Home War/ Terror Nick Berg, Israeli Intelligence, and the Amazing Hidden 2008 Report of the...

Nick Berg, Israeli Intelligence, and the Amazing Hidden 2008 Report of the 9-11 Commission


by Mary W Maxwell, PhD, LLB

This article takes a stand against the phenomenon that many people may be experiencing: the feeling that it’s all too hard to understand.  I started to feel that way yesterday. In a comment to my Biggus Dickus article, Ned said everyone should read  the 9-11 Commission Report of 2008.  I had never heard of it. I knew the popular $15 paperback version, distributed in 2004, which is held by most libraries, and the Final one of 2009.

Smelling Salt Material?

Thanks to Ned, I googled for, and got “The September 11 Commission Report. Revised December 2008, unpublished, … of the Investigation into of the Murder of Nick Berg [etc].” You had better reach for your smelling salts. It contains amazing material.


Wikipedia caption: “Nick Berg seated, with five men standing over him. The man directly behind him, said to be Zarqawi, is the one who beheaded Berg.”

Before I quote from it, though, maybe I should say Forget the smelling salts. Why should we believe anything this group says? All commissions are whitewashes. The public didn’t realize that fact until comedians in the Sixties started mocking the Warren Commission (“Oswald Killed JFK”). We were hopelessly naïve. (For Oz, it was “Harry Holt Went for a Swim…”)

Torture by an Erstwhile Resident of Adelaide

I also remind the reader that anything about the West’s great need to commit torture, in order to gather info “to save lives,” is a ridiculous lie. Torturing someone does not yield accurate information. Nobody defends the theory that it does! So whatever we see Steven Stephanovicz (allegedly) doing in the following quote, we shouldn’t think for a minute that he did it to save people from the Muslim terrorists.

Now here is the surprising excerpt from 2008 Report:

“The organization that murdered Nicholas Berg … reported to be terrorists including Abu Musab Zarqawi, was most likely an Israeli intelligence operation — and in all likelihood part of a larger organization responsible for the attack on the World Trade Center; Nick Berg was probably murdered by a group including Steven Stephanowicz, an employee of Titan Corp., a subcontractor to CACI – which has demonstrable links to Israeli Intelligence, Richard Armitage and the CIA; Stephanowicz was found (by U.S. military investigators) to be directly and indirectly responsible for most of the atrocities at Abu Ghraib…. His presence at the scene of the [Berg beheading], and a similarity to the tallest executioner in the photos of the execution makes him a likely candidate for suspicion.” [Note: Stephanowicz, from Pennsylvania, lived for a time in South Australia!]

I don’t know how the unpublished “2008 Report” stacks up in regard to the claims often made on the Internet that “Israel” is the 9-11 criminal. Our CIA (I speak as an American here) was clearly the boss at Abu Ghraib.

Israel was in Iraq and in El Salvador, etc.

One of the ex-inmates of Abu Ghraib, who speaks on a Youtube video, said that he picked up a Hebrew accent in the voice of one of his interrogators. OK, but that interrogator and the Yankee interrogators were working together.

During my PhD study of what the hell the US was doing in Latin America, I was surprised to learn that Israel played some role. As I recall (vaguely), Jimmy Carter had to stop supplying El Salvador with weapons, at Congress’s insistence in regard to human rights, and lo and behold Israel moved in to fill that vacuum.

I also recall that one of the whistleblower revelations, in the mid-1980s, that “the CIA imports drugs from South America,” showed that Michael Hariri, an Israeli, was a major player. But Poppy Bush also was a major player, and he was, at that time, vice president of the United States, for Pete’s sake.

You may think I am so determined to protect Jews that I will automatically downplay the findings. No. I’m not downplaying the findings. They are inherently that way. The importation of drugs involved the work of loads of people in America. Meanwhile the “officials” of America clearly hung back from stopping it. It looks to me that America had the say. Congress could have asserted itself.

