, and wrote this, below, in an email]

UPDATE [9 December, 2018]

by G5

I heard that some find it difficult to believe that McCain and GHWB were executed. As I told Dee, the audience is specifically for Deep State. Others don’t understand it.

They will suggest: what is the point of killing a dying person?
The point is: they cannot escape by; retiring, resigning, or living out. What they have done remains, and their families are also demonized. The audience is SPECIFICALLY for DEEP STATE.

The swift Military Tribunal and immediate execution, avoids the bilious and endless criminal court circuses. No — it is not JUSTICE or Denial of Rights. If they did not do what is put down, and can explain, fine. They don’t need lawyers to craft responses or find blockages to process. None of this is borderline.

Military act on overwhelming real evidence. They are not a criminal jurisdiction.

Deep State became terrified after they were made aware of McCain; now GHWB and others.

Tony Podesta was executed not for paedophilia, but for being involved in supplying and aiding enemy combatants.

Good old stupid puppets GWB and Obama provided the tools now used by Trump.

Public Servants offering different views (truth, reality, facts) to official reports are fired. There was one this week. I can’t remember the details of the event. Whistleblowers are criminalized or commit suicide.

Many flipped on their cohorts. Including the Obama pardoned HRC. Military will find other activities outside the pardon. Or could interestingly deny the pardon. SCOTUS will uphold that decision if asked. After all Obama was not constitutionally President at the time of say a Vacancy of the position. And former vice president [name] is a pedophile. But more importantly has aided enemy combatants with Kerry and their sons.

I am writing this up, including the attempted murder of Melania in Scotland recently. And who were taken out as a consequence. Trump has now agreed to the release of rendition (assassination) teams. It’s a process. They are acting now. I am aware.

Brennan (CIA Director) saying Trump as President should be removed by force, gets him hung. No discount. No misunderstanding. No sorry. One simple question.

McCain delivering arms and funds to ISIS, Al Qaeda etc., in Syria, were declared enemy combatants of the US at War from three days after 9/11; has him dead. No discounts. Nothing to say.
Logan, Hatch, RICO, PATRIOT, FISA etc are only decorations.

GHWB was indicted and Trump held the correct file on JFK. The plea deal of (code: ‘Timber Wolf‘, the mongrel dog) was that he die with his dignity and legacy. That was honoured.

2019 will be an interesting year. The 30% of government occupied by Deep State is shrinking. The century plus of what occurred — about which I am writing with NEW material — is interesting.

Read the next couple of missives carefully, for hidden NEW information.



    • [D] Day, Patriots.
      We will have our Country back!

      God Bless President Trump and the entire team of Patriots sacrificing everything for us. Contrary to what the MSM fake polls say, We The People stand with you.

      Merry Christmas to your and your families, and God Speed.


      • @lindsay,
        You’re right, but most people won’t believe it yet. If the people of America, and across the world, truly knew how these people are, they’d lose it. Evil, pure evil!! Politicians in
        the “”Deep State”” are Pedophiles, and murderers, laundering money, and deep into
        child trafficking. Loy, this is the real world, and God sent us “”SHEEP”” to tell the world,
        it’s time for the Revealing of the truth. As God speeds the time up, revelations will be given to the””SHEEP” “His “”SHEEP”” knows His voice, and here we GO……

          • How would that be so? I’m curious as to how anything that has happened recently and is happening still leaves any of this looking credible. With Biden only days from taking office, time is running out fast for the alleged actions and control over it all that Trump has. he seems to be going down hard alone, and not even giving support to people who trusted him and went out on a limb in response to his call to stand up for election integrity and by extension himself on January 6th. Trump is allowing the insurrection act, an executive order of his from 2018 against the ‘rioters’ who did no serious damage nor were violent especially relative to the BLM and ANTIFA mobs not long since. he hasn’t used it against the obvious traitors and criminals who brazenly stole the election and who have obvious plans to wreck the republic in the worst possible way. Nope, he used it only on his own supporters in the end. Indeed it seems increasingly likely he may himself be facing prison or even execution if the pigs who stole it have their way and his throwing of those ‘rioters’ under a bus resembles little more than an attempt to alleviate his own risk. I have seen some detailed assertions of great things afoot and a last minute reversal of it all, but the sand in the hourglass is down to the last few grains and he is apparently now circling the drain.

            if nothing comes of all this, then those who have been saying it, Q and all who spread the ‘crumbs’ of it around have shafted the people they assert are the patriots and made fools of them all. I sincerely hope this is not how it ends, but if it does, those like you, this site, deserve a firing squad yourselves from all the poor saps who put their faith in the claptrap. Among the actual harm it will have done is to waste the time and misdirect people who might otherwise have engaged in real efforts to do something useful. Of course there is something that answers to the description of “Deep State” but it is starting to look like the entire Trump phenomenon was either part of it, or a LARP.

