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Eusociality, Part 8:  Is Evil Inevitable?

Gitmo (US prison camp at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba), Photo: Encyclopedia Britannica by Mary W Maxwell, LLB Is evil inevitable? In a small, isolated society, evil...

Eusociality, Part 7: Law Is the Dictate of Reason (with notes...

Code of Hammurabi, King of Babylon, 1770 BCE, Photo: ancient pages.com   Example: “If someone is too lazy to keep their dam in proper...

Eusociality, Part 6: Leadership with Love

(L) Kwame Nkrumah (1909-1972), on a Soviet Union postage stamp (C) Rachel Vaughan, speaking to the ITNJ in 2019 (R)  Paul Robeson (1898-1976) singing...

Pontius Pilate My Hero, Says Scott Morrison

By Kim Skeltys (copyright 2021) With Christmas just past, Gumshoe News asked Scott Morrison, Greg Hunt, Dan Andrews and Brett Sutton to name their favourite...

A New Eurasian World is Emerging and the Old Policies Will...

By James O’Neill* The Russian government has recently presented both the Americans and the NATO alliance with a list of demands which if implemented would...

Eusociality, Part 5: Jerrybuilt in the Pleistocene and Loving It

(L) Religion, Photo: churchofjesuschrist.org  (C) Paul Craig Roberts, Photo: phideltatheta.org (R) alpha male gorilla, Photo: alamy stock in theguardian.com by Mary W Maxwell, LLB The concept...

Eusociality, Part 4: Ideals and the Loss of Them

Athens, the Acropolis, symbol of democracy, Photo: Boris Stevanov, Lonelyplanet.com by Mary W Maxwell, LLB To backtrack quickly to the first three parts of this series,...

Electricity Like Fire is a Great Slave But Fatal Master; Review...

(L) Arthur Firstenberg (b 1950), (C) the book  (R) fire photo: maxim_tajer by Malcolm R. Hughes Arthur Firstenberg, is a scientist and author. He has a...

Wrap-Up of Mary Maxwell’s 2021 Gumshoe Articles

(L) Sheriff Richard Mack, Photo: cspoa.org (C) Joe Biden and Bill Barr, Photo: LyndonLarouche.org (R) The Lagoon, Venice, by Jane Peterson by Mary W Maxwell,...

Covid 19 Moot Court Trial of Person Charged with Genocide, Treason,...

Photo of album on ebay.  But this article is not meant to be funny by Mary W Maxwell, LLB This article gives the Prosecutor's Opening Statement...

A Poem for Christmas 2021

A Elmer print at Kirklands.com by Ozzie Mum Are you too looking forward to 2022? Our horrid 2021 is very near done, I am convinced we can see...

Anti-Vax Did Not Start Yesterday — Ask Charles Higgins

(L) Charles Higgins' book, published in 1920 (R) Woodrow Wilson, US president from 1913 to 1921, and First Lady Edith by Mary W Maxwell, LLB Charles...