Home NWO You, Too, Can Become a Dictator. It’s Easy!

You, Too, Can Become a Dictator. It’s Easy!


by Felix Feistel 

Editor’s note: This was first published in German on September 8, 2020, at rubikon.news, as “Diktatur zum Selbermachen”. The author permits republication.

Do you know the feeling? You are the ruler of a state and you have big plans, an ideology you would like to spread — but unfortunately an ignorant mass of people is standing in your way.

You have long envisioned a great war, but the majority of the population is not enthusiastic about the deprivations it would entail? Again and again, the people — or an annoying matter like democracy — stand in your way. Here we have a viable solution for you: dictatorship. How to implement it? You can find out here in this easy step-by-step guide.

“Dictatorship, fair enough,” you think. But: How do I do such a thing? Many people have faced this problem before you. Some have succeeded, others failed. We have compiled a list of the means. Don’t learn from just anyone, learn from the best!  The only thing that is needed is a great goal that everyone can agree on and behind which you can unite the population.

To implement your personal dictatorship, all you need is an effective media apparatus and some loyal henchmen …. Don’t worry, monetary dependence has proven to be just as effective. So let’s get started.

Step 1: Foment fear

Everyone has fears. To address this emotional level, you invent a threat. This can be any threat. It does not even have to be realistic. You can create a Bolshevik world conspiracy as well as a worldwide and absolutely deadly pandemic. The important thing is that you use this threat to address the fears that exist in society.

Your media apparatus will help you with this. Spread the word about the threat, preferably through all channels you have at your disposal. Ideally, all these channels should be considered independent of one another, even though they all draw from the same source.

Use different media that are classified in different political directions – so you’re guaranteed to reach every person in the population. Send reports about your chosen threat in a continuous loop.  In this way you stir up people’s natural fears. Fear paralyses and creates a need for security and normality.

Congratulations, you already have your big common goal: the elimination of the threat.

Step 2: Create a dramatic event

Unfortunately, it is often the case that a nation reacts only very slowly to the threat created. What you need is a big event that suddenly hammers the danger into the consciousness of the masses. It has to be something spectacular, for example, the burning down by fire of an important political building that everyone knows.

The event does not necessarily have to be real. It is just as good if you only say it took place. For example, calculate the number of people infected and dying from a pandemic disease in the media. Whether these figures reflect reality is irrelevant. The media create reality. Make use of affirmative images and headlines.

It is also a good way to present a scapegoat — blame the event on a fringe group or a hated nationality. Take the Communists, the Chinese, or any ethnic minority as a scapegoat, or local troublemakers. … Emotions experienced together create a feeling of unity, a factor that will become even more important.

Step 3: Be the savior

It’s now up to you to eliminate this threat. This is the oldest magic in marketing’s bag of tricks: creating needs and immediately presenting the solution. You do not know how to eliminate a threat that doesn’t actually exist? Don’t worry, you don’t have to. You just have to pretend to have the answer to the threat.

Start by presenting simple recommendations. Admonish the population to practice unity and obedience. This is also a first test of your subjects’ compliance. Do they follow the recommendations you give them? At this stage, it is likely that only a portion of the masses will behave as you would like. But this is not a disadvantage — it gives you the opportunity to take the most important step on your personal path to dictatorship – declaring emergency.

Step 4: Declare a state of emergency

A state of emergency, for you, is merely the Ultima Ratio. Actually, it should not have happened, but “due to the disobedient population groups” or the stubbornness of the enemy, the threat situation has worsened! Therefore, you must now declare a state of emergency as the “last possible” means to eliminate the threat.

Change from mere recommendations to strict prohibitions, orders and commands. Reinforce violations also with penalties. Later, prison.

Eliminate everything that once was “normality” and create a new normality to your taste.  Paramilitary troops patrolling the streets to implement and defend your ideology? With pleasure! Social isolation for better control and mastery of your subordinates? You bet!

Expand telecommunication masts and the possibility of networking, because otherwise you could hardly pass on the huge amounts of data resulting from the surveillance of your citizens to the responsible regulatory authorities. In any case, make sure at every opportunity that you are only concerned about security and order. People love that.

Emphasize as often as possible that all these will be temporary measures. However, prolong the state of emergency at regular intervals with reference to the threat that still exists.  Do not tire of emphasizing the importance of democracy in these hard times and that the threat is also a test of strength for democratic institutions!

Issue slogans of perseverance, to be spread everywhere in the media. “Together we can do it” is just as appropriate as “For our country” or “For final victory.” The slogans depend entirely on your goal and the chosen threat.

Take advantage of the state of emergency for some changes in the law that grant you extensive rights. In this way, you can enforce your will even against any basic rights and intervene deeply in people’s private lives. Hooray for you.

In addition, create a comprehensive administrative apparatus to ensure that your orders and laws are implemented. The officials who carry out these actions do not necessarily have to share your ideology. On the contrary, it has proven to be a good idea to use people who do not have any views of their own.

Now it is time to take the first steps towards your actual goal – the redistribution of public funds into private hands. You have chosen a pandemic as the threat scenario? Very well, then you can now transfer the research of a vaccine to the private pharmaceutical companies and subsidize these with state funds. You have chosen a Bolshevik world conspiracy as a threat? Also good, because the arms industry will be happy about your donations and orders.

But there will be resistance. So please continue with the next step.

Step 5: Create an In-Group

Resistance is hated by any decent dictator. Arguments and views that contradict his own goals and possibly spread among the population endanger any authoritarian rule. Therefore, be prepared. It is best if you have already started to create an in-group in Step 2. If not, then it is high time now.

What is an in-group? Here, too, one of people’s primal fears can help you: the fear of social isolation. Such a fear meant death for our Stone Age ancestors. This primeval fear lives on in us even today, and it can be useful for a self-comparison of people. The in-group is the group to which one must belong, because one is dependent on it. In modern societies, socially accepted consensus and the social environment form the in-group.

So create a special feature that determines who belongs to this in-group — be it your ethnic descent, the affiliation to a created nationality, or simply the “obedient majority”. If your in-group can claim to be vaccinated against the virus, it serves the same purpose.  Also create a visible sign of affiliation. Be it symbols that you wear visibly, certain behavior, such as a certain greeting, or simply a certain piece of clothing.

A paper document to prove your affiliation is also suitable. Say, a vaccination certificate without which participation in social life is excluded.  You recognize your in-group by the unconditional display of this sign. Title your in-group with keywords that are generally perceived as positive, e.g, terms such as “solidarity” or “reasonable”.

Keep emphasizing that you alone are in possession of the absolute truth. Being part of the in-group thus becomes attractive, because everyone wants to do the right thing and be on the side of truth.

Your henchmen will also help you with this. Publicly declare them “experts”, as the trust in people who are declared experts is generally very high. In the further course of events, the experts will themselves become keywords for your actions. They will become serious-looking faces of the in-group.

Step 6: Create an out-group

The out-group is the opposite of the in-group. It is all the people who do not belong, in your case all those who disagree, or who contradict you. The Out-Group identifies itself by refusing the symbolism that you have imposed on the In-Group. It is further characterized by dissenting opinions and other political views.

The Out-Group fulfils two important functions: firstly, it creates a further identification feature for the in-group, just by differentiating the in-group from the out-group. After all, groups only exist in dissociation from other groups. Secondly, you can easily assign every deviant to this out-group and thus unify countless people under a single keyword.

You should make it clear that anyone who has a different opinion cannot belong to the in-group. This can have significant consequences for his personal life. Be it the loss of a job, social reputation, family support, or the destruction of friendships. This will encourage them to self-censor.