        • Deep State? There’s no Deep State you say! Of course not! Then explain why four days after a Judge was assigned to the Epstein 𝒯𝓇𝒾𝒶𝓁 an assassin shot the judge and killed her son. Then explain why after questioning where the money and aid given to the foundation for the Haiti disaster went the surgeon who blew the whistle was assassinated in his upper Manhattan 5 th floor apartment. This was reported as a suicide but give me a break: a surgeon stabbing him self twice in the heart when he could simply have cut his wrists in a warm bath? Then explain the deaths of Vince Foster and all the witnesses in the Whitewater scandal. Then explain why 400,000 children went missing in the USA in 2015. Then explain why Isaac Kappy and AnthonybBourdain committed suicide after telling us about pedophilia and satanism in Hollywood. The list is endless of real evidence of the corrupt evil Deep State and their assassins. But you may still choose to refuse to believe the ebudencevthatbis before your eyes! Perhaps you simply don’t care 😢

          • I do not find any of this convincing. All these events are likely bad actors at work, but the theory of Deep State as it is being seen is just a way to tie them all together, which is not necessary to still see them as assassinations and cover-ups of criminality and treason. Anything around Epstein is easily explained as MOSSAD and in a few others as well. There is one evil and treacherous organisation and they have more to hide in the USA and around than anybody.

    Ok. lets add Trunp’s tweet at 9.56 am on 5.12.18 quoted at the 9 minute mark and following (9.21 best start at 8 minute mark)
    “Looking forward to being with Bush family, This not a funeral this is a day of celebration for a great man who has led a long and distinguished life, He will be missed”.
    Right: A day of ‘celebration’.
    Let there be many more celebrations????
    Go to the end of the X22 file linked. (:-
    Merry Christmas??

    • G5 above says “Tony Podesta was executed not for paedophilia, but for being involved in supplying and aiding enemy combatants.”
      But 50 different news reports say that the podesta brothers were given immunity to testify against manafort. What is the truth here? Do we have proof that Tony podesta is no longer?

  2. Ya fulfil my dreams and warm the heart as it searches for justice in this the most evil of times.Our eldest son 37 years has not had a day off from USA wars. The dynastical roles of Bush’s and Clinton’s have been the worst of times.Be gone you swill.

  3. It has not escaped me, that maybe this is part of a type of “Project Execute” — to feed into the sphere, executions that did not happen, but are designed to warn others. G5 said Brennen will have a trial and be hung. That should be easy to verify if that happens.

  4. May Bush rot In hell!!! A WELL KNOWN PEDOPHILE!! Why do we need to know any more!! Unfortunately there is more, rot quicker!! Yes Fiona Barnett was a victim to Bush!!
    Wendy Scurr passed yesterday, a woman who suffered to the last about PAM and Martin’s innocents. Hopefully soon the DVD will surface! Many heads will roll, believe me…
    Wars, Governments, power to help the world!! and so called democracy what a joke. ..

  5. Dear Santa,

    Thank you for your gift of moving planet Earth into a time of justice & prosperity for planet Earth.

    I wouldnt mind joining George Scherff as we are blood brothers of the 4th Reich: please arrange this before I initiate my assigned plans to blowing up all the volcanoes just for the lolz.

    Faithfully yours,
    Bill H. Gates

  6. G5 claims his source was “direct” from the original. Original what G5?

    Most of G5’s information can be garnered from QAnon drops & other available sources….

    • For those who did not watch Icke, wake up and listen to him.
      Who controls our mass media that ignores reality?
      The lack of empathy that he speaks of, at a lower level, is reflected in many domestic relationships, coming before the courts daily, even with the so called ‘sports/social elite’.
      It is as common as bankers’s and corporate spivs in board rooms not giving a stuff about their customers. They have no empathy with those they cause so much harm to and thieve from.
      Ditto for many of our ‘me me me’ politicians.
      Time to recognise them and cast them out.

    • Do not serve on a criminal jury, you do not exhibit the intellect or impartiality to handle the evidence. Keep reading, there is a answer, it is called justice, be it late.

          • I don’t wear the tin foil hat Ned, unlike you and other conspiracy theorists as I said in my original comment to you.
            As for getting the picture, it’s as clear as day to me. What I think you need to do is stop watching fictional movies, stop going to the Alex Jones’ of the world and step into the light yourself.

