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The US Should Not Fund Saudi Arabia’s War on Yemen


(L) Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky     (R) King Salman of Saudi Arabia

by United States Senator Rand Paul

Editor’s note:  this first appeared on Senator Paul’s website on April 28, 2017:

American-built planes with American bombs were used by the Saudis to bomb a funeral procession in Yemen. Over 100 people were killed, and 500 mourners were wounded. Active duty American pilots have been refueling the planes dropping bombs across Yemen.

Sounds like war to me.

But when did we declare war on Yemen? When did Congress vote to authorize military force in Yemen? Who is the enemy, and why are we fighting them?

Let’s be clear: war was NOT declared by Congress, as the Constitution requires. Congress never authorized American participation in a war in Yemen. And yet, here we are, involved in yet another Middle East war.

We have an unfortunate habit of arming foreign nations, only to discover that these supposed allies may be creating more enemies for America than they are killing.

Not only are we selling the bombs to Saudi Arabia that they are dropping on Yemen, the president’s first military act was to send a manned raid of Navy Seals into Yemen.

Tragically, one of our Navy SEALs was killed, along with several women and children. I don’t blame our soldiers — they take orders. They do the best that they can under the circumstances. I do, however, blame the politicians who send our soldiers into impossible situations.

Confronted by civilians, sometimes women and children, firing weapons at them, our soldiers must return fire. But before putting our soldiers in that unenviable position, shouldn’t Congress debate whether involving our nation in a war in Yemen is in our national security interest?

The raid killed al-Qaeda operatives who, while likely enemies of ours, were actually fighting the same people the Saudis are fighting: the Houthi rebels. In essence, we sent Navy Seals into Yemen to kill people who actually were fighting a common enemy….

Thousands of civilians have been killed by Saudi bombings in Yemen. … It is also possible our involvement in the Yemeni Civil war could allow a situation where the Saudis and the Houthis decimate each other, leaving a vacuum that al-Qaeda fills.

Think it can’t happen? Well it’s exactly what happened when America and Saudi-supported rebels pushed back Assad in Syria, leaving a power gap that ISIS filled.

In recent years, there hasn’t been a military action taken in Yemen by Saudi Arabia that doesn’t have America’s fingerprints all over it. As my colleague Senator Chris Murphy said last year, “If you talk to Yemenis, they will tell you that this is perceived inside Yemen as not a Saudi-led bombing campaign…  but as a U.S. bombing campaign”

How many Americans are even aware that we are actively involved in a war in Yemen? Last year I introduced a bipartisan bill with Sen. Murphy to stop a U.S. transfer of arms and dollars — costing $1.15 billion in all — to the Saudis.

The Senate voted to allow the sale. … Now, the Trump administration is considering going ahead with more missile sales to Saudi Arabia. This would be a serious mistake. If the sale is debated in Congress, I will reintroduce legislation to stop it.

Other reasons not to sell offensive arms to Saudi Arabia include their abysmal human rights record and lingering questions about that nation’s possible role in 9/11. The families of 9/11 victims have an active legal case alleging Saudi culpability for 9/11. These are complaints that bear review, considering that 16 of the 19 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia.

One of the memos discovered during the Hillary Clinton email leak stated, “We need to use our diplomatic and more traditional intelligence assets to bring pressure on the governments of Qatar and Saudi Arabia, which are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIS and other radical groups in the region.”

A State Department cable released by Wikileaks in 2009 revealed, “Saudi Arabia remains a critical financial support base for al-Qaeda [and] the Taliban […]”

Why don’t we hear more about this?

President Trump promised to put America first again, precisely because so much of what we have done in our foreign policy in recent years has been to other countries’ benefit but to the detriment of the U.S.

In the upcoming debate, I hope the president will seriously consider the unintended consequences of getting us mired in yet another Middle East war.

That would be a mistake. I think it’s high time we start learning from our mistakes.

— Senator Rand Paul R-KY, is a physician and a strict Constitutionalist



  1. “Now, the Trump administration is considering going ahead with more missile sales to Saudi Arabia. This would be a serious mistake. If the sale is debated in Congress, I will reintroduce legislation to stop it.”