The stoked fear of not belonging will make every member of the in-group react aggressively to every word from a member of the out-group. This can go so far as to make the ordinary people in the in-group enforce your orders and policies (or denounce others slavishly) just to prove that they belong in the in-group. In this way you save yourself the expensive police state. Congratulations, your dictatorship is now taking on fascist features.

By the way, the out-group does not have to be a coherent group. It is sufficient that it appears to be so or is described by you in this way.

Step 7: Vilify the out-group

It makes sense to use consistent terms for anyone who fails to practice strict obedience or who doesn’t want to believe the threat you create. These should be terms that are commonly associated in a negative way. “Parasite” lends itself here just as much as “anti-Semite” or “conspiracy theorist”. These terms need not have a deeper meaning or be used consistently. It is enough that they have a negative connotation and are used to inflame.

Cover the out-group with such smear. Don’t spare its use; the more often you use it, the better. Because the message lives from repetition. Your well-oiled media apparatus should be running at full throttle by now. Pick out some better-known personalities from the out-group, declare them to be masterminds and cover them with a particularly dirty campaign of character assassination. It doesn’t matter if they are really important people or not.

Emphasize that no reasonable person would believe the words of the out-group. They are disoriented, not to be taken seriously. Worse still, the out-group is a danger. Equate the out-group to the original threat. Declare their followers to be murderers, traitors, child eaters, well poisoners or whatever. From now on, the threat you originally chose is irrelevant. The new threat is now solely the out-group. Their opinions, statements, and actions are now a greater threat to security and order than the original threat.

Staging alleged “drop-outs” from the out-group has also proven its worth. Bring the story of these people to the headlines with heartbreaking music. Don’t spare with the dehumanization. Throw the faces of the out-group again and again into the media fire. After a short time, the majority of the population will accept a tougher approach against the out-group.

Don’t forget: The in-group can only exist in demarcation to the out-group. Therefore, constantly invent new out-groups if necessary. If these do not really exist, there’s no harm at all. The important thing is that people believe that they exist. Walter Lippman’s pseudo-reality is the key to success here.

Do some important personalities from science or public life declare their support for the out-group? Never mind. Regardless of their merits, abilities and talents, they are no longer part of society. They can therefore be declared to be crackpots, lost and dangerous.

Step 8: Celebrate success

Your measures show success! At least that is what you proclaim loudly. If there was no threat from the beginning, it is particularly easy to announce successes. Because, of course, the absence of worse consequences is solely due to your determined action.

Therefore, lift some of the emergency measures, but without ending the emergency. In this way, you take the wind out of the sails of critics by letting their fears seemingly come to nothing. But never undo all measures.

There’s a danger that people will become accustomed to the old normality again.

This must not happen under any circumstances. Rather, there must be an adjustment to the new normality. Humans are creatures of habit and can adapt and get used to any change.

Step 9: Tighten the measures

The threat has returned! Blame the disobedience by the out-group for the threat and begin to intensify the state of emergency. Since the out-group is self-righteously disobeying your orders, tighten up laws. Hollow out the annoying remains of any constitution and gut it completely.

If the out-group does not give you enough justification for such a tightening, you can stage a misbehavior by the out-group. It is not for nothing that you have secret services and a one-sided media empire. Keep emphasizing how much you care about democracy. Present yourself as its savior. However, always act in exactly the opposite way and completely devalue everything that was once declared a democracy.

At this point you can also start to persecute members of the out-group. If you have previously used character assassination you can now use violence. Openly censor the media used by the dissenters. Critical art and literature shall no longer be accepted — they are now “degenerate”. Here, a collectively staged destruction of these works is also well suited. Haven’t you always dreamed of conducting your own book-burning?

Ensure that the members of the out-group be harassed by police measures, monitored by secret services or simply lock them up right away. If you want, do not shy away from targeted killings. In doing so, you can first stage accidents as a warning.

If individual deaths do not silence the majority of the out-group, you can also isolate the out-group. Lock up their members in prisons or set up camps intended for isolation. Do not shy away from mass killings. After all, the threat is growing.

Step 10: The remaining task: make the old way disappear

Now that fear, propaganda and social pressure to conform have united the majority, they are busy denouncing and fighting the members of the out-group, which in turn has no way of getting in your way. So, there will be no more significant resistance while you now dispose of the remnants of the previous social system on the garbage heap of history or transform it.

A police State? Administrative dictatorship? Concentration of wealth and of the entire social life under your rule as a feudal order? All power in your hands? No problem at all. As the Romans knew: Divide et impera.  You have divided — and now you rule. Congratulations, you have done it!

Do not worry that the measures you have chosen might have been too drastic: At the time of implementation, the majority will follow you unconditionally and approve of them, and afterwards no one will want to know anything about anything.


See how very easy it all is? The ten steps I suggested were:

Foment fear, create a dramatic event, become the savior, declare a state of emergency, create an in-group, create an out-group, vilify the out-group, celebrate success, tighten the measures, and make the old way disappear.

Good luck!



  1. WOW – some unfortunate mixed metaphors and obfuscating messages there but an excellent paraphrasing of the COVID Event 201 narrative.

    Let’s just take two items combined:

    Create and Vilify the Outgroup

    “DHS: Domestic terrorism, particularly white-supremacist violence, as big a threat as ISIS, al-Qaeda”



  2. “In 1933 Hitler appointed Hermann Göring Minister of the Interior. His first orders were to defund and eliminate the police departments so that they would not interfere with his Brown Shirts. The Brown Shirt’s mission was to riot, burn, beat up and kill citizens in an effort to sway the elections to ensure their National Socialist agenda. Now today’s American socialist leaders want to defund and eliminate the police? Is history repeating itself,” Facebook user

    Once the Nazis took power, they centralized and fully funded the police to help promote state security through increased staff, more training and modernizing police equipment… Police manpower was extended by the Nazi Party by fusing the police force with Nazi paramilitary organizations. Heinrich Himmler, head of the SS, also became the chief of all German police forces.

    • Fabulous, Dee. I only watched 2 sections so far. At 11 minutes he shows NEW footage of the moments before Building 7 collapsed. One can clearly see explosions thru the office windows. (But he does not source that footage.)

      Then at 36 mins, he gives a huge inference about the houses that burned down in the California bush fires. The few that dd not burn have no Smart meters (or any power connected) . They survived, even when stuff around them burned.

      That cerainly needs a criminal investgation asap.

      • Totally amazing. Here we are 20 years after the event, and some, (possibly many) Americans are even today unawares that there were THREE buildings involved that day. How is that even possible ? Here in Australia we were watching LIVE telecast on the day, we even all heard the owner state on LIVE WORLD WIDE T.V. that he had decided to”pull” the building when cameras moved back and displayed the collapse of building 7. How is it possible, that Americans living within America are unawares of this FACT ???? No wonder no one ever posed the question of the owner, how the hell he could install demolition charges throughout the building and then press the button all within minutes.

        • In the US, demolition of buildings have always been done with explosives.
          Many beautiful sandstone buildings were similarly brught down, at night, in Sydney during the 50’s and 60’s. Lots of ammo after WW2 , mainly it reduced costs. Pre Covid, we had kabooms going off every week. They said it was entertainment for visiting cruisers or the harbour foreshore celebrating war in Middle East. Wonder if controlled demolitions were used, a few times when construction was going gangbusters, just a few seasons ago?

          Kabooms is what sells every movie, we have been conditioned to accept lies replacing lies. 911 was not a movie neither is martial law. There must be a quarter million cops in Melboune alone. The jack boot tactics shown on msm are something I have not seen elsewhere. Victoria is the launching pad for beast dragon dystopia.

        • In fact Eddy, a LOT of Americans are aware that 9/11 isn’t as per the official government narrative :


          Whilst no one is saying that the average American is as clued in on 9/11 as the Gumshoe subscribers, I’ve seen polls showing upwards of 60 % of Seppo’s saying they do not believe the government has told the whole truth about 9/11.

