Home War/ Terror Birth of ISIS – A Long Gestation Period – And the Objectives

Birth of ISIS – A Long Gestation Period – And the Objectives


US Intelligence decide to create a Muslim Terrorist Apparatus as a Geopolitical Weapon (1979 – here)  In brief:


The US began covert sponsorship of Muslim extremists five months BEFORE the Soviets invaded Afghanistan, Brzezinski confirmed. He says that after President Carter authorized the covert action: “I explained to the president that this support would in my opinion lead to a military intervention by the Soviets.”

Osama Bin Laden left Saudi Arabia in 1979 to fight against the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. The Afghan jihad was backed with American dollars and had the blessing of the governments of Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. He received security training from the CIA itself.” BBC news article

President Clinton ignored several opportunities to capture Osama bin Laden (infowars here).

September 11 – 2001: FALSE FLAG ATTACK on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Bin Laden manages to also bring down Building 7 without a plane, kill 39 Navel investigators searching for the missing $2.3T, and make 4 black boxes disappear.

tower 911

Within hours, he – Bin Laden is accused. The Guardian.   Jerome Hauer pointed the finger at Bin Laden on mainstream TV, saying: “umm, the, uh, fingerprints of somebody like Bin Laden”. (really?)  Patsy Paul Bremer also pointed to Bin Laden in his interview around midday. He says he’s “relieved to see business as usual going on” – but fails to mention that his office was hit by a plane or show concern of his missing 1500 associates. Extraordinary. Listen below.


Anyway – Osama Bin Laden denies any responsibility. But CNN lets you know who to believe.

So Australia gets with ‘team’ – off to find and kill Bin Laden in Afghanistan. To justify the invasion into Afghanistan they have to have proof. A FAKE BIN LADEN admission surfaces. The wider nosed Bin Laden on the left happily admits to bringing down the towers.  Watch video here and more here.


Meantime, while Osama Bin Laden #1 was having dialysis in a military hospital, his brother, Shafig bin Laden, was having breakfast with Bush Snr.  Dr. Steve R. Pieczenik’s claims that Bin Laden died from Marfan syndrome in 2001. See globalresearch. French intelligence reports. (Another report does says  he dies in 2006 here)

But with Bin Laden #1 dead – his ‘ghost’ audio tapes still allow him (and al-Qaeda) to be the bogeyman through the decade – until he is needed to conveniently DIE AGAIN in 2011 under Obama’s brave watch. His body was quickly dumped in the sea. They did take a photo of the second Bin Laden – then Photoshop it to again fake Bin Laden #1’s ‘death’ photo (see here).

A little later a bunch of the Navy Seals – the same guys who killed Bin Laden #2 – die in a helicopter accident/ shoot down. 30 Americans were killed – with 22 belonging to the same unit that purported killed Bin Laden. All bodies recovered, but (another) black box goes missing – washed away. But just to make sure the myth in entrenched – the film ZERO DARK THIRTY is made. Didn’t see the movie.

Al-Qaeda is now really more a ‘movement’. (Pity we couldn’t just flush it down the toilet)

Meantime – back in 2001 – GENERAL WESLEY CLARKE had been privy to information in the Pentagon shortly after 9-11. He was told they are going to go after 7 countries in five years: Iraq, then Syria and Lebanon, then Libya, then Somalia and Sudan, and back to Iran.


Interestingly Gen, Clarke says the Pentagon source said: “I guess it’s like we don’t know what to do about terrorists –” And “I guess if the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem has to look like a nail.”


Well we know it is also about banking, petrodollars, oil and resources.

The Shock and Awe invasion of Iraq: With this egregious decisionmore than a million die.

Did ‘they’ expect Iraq to turn into such a quagmire?  But hell, companies were making a ton of cash from the war – and then rebuilding contracts after the destruction.

Saddam Hussein is finally hunted down and hung. (But there are still a couple more tenpin bowls to knock over)


Iraq has also become the perfect fertilizer for hatred. Hate towards the a bogus invasion and hate towards a military that came in an abused and killed its citizens.

Mission accomplished – For the Neocons and Israel it seems. Sometimes the same thing – as there are many dual citizens in Washington.

In 1982, Oded Yinon’s seminal article: “A Strategy for Israel in the 1980s” published in Kivunim states  “Its (Iraq) dissolution is even more important for us than that of Syria. Iraq is stronger than Syria. In the short run it is Iraqi power which constitutes the greatest threat to Israel.”

Iraq though is the perfect storm for the build up of rebel/terrorists and the resulting radicalization. And the neocon-kelpto-corporatocracy use a cackle of hyaenas to ignite the Arab Spring. But,

Libya is holding up the CIA funded Arab Spring – so NATO backs al Qaeda to disrupt Libya. And historian and economist Webster Tarpley discusses (on infowars) the outrageous fact that the new military commander of the city of Tripoli, with a population of more than 2 million people, is a notorious al Qaeda butcher.