    Remember the Boland Amendment? Breaching it should have led to Reagan’s impeachment. (Has to do with Nicaragua.)
    Apparently you don’t get impeached or assassinated if you are a servant of the cabal.

    Go, Rand Paul! Teach Trumpie-Boy a thing or two.

  2. One needs to understand where all this started – as applies to our own era – before one can grasp what is at play here.

    In 1922 the British Intelligence agency MI6 assisted the coming into being of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia – prior to this geopolitical manoeuvre, Arabia and the surrounding areas were not Kingdoms or Caliphates, not even recognized states, but an area run by various Bedouin and other Arab tribes all vying for territorial supremacy.

    But lying underneath Arabia was a mass of oil as then untapped, but to get to that oil British and American ‘business interests’ had to install an ‘authority’ over Arabia – and so the coming into being of the House of Saud.

    So we know how what is occurring over there got started.

    Yemen, Qatar, Bahrain etc are all run by Arab tribal hierarchies, who like the House of Saud, settle old enmities with ever increasing swift and deadly means against their rivals – and that is basically what is occurring now, and many of these old hatreds go back hundreds, if not thousands of years.

    It is the CIA that is heavily involved with the House of Saud, especially in clandestine operations like American ground crew arming up Saudi warplanes with American munitions that no one gets to know about except for those Americans who are disturbed – and rightly so – of how American interests have been perverted into causes that really have nothing at all to do with ‘National Security’ matters.

    BTW, the use of the term ‘National Security’ as a blanket to cover just about anything the CIA does is no longer taken seriously by many Americans awake to how their country has become a battering ram for the exclusive use of the Globalists and their agenda of world control.

    Bear in mind though, it is the Western world’s intelligence arms via the CIA – and that control to a limitation includes Mossad – that controls the directions of all Western governments – including the current Trump admin.

    My source; The Secret War against the Jews, John Loftus and Mark Aarons and The Secret Team, how the CIA and its Western Allies control the world, L. Fletcher Prouty.

  3. Look what the ABC has come up with (compare Channel 9 re “Carleen now believes son guilty”). This is getting hard to bear. Follow the logoic:

    A chemical analysis of samples taken from a deadly sarin gas attack in Syria earlier this month “bears the signature” of President Bashar al-Assad’s Government and shows it was responsible for the deadly assault, France says.

    Key points [Oops, did Did ABC forget to delete that heading?]

    — French report says 2017 samples match those from 2013 sarin gas attack in Syria
    — Intelligence suggests only the Syrian air force could have launched the attack [“Intelligence” — can you imagine!]
    — Russia has denounced the report and its conclusions
    — Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault said France made the conclusion after comparing samples from a sarin attack in Syria in 2013 that matched the new ones. [Oh please.]

    The findings came in a six-page report published on Wednesday.

    Russia’s Government promptly denounced the French report, saying the samples and the fact the nerve agent was used were not enough to prove who was behind the attack.

    Mr Assad has repeatedly denied that his forces used chemical weapons and claimed that evidence of a poison gas attack is made up. [Wanna see made-up evidence? How about the video of the “Tsanaevs” killing Sean Collier.]

    But Mr Ayrault said France knew “from sure sources” that “the manufacturing process of the sarin that was sampled is typical of the method developed in Syrian laboratories”. [as opposed to the method of which other labaoratories?]

    “This method bears the signature of the regime and that is what allows us to establish its responsibility in this attack,” he added, saying France was working to bring those behind the “criminal” atrocities to international justice. [Oh? by what means?]

    Gumshoe readers, please re-read Dee McLachlan’s compelling report on te Syrian false flag:

    By the way, in America, Senator Rand Paul (Ron’s son) was the only member of the legislature to make a stink about the US attack on Syria, as he has now done with the Yemen item.

    P.S. Above, I inserted a photo of Rand at a press conference but it was on a different topic. He probably wouldn’t get an array of microphones when speaking of the matter of Congress’s abandonment of its constitutional war-declaring duty. Alas.

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