Home Australia Consensus a Compromise for Secret MH17 Investigation

Consensus a Compromise for Secret MH17 Investigation


Has Australia (and the Dutch) ‘shot down’ the investigation of MH17 by signing a secret non-disclosure deal with the Ukraine?

bullet mh17 letterThe DFAT letter (with my bullet holes)

When I pestered the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) several times about the secret agreement, Julie Bishops’ office eventually tried to shoo me away by saying the matter was now with the Australian Federal Police. They too (the AFP) declined to confirm my query about a secret non-disclosure deal.

But now it has been confirmed (to an Australian citizen, who was pushing the government for disclosure).

Everyone raced out of the starting blocks in July – accusing Russia and Putin for murdering 38 Australians. But it was clear from the outset that this may have not been the case:

(OSCE) International Monitor, Michael Bociurkiw, the first on the ground, was reporting pieces of fuselage had ‘machine-gun fire’ type bullet holes.

The Russia radar had a Ukrainian fighter jet in the vicinity, and

The video implicating the separatists proved to be fake (and allegedly made the day before) –  and there is much more.

Thus right from the beginning – all parties should have been a suspect (including special operatives for NATO). The downing of MH17 could be anything from a tragic accident; to an accident of war; a deliberate attack, or even a deliberate take down as a false flag incident to inflame the region. The investigation was to find out motive and perpetrator.

But Australia has been judicially negligent in a murder investigation – and has imposed a possible compromise rather than going for the truth. They have signed a secret NON-DISCLOSURE agreement – that requires CONSENSUS on the investigation’s findings. This implies that all parties have to agree before the results are released.

The expectation is that the Ukraine will want blame pointing east, though chief Dutch prosecutor does not exclude the possibility that the aircraft might have been shot down from the air (by Ukraine?). And Germany’s foreign intelligence service, the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND), concluded that pro-Russian rebels were responsible. But how do we decipher the truth from the mainstream media (MSM) when it has been proved to be a propagandist machine (German reporter confessing that the news is propaganda). Thus we have …

A Compromised Process

What if the evidence implicates the Ukraine? This is like having the accused also sitting in on the jury. The process is tainted and floored – and the Abbott government has failed the families of MH17.

There is a new book out by Dutch author Joost Niemöller trying to connect the dots. “MH17: De doofpotdeal” [MH17: The Cover-up Deal] dissects the main theories from all camps – and the author observes worrying developments, outlining a world where major interests stand in the way of finding out the truth.

Well, we know that geopolitical interests will attempt to obscure the truth. But it is disappointing that the Australian government politicians were drawn in to sign secret consensus arrangements that may be against the interests of the Australian families  affected.

But this is politics. It is absolutely clear our Canberra politicians are not the masters of their own destiny, but are pulled out to sea by the riptide of powerful global forces. (See former Australian prime minister Malcolm Fraser lamenting this when I interviewed him last month)

And secrecy is the ‘new black‘. It is in fashion. And new laws in Australia could potentially protect government criminality – and jail those exposing it. (And see Mary Maxwell’s article on sedition laws in Australia.)  All in all – a black day.


More here on MH17 on Gumshoe:

19 July 

26 July – One Question Not Being Asked 

29 July – Disgraceful Reporting 

7 August Wreckage Has Bullet Holes

16 August More Deception

24 August 

26 August – Secret Deal?

30 August 

4 September  – On Investigation and Ukraine, and Australia time line

10 September 

10 October – Oxygen Mask

15 October

and the 14th October – the battle of the teams – Team Australia vs Team Russia



  1. Well done D.
    The bullet holes are a subtle touch.
    Wonder what Laurie Oaks and other mass media commentators make, of your exposures and persistency in reporting on this, including our favourite ‘shirt fronting’ international diplomat.
    Perhaps you might offer to give our media and shock jock commentators some lessons.

    • Yes—the good ol’ MSM diligently and obediently scribbing for their masters. Maybe they are in a constant state of hypnosis. A separate article required definitely.

  2. This article references a strong body of developments that need to be placed before every National news desk with the obvious questions, not the least of is ..Why is this information invisible to most of the Australian public? The same process could be followed with our MP’s.
    The reason the lies dominate is because the majority of our communities are missing in action on the front line when opportunities to defeat deception unfold.
    If only ten intelligent Australians contacted our major National news desks tomorrow prepared to give logical force to this information some doubt in the lies could be created.
    As D. has outlined, the keys are the secrecy, the contradictions and the complete absence of substantive evidence to justify the narrative that was generously dished up heaping allegations against some parties while other possible scenarios and suspects were ignored.

  3. Third attempt at this!? Screen goes haywire!
    Anyway, this information does pass over the msm desks. They are not that stupid, not to skulk around searching to nick a bit of information.
    When their endeavours discover information such as in the above article, they scuttle off to check their credit card deficit and hide under their desks, for they know from whence their indulgences are supported. Nothing new, just look at the ICAC inquiries into union executives screwing their members money.
    So it is with the mass media and shock jock salesmen. Advertising revenues are key, do not go with the agenda and the big boys withdraw the advertising accounts!
    As for the public broadcasters funded by the taxpayer, similar pressures are applied. Want a good scandal? Well it is leaked to the PG, if it complies.
    Go back on this site and look up Udo’s exposures, ….. The German journo.
    President Kennedy stated
    something to the effect: ” If peaceful revolution is not allowed then violent revolution is inevitable’.
    Violence? No, not necessary in the internet age: just promote reliable independent news sites to friends and with feet, walk away from the msm banal news mirage. If you must Christopher, just trample over the msm news desks.
    Sending Correspondence to the Minister for Communications with a copy to the local Federal member might be appropriate with a reminder that we are boss they are servant. That includes you Mr Faine and Mr Scott, put Joe Meadors on to correct the decisive misrepresentation by the ABC of the truth about the USS mass murders.
    Paul Barry, this is your Que. who the hell are you watching, or is media watch just a load of ‘shovel leaners’ chewing banal gum.

    • It’s not left wing – but its to combat the right-wing bullshit! Struthx2.
      And I’ll add: Green is usually considered out Left. But if the Greens also shy away from the tough news – we at Gumshoe will call them yellow. This site is not laterally swayed (or along the horizontal left – right paradigm). We will challenge the vertical.

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