Shall We Identify World Power As Being Israeli? Or American?

For a short while, Rep Maxine Waters did hold hearings. These even gave whistleblower Gary Webb a chance to explain how the drugs were sent into the ghetto. But Maxine later went mum.


Do you see Maxine’s silence as ‘Israel’s power’? I don’t. To my eyes it looks like “America” shut her up. But not dinkum di America, mind you. It was (and has been for 100 years) World Government. They play in the interstices of Congress, city hall, university departments, you-name-it.

Please see my video on “Academic Proofs Conspiracy Theory,” at the mary w maxwell channel. The World Government has been operating since Thomas Jefferson’s time (1800-ish).

I think World War Two decisions made in British parliament were controlled by a Faction that had, in common, membership in the Freemasons and membership in the Jewish race. Of course that is not widely known, but the records of the day show it. I will make a Youtube video showing my collection of books on this subject. There are many wrongly-held beliefs about WWII. (Natch.)

Is World Government Composed of a Single Ethnic Group?

Maybe, just maybe, the Top Members of World Government are all Jews, to a man. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion definitely reflect the ideas of whoever on that day (in 1905) was able to wield huge power. They could buy out governments and undercut religions. (Later they got the brilliant idea of ruining the family. Gee, isn’t that clever.) And the Protocol writers boast of their concealed methods for tracking down all challengers and removing or disabling them.

Many people, including me, think the Protocols are falsely attributed to the Elders of Zion. They have a funny tone to them, as though someone wanted Jews to come out looking outrageously cruel. One of the sentences is “We have taken oceans of blood and tears.” Having seen the news this week regarding the flooding of the African nation of Malawi I do know that someone, somewhere is cruel.

Is it the Jews? No. It’s whoever runs World Government. Is every member of the Top Level a Jew? I don’t know, but even if they were, I would still not say it is a Jewish undertaking. It’s a Homo sapiens undertaking. Look at all the ancient empires. We just do takeovers; it’s a species thing.

Many an Internet reader now thinks the top dogs are followers of Satan. Well, maybe they are. Don’t men need some kind of story to hold their enterprise together? Don’t they crave justification?

Here’s how I see it: Julius Caesar was a bloke. He did what a bloke needs to do. Got to feed the wife and kids, etc. Got to cross the Rubicon. Got to keep Brutus from elbowing in. Etc. It gets bigger and bigger. And if you are doing it all in a secret fashion, you have to juggle a ton of lies.

A Video Can Be Fictional, Can’t It?

Speaking of which, I have my doubts that Nick Berg was beheaded. His Dad in California is considered to be Mossad.

Look at the picture in which the beheaders are holding Nick down on the floor. Shouldn’t they be wearing aprons? I have a surgeon friend who wears Wellingtons when doing an amputation.


In a photo one of the alleged ISIS beheadings, Gumshoe editor Dalia Mae Lachlan told us that she spotted a plastic knife. She is a very experienced filmmaker (see her article here), and can no doubt tell a prop knife from a non-prop knife.

And I have experience with “phraseology” The recent assurances we were given, that the men holding some Japanese hostages are really-really ISIS, sounds just like the wording of other such assurances. “There is nothing to suggest that Atta did not pray five times a day.” That sort of thing. When you read it carefully you see that it actually has no content.

Use the Brines God Gave You

We are in extreme trouble. We regularly see humans doing unthinkable things to humans (see excerpt re Stephanowicz below). I believe the current floods in Malawi are manmade and they are intentionally genocidal. We can find plans like that in the writings of the jerks that run World Government.

It’s disgraceful and we shouldn’t let it continue.  Every day in Adelaide I take photos of the sky in which you can easily see “junk clouds” being uploaded from the earth. (I don’t know how it works; these aren’t chemtrails as no aircraft is involved.) I try to get info about this and am laughed at.

If there is an earthquake in Adelaide, the blame will lie, in my opinion, with the cushy-living Aussies who can’t be bothered to notice that things are going very wrong.

