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Doctrinaire Hypocracy


syriaThis is how the Syrian Rebels reportedly looked when we (the West and CIA) first funded them  (This photo looks perfectly ‘staged’ to me)

isisNow they look like this  (and much worse) – lets bomb the crap out of them.

Not long ago the west (CIA) was funding, training and supplying weapons to Syrian rebels (top pic) as reported here in The Australian.

What insanity this all is: After the false flag that was 9-11, the battle plans against Iraq were already in place.

In 2003 Australia followed Washington and the UK into an (illegal and fraudulent) war – which killed an estimated 1 million people.

The war destroyed Iraq – which in turn attracted Jihardism into the region. It took some time for Syria to become the focus – even though this was planned by the Neocons from the get-go as Ret. Weneral Wesley Clarke explains.  These interests want to destroy Syria as well and (after destroying Libya) they began funding, training and supplying weapons to Syrian Al-Qaida-esque rebels (e.g. al-Nursra – which in turn spun off into ISIL).

But why did Sen. John McCain meet with the heads of the “Free Syrian Army” in May 2013?

This is reportedly a picture of McCain meeting with the man said to be Ibrahim al-Badri (the so-called Caliph of the Islamic State) in May 2013. 


Ibrahim Awwad Ibrahim Ali al-Badri al-Samarrai was listed on 5 October 2011 as being associated with Al-Qaida.

In the photo McCain is seen speaking with the man (in dark shirt) said to be Ibrahim al-Badri, the founder and leader (i.e. “Caliph Ibrahim”) of IS. Ibrahim al-Badri, known under his nom de guerre as Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, created the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) one month before this meeting. At the time of this meeting with John McCain, al-Badri had been on a U.S. government list of “Most Wanted” terrorists for 19 months, with a reward of $10 million to anyone who would assist in his capture.  So, what’s going on here? (Christopher Bollyn asks) See more

Reminds me: Why was Bush Snr meeting Osama bin Laden’s brother, Shafig bin Laden, in the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Washington, on the morning of 9/11?

And now Australia’s (reluctant to embrace doctrine because doctrine can easily become doctrinaire behaviour) PM Tony Abbott is about to assist the US in attacking ISIS (as for example reported in SMH) – and they will be going after ISIS in Syria too.

But be sure – there will probably be stray western bombs landing on the Syrian Army too. After the ‘chemical accusations’ didn’t stick that well, I’m sure ‘they’ are waiting for the right moment to ‘destroy’ Syria.

Dr Paul Craig Roberts (once Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal) describes “The West, the greatest cause of War in human history, stands stripped of all Legitimacy” (read here) in another sober article, which further demonstrates how the mainstream media are ‘bought and sold’.

So how do we decipher all this madness?


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