Home NWO Using Dr Day, Part 3: What Was Dr Day Really Planning?

Using Dr Day, Part 3: What Was Dr Day Really Planning?


Palace of Versailles, photo commons.wikipedia

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB

As early as 1928, in his book, The Open Conspiracy, HG Wells looked forward to the dissolution of religion, the family, and nation. He made it sound desirable to pursue that major change.  I think he was instructed by his “owners” to write that book.

Ridding the world of nations was already underway, via the League of Nations which began in 1921, and the Institute of International Affairs (aka Chatham House, in London). Within the US a treasonous organization, The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), was also scheming for a world government.

Getting rid of the family was an idea floated by Plato in The Republic, two millennia ago. It was tried out in the Israeli kibbutz, at least to the extent of having all the children in a particular kibbutz live together, minded by the community.

In Dr Richard Day’s 1969 speech, as recorded by Dr Lawrence Dunegan, some of these themes were therefore a bit familiar. In Part 2 of this series, I listed ten of Dr Day’s predictions. Four have to do with dissolution of family, nation, and religion. See my presentation on:

Females would become less interested in being mothers;

Family life would decline, and marriages would be fewer;

People would become less patriotic, less nationalistic;

Books [including the Bible] would be changed.

Dr Day was able to justify some of his predictions (he made at least 63 predictions) by reference to the population explosion. There certainly had been a worldwide population explosion, with the number of humans rising from 1.8 billion in 1899 to 3.3 billion in 1969, with demographers projecting a further doubling or tripling. Today’s it’s nearing 8 billion.

I don’t think Day was being sincere in naming population as the reason for his favoring a weak family structure or for changing the Christian religion. I also don’t think Chatham House of the League of Nations or the CFR are sincere about the exalted goal of world citizenship.

The Real Goal Is Control by a Few, for a Few – the Planners

Rather, Dr Day speaking for the Rockefellers, Chatham house speaking for the Crown, and the CFR speaking for Wall St, all have in mind to undercut the strength of nation and/or the family and/or religion in order to render the masses powerless. The real goal is control.

Consider the other six themes from Dr Day that I listed in Part 2:

A physician’s position in society would change.

Music will be used to influence the young.

Security would become an issue.

People would use credit, eventually for all transactions.

Nutrition will test character, and the food supply will be controlled.

Terrorism would be introduced [possibly including by a nuclear hit].

I’ll now give my own interpretation as to Dr Day’s motives. It is obvious that he and his brethren, who appear to serve the top dogs of the world, want to achieve mastery of the human race. Even the prestige of a physician is too much competition for them, so they will take away his independence and his high reputation. “Security” problems will be developed so that no one will feel safe and settled anymore. Credit cards will destroy your ability to operate off the grid and will make your lifestyle purchases known to the authorities.

Dr Day did not bother to offer good reasons for any of the above. Or should I say, he did allude to the fact that Americans were too complacent, so had to be taught that there are dangers. A rather circular argument — things are going well, but we must stop their continuing to go well, by making them not go well, and thus people will be corrected of their wrong belief that things are going well.

As to the use of messages being sent to the young via music, I see this as approximately the same as Day’s whole approach – “we” must set things up for the public without their debating them or even being aware of what’s happening. Dr Day commented on the fact that most persons in government don’t really know who makes decisions – and that was back in 1969!

The last two of his themes: control of food supply and “using” terrorism show where the bosses are really headed – forcible, physical, fatal control over everyone.

A Half-Century Makes a Difference

The situation now, in 2021 – fifty-two years after the Dr Day speech – is worse than he predicted. The clever device of the Covid pandemic has allowed a possible genocide of billions to occur (if the vaccination contains death material). It also allowed the top dogs to gauge their degree of indoctrination – most people obeyed and wore a mask.

The centralizing of all banks is continuing and may have already happened.  The use of a chip for ID purposes is now with us. The buying up of land and the merger of agribusiness will make it easy to cut the food supply.  I do not yet see doctors giving lethal injections as part of their day’s work, but Day’s revelation of a cancer cure being available and yet held back from the public is very real. Marriage and family life did go into sharp decline — the majority of American children are now born out of wedlock.

Dr Day did predict the emergence of new diseases (how was he in a position to know that diseases would emerge?). I see autism as one such disease that was, I claim, made to happen. I could say that he didn’t foresee Covid, but then, there really is no Covid.  So far Covid is a hoax, which may yet, at some point, become real. The number of Covid deaths is a lie; national statistics mark no rise in mortality during 2020, and the “test” for “cases” is an empty fraud.