          And, when Trump said he’d tell us who was really behind 9/11 while campaigning in 2016, this made countless people who were lifelong Democrats change their vote.

          This pricked the ears of people in their 40’s, 50’s and 60’s who had never voted in an election (voting is not compulsory in the U.S), decide to vote for the first time – and they all voted for Trump.

          But here we are 4 years later and it’s as plain as day there will be no re-investigation of 9/11 on Trump’s tenure.

          It was a bald-faced lie from the beginning.

          We’ve all been duped.

    • I walked for a coffee this morning. On my way back I had my mask down whilst sipping my coffee (allowable), and a family came towards me — dad and two sons. I’d say 6 and 8 years old. All three were wearing masks, and as we passed, the younger kid gave me a VERY WIDE berth, actually ran off the path and then back on. WHAT GODDAM INDOCTRINATION. Firstly these kids should not be wearing masks, and now they are fearful. It was a very sad moment.

  3. Dee, at 2.20 Bolt says that no protester (a few weeks ago) supporting BLM, got charged with anything even tho the protest had been banned. At 2.37 watch the police kneeling.

    •  “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.”

        • But there’s another far more disturbing aspect to the phenomena that has no doubt become much more of an issue than it was in the late 1800s: As genuine crime, i.e. violating the liberty & integrity of others, is personally disempowering, it does, in fact, accommodate any form of reprobate governance

    • At 21.00 on the tape: They (Sgt Barrett of Frankston) came to his home late at night. Avi now asks us to sign a “we stand with Av” item but I don’t see that there. We should sign, as it could easily have been Dee at the same protest, as she too had a permit to be there as media.

      He can sue for intimidation. “Come on, idealist Mary, that won’t do any good.” I agree that it won’t stop the overlords, but it signals the cops who probably want Avi to sue.

      I told you that I stood up to 3 cops a while back, quoting the 4th amendment or whatever, after which one of them whispered “Thank you” to me. Boy, was I flabbergasted. And we know of a cop who said it was the worst day of her life when she was asked to harass some poor soul illegally.

      Not that I am hopeful. This just in: the New York Bar Association has voted for NY state to make vax mandatory for covid. I mean they voted to ASK THE LEGISLATURE to do that.

  4. Big thanks to the author of today’s Gumshoe article, Felix Feistel.

    Please spread it on Social Media, as he does not have a base outside Germany. And while you’re at it, please spread my book “Grass Court: How To Use Law To Deal with the Pandemic.”

    Go to the top of our masthead, click on the word BOOKS and see all 6 of Gumshoe’s books. By the way, another click brings you to Dee’s Awaken Books, including one for primary schoolers entitled “Three Tall Buildings.” Dee can really put her brain into the head of a 7-year-old. It’s amazing.

  5. Stalin Hitler and Mao, were young grasshoppers, compared to the beast system ruling globally today. They had guns for selected goons, mass propaganda via radio and television.
    Great marches and five year plans, followed by more five year plans. All that really happened, murders of innocents kept growing exponentially, with or without wars. Behind the injustice, hidden away from view, were the real dictators the banksters. Financing all sides to destruction.

    These days, the system is one, worldwide. Slavetrade has rendered flag waving to history.
    Players are bought and sold or worse, in this dystopia where pedophelia is the ring that binds them addicted to young blood. Perversions and abominations appear at the touch of a child’s fingertips.
    Full spectrum domination/damnation by the banksters of inequity. The internet cyber surveillance web gulag.

    “Pawns in a game are not victims of chance”.
    This has been the fate of all judas goats, past and present, that lead mass to slaughter.
    For the banksters benefit only, we are living under martial law.

  6. I have just learned that Boston has been a sister city to MELBOURNE since 1985. Melly’s other sisters are:

    Osaka, Japan est 1978
    Tianjin, China est 1980
    Thessaloniki (Greece) est. 1984
    St Petersburg (Russia) est 1989
    Milan (Italy) est 2004

    I’ll see what I can do to help y’all prisoners, from the Boston end, and maybe Russophile Julius can dig into St Petersburg. Anybody out there from Osaka or Milan? Anyone in Greece or China feeling the pain for Victorians?

      • Holy Mother of God. I knew naught of it. Did you guys?

        Did Melbourne help its sister city Tianjn? Of course the best help would be to help PREVENT such a thing.

        Recall Dr Day saying, in 1969, that “we” (meaning Rockefeller) would have to nuke some US cites if folks declined to submit to the new order. And that such a spectacle would make people succumb — as it no doubt would!

        Thus the above video is very helpful. If readers want to peruse the Dr Day claims, they can go to my article that categorizes them per subject matter here:


        By the way, about a year ago, one of us provided the name of a man who had “done a Dr Day” even earlier, perhaps in the 1950s. I need the reference. Pray tell if you know it.

          • This recording should be studied by every student in high school throughout the Western World, so that the lies of history are negated.

            I knew most of what was said, but it was picked up in piece-meal fashion. To be told this by an ex-Jew puts more realism into the story.

            By the way the book “The Thirteenth Tribe”, the historical recording of these pagans accepting Judaism as a religion was also written by a Jew.

        • Re the Tianjin explosion – cen.acs.org reported in Feb 2016 “Chinese Investigators Identify Cause of Tianjin Explosion – C&EN – The immediate cause of the accident was the spontaneous ignition of overly dry nitrocellulose stored in a container that overheated, according to the report, issued on Feb 5. Wetting agents inside the container had evaporated in the summer heat, investigators found.
          That video is remarkably similar to the Beirut explosion in August… I wonder what the ‘investigators’ will ultimately say about it?

          • Famanda, Chinese ‘investigators’ put out a story about the Tianjin Explosion that was dictated by the CCP – just as Lebanese authorities officially stuck to the ammonium nitrate story in the Beirut bombing..

            And the reason is EXCEEDINGLY simple.

            If the authorities had told the Chinese people that they were nuked, then the people would DEMAND retaliation against the perpetrator.

            And, if the CCP did NOT reciprocate with a show of force, it would be viewed as weak and thus lose face with its citizenry.
            ‘Losing face’ has implications for the CCP as it might embolden an insurrection and challenge from the Chinese people (Tiananmen Square style).

            This is what the U.S wants and it would fund any anti-government uprising to the nth degree to destabilise China.

            Similarly for the H1N1 unleashed on China and the recent outbreak of ‘disease’ that resulted in the millions of dead pigs as a result of U.S bioweapon attacks.

            It does not suit China to engage in a major conflagration with the U.S that could result in a nuclear escalation.

            Similarly in the case of Lebanon. Israel, by launching the tactical nuke on Beirut, wanted the Lebanese / Hezbollah to attack Israel.

            And Israel would’ve retaliated with full force – perhaps employing dozens of tactical nukes.

            Bottom Line : China is playing the ‘Long Game’.

            They’re quite content to sit back, cop the odd jab to the face from time to time without retaliation, KNOWING that the U.S economy and society is collapsing as we speak.

            A house built on sand will not stand.

            And the U.S economy’s foundations are well and truly built on the most porous of shifting sand dunes.

          • Famanda, make no mistake, Tianjin (like Beirut last month), was indeed nuked.

            Not a nuke of the order of say Hiroshima’s Little Boy (approx 15 kT equiv. of TNT).

            A smaller version of perhaps 4-6 kT equivalent.

  7. Thank you for the above, Dee – I will break up my post for readability.

    I just think the article would have been much more powerful and consistent if it had used, instead of the phrase:

    • *“the burning down by fire of an important political building that everyone knows”

    … something like

    • “the sinking of an unsinkable luxury liner with the loss of over 1500 lives including all viable opponents to the very lucky JP Morgan and hence to the Federal Reserve which was to be imminently created.”

