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tearsWell-funded and most likely partly trained by the US, ISIS turns south – back into Iraq and forms IS (Islamic State) in a shock and awe blow-back campaign. But now, not happy with the level of war-mongering and violence, Obama is going to inject a further $500 million to train ‘Appropriately Vetted’ Syrian Rebels to keep destroying Syria (and Iraq). 

The scale of war and revenge – and the fueling of war – is beyond staggering. It is surely criminal. While sipping our latte’s in the sedate streets of Melbourne or where ever, we are divorced from the pure hell the west has created. It seems war is a corporate need for the western machine, but maybe the destruction of Iraq and Syria was all in the planning and design of the neocon madness all along. And Howard hung onto the coattails of a terrible humanity gobbling machine – that subsequently destroyed nations, cultures and millions of lives.

A simple bullet can create a life time of revenge, so I hate to think what this has done to the prospect of global peace. There is a natural law at play – that one reaction creates an equal and opposite reaction – and the wave will surely ripple to the west with very bad consequences. While this initially manufactured 911 war on terrorism was most convenient in removing western civil liberties and entrenching the corporate cabal, we all live on one little ball in the blackness of the Universe. It seems that we are truly run by psychopaths and corporations that have no soul. We, the people, need to reject this violence. We need to speak out against the mainstream media that don’t reject this war-mongering mentality. All these duopoly governments (Liberals vs Labor, or Republican vs Democrat) need to be voted out.

To flash back: “The Afghan jihad was backed with American dollars and had the blessing of the governments of Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. Bin Laden received security training from the CIA itself.” BBC news article.

And just after 9/11: “I just got this down from upstairs (Secretary of Defense’s office). This is a memo that describes how we’re going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran.” General Wesley Clark recounts what someone told him at the Pentagon in 2001.

The west then hit Iraq in a (pre-planned) campaign of shock and awe, then a decade later when Syria wasn’t falling (as Libya had done) , Obama made the decision to arm the Syrian Opposition forces (2013). Reports had been pouring in for months that these forces were largely comprised of radical Islamist fighters, but Secretary of State John Kerry said, “I just don’t agree that a majority are al Qaeda and the bad guys…” article.

We are truly living in times of pure madness.



  1. The msm will not mention the General Wesley Clark (ret) interview with Amy Goodman in March 2007.
    Why not? Perhaps the msm is covering for warmongering politicians and their killing spree. If disclosed, the Aussie population might have the backbone to demand an investigation of deliberate, planned, with intent war crimes.
    The man’s is complicit in the evil.
    Nor will the msm broadcast the speech by General Smedley Butler in about 1933: ‘War is a Racket’. Sure is!
    Read Evan Black’s: Banking on Baghdad. Nothing has changed. Oh well, I will go shoot an indigenous Australian, as we did 200 years back. Oops! So sorry, we apologized for that. Oh well, an Arab will do and in 200 years they can apologize AGAIN.

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