Dr Day also did not see geo-engineering, other than that he mentioned our ability to make rain and prevent rain.  We now have a full white sky on many days of the year, with the public still unwilling to call it anything other than a conspiracy theory. We are about to have the air loaded with 5G radiation.

“Holy Mother Church” did indeed take a tumble, mainly due to the scandal of the pedophile priests.  Note: One of Day’s predictions was that the Church would itself help the tumble.  I have always believed that pedophile men were planted in the seminaries for that reason.

From the “something to be grateful for” department, we have not yet seen dead bodies on the street—which Day mentioned as something we need to get used to.  You do not yet have to get permission to have a baby — though the Chinese did enforce that. Plus, we did not yet get nuked domestically. (Though Al Martin in his book, The Conspirators, says – credibly, in my opinion — that Col Oliver North was ready, if instructed, to kill off 70 million Americans “if necessary.” That was in the 1980s.)

What the Planners’ Successes Tell Us

It has to be said that the success rate has been marvelous. I am now referring to all 52 successes listed in Part 1, not just this article’s Part 2.  Just imagine being able to affect sports, toys, the work force, domestic migration, airline prices, enrollments for medical insurance, blue laws, drug abuse, the sale of condoms, lanyards in hospitals, convenience foods, bras, running shoes, the themes of movies, the lyrics of songs, direct-deposit paychecks, the amount of violence on the street, slums, police, and much else.

That list is in itself a good “use” of Dr Day.  It gives us the fairly surprising knowledge that individual business owners do not make their own decisions.  Individual legislatures likewise don’t determine what law will be presented or enacted. An individual pharmacy does not decide where to display the condoms. A particular school does not determine whether its nurse will dispense contraceptives to students.

Yet someone does determine those things, they are not just accidents or “trends.” At what level, if I am correct about the pedophile priests, was a decision made to seed the seminary with them.  Was the bishop aware? Did the young man himself know what he was supposed to do?

What about the fact that there would have to be a “paid thief” in many hospitals to steal the equipment, as Dr Day indicated, in order to justify the new need for hospital security?  Or for that matter, a paid thief in all the big libraries when it came time to dispose of a dissident book? Who coordinates the 50 state legislatures, such that in a given year there are many identical laws passed?

You can say that those persons are mind controlled, or hypnotized, or in some other way enslaved to do a certain thing when they receive a signal to do it. I guess a fair bit of that happens.  But those are low-level or middle level workers. I assume unions are important – they would tell the school nurses not to argue against running a contraceptive shop from their office.

But isn’t there the odd nurse who will put her foot down? Isn’t there a state where the religious belief in Sunday-as-the-Lord’s-day would make it hard to repeal the blue laws? Legislators may be persuaded to do as the Party leaders instructs but how does a higher-up get the Party leader to disseminate that order?

I can say that I have had enough experience in the last ten years to know that when the system encounters a dissident, all manner of harassment can come out of the woodwork to force that person to “cave in.” Harassers are all around us — even some very lovely people can harass. And if the dissident really presses his luck, he can be disposed of.

Playing on Human Nature

Rather than go to the expense of forcing people to do what is not in their interest, it is better to ease them gradually with a little bribe. For example, I can see that it is not good for our society to become cashless. I don’t want to be forced to use a credit card.  But when I am on a transcontinental flight and the only food available for sale requires “plastic,’ I “make the decision” to proffer my card, voluntarily. (Reluctantly, but still voluntarily.)

Dr Day pointed out to his audience some of the tricks used to change public opinion.  He noted, for example, that the salaries of baseball players would go sky-high and this would make the fans less enthusiastic about the players, the goal being to diminish the “patriotism” of baseball.

Similarly, he noted that men would go far away from work, using low airfare, but then fares would be pushed up (by design) and so he would go home to his wife less often. And he pointed to the human nature aspect of people’s annoyance with car window handles falling off, which could make them be less loyal to the US and purchase a Japanese imported car.

I notice that Dr Day described several things that would be done to ease old age. For instance, seniors would get discount travel. Old songs and movies would be provided “to keep them happy.”  This makes me wonder if the sweet songs and movies of my generation (Baby Boomer) were laid on us in the first place to give us enough pleasure so that we wouldn’t notice bad things starting to happen.

Part 4 will discuss the plans for forcible takeover.