            And replying to me twice in one day, I don’t sit here, or on my phone, and wait for snippets from you or anyone else, I actually have a life outside of my mums dusty basement.
            Now have a nice day, it’s a bit overcast here, probably the jets I heard during the night spreading the deadly chem trails 😉

        • Hi Deni honey.
          Ta for exposing your intellect and character.
          I usually provide enough rope, as I advise my clients.
          Now let’s get serious.
          Dust off and go way down to my last three comments.
          Let us deal in objective thinking……. as you would have to do if you were unfortunately on criminal case jury panel and headed the court’s directions.
          BTW. I am watering my garden and far removed from a dusty basement.
          Sorry you have never met G5, to my knowledge.
          Cheers and a Merry Christmas

    • Huawei CFO arrested.

      2014 = Former foreign minister Alexander Downer is expected to resign as both a government lobbyist and a board member of controversial Chinese technology company Huawei

      Downer mentioned around 13 min

  7. Have just spoken to G5 — and said many readers just don’t believe this is possible.

    Reply: All top Intel agencies know what happened.

    They wanted this indictment on GHWB’s “file” — even if he was on death’s door. i.e. he didn’t escape justice. It is a message to those alive G5 says. The audience is deep state.

    • Thank you for your article. I truly believe he was executed for his horrific crimes. It doesn’t matter how old or sick he was. He finally got what he deserved. I pray someone received some peace as a result of his execution.

      • They think they can live forever with access to new organ transplants and blood transfusions through the Mayo clinic. GHWB and “no name” both executed and neither will live forever now. Looks like someone else was just executed, as well, hoping HRC, GWB, and Obama. Whenever I see that look on Pres Trump’s face I know another one is gone. Please pray for Pres Trump. He is saving the world one child at a time.

    I suggest that all should read and update.
    Remember the old film ‘For King and Country’ . (I WILL CHECK ON THAT, IT IS FROM RECOLLECTION 50 YEARS BACK) It is still experienced..

    • Now had the opportunity to find ‘King and Country’.
      Must be 55 years [1964] since I have thought of this film, but in the context of this article, I recall the last scenes when the “coward” is finished off with a 38, as I recall, (in the mouth!)
      That was just a poor AWOL ‘shell shocked’ soldier dealt with, I wonder if our present lot do not have that excuse.


  9. Now for the G5 Naysayers,
    Searching for clues requires a bit of work and some recollection.
    I draw the ‘gullibles’ (those who do not think and wear official issued tin foil hats!) attention to the questions asked by Senator Lindsey Graham of Justice Kavanaugh during the confirmation proceedings.
    At the time, I viewed that part of the proceedings referred to in the link below and felt that the reason for Graham’s questions was clear. In due course it was the reasoning for the lesson of my reference to “king and Country’ above.
    This link is just the first I came up with on a ten second search of the subject. The presenter refers to the ‘curious’ questions asked by Senator Graham.
    There is a transcript/note of the questions asked by Senator Graham and the replies by Justice Kavanaugh.
    Perhaps the naysayers might read the transcript very carefully and
    try and appreciate what was being done. Try: a public disclosure of the military law that my apply in various situations and the consequences that may result.
    As G5 has opined what has already happened on a couple of cases (and some!)…………. No matter how old the treasonous bastards are.
    Those who have the benefit of G5’s unpublished occasional “missives’ are somewhat ahead of the official ‘gullibles’ and naysayers.
    I did not note G5 refer to the Q and A below or the significance that I suggest.
    The ‘gullibles’ might search who the Commander in Chief is in the US and who signs appropriate orders after tribunal hearings and authorises appropriate sentencing.
    Some ‘gullibles’ need some light shone into and a good vacuuming of their dusty apartments.

  10. ignorant little fuctards with NO idea of any brilliance, and only slightly less “glam” than Elton John, and slightly less shock value than Lady Gaga… idiots. how the f[edtited] can people write shit THIS stupid?

    • James, remember that on FRIDAY that it came out in the news that John McTREASON decided to stop pursuing treatment. He had been going to Mayo Clinic (we in the hoi polloi were told). He likely had a SPECIALIST to treat glioblastoma. It wouldn’t have been a recent HS graduate just entering medical school. Doctors who treat glio KNOW how this disease behaves and the stages a patient goes through until death. The doctor would have KNOWN the exact point to give up long before FRIDAY. Then…on Saturday..HE’S DEAD. Gee…that was quick.
      You don’t find the timing of the announcement of stopping treatment and being DEAD the next day kind of strange?

