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Conned by the Neocons


The HELL in Iraq continues. Could it get any worse as the next wave of violence sweeps the country – a blowback from the West’s war on Iraq. And Australia is sure to get another flood of refugees we can lock up on Manus Island.


I wonder what ex-prime minster John Howard and Alexander Downer are thinking now when watching the latest news on Iraq. Just hours after Iraq agreed to allow access to United Nations weapons inspectors (in 2002), a parliamentary debate began in the House of Representatives with a statement by the then Minister for Foreign Affairs, Alexander Downer, outlining a long list of lies and deceit by Iraq and he said  “…While our concern about Saddam Hussein is not new, it is now more immediate. His regime’s actions remain a matter of great and growing concern to the international community including Australia…..”

But the whole attack on Iraq after 9/11 was a con and a beat-up in the first place – and we were conned. U.S. Intelligence Asset, Susan Lindauer covered anti-terrorism at the Iraqi Embassy in New York from 1996 up to the invasion. (here) She was the go-between US and Iraq and independent sources have confirmed that she gave advance warning about the 9/11 attack, and was requested by her boss to ask Iraq if they knew anything about hijacked planes and the World Trade Centre – which they did not. After 9/11 she did everything to try stop the war on Iraq. But what did she get for doing that?  Shortly after requesting to testify before Congress about Pre-War Intelligence, Lindauer became one of the first non-Arab Americans arrested on the Patriot Act as an “Iraqi Agent”. (her blog) She was accused of warning her second cousin, White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card and Secretary of State Colin Powell that War with Iraq would have catastrophic consequences. (video)

So how why did we attack Iraq in the first place. Well General Wesley Clarke heard it was planned on the 20th September 2001. So who is he: Retired General Wesley Kanne Clark, Sr. of the United States Army graduated as valedictorian of the class of 1966 at West Point and was awarded a Rhodes Scholarship (like Abbott) and then spent 34 years in the Army and the Department of Defense, receiving many military decorations, several honorary knighthoods, and a Presidential Medal of Freedom. Clark commanded Operation Allied Force in the Kosovo War during his term as the Supreme Allied Commander Europe of NATO from 1997 to 2000. This is what he had to say… that they (the Pentagon) were planning to not only attack Iraq – but they wanted to “take out seven countries in five years”

So what is happening now. Well the West is still trying to disrupt Syria – having supported militant groups fighting the Assad regime. They blamed Assad for the chemical attacks (as they blamed Saddam for having WMD’s) – but evidence suggests that the chemical weapons might have been supplied by Saudi Arabia to discredit Assad (here).  Could some of this support for Syrian militants inadvertently landed up with ISIS?

After possibly a million people killed in Iraq, and a West-approved Shia government has been put in place – there is a backlash from the extreme Sunni’s. The Kurds are busy protecting their oil supply. But was the invasion all about oil in the first place – and still is.

To recap (taken on the 12th June from What Really Happened): Following Richard Nixon’s ending of gold convertibility for the Federal Reserve Notes, effectively nullifying the Breton-Woods agreement, foreign demand for US dollars was kept up through the “Petro-dollar” deal, an arrangement whereby the dollar was used for all international purchases of oil and other raw materials. The US financial sector enjoyed a tremendous economic boom from this arrangement, as all nations had to first come to the United States and trade real products for dollars, or borrow dollars at interest from the Federal Reserve, before they could buy the raw materials they needed. The US bankers grew rich off of this mafia-like “piece of the action” of all global commerce, and being lazy, allowed US manufacturing and agriculture to decline, to the point where they are now dependent on the continuation of the Petrodollar scam.

Then, in 2002, Saddam Hussein obtained United Nations permission to sell Iraq’s oil, not for the US dollar, but directly for Euros. The United States invaded in 2003 under the now-revealed pretext of nuclear weapons, lynched Saddam, installed a (puppet) regime in Baghdad, and now Iraq’s oil is back on the world market, but only purchasable using US dollars.

So who is actually getting all those petradollars from the Iraqi oil fields now?

Reports say the Iraq war (which might now continue with 4,000 troops returning) cost the US taxpayer a Trillion dollars. Where was that money spent? What a booming industry war must be. The profits to those participating industries must be beyond the imaginings of the average person. Well the suffering created by these wars is truly beyond anyone’s imagination. And worse than any nightmare.




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