There’s no need to put this stuff in the too-hard basket. It’s not too hard! We somehow got from a Neanderthal cave to the Sydney Opera House. That must have taken more cerebral muscle than it would take for you to figure out how to get the jerks in World Government to step down.


— Mary W Maxwell lives in the so-far earthquake-free capital city of South Australia, though she does believe that the 1954 quake there was man-made. She also holds that the 1906 San Francisco earthquake was “deliberate.”  Well, at least she’s consistent!



From History Commons:

A civilian American with a goatee beard, whom Al-Rawi identifies as “Steven,” possibly private contractor Steven Stephanowicz, forces him to adopt the so-called “scorpion” position. “They tied my hands to my feet behind my back,” explains Al-Rawi. “My left hand to my right foot and my right hand to my left foot. I was lying face down and they were beating me like this.” [GUARDIAN, 5/13/2004] During his first 18 days at Abu Ghraib, Al-Rawi says he is almost constantly tortured, “for 23 hours per day.” During this time, there are no interrogations, no investigations, and no medical treatment. He encounters the whole range of techniques, starting with the familiar nudity. “They left me naked the entire time.” [CPTNET, 5/12/2004] He is also subjected to sleep deprivation. “There was a stereo inside the cell and it played music with a sound so loud I couldn’t sleep. I stayed like that for 23 hours.” [GUARDIAN, 5/13/2004] Al-Rawi is beaten repeatedly. “One time they knocked out two of my teeth [lower left molars].” He is also threatened with dogs. “Whenever they took me out of my cell, they used dogs to threaten me.” [CPTNET, 5/12/2004] On one occasion a naked Al-Rawi is pushed from behind by a guard towards another guard holding a dog on a leash. At some point the experience becomes too much to bear. “In my cell I was shouting,” said Al-Rawi, “‘Please come and take me. Please kill me. I am Osama bin Laden, I was in the plane that hit the World Trade Centre.’ I wished for death at that time,” he says. “I wanted to be dead 1,000 times. I asked my God to take my soul.” [GUARDIAN, 5/13/2004] After these 18 days, his preparation for interrogation has finished. He has his clothes returned and is finally questioned. Having lost all defenses he gives any answer his interrogators want. “I just didn’t care anymore.” [CPTNET, 5/12/2004] “Whatever they asked me, I said yes. They told me I was from Ansar al-Islam [a militant Iraqi group] and I said yes.


    • Oops. I’d better clarify that my only interest in Nick Berg is that the 9-11 Commission said he may have been killed by Israelis. Commenters here are welcome to discuss Berg, but I have no more to contribute.
      (Even my statement that I doubt he died is really only a statement that I cannot believe things reported in the MSM. Maybe he died, and if so, I am sorry for his family. By the way, I don’t think respect for survivors should ever stand in the way of speculating about a death if the incident is political. Everyone deserves to figure out who is doing what to whom.)
      To recap my article: Ned led me to the 2008 Report. Yes, it was startling to see a US document call Berg’s beheading a false flag (i.e., the executioners were falsely presented as Arabs)!
      From there I went off on a toot about “Don’t blame the Jews; that’s a cop-out. Find out who employed Rummy & Pals to run the huge false flag known as Nine Eleven.” And of course I ended up where most of my articles ended up, with the message “We can do a lot better that we are doing.” Plus there was the postscript about torture which says far more than I can say.

  1. May I respectfully suggest that if anyone wants to comment on the E.P Heidner report that they disclose, if they have read it all and considered
    the history and implications.
    Then we may discuss it!

    • Respectful request noted.
      Actually on this website you don’t need to be respectful. You can just yell at me for jumping the gun with this article, Ned. Zorry, but when I saw the name Stephanowicz, I stopped reading the rest. Now I have gone back and seen the Nugan Hand stuff.