  11. For the record, the United States Code, as of Decenber 25, 2018, reads as follows:

    §948h. Who may convene military commissions
    Military commissions under this chapter may be convened by the Secretary of Defense or by any officer or official of the United States designated by the Secretary for that purpose.

  12. Jeez.People will write anything to be noticed. Not even an ink smudge about Obama or Hillary. Just a bunch of liberals and Aussies writing bullshit.

  13. It is well overdue as they are just a bunch of criminal syndicates running governments at the expense of the poor taxpayer. Some of these high profile evil seditious traitors need to be hung publicly
    Congresswoman Says America Run By Criminal Syndicate!http://jesus-is-savior.com/Evils%20in%20Government/govcriminals.htm

    The Obama Regime’s Criminal Syndicatehttps://politicallyshort.com/2016/05/22/the-obama-regimes-criminal-syndicate/

    Our government is officially a crime syndicate https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2016/07/our_government_is_officially_a_crime_syndicate.html

    The Pentagon Can’t Account for $21 Trillion (That’s Not a Typo) https://www.truthdig.com/articles/the-pentagon-cant-account-for-21-trillion/


  14. Good riddance of McCain and George Bush senior as they were criminals of the highest order and traitors of High Treason.

    “God may have mercy on him. We will not.” God will NOT have mercy on him as when you die that is your judgement to come whatever type of person your were. He will be rewarded for his evil actions on the Day of Judgment none will escape! He was not a believer so that is another indication of his judgement.

    I have listened to a number of website and I have to concur that they were properly executed as there is cooperation between many websites not connected to each other. Hanging is the proper penalty for Brennan to pay for his crimes not an easy injection.

  15. You people are so brainwashed by this crap it’s pathetic. Yes there is a Deep State and no there isn’t a damn thing you or anyone else can do about it. Welcome to the NWO.

  16. Duty to Warn
    Another (Probably Doomed) Attempt to Expose the Ongoing Covid-19 Frauds and Health-related Scams to Government Officials
    By Gary G. Kohls, MD – January 28, 2021 (1256 words)
    This article consists of my Response to Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison regarding his office’s request for information from his constituents related to what he described as the “Covid-19 fraud, health-related scams (miracle cures, products, or treatments), government imposter and financial relief scams, cyber-crime, financial crime, hate crime, or other civil or criminal law concerns.”
    The letter that I received from Ellison is printed at the end of this article. I just stumbled upon it today as I was deleting old emails. The letter was dated 3-18-2020. The request form immediately below is still online at https://www.ag.state.mn.us/Office/Forms/COVID19Complaint.asp.
    I encourage my fellow Minnesotans to respond to it as well.

  17. · COVID-19 Complaint Form
    · The COVID-19 Complaint Form is used if you need help with a problem related to COVID-19 such as fraud, health-related scams (miracle cures, products, or treatments), government imposter and financial relief scams, cyber crime, financial crime, hate crime, or other civil or criminal law concerns. If you have concerns about price gouging or eviction-related concerns please use the dedicated forms.
    The Attorney General’s Office will attempt to help address your concerns and, if we think it can help you, direct your complaints to additional authorities.
    If you need assistance with a general consumer issues, unrelated to COVID-19, please use our Consumer Assistance Request Form.
    · Explanation & Resolution
    · Explanation of the Problem *

    Here are my responses: “The failure of Pfizer (and Moderna), bureaucrats at the local, state and federal Departments of Health, government officials, the mainstream media, etc to fully inform the population about the fraudulent, deceptive claim that Pfizer’s and Moderna’s vaccines are 95% “effective” (a highly deceptive, commonly propagandistic, Relative Risk Reduction statistic commonly used by untrustworthy, profiteering, multinational pharmaceutical corporations), while in truth, these vaccines are actually only 0.8%% efficacious when the more truthful Absolute/Actual Risk Reduction statistic is calculated from Pfizer’s (and Moderna’s own clinical studies.

    “This fraud (?) has been knowingly perpetrated by the pharmaceutical corporations and their partners at the CDC and NIAID but have been perhaps innocently promoted by the vaccinology-illiterate, perhaps well-meaning (?) bureaucrats at the Departments of Health; physicians/clinics/hospitals who profit from any vaccine that can be added to their business models; journalists who report what is favorable to their Big Pharma advertisers; and politicians who have received campaign contributions from Big Pharma/Big Tech corporations and investors.”

    What assistance do you need to help resolve the problem?