    … or

    • “the controlled demolition of three skyscrapers with the loss of around 3000 lives”

    … or

    [perhaps Ned could offer a phrase about a mistaken identity attack on a certain US surveillance vessel]

  8. continued …

    “Step 2: Create a dramatic event”
    “for example, the burning down by fire of an important political building that everyone knows.”

    I’ll just throw this into the pool since the inference was made …

    Reichstag Fire – Marinus van der Lubbe

    (with an exhaustive set of links and sources)

    “… create a Bolshevik world conspiracy” [scoff scoff implied]

    Well actually …

    “After the Russian Revolution leading members of the Communist Party founded the Communist International (later known as Comintern). The aim of the organization was to fight “by all available means, including armed force, for the overthrow of the international bourgeoisie [whatever that is] and for the creation of an international Soviet republic as a transition stage to the complete abolition of the State [bearing in mind ‘Fascism’ is essentially for the preservation of the State – hence antifa]”. Lenin believed that to create the “foundations of the international Communist movement” was more important “than to conquer just Russia for the Revolution”. “

    Referenced source – “The Bolsheviks: The Intellectual and Political History of the Triumph of Communism in Russia” by Adam B. Ulam

    Cited here:

    Georgi Dimitrov


    Subheading: Georgi Dimitrov and Comintern

    For more reading

    The Bolsheviks


  9. The enduring mystery is why so many otherwise intelligent folk continue to overlook critical information.
    The most recent example that comes to mind is Serene Teffafa’s account of dobbing on the ATO
    Not once does she mention the obvious:

        • And I misspelled Teffaha in the article 3 days, ago silly me. Dee has now corrected it.

          Let me take this chance also to say I don’t think Serene’s class action is a scam.

          • Thats good of you, being as how I received from her yesterday a receipt for my inpayment to the trust account for class action class members pursuant to Victorian law.

        • berry, it has been found in court that there are no documents to be found which show that the ATO is a government dep.t.

          Who owns the ATO?
          Agency –
          1. a business or organization providing a particular service on behalf of another business, person, or group.
          Senator George Brandis :-
          “It is important to point out that although the ATO is an agency of the Commonwealth it is a different legal personality.”
          “Nevertheless, because a constitutional issue had been raised, a notice under section 78B of the Judiciary Act went to the Commonwealth, as well as to the states and territories, asking if the Commonwealth wished to intervene in the proceedings. It is important to point out that although the ATO is an agency of the Commonwealth it is a different legal personality. It nevertheless represents the interests of the Commonwealth in protecting the revenue. It is not automatic that the Commonwealth intervenes in proceedings every time it receives a section 78B notice. Every section 78B notice is assessed according to its own particular facts.”

  10. “The enduring mystery is why so many otherwise intelligent folk continue to overlook critical information.” – I just finished a conversation with one of our neighbors. She has totally taken the ‘cool-aid’ about the Cov-19. I mentioned a few factual things, but the glazed look in her eyes told me she was actively ‘overlooking critical information’.

    If the media told her to stand on her head everyday for 10 minutes, I’m sure she would do it.

    The longer this absurd Plandemic goes on, the more I’m convinced that the depopulation agenda is a good thing.

        • That’s quite right and no small thing but they would use the word “drill”, and you never know it might happen, under certain circumstances.
          Actually the Germans owe it to everyone to blow the whistle on this, good to see some of their doctors trying to get the word out and deprogram the brainwashed.
          MSM could have run it by now but they choose to run Greg Hunt instead.

    • “I’m convinced that the depopulation agenda is a good thing.”

      Went to my very favourite bakery yesterday. Short line – five or six people – ignored unsocial stay-apart rule without crowding (got one head turned and a strange look which I ignored).

      Grabbed the little paper ticket (longstanding standard practice) on my way in. Inside the store there are two “squares” at each of the extreme ends, barriers at the counter and “temporary” guiderails like at a sheep or cattle pen.

      Stood where I felt comfortable – an adequate natural distance, again without crowding and was to be next in line.

      “Excuse me sir [as if we had never laid eyes on each other before] – would you mind waiting over there in the designated area [The Square] for your number to be called?” – which she was just about to do.

      This IS Bolshevism – happy little brainwashed soviets.

      My ticket number was 66.

      I’m going to miss that bread.

        • I’m in Sydney and have not worn a mask for one second in my city, never been into any shop or done any activity which was legally decreed one to a room etc.

          And I always pay in cash.

          The only time I EVER was forced to do some social distancing was one time in late March / early April where I was lined up to go into Bunnings and we had to stand a metre and a half apart behind designated tape marked on the ground.

          Once inside the store I wandered around and stood wherever it pleased me and observed no enforced etiquette whatsoever – as did most other patrons from what I could tell.

          I went into a Gloria Jeans once to meet a friend and they asked me to fill in their log – asking for a name, mobile phone number and suburb of residence.

          I put on a bit of a scene protesting forcefully, (saying loudly for all to hear : ‘This is ridiculous, this is all for the sake of a hoax, Covid is the common cold’) all the while making sure my unmasked face and spittle ejecting remonstrating voice was directed right at the servile owner of the store, with his obsequious little mask on

          I dutifully complied eventually providing the three required bits of info – all of which were bogus.

          Even though we had a brief few weeks here in Sydney where non essential driving was allegedly discouraged (not sure that it was actually prohibited), I drove where I wanted to, when I wanted to.

          No roadblocks, no curfews to be seen.

          • Truth V, in relation to Bunnings, I like to walk into Bunnings, and go to the tool section. Pick Up a screw driver, and hold it above your head, whislt calling out ” This is not a Drill”.
            Watch the hysteria that follows.

      • Sign at the front of Target today (Concord, NH). “New emergency measure: masks must be worn.” Of course there is no new emergency.

        Julius, don’t worry about your bakery ticket number — my new book Grass Court (about dealing with the criminality of Covid, on the grass,has 66,000 words.

  11. When the ‘gun control’ massacres started in the 1980s I used to give speeches about what the real statistics were and I also often got into individual conversations. However, the media had so demonized anyone that disputed the narrative that I often ran into almost uncontrollable vitriol. It was if I was the person that had committed the massacre – I learned again and again, that you can’t reason with an unreasonable person.

    The same thing happened with 9-11. I would calmly discuss things like ‘if something is collapsing, it doesn’t fly up’. Again, the crazy-making MSM had done its job and the vitriol would flow.

    I spent some time doing research on the phenomena of the mind control I was running into. To put it in simple terms, when the media implants a ‘belief’ in the person’s mind, that ‘belief’ presents a road-block to the free flowing of information in the mind. When information that is inconsistent with the ‘belief’ is trying to be assimilated through the mind’s circuitry hits the ‘belief’, there is ‘cognitive dissonance’ – it can’t get through and be processed.

    A person may then try and find an alternative route through the mind circuitry that avoids the road-block of the belief. The information then gets scrambled in the processing, this is perhaps what Orwell was referring to as ‘double think’, holding two opposing thoughts in the mind at the same time. – I have one friend that specializes in this avoidance technique. It is quite bizarre some of the ‘explanations’ that he can come up with.

    If pressed, a person’s EGO can become engaged. When the ego perceives a threat (whether real or imagined) it goes into ‘fight or flight’ mode. Thus, we can run into the ego response of ‘flight’ where the person says “I don’t want to know” or “don’t send me anymore of that stuff”. If it goes into ‘fight’ we can run into serious hostility as the ego tries to defend itself.