  1. After the war, General George S Patton openly admitted that the Allies had fought against the wrong enemy. It appears He was right.

    • An excellent point, G5 – I keep hoping you are right on other matters.

      “I have been just as furious as you at the compilation of lies which the communist and Semitic elements of our government have levelled against me and practically every other commander. In my opinion it is a deliberate attempt to alienate the soldier vote from the commanders, because the communists know that soldiers are not communistic, and they fear what eleven million votes [of veterans] would do.”

      His denunciation of the politicisation of the Army was scathing: “All the general officers in the higher brackets receive each morning from the War Department a set of American [newspaper] headlines, and, with the sole exception of myself, they guide themselves during the ensuing day by what they have read in the papers.”

      Read on …

      • General Patton’s Warning

      That article was pivotal to my own awakening.

      Of course Patton then had to be silenced.

  2. Off-topic. You will want to see this. It’s 22 minutes but you could start at 10 minute mark


    Donziger says he has been under house arrest in NY for 2 years in contempt of court. The case is really about ecocide by Chevron in Ecuador. he says only 6 private prosecution in US in last 30 years. Very well presented. Thanks to the person who sent it to me.

  3. Meanwhile on the BBC. Now the propaganda for chipping starts too!(4m)
    https://www.bit chute.com/video/tLvLHZmzej9g/

    https://www.bit chute.com/video/JSwVjR4oCAU0/

    Covid Vaccine ALTERS DNA on the News!!!! (3m)
    https://www.bit chute.com/video/FPpBLAkVNzdA/

    https://www.bit chute.com/video/YIjvL7r0BPJu/

  4. https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/9-11-cover-up-director-appointed-to-chair-covid-cover-up-group/

    9/11 Cover Up Director Appointed to Chair COVID Cover Up Group

    Arch Deep State fixer and cover-upper, Philip Zelikow, former Executive Director of the 9/11 Commission will be chairing the COVID Commission Planning Group, according to the University of Virginia, whose Miller Center for Public Affairs will serve as the group’s base to “Help America and the world learn from this pandemic and safeguard against future threats.”

    Zelikow’s “non-partisan” group includes Event 201 participants, the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security at the Bloomberg School of Public Health and it’s being funded by Schmidt Futures, which is Eric Schmidt-Goolag-Alphabet-Bilderberg, the Skoll Foundation, which is the eBay FAANGster insider philanthropy group, the Rockefeller Foundation and Stand Together, which is Charles Koch’s philanthropic organization………………………….

    “Absolutely disgusting! Top-to-bottom! That was a mouthful that barely scrapes the surface. If you are interested in more, please type ‘Zelikow’ into the search bar, on corbettreport.com and you’ll find a number of reports, including my 9/11 Suspects piece, all about Philip Zelikow and how he ran the 9/11 Cover-Up Commission and a podcast episode I did, called ‘Learn History with Philip Zelikow…

    “I think it’s important to put this on the record. This is a cover-up in action. We’re watching it happen, right now.”

  5. I note the date—1928 HG Wells he dissolution of religion, the family, and nation. League of Nations which began in 1921,—-

    Tavistock 100 years on-1921—Agenda 2021 also Beginning of Nazi Party -cult—

    “As early as 1928, in his book, The Open Conspiracy, HG Wells looked forward to the dissolution of religion, the family, and nation. He made it sound desirable to pursue that major change. I think he was instructed by his “owners” to write that book.

    Ridding the world of nations was already underway, via the League of Nations which began in 1921, and the Institute of International Affairs (aka Chatham House, in London). Within the US a treasonous organization, The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), was also scheming for a world government.

    Getting rid of the family was an idea floated by Plato in The Republic, two millennia ago. It was tried out in the Israeli kibbutz, at least to the extent of having all the children in a particular kibbutz live together, minded by the community”

    I agree–I’m sure he was instructed by his–OUR “owners” to write that book—– we have all been woven into this enslaved narrative—-it is so far advanced we are so controlled – we are controlled by the machine–that marches on to complete Agenda 2030—- It is spiritual warfare. operating in a different dimension of time and space.

      • No Mary, in blessed relief – but Diane is saying the vast majority are…
        You must do everything in your personal power to physically and psychically divest your life of garbage and prepare yourself and those you love in every way for what is coming..

        It IS INDEED “spiritual warfare. operating in a different dimension of time and space”
        Grab your KJV Bible, both the ‘different dimensions’ and the warfare opponents are well described.
        We m’dear are he meat in the opponents sandwich.

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