Mission accomplished. Muammar Gaddafi is slaughtered. The destruction and theft of Libya complete.


 Now the weapons used in Libya must be transferred to Syria – via Benghazi

The  death of the US ambassador, Christopher Stevens is part of the ‘weapons transfer’. Read about the rat line. Funding from Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar; the CIA, with the support of MI6, was responsible for getting arms from Gaddafi’s arsenals into Syria. A number of front companies were set up in Libya, some under the cover of Australian entities. The operation was run by David Petraeus.

Bashar Al-Assad is the next focus of attention – but the Syrian rebels struggle with the job. So the neocon-kelpto-corporatocracy, using Obama, need to finger Al-Assad as using CHEMICAL WEAPONS on his own people. But a Mint press article exposed the truth – that rebels were the likely culprits – this possibly stops a full blown attack by the West. More from whatreallyhappened. And More here

Al-Qaeda has now morphed into Al Nursra et al. Al Nusra is also largely made up of mercenaries recruited in Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Covert (Western) special forces and military advisers have also integrated their ranks. Training in Jordan and Turkey is also available.

Now the west starts openly backing Al-Nursra and the moderate rebels (or terrorists). But it is difficult to tell the ‘cannibal’ rebels from the moderate ones.


A cashed up ISIL – spins off from Al Nursra and drives into Iraq in a spanking new fleet of cars.


Chaos is returned to Iraq. (Was this unexpected or by design?)


Obama now seeks $500 million to aid Syrian rebels to fight ISIS 


Endgame: Cashed up Syrian rebels will then turn and topple Assad. For more on Syria, listen to Syrian Girl’s report (She is not an Al-Assad supporter, but desires an independent Syria)


The publishing of fraudulently made Beheading videos provides support to go back into more war.

foley-6bSee my post here about the CPR dummy used.

Murdoch press strikes at the Australian public.


Abbott approves funding to help the war against ISIS. 600 military personnel and eight high-tech fighter jets to go to a looming war against ISIS.

Targets: Syria. And be sure Iran is still in the cross hairs.

Objective: A PERPETUAL WAR to keep the populace destabilized and subservient – until we are all under control and in debt.

Mission being accomplished.












  1. Dear Dalia
    Your Sept 16 “Birth of ISIS” is an excellent historical wrap-up. Maybe you could go back further, to the 1920s, when British Intelligence apparently invented the Muslim Brotherhood for the same purpose. Note: Robert Dreyfuss claims, in “Hostage to Khomeini” (1980), that Khomeini himself (leader of the 1979 Islamic revolution in Iran) was under CIA command.
    Yes, the Brzezinski speech is key, especially coming from a US official. He was “National Security Advisor” from 1977-1981. I wondered why he made such an open admission that the US had trained “Islamists” as a way of undercutting the 1979 Soviet takeover of Afghanistan. I figured he may have been just trying to annoy someone, or maybe he is so steeped in the cynicism of it all that he thinks – correctly – that you can announce all your sins and no one will bother to arrest you.
    As for your mention of General Wesley Clark’s “leak” that the US has been planning the takeover of seven countries such as Libya and Syria, I feel quite sure he was authorized to make that leak. His claim that a pal at the Pentagon showed him a list is ridiculous. So I would file it under the category of “information leaked in order to condition us to the reality when it finally happens.”
    A part of your story should also name dear old Robin Cook (1946-2005). He resigned as Leader of the UK House of Commons on the day of the invasion of Iraq, March 17, 2003, on the grounds of its being unjustified. Cook was a Scot, full of ideas. He had also been Foreign Secretary until Blair reshuffled Cabinet. Parliament gave Cook’s resignation speech a standing ovation! Anyway, in August 2005, shortly after the London Tube bombings, he had a fatal heart attack at age 59, while walking in the Highlands with his wife.
    Personally I hold it to be a rebuttable presumption that all deaths of public figures in the open air are “airborne attacks.” I could name you two notably ethical professors who died while on the golf course. It’s so easy! Remember Adlai Stevenson’s 1965 death in Grosvenor Square, London? His companion said “He hit the pavement with the most terrible crack.” Hmm.
    Regarding your comparative photos of the real (?) Bin Laden and Fatty Bin Laden, the tragedy is that when most people see that very clear evidence of fakery, they still “don’t see it.” I note that in Greg Hallett’s book “Hitler Was a British Agent” there are photos of Hitler’s numerous body-doubles. If you look at their faces you will see that almost the only thing those men had in common was the funny little mustache. Amazing.
    Ops, I see you’ve just posted a further piece (Sept18) re McCain. I’ll go look at it, but I don’t think he ever “masterminded” anything. All Congresspersons are controlled, the possible exception being Senator Rand Paul. Imagine: one in 535 legislators being – possibly – not under control.
    God help us.

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