    “An unbiased group of knowledgeable, vaccinology-literate experts and scientists (who have absolutely no conflicts of interest with the vaccine industry – especially excluding the CDC and NIAID – in the truth-seeking efforts) needs to be officially and publicly gathered together to discuss the facts, some of which have already been established (see the articles below)

    For documentation for my complaint about Covid-19 fraud, I submitted my recent Duty to Warn column debunking the fraudulent and deceptive propaganda claim (repeatedly made by Big Pharma, the Mainstream Media, etc) that the Pfizer and Moderna “vaccines” are “95% effective”.

    In addition, I also attached my recent column about the equally fraudulent PCR test kits that Big Pharma, Big Media, Big Government and the NIAID claim confirm the diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2, when in reality none of the PCR test kits can be trusted when their Cycling threshold (Ct) exceeds 30 (a Ct of 30 equals a million multiplications of ANY infections virus or non-infectious viral DNA fragments found in the nasal swab specimen). More outrageously, it should be mentioned, a Ct of 40 means that the DNA fragments have undergone a TRILLION multiplications before they can claim a positive test result!). See those two attached articles that are now in the hands of Keith Ellison’s team.

  18. I can quite believe McCain and OldBush were executed.
    What I refuse to believe is that 9/11 was anything but dumb stupid Muslims brainwashed to believe that ali akbar would reward them with 72 VIRGIN donkeys if they hijacked the planes and destroyed the buildings.
    The idea that there was $240 billion bonds destroyed is a bit silly and depended on the stupid Muslims managing to hit the towers.
    I know perfectly well the twoers fell due to impact and heat and given access to similar high buildings and $1000 of items from sa hardware store – not explosives- I could take down not just two but twenty two skyscrapers in New York or most any other city.
    The only two odd notes in all the 9-11 evidence that is a bit odd is teh picture of the second jet maybe having a dark attachment underneath – and the testimony from one of the air hostesses that ‘some have been take upstairs ‘ – seeming to imply the planes had landed and some people had been led into an office building.

  19. Bush Jr. said we he came into office that he was going to get rid of “debt”. The debt was in building #7 with the secret service

    Building 7 was one of New York City’s larger buildings. A sleek bronze-colored skyscraper with a trapezoidal footprint, it occupied an entire city block and rose over 600 feet above street level.

    Built in 1985, it was formerly the headquarters of the junk-bond firm Drexel Burnham Lambert, which contributed to the Savings and Loans collapse, prompting the $500-billion taxpayer-underwritten bailout of the latter 1980s. At the time of its destruction, it exclusively housed government agencies and financial institutions. It contained offices of the IRS, Secret Service, and SEC.

    Israel involvement in USS Liberty & 9/11

    Israel’s Role in 9/11

    But far exceeding the Saudi role is the involvement of the Israeli intelligence service Mossad, which was not subject to any serious inquiry or investigation by U.S. intelligence or police agencies. Israel, in spite of obvious involvement in 9/11, was not included in the 9/11 Commission Report despite the existence of an enormous Israeli intelligence operation freely working in the United States that was known to the FBI. Some of those Mossad officers were notably filmed celebrating as the Twin Towers were burning and collapsing.

    In the year 2001 Israel was running a massive spying operation through a number of cover companies in New Jersey, Florida and also on the west coast that served as spying mechanisms for Mossad officers. The effort was supported by the Mossad Station in Washington D.C. and included a large number of volunteers, the so-called “art students” who traveled around the U.S. selling various products at malls and outdoor markets. The FBI was aware of the numerous Israeli students who were routinely overstaying their visas and some in the Bureau certainly believed that they were assisting their country’s intelligence service in some way, but it proved difficult to actually link the students to undercover operations, so they were regarded as a minor nuisance and were normally left to the tender mercies of the inspectors at the Bureau of Customs and Immigration.

    American law enforcement was also painfully aware that the Israelis were running more sophisticated intelligence operations inside the United States, many of which were focused on Washington’s military capabilities and intentions. Some specialized intelligence units concentrated on obtaining military and dual use technology. It was also known that Israeli spies had penetrated the phone systems of the U.S. government, to include those at the White House.

    In its annual classified counterespionage review, the FBI invariably places Israel at the top for “friendly” countries that spy on the U.S. In fact, the pre-9/11 Bureau did its best to stay on top of the problem, but it rarely received any political support from the Justice Department and White House if an espionage case involved Israelis. By one estimate, more than 100 such cases were not prosecuted for political reasons. Any Israeli caught in flagrante would most often be quietly deported and most Americans who were helping Israel were let off with a slap on the wrist.


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