Home Australia Malcolm Fraser’s Last Words – Perhaps His Final Interview

Malcolm Fraser’s Last Words – Perhaps His Final Interview


malcolm_fraserMalcolm Fraser 1930-2015

Once beyond the politics of Canberra, former prime minister, the Hon. Malcolm Fraser was one of those rare politicians who became wiser with age.  In his passing he has been adorned with praise, admiration and respect, but his ideological inversion puzzles politicians and media commentators alike, some even accusing him of “wild conspiracies“. As Mr Fraser researched and wrote in his retirement, he began to see the world with greater clarity.

Maybe our present politicians and leaders in Canberra should to take note of what he really had to say – in, what is possibly, one of his final film interviews, with Gumshoenews.

These are the first four parts of his interview:

 “…it (The Liberal Party) has forgotten the essentials of Australia’s own independence, of Australia as a nation.”

Talking about the USS Liberty,

“…it demonstrates that a major power, when it believes its vital interests are involved, will sacrifice any number of its own people to preserve that vital interest.”

Mr Fraser on “Dangerous Allies”

“We can’t be a nation and let another country take us to war.”

My last question to Mr Fraser in our hour long interview was “Have you heard of Building 7?”  He had not. I forwarded him relevant material on 9/11 and was looking forward to our follow up interview, which sadly could not happen.

Additional footage of this hour long interview, which could have been his final filmed interview, is available on request, from Gumshoe News.


  1. Is the ABC a credible source of information??
    Can’t wait for the Australian Broadcasting boffins, paid for by the public, to explain why Jonathon Faine has not been required to retract his comments to Mr Fraser in regard to the USS Liberty and properly inform ABC listeners to his program and the ABC listeners generally, of the truth, as evidenced by Mr Fraser and the messages sent to Mr faine by Joe Meadors, a surviving member of the USS Liberty.
    Mr Meadors stated that the attack on the Liberty was for about two hours with straffing, torpedos and helicopters with intending attackers circling with clear intentions to board an allied ship in international waters.
    In addition, in the ‘cover up inquiries ‘the statements of the survivors’ were struck from the proceedings.
    So for the credibility of the ABC, a waste of money!
    Mr Meadors received a similar negative response from the Australian Jewish News.
    The survivors of the USS Liberty seek to be remembered, but to this day are ignored.
    What is the definiiton of betrayal of the US navy servicemen and historical deceit of the public by our servants?

  2. Be interesting to hear from Gerard Henderson of the Sydney Institute explain his/their article vilifying Mr Fraser in his summary of 2014 in his article in the murdockracy in January 2015.
    Another mob who have lost credibility
    So who is wasting their money sponsoring the Sydney Institute?

  3. Dee,
    Do you have a copy of Joe Meadors’ (USS Liberty survivor) messages to the ABC’s Jon Faine and to the editor of the Australian Jewish News commenting on that paper’s headline: ‘Shame Mr Fraser’ rubbishing Mr Fraser’s in house knowledge of the USS Liberty mass murders. Plus vilifying his reputation.
    That followed the Faine-Fraser interview on ‘our’ Australian Broadcasting radio.
    Be interesting to note the absence of mention in eulogies for Mr Fraser when he is honoured, by ignoring his exposures.
    Watch the mass media ignore Mr.
    Fraser’s late disclosures! After all, it is their and various institute’s vocation to deceive the public and falsify history.

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