    I don’t know what the solution is, however, I do think the depopulation agenda is looking more and more viable…

    • I would love to ask Darwin (or the originator of the theory) what he might think now. The brains of humans are their main assets. Is this a not-so-natural selection to slowly eliminate the thinkers, so that the brainwashed can suffer natural selection from future food and medical shocks controlled by the few? We live in just fascinating times as the forces and ‘vibrations’ battle it out.

      • Gumshoe readers, please IGNORE the link I have put up in my post below (the link with 911tap..org), in relation to evidence for nukes used on 9/11.

        That article is wrong (it is in fact a hit piece from the powers that be trying to debunk the nukes on 9/11 theory), which I have mistakenly linked.

        Scroll down further to read my response to Famanda with a proper link.

    • Terry, in relation to your comment on 9/11 above (‘if something is collapsing, it doesn’t fly up’), a close examination of the collapse of each towers clearly shows the buildings being blown up as you imply – and not subject to a fire induced ‘gravity collapse’ as per the official narrative.

      Indeed, examination of the event will show that 4-5 tonne I-beams were projected laterally at speeds calculated to be between 60 and 70 metres per second. ( 60 m/sec = 216 km/h).

      This is a photo of an I-beam that was projected laterally with such force that it punctured the facade of the Deutsche Bank Building 600 feet away :


      You don’t need to be a rocket surgeon to imagine the amount of explosive capability it would take to throw this huge steel projectile that distance at that speed.

      NO conventional explosive could do it.

      Mind you, mini-nukes positioned on every floor or alternate floor ….. .

      I mean, you’ve heard of those stories about planks of wood embedded in solid objects from a tornado, right ? :


      Well, tornadoes can generate speeds of 400 km/h and more

      For those pooh-poohing the likelihood of nukes used on 9/11, think again :


      Thousands of first responders at Ground Zero have already died from cancers and many thousands more have Stage 2 and 3 cancers and worse.

      A disproportionate amount of them have thyroid and oesophageal cancers – a classic signature of a nuclear event.

      If you’re still sceptical about 9/11 being a nuclear event, this will put it to rest :


      Testing of the residue dust on 9/11 found levels of Strontium and Barium and other elements at factors of hundreds or even thousands of times in excess of background levels.

      This ONLY happens in the wake of a nuclear event.

        • My apologies Famanda.

          I have read numerous explanations from well credentialled sources that provide overwhelming proof of the nuclear event of 9/11.

          Yesterday I just did a quick search engine input and the ‘911tap.org’ thing was the first thing that came out.

          I wasn’t aware that it was put out by the cabal to obfuscate. I’ll proof read first before sending next time.

          Meanwhile, try these :


          It’s a long read but for those really keen it’ll be well worth the effort.

          • Thanks TV,
            what a task you set me! Surely with this kind of publication, there’d be some ‘awakening’ – though I doubt many would bother, other than those with ‘skin in the game’. It is challenging, especially when you come up with the likes of this: https://www.ae911truth.org/images/articles/2015/Aug_2015/FAQ-15.pdf
            “FAQ #15: Various authors claim that nuclear blasts caused or contributed to the destruction of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. Why does AE911Truth not endorse this claim?
            By AE911Truth Writing Team
            Architects &Engineers for 9/11 Truth is not aware of any evidence that supports the claim that nuclear blasts occurred at the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. AE911Truth does not endorse that claim, nor does it endorse any theories resulting from it, nor does it link to websites and publications where such theories are promoted, for the reasons given.”
            Same old “NOTHING TO SEE HERE…MOVE ON..”

          • Famanda, you’re making me laugh !!

            Granted, that link is one hell of a long read. That said, it’s better than reading another Junk-Food-For-The-Mind fiction novel.

            You’ve posed a very good question in asking why AE911Truth won’t touch the nuclear demolition theory.

            Firstly, it’s been suggested to me that they don’t want to go down a rabbit hole that will subject them to ridicule.

            I mean, so many people have been brainwashed by the media that they’re reticent to even acknowledge that even a controlled demolition took place that day, let alone the use of nukes.

            Can you see, if they said nukes were employed that day, the MSM (at the behest of the cabal that perpetrated it), would go into overdrive with a smear campaign saying things like:

            ‘These people are absolute kooks’ and ‘You all saw it on TV live, did you see any mushroom clouds or devastation for a 2km radius – like at Hiroshima ?’.

            What the public have no idea about is that nukes have come a long way since 1945.

            They are now VERY sophisticated.

            Not just in that they now have the smallest of mini and micro-nukes but also, unlike Hiroshima, they have [largely] ‘radiation free’ varieties of nukes.

            ie: not like in WWII where even those that weren’t vapourised or burnt to a charcoal crisp had severe radiation burns and were severely disfigured.

            The radiation produced by some specific nukes is a different sort that doesn’t produce obvious physical impairment but manifests down the track when it induces various cancers.

            Anyway, getting back to AE911Truth, they’ve been more focused on Building 7 because it was not hit by a plane and yet it collapsed in a textbook controlled demolition.

            They have contracted Prof Leroy Hulsey at the University of Alaska Fairbanks whose team have conducted a Finite Element Analysis that proved that fires did not cause the collapse of Bldg 7 – in contrast to the official report from N.I.S.T.

            Bottom Line :If it can be proved that Bldg 7 was brought down in a controlled demolition (and they have effectively done that), then you can easily extrapolate that if one building was brought down in a controlled demolition, then ALL THREE BUILDINGS WERE BROUGHT DOWN BY A CONTROLLED DEM.

            That’s what AE911Truth are focused on.

            I agree that Thermite and perhaps thermate was used in the demolition process (as AE911Truth state) but they were used in CONJUNCTION with nukes.

            The thermite charges cut the core columns.

            The nukes pulverised concrete and structural steel columns into a fine dust IN MID AIR !!

            That’s why there was little to no debris except for the handful of the lower few floors.

            Once a critical threshold of people are aware of that controlled demolition is the only feasible explanation, then people will demand an investigation.

            So, at this stage it’s not important that we know that thermite charges or nukes or Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) brought down the three buildings.

            It’s only important to make people realise that the impact of planes did NOT and could not bring down any building.

            That is their strategy I believe.

          • I believe all 3 techniques were used. Explosives (thermate) to cut the steel, mini nukes to cover for explosives, and DEW to pulverise the steel and concrete.

            In the process the DEW, melted the aluminium components of cars, such as engines and door handles with some burning of some paintwork but left the rest of the car undamaged. The mini nukes created the molten metal that was witnessed for weeks or months..

  12. The article is a good appraisal, though missing an important part.
    The dictator is not a self actuating being. They are all string puppets and cop it in the neck when the puppet master cuts the strings.
    I have mused about the “glazed eyes” disciples culling as helpful for many a decade. They are just musing though, we all know we would help these peeps if no obvious consequence could be envisaged. Just like a baby bird that had fallin from the nest.
    The heavy state of the glazed ones also shows that dictating is an impossible task for individual mortals.
    Like a lot of things, timing is everything(like skimpy clad young masters of art that pop up here sometimes – seaway now available – wink).

          • Note on the new house rule for blocking ad hominems. When I ad hominem Simon, it is automatically acceptable.

            When I ad hominem Dee, it is my way of compensating for no paycheck.

            Also, I don’t fully approve of Dee’s letting Caesar Salad get away with murder.

    • I like what she says. can anyone offer credentials on Jacquie Dundee (Muller) please? Logic doesn’t cut it when I’m trying to wake ‘sheeple’ up and, sadly, she’s been ridiculed as a “coronavirus/conspiracy nut”, e.g. dailymail.co.uk 28 July 2020, for allegedly claiming that masks were ‘the mark of the beast’…

  13. I think a few readers are forgetting the impact of controlled media on the attitudes of citizens.

    In 1973, Rupert Murdoch and Frank Lowy were essentially presented Australia as their very own media and academia/science fiefdom, by David Rockefeller. In 1975, the CIA consolidated this control with a political coup.

    Ever since then, Aussies have increasingly had access to only one stream of information. But, as Donald Horne noted in his 1964 classic The Lucky Country (he was being sarcastic, by the way), many Aussies were skeptical about the drepth of our “democracy” and relied instead on civil institutions to maintanin influence. Cynicism held sway.

    However, Pauline Hanson’s 1996 maiden speech used Parliamentary privelige to present a view dramatically at odds with that of the new Establishment. A survey the next day revealed 94% public support for her views. Horrified, the ALP and LNP held an emergency meeting and declared war on One Nation and its supporters, with Tony Abbott appointed as the hatchet man.

    Age pensioners were beaten up at One Nation meetings. articulate supporters were castigated and reviled by academics and journalists, and Hanson herself was eventually imprisoned.

    The message was not lost on Australians, Button your bloody lip, or else.

    Thus, as my surveys were to eventually reveal, most Aussies commenced presentation of two public personas: one for public, and one for friends and family. So, although the more timid adopted a conventional True Believers persona to the world, most continue the split personality defense system. This does not make them sheeple, or gutless, or stupid. This is simple survival mode.

    When the worm finally turns, a vast depth of visceral fury will reveal itself, led by the same working class youth manifested in the so-called Cronulla Race Riots a decade ago. 60% are currently unemployed, which will probably rise to 80% in the coming months. They will be opposed by academics and journalists and by the governing class of elitists known to us occupationally as executives, journalists, politicians and university students.

    Being working class and deprived of an effective education, the rebels will struggle for direction and objectives and the means of identifying enemies and allies. My website is designed for that purpose but Gumshoe is well positioned to do the same.

    Meanwhile, we should respect their well-justified caution.

    • Thank you, Tony. I just googled for what I thought was your website ozis4aussies. No joy. Please correct me.

      Also re the ABC’s pathway to the brain of educated Aussies, I believe the ABC was the founder of some cities’ symphony orchestras. The ABC’s Saturday afternoon radio fine music used to be tremendous. Perhaps still is.

      • I concur it’s a good piece of non-revisionist history, as for the bogans in Sydney, I can’t guess where they are at right now, especially with all the brainwashing

  14. On topic, “spot the Zionist” game, with history for sauerkraut 2.0 and other youngsters.
    Cut and paste from wikipedia,,, note stooges like Gerald Ford and Dan Quayle were used because their users reportedly had “the dirt” on them, some real bad dirt about kids I would guess.
    Rockerfellas of course: Chase Manhattan bank etc, Chevron etc, BigPharma etc etc
    Always remember Rumsfeld was doing Tamiflu just before sars-cov-1.

    “Upon President Nixon’s resignation on August 9, 1974, Vice President Gerald Ford assumed the presidency. On August 20, Ford nominated Nelson Rockefeller to be the next Vice President of the United States. In considering potential nominees, Rockefeller was one of three primary candidates. The other two were then-United States Ambassador to NATO Donald Rumsfeld, whom Ford eventually chose as his Chief of Staff and later Secretary of Defense, and then-Republican National Committee Chairman George H.W. Bush, who would eventually become Vice President in his own right for two terms and President for one term.
    While acknowledging that many conservatives opposed Rockefeller, Ford believed he would bring executive expertise to the administration and broaden the ticket’s appeal if they ran in 1976, given Rockefeller’s ability to attract support from constituencies that did not typically support Republicans, including organized labor, African Americans, Hispanics, and city dwellers. Ford also felt he could demonstrate his own self-confidence by selecting a strong personality like Rockefeller for the number two spot. Although he had said he was “just not built for standby equipment”, Rockefeller accepted the President’s request to serve as vice president:
    ( bla-de-bla never let a good crisis go to waste )
    Rockefeller was also persuaded by Ford’s promise to make him “a full partner” in his presidency, especially in domestic policy.”

    ( after all that I think Carter was too scared to do anything unless he was shot like JFK )


    • I looked for the video of GHW Bush eulogy at Ford’s funeral. From memory his hubris(or early neural breakdown shows) particularly when a JFK referance is incorporated in this show. Could not find it but whilst lookin, sure looks all the ex prezzies have love affairs at these shows.
      Turns out I was completely wrong about them(all).Great people, one in all.
      Rockefeller did his time on the hustings, the wife and Ford’s seem to have had coping issues though.

      • Maybe it’s my imagination but I seem to remember a bit of smirking from HWBush about JFK getting his brains blown out, as you say. Well HW promoted to CIA director, as good an actor and good ol’ boy as you could hope for in those days, of course the competition is stiffer now, with “media training” etc. Compare Pompeo, tighter control. Would Pompeo echo “when the NWO happens, and it WILL happen” on video ?!?!?
        as if

  15. Failed to post earlier..
    Our adopted daughter ‘escaped’ before Melbourne lock down at the start of June & sought refuge in Sydney. Missing ‘home’ and precious cat (at costly cat hotel), she returned to Melbourne today – NO “brainwashed soviet” and clearly aware of the conditions she’d face there, but optimistic none-the-less.
    At the NSW/Vic border she described easy entry into Victoria, but a serious “checkpoint-Charlie-like” situation for those heading from Victoria into NSW.
    People are locked in/up to protect the general public aren’t they? Prisons, youth detention centres, quarantine hospital wards, insane asylums… But then, there are those padded cells to protect a person from him/herself….

    Especially concerning in Felix Feistel’s article are:
    – Step 8: “Never undo all measures”, never allow the people to “become accustomed to the old normality again”, “there must be an adjustment to the new normality”
    – Step 10: “make the old way disappear”, “afterwards no one will want to know anything about anything”.

    As an “Out-Group” member, you may well get the eye-roll instead of “that glazed look”. Not sure which is worse….

  16. Australia’s State of Victoria Sold Out to the Soros-Backed Strong Cities Network (SCN) with PRIVATISED POLICE



    PREFACE: So let’s get this straight … For the most ‘At Risk’ segment of the general population, the study found the following to be reality … For the average 50-64 year old, your chances of dying from COVID-19 are … Over one in 19 million (YEA Read that Again) … yet your chance of dying in a car crash is one in 114 … So WHY the hell are the elderly still allowed to own cars, and why did we let these medical charlatans destroy America ???

    By Roger Landry (TLB)

    Read on-


    • Thank you, Dee. Very interesting to see the particular reference to President Putin at around 6:00.

      Here is more of his speech at the Valdai International Discussion Club, September 19, 2013

      “We can see how many of the Euro-Atlantic countries are actually rejecting their roots, including the Christian values that constitute the basis of Western civilisation. They are denying moral principles and all traditional identities: national, cultural, religious and even sexual. They are implementing policies that equate large families with same-sex partnerships, belief in God with the belief in Satan.

      The excesses of political correctness have reached the point where people are seriously talking about registering political parties whose aim is to promote paedophilia. People in many European countries are embarrassed or afraid to talk about their religious affiliations. Holidays are abolished or even called something different; their essence is hidden away, as is their moral foundation. And people are aggressively trying to export this model all over the world. I am convinced that this opens a direct path to degradation and primitivism, resulting in a profound demographic and moral crisis.


      Without the values embedded in Christianity and other world religions, without the standards of morality that have taken shape over millennia, people will inevitably lose their human dignity. We consider it natural and right to defend these values.”

      The full text can be found here:

      • President Vladimir Putin at the 10th anniversary meeting of Valdai International Discussion Club in the Novgorod Region, September 19, 2013.

      The key clip is also featured here

      • Putin Just Exposed the Plot to Destroy America (SGT Report – 8 minutes)

      Maybe there is still hope …

      • “people will inevitably lose their human dignity.” Thus the introduction of AI. Boy I hate that term. If anything is artificial it is AI.

        There is nothing intelligent about the idea! It means the end of humanity, how intelligent is that?

    • Very slick, well funded little presentation there from Qanon.

      Professionally made – certainly not something suggestive of being made by genuine patriots with shoe-string budgets.

      It’s a pity Qanon is a Mossad/CIA/MI6 concocted ‘controlled opposition’ hoax.

      When are you going to wake up PictureTank ?

  17. Since 1890 we have been under the dictates of Admiral Rothschilds Law of the Sea.The queen dictated over the Law of the Land.

    Colonial Courts of Admiralty Act, 1890

    (53 & 54 VICT)
    [25 July 1890.]

    Chapter 27

    An Act to amend the Law respecting the exercise of Admiralty Jurisdiction in Her Majesty’s Dominions and elsewhere out of the United Kingdom.

    BE it enacted by the Queen’s most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same. as follows:

    Short Title

    This Act may be cited as the Colonial Courts of Admiralty Act, 1890.

    Colonial Courts of Admiralty
    Every court of law in a British possession, which is for the time being declared in pursuance of this Act to be a court of Admiralty, or which, if no such declaration is in force in the possession, has therein original unlimited civil jurisdiction, shall be a court of Admiralty, with the jurisdiction in this Act mentioned, and may for the purpose of that jurisdiction exercise all the powers which it possesses for the purpose of its other civil jurisdiction, and such court in reference to the jurisdiction conferred by this Act is in this Act referred to as a Colonial Court of Admiralty. Where in a British possession the Governor is the sole judicial authority, the expression ‘court of law’ for the purposes of this section includes such Governor.

    Read on

      • http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/cth/consol_act/aia1901230/s15b.html
        As can be seen by the ACTS INTERPRETATION ACT the whole of the Australian territorial land mass is deemed to be covered by sea, so therefore it can be seen that the whole of the Australian land and coastal territories come under the provision of the “United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea” Treaty to which Australia became a signatory in 1994. See:
        “United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea”
        “Australian Treaty Series 1994 Number 31”, Entry into force generally and for Australia 16th Nov.1994

        • If all of the land of Australia is deemed to be covered by sea, then the “law of the land” or Common Law no longer applies, the Crown as the Queen has no jurisdiction, and the “law of the Sea,” or Admiralty or Statute law applies. Jurisdiction under Admiralty law is the other “Crown”, not defined in the “Acts Interpretation Act 1901”, but which can be assumed to be the Crowned Usurer Rothschild in the “Crown City of London.”

          • Treason in Government!
            Admiralty on Land!!
            Where’s the Water?

            In the US – All district courts are admiralty courts, see the Judiciary Act of 1789.

            "It is only with the extent of powers possessed by the district courts, acting as instance courts of admiralty, we are dealing. The Act of 1789 gives the entire constitutional power to determine "all civil causes of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction," leaving the courts to ascertain its limits, as cases may arise." -- Waring ET AL,. v. Clarke, Howard 5 12 L. ed. 1847

            When you enter a court room and come before the judge and the U.S. flag with the yellow fringe flying, you are put on notice of the law you are in. American’s aren’t aware of this, so they continue to claim Constitutional rights. In the Admiralty setting the constitution does not apply and the judge, if pushed, will inform you of this by placing you under contempt for continuing to bring it up. If the judge is pressed, his name for this hidden law is statuary law. Where are the rules and regulations for statutory law kept? They don’t exist. If statuary law existed, there would be rules and regulations governing it’s procedures and court rules. They do not exist!!!


    • Dan, hey mate, this is not going to end well. Eventually the line in the sand will be crossed and you ain’t the kind of guy that can handle that kind of action. – If your head ends up on a pike, I won’t be surprised, no, really mate, I mean it. Your forking head on a pike in the town square!

      The cops have the big advantage now as they are generally respected, but they are loosing the respect. When the tipping point arrives, the cops will only be seen as the repositories of better equipment to continue the fight.

      If this doesn’t stop, it will go down in Australian history as the biggest f–k up by an alleged ‘leader’ ever – and will probably be taught in school of ‘what not to do’ in Australia.

      • Oh by the way Terry, many of the cops HAVE BEEN FLOWN IN FROM THE NORTHERN TERRITORY. They all arrived in T shirts. They were walking around St Kilda like stunned mullets.

        • What the Hell? What is going on in Melbourne when they fly in cops and bring in the Army to walk the streets. Are they trying to precipitate hostilities? Who organized these cops to attend, who do they take orders from, whose paying these cops???

          Have any of the MSM discussed the issue of flying in cops from the NT or is this information being kept from the public?

          • Yes the cops are trying to incite with a view to assaulting citizens, taking them hostage and demanding ransoms. This stuff has been going on for centuries, we just had a little pause, during the “post-war period”.
            We mustn’t forget, NT is part of Canberra, and the new rail line built under Howard up to Darwin, was by KBR, one of Cheney’s friends.
            So we have a direct heavy transport link from the Chinese leased Port of Darwin to communist leader Denial Andrews. I guess they’re going to start using that rail line for something one of these days.
            And you thought it was for tourists!

        • Hi Dee. Have you seen any of these ‘police’ dressed in their black riot gear (driving vehicles labelled as Public Response Unit), yourself? I ask because in all the social media photos I’ve seen I am unable to spot a Victoria Police logo anywhere on them. It’s almost like there are two seperate police forces in Vic. The heavy handed thugs in the black riot gear had little red chest tags at the Market yesterday & little bright green chest tags at the protest where Avi Yemeni was arrested. They were the only logos/badges I was able to see. Wondering if you had further insight into this?

          • C of Adelaide, I can’t answer your question, but maybe you are onto something. Could be private security contractors that many States worldwide seem to be employing. When a large number of thugs are required for a short period these undesireables seem to appear. Why are they so dressed, always reminds me of Darth Vader from outer space. Is it that they are deliberately dressed to look repulsive and out of this world?

    • i was surprised that Veggie linked this video. I suspect the title was placed by somebody who had not viewed the video.

      And sure enough, anyone who thinks that this video addresses Covid is wrong. It is a production of a group whose worldview is that of some of the ALP left and Greens as centred in inner Melb, Sydney and Fremantle.

      While worthy on the topic of US imperialism or the environment or Julian Assange, these people are tribally loyal, with no awareness of the fact, to global big capital with its front of “anti-racism” as we see from their support of “humanitarian” open border migration. See other videos in this series.

      There is a resounding silence as far as I can see from the public service/ABC/intelligentsia Left in Aust. as regards the Plandemic.

      As the IPA and some business are anti-lockdown and maybe vaccine, the self-styled Left – who have long since forgotten any Marxian economics in favour of gazing at their and other genitals and skin colour – are thus instantly pro-lockdown.

      Because they have bought the “we are all in this together-cohesion-unselfishness” meme peddled currently around the clock.

      As if a curfew were some sort of successful trade union meeting!

      In Vic., it will be their loyalty to Andrews. Further, they are happy to use phrases such as hate speech, offensive and bigoted and suppress freedom of speech where they can. Just read the reader comments in The Age on the subject of “selfish” “Covidiots”.

      Part of their stance may be their left-bourgeois aversion to the Australian flag carried at Freedom Day demos. Orwell described these people well in the 1930s.

      • ‘dsw’, you say below that the ‘problem of the left is that they can’t understand simple economics’.

        Actually, there are more than a few on the right with the same problem, as evidenced by this statement of yours :

        ‘The RBA is no help, they let the AUD go up to $1.10 US a few years ago, that would be the best way to break the economy’.

