Home Health Did The Military Spray A “Dumb Down” Vaccine (Virus) To Infect Brain...

Did The Military Spray A “Dumb Down” Vaccine (Virus) To Infect Brain Cells In The Middle East?


Lymerick posted this Pete Santilli Show (video) on Rumor Mills News. This is a most bizarre and disturbing report on Fun-vaccs to infect people and take the “God Gene” out of the brain and keep people under mind control.

(Content from 0 – 5:50 and from 16:00 on)

The alleged Pentagon video shown here (from around 18:00 minutes), if real, is truly disturbing. In a lecture hall, the talk is about using vaccines / an airborne virus as a mind control tool against “over religious” populations in the Middle East.

An email sent to me explained that it is a flawed using an MRI to prove the existence of some forms of neuroactivity (as described in the lecture/briefing room).

However, disturbing content. Disturbed people.

We will keep watch on this.




  1. Weird?
    On past reports of the conduct of some military psychos, not so.
    Loading up bread in a little French village with LSD. From an old report read way back one villager jumped
    out of a window.
    There have been many such reports of experiments on friendly troops, The UK showering radiation upon unprotected Aussies at Marilinga, whilst the scientists had the gear, being just one example of criminal bastardry, deceit and cruelty by government psychos..
    Right; government protects us from those evil terrorists!?

  2. There are quite a few reports from 2010 on the LSD caper in France.
    Absolute hoot: only a few suicides caused and later killings to cover it all up.
    One example is:

    And some think these crazed bastards would not murder 3,000 people on 9/11 or 80 travellers at Bologna or murder 30 on the US Liberty and not attempt to cover it all up. Plus all the other madness of invading 7 countries in 5 years and killing a couple of milllion [ref: General Wesley Clark interview with Amy Goodman, March 2007; ‘The Plan’] whilst destroying so many countries and turning them into ‘terrorists’ from whom we have to be protected with all the expense of metadata collection.
    Equally rediculous is the thought that some prostituded journalists, commentators and similar riff raff, would not sell their grandmother to help cover up the murders and actually do lie to their subscribers and listeners. Alernatively, they are just wasted spaced out gullible nincompoops?

    • Thank you Gumshoe and thank you Mark. We need to deal with this. Here is the so-called law, Gene Technology Act 2000 (cth)

      An Act to regulate activities involving gene technology, and for related purposes
      The object of this Act is to protect the health and safety of people, and to protect the environment, by identifying risks posed by or as a result of gene technology, and by managing those risks through regulating certain dealings with GMOs.
      4 Regulatory framework to achieve object
      The object of this Act is to be achieved through a regulatory framework which:
      (aa) provides that where there are threats of serious or irreversible environmental damage, a lack of full scientific certainty should not be used as a reason for postponing cost‑effective measures to prevent environmental degradation; and
      (a) provides an efficient and effective system for the application of gene technologies; and
      (b) operates in conjunction with other Commonwealth and State regulatory schemes relevant to GMOs and GM products.
      Note: Examples of the schemes mentioned in paragraph (b) are those that regulate food, agricultural and veterinary chemicals, industrial chemicals and therapeutic goods.
      This Act extends to every external Territory other than Norfolk Island

  3. Won’t read about the concerns and history raised here on Gumshoe, in the Sydney Daily Telegraph or generally in the msm or on our ABC.
    Now has one sound: D E F U N C T ?

  4. We are living in “1984” although most of the proles don’t even know it because it came in stages, awash with copious amounts of propaganda. Orwell know what he was writing about.

        • It’s quite possible that he was given the task to write a novel to cause people to become accustomed to the “1984” world but ended up writing it in such a way that it turned out to be a warning. In other words, he could have been someone on the other side with an ounce of humanity. I would say that any warning, any information is a positive thing.

      • We have to be careful making assumptions about creative artists who get involved with politics, especially involved with the production of propaganda. Do you think the famous film-maker who produced the short-lived campaign video shown below didn’t know what he was doing? In my opinion, that promo was so over-the-top, so extreme, that it was in fact satire, making fun of the whole 10:10 campaign who paid him to make it! Creative artists like that film-maker have a very keen awareness of satire.

        • These people are NOT creative, they are SICK! I didn’t see any “corporate leaders” used as part of this dumb and stupid video. If we had, instead of blowing the people up we would have just seen planes flying over the innocent people dropping chemtrails instead.
          The use of this type of FEAR FACTOR peer pressure is a common tactic used by the governments of today. For example: Road trauma adds, Quit smoking adds, Obesity adds, etc.

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