      Please explain what is meant by the “unpublished” 2008 report. It flies in the face of what Lee Hamilton and Tom Keane stand for, does it not? It could wreck my theory that all Commissions of Inquiry are whitewashes, and we can’t have that!

  2. Who exactly is E P Heidner, the author/publisher of the “September 11 Commission Report”?

    This material is published in format, style and title to appear as though it is an “official” 911 commission document which it very clearly is not.

  3. Firstly, I do not know who Heidner is. (anonymous? Whistleblower etc.)
    However, I for some reason started to read the 381 pages back in early 2009, and noted the collateral and collateral 1 additions, as a matter of curiosity.
    Then I came across the Nugan Hand references in the main report. They were matters that I already knew of back in the late 1970 – early 80’s. But Heidner missed a few matters: Farquhar, Peter Abels having a airline transport business, etc. I also had heard of certain blackmail scenarios…………..people entertained at brothels and film taken etc. Frank Nugan’s death allegedly by his own hand was another aspect I was aware of and the folllowing concerns……he was even exhumed to verify that it had been Frank for a very good reason on information available. Verification? Well, that was the official finding!
    So Heidner had some aspects correct, and fancy; the ex Chief Magistrate of NSW being charged with conspiracy (meaning there must be at least another person involved!!) to steall Phillipine gold Bullion, per a report in the Sydney Daily Telegraph in the early 1980’s. At that time I thought he must be a bit old for such an exploit, anyway the story all disapperaed and he died, at an estimate, within a year of the conspiracy report.
    Put that together with Heidner’s account of the finding of the Japanese gold in the Phillipines by General McCarthur and the story became more interesting as to the laundering of the gold into the world market to finance certain operations.
    Of course Heidner explains that the laundering operation was carried out by relevant banks that suffered on 9/11 and was at the istigation of the head boss banker launderers that are named. Of course we are aware of the unaccounted for 2.3 trillion announced by Rumsfield the day before the accountants of the ONI, investigating certain matters were wiped out by a wayward flying object…..All gone,! Hi-jkackers? All gone! Bank records in the towers? All gone!, Prosecution files against corporates in building No 7? All gone! White elephant asbestos riden towers? All gone! (lessor has nice new one) New wars? Yep half a dozen countries destroyed as planned!
    An absolute brilliant crime with free cupey dolls for all main players and a masterfull cover up and public relations victory provided by a controlled mass media supported by politicians who are too afraid of their masters.
    THINK:::: FIREWALLS in the form of misinformation etc, put up to protect the backroom culprits who have unlimited resources to lay all the false trails for the hounds over the last 14 years.
    It is many years since I reviewed any of Heidner, but continuing exposures have dovetailed with his/her/their account.
    I suspect that the author/s was/were in the know and wanted to provide that knowledge. it is a bit much and detailed for a simple ‘misinformation’ exercise. Missing the point about Farquhar would be understandable even if the author’s were Australian, as there was only one mention of the charge against Farquhar to my knowledeg………….at the time it was just too incredulous, but now with hindsight, can be understood for some reasons/suspicions I shall not speculate upon.
    Be interesting to know who charged him and if there was a result e.g if anyone else involved. as there should be if the charge is conspiracy: i.e. an agreement by ‘two’ or more people to commit an unlawful act. Maybe it was an overzealous uninformed authority that charged him/them and it was just forgotten for some mischievous reason when the likely repercusions were appreciated at that time?

  4. It’s the jews. If you haven’t come to that conclusion you’re either retarded or jewish yourself. Most likely the latter. They’re a race of criminals and thieves. You point to their puppets and then name boogeymen. There are barely that many jews in the world so don’t fall for that “not all jews” nonsense. The entire race is guilty of every crime imaginable. Nick Berg deserved what he got. Hopefully it was Americans who killed this treasonous backstabbing Israeli shill because they found out he was a backstabbing treasonous pig like the entire race of the jews is. More likely it was Mossad themselves to cover their tracks. Somebody should harass his family, I doubt they are innocent to what he really was. They are jewish after all

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