        The Australian dollar (AUD) is a commodity currency.
        As the market value of the things we dug out of the ground went up in 2010-2011 (eg: iron ore, gold etc), so did our dollar.

        The RBA has no business manipulating the value of our currency. Market forces will decide.

        Obviously, the dollar will not go up indefinitely. If it goes too high, people will be importing hither and thither and foresaking the local product until such time comes as local businesses lay off workers.
        By definition, said local workers do not have the wages to fund purchase of more imports and therefore the dollar will FALL to a level where there is a BALANCE between local jobs and demand for imported items.

        This is SELF REGULATING.

        No need for a parasitic bureaucratic entity to intervene.

        Similarly, the RBA has no business setting interest rates. There shouldn’t even be an RBA (it didn’t exist before 1959 from memory) and Australia was doing just fine.

        The market will determine interest rates.

        Contrary to the propaganda the MSM has been peddling, the dollar going up is not a bad thing.
        In fact it’s a great thing.

        The dollar should be allowed to go up to any level the market dictates.

        If the AUD increased to be double that of the USD, there would not be mass unemployment in the medium to long term although there may be a period of adjustment in the near term as some export orientated businesses go through some readjustment.

        One has to remember, that the input costs for products (commodities like iron ore, coal, copper, oil etc) are priced in USD per tonne on the world market.

        The higher the AUD, the LOWER the AUD price for oil, coal etc.

        That will enable Australian manufacturers to produce said items cheaper in the first place and they will still be able to export said item as they will be able to sell at a lower AUD asking price to compensate for the rising AUD.

        The Japanese yen went from (I’m going from memory) about 600 yen = AUD $ 1 in the late 1960’s to AUD $ 1 = 80 or 90 yen in the mid to late 80’s.

        Did the Japanese economy come to a grinding halt in that period ? Not at all. It boomed like there was no tomorrow.

        The Japanese yen went up further still ( to about 56 yen = AUD $1 in the mid to late 90’s) so one could argue that it overshot the mark and concurrent with that there was a slow down of the boom times in the 90’s and some economic contraction (although the main reason for that were not currency appreciation).

        In any event the yen has pulled back and is around 77 yen to the AUD today.

        Remember, most electricity generated in Oz comes courtesy of coal fired power stations.
        If we can end these ridiculous Green subsidies and offer electricity to consumers and industry at a lower price per kWh (and in the process contributing to the Greening of the Earth and ending world hunger as more CO2 increases forest growth and agricultural output via photosynthesis), made even lower still by a higher AUD, Australian manufacturers would be able to make products much more cheaply.

        And, once made, said products could be transported much more cheaply to the port for export (a high AUD means lower petrol/diesel fuel costs for transport companies).

        A win-win all round.

        Gumshoe readers, don’t fall for the Orwellian double-speak of a weak AUD is good, just as you shouldn’t fall for the ‘ deflation is bad’ nonsense.

        A weak currency is directly correlated to abject poverty, impoverishment and Banana Republic socio-economic degradation.

        • Veggie,
          I don’t read all your rubbish, I just skim a bit and generously provide an answer, the answer is, the RBA buys and sells currency and if the dollar gets too high they should issue more then buy it back when it’s cheap. This is what they used to do when it was better run, some decades ago.

          • Rabbi ‘dsw’, we’re well aware what the RBA does.

            Those who are financially savvy (ie: not you) are also aware that it should NOT be doing it.

            These bureaucrats who would be abject failures in the private sector, sell when they perceive the AUD too high and buy when they feel it’s too low.

            That’s a great strategy if you know where the lows and highs are going to be (no one knows for sure, and even the forex professionals who have an infinitely better idea get burned more often then not).

            On the other hand, these public servants within the RBA don’t have a scooby doo.

            End Result : Countless tens of Billions of taxpayers dollars squandered in poorly timed currency speculations over the years.

      • Not so simple –

        IMO GDP figures are a load of poppycock because when bank interest on borrowing is entered into the equation the result must always be in the negative.

        Banks don’t have any money as such, all they do is give numbers called dollars in exchange for Bills of Exchange or promissory notes and then charge interest on their purchase after the deception that they have loaned you money.

        Prof. Werner brilliantly explains how the banking system and financial sector really work.

        A Bank ‘deposit’ is actually a loan to the Bank. Look up the Australian governments definition of money and any sensible person will have to conclude that when you borrow ‘money’ from a Bank two loans are exchanged.

  18. Part of the comprehension problem of the left is that they can’t understand simple economics, their idea is that everything should be distributed, which sounds fine until it all gets plundered and trashed and nobody cares because it’s public property.
    The problem everywhere but most clearly in Melbourne started with Thatcher’s privatisations, we got used to everything being sold off and the proceeds used for pork barrelling, this seemed to make sense, seemed to work, went on for years, decades, finally nobody took any notice, until the last thing was sold. Oh no! It was a Ponzi!
    All the jobs were sent to Asia because they could do it cheaper, this was done by the treasury boss under Whitlam in Australia and the same under Bill Clinton in the US.
    So Melbourne in particular, no assets, no jobs, no income (universities shut down), only debt.
    How are they going to service their debt? Looks like people are losing houses to the banks now, this should go some way to paying the interest bill, hope they don’t mind living in their car.
    The RBA is no help, they let the AUD go up to $1.10 US a few years ago, that would be the best way to break the economy, they pretend nothing happened but they could have fixed it if they wanted. I can only surmise the RBA was deliberately working against Australian interests. Of course they have their excuses for inaction ready, all typed up.
    It looks like Melburnians will become homeless destitutes living amongst the ruins of their once great city, now the free enterprise available is mobile dog wash and latte express. The careers available are croupier, or government functionaries, including hospitals that aren’t allowed to fix people because the simple cure has been banned, &/or there is no financial case to fix them.
    How can this get worse? I suggest watch the news and we will all see, large numbers of fair-minded, optimistic, civilised Victorian people slowly transformed into a beggar army.

    • dsw, I congratulate you on your written style with its strong images, esp. the last para on Melbourne.

      I would just add that – compare the Covid marshals and the currently unarmed ADF soldiers in fatigues “assisting” the police – there is a nice bonus to be earned as otherwise unemployable Monash or Latrobe gender studies grad (or dropout, we shouldn’t be elitist).

      That bonus will be on top of the pending UBI, universal basic income. It will cover work done, uniform and boots and maybe truncheon as member of the Biosurveillance Outreach Gender Squad (BOGS).

      Re-education lectures delivered to captive Covidiots in rural Victorian holding camps are paid on a km. penalty rate according to the distance from a compassionate, anti-racist and unbigoted point in North Melbourne..

      NB: the video to which Aspergillius Veggie linked cannot be about Covid anyway, because Turnbull is shown in the film as being PM.

  19. Then there’s nanobot tech, responsible for HAARP/ELF towers popping up literally overnight, everywhere; and yes, they are watching you AND THEY’RE ARMED! I know. I flipped one of the towers off one day, Immediately I got a response: a very loud BANG! on the roof of my car, like a very large rock had landed on it. Yet there was no rock and there was no damage to my car. Warning shot, no doubt. Suffices to say I was spooked!!!😱

  20. WATCH: COVID-911 – From Homeland Security to Biosecurity

    9/11, as we were told repeatedly in the days, weeks, and months after the attack, was the day that changed everything. And now a new event has come along to once again throw the world into chaos. But whereas the post-9/11 era introduced America to the concept of homeland security, the COVID-19 era is introducing …


  21. The so called Commonwealth government cannot make laws for the States, and it cannot delegate to the States the power to make laws for the Commonwealth of Australia, so how come the various States and territories at present are making rules/laws affecting the Commonwealth as a whole?

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