Home 911Truth A Geopolitical Game of Chess. Next Move Syria.

A Geopolitical Game of Chess. Next Move Syria.


While the people have their heads in the sand, the geopolitical battle rages.


“The takedown of Egypt and Libya was mere foreplay. The real action will commence in a few months with the invasion of Syria and the excuse will be to save humanity from Syria’s weapons of mass destruction, namely, chemical weapons.”

David Hodges writes in the Common Sense Show “The “saving the Petrodollar” strategy being pursued by the Federal Reserve is a high stakes gamble with you, your children and the future of humanity being used as their collateral.” He goes on.

Iran Is Public Enemy Number One

“Because of Iran’s threat to the Petrodollar, Iran occupies a similar, but much more dangerous position than did Iraq in 2001. As we now all know, 9/11 provided the motivation to invade Iraq. No, Iraq was not responsible for the 9/11 attacks and President Bush did admit as much.

While all eyes are on Ukraine, the real prize and the key to the solvency of the BRICS is Iran and its willingness to accept gold for oil payments.

America is in a very difficult dilemma. If we (they) acquiesce to the Russian and Chinese threat of war for invading Iran, our dollar will collapse. If we attack Iran after taking over Syria, the nuclear powers with formidable armies have promised retaliation. Both Chinese President Hu and Major General Zhang Zhaozhong have threatened the United States with nuclear war if they invade Iran”.

As Hodges says about his post: It is not for the faint at heart. He goes on…

“The Federal Reserve will not back down. They have already killed Gaddafi and Hussein in order to preserve the Petrodollar. They are not going to back down to the Iranians, Chinese and Russians because it will not be their children doing the fighting and dying, it will be our children. Now, does it make sense on why the elite are driving down the price of Gold so they can buy up as much as they can for as cheaply as they can? They intend to be the last men standing at the end of the next great war to end all wars.”

Personally I find it difficult to believe that our leaders and bankers are that stupid to risk a nuclear conflict. But it does feel like we are ruled by insane people.





  1. I am too ignorant about gold to be worth listening to on the above, but did we not see all the nice photo-op men refraining from shirtfronting anyone at the G20 in Brissie? I “get the impression” they all work for the same top furseal (whose job is, as Dalia says, quite exhausting).
    i have it from a reasonable source that Ayatollah Khoumeni’s 1979 bungeejump into Iran from Paris (Paris!) was all at the behest of Furseals Anonymous. The so-called 52 hostages (which led to a popular bumper sticker in the US at the time “Nuke Iran”) all were Embassy staff, hence CIA. The ‘siege’ lasted almost a year. No Martin Place that.
    To put it another way, If Furseal can insert the Shah in place of Mossadegh in 1953, can he not do similar in 1979?
    Just my two cents here but I don’t think any nation’s leader is satnding up for his/her nation. They all “remember JFK.”

  2. We all wish to save humanity ,
    Go tell that to the aboriginal people who lived in the Uluru community/area NT, Australia) for 20-40,000 thousand years past. They seemed to have managed until the last 200 years or so, until now and without our present msm and
    politician’s warmongering.

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