Home Authors Posts by Dee McLachlan

Dee McLachlan


Julian Assange Extracted From Ecuadorian Embassy and Arrested


Incidents, Wars, Steeplechases, W40s, and Totalitarianism

by G5 If the Ruskies were such buffoons as incessantly profiled by US fake propaganda during the US induced Cold War Era, why did the...

Dr Pridgeon, On Federal Police, Calls a Spade a Spade

by Dee McLachlan I was at the Brisbane Magistrate's court on Friday when Dr William Russell Pridgeon, Patrick O'Dea, and several others had to make...

A Night Out with the American Broadcasting Corporation and My Non-Arrest

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB Just a quick report on tonight’s evening news (April 4, 2019), as seen on local TV in Concord, New Hampshire,...

Rolling Out 5G: Devastating Impacts on Humanity and the Environment

by Dee McLachlan Get ready for the roll out. Excitement For Australians -- Really? Australia's Science Channel writes:  "Much to the excitement of Australians, solid plans to...

What Is Going On Downunder?

by Phil Hingston Things sure seem to be getting crazy Downunder.  Let's recap the last few months. The Royal Commissions into Banking Crimes and Institutional Responses...

“Justice” in the Lucky Country

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpWf4bQyRrA I've had requests to re-post this, even though Terry had linked the article in the comments.

Pauline Hanson Is On The Money Regarding Port Arthur Massacre

Introduction by Dee McLachlan Al Jazeera approached the ABC about a documentary on One Nation, and the ABC acquired the broadcast rights, airing the second...

Mueller’s Investigation Over as 9/11 Families File Lawsuit against FBI

by Dee McLachlan Robert Mueller's Special Counsel investigation (2017–2019) is over, but now the focus might soon be on his past actions. He was the FBI director during...

More Dissection of the Christchurch Massacre

by Dee McLachlan I listened to Waleed Aly for a few minutes on a Sunday radio show. He had arrived in Christchurch -- obviously to...

Parent-Child Reunion Is the Goal, Part 1: Due Process of Law

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB When in my Ivory Tower, I rarely have to solve an actual problem -- I can theorize to my heart’s...

Professor Freda Briggs Lashes into the Sex-Abuse Royal Commission in 2014,...

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB GumshoeNews has received a stunning document concerning the story that we have been sleuthing for